Saturday, May 25, 2019

Brexit In Grave Danger.

Boris talks a good talk about how he, as PM, would lead the UK out of the EU - crashing out with 'no deal' if necessary.
My sources tell me that this is extremely unlikely as an outcome.
There are so many MPs who are against this that the almost inevitable outcome would be a vote of no confidence and a General Election.
Do not think that all Tory MPs would rally around to save him as they most assuredly would not.

The only hope might be if the BP can up their share of the vote in General Election polls to such a point where the LabCons would fear them actually taking an overall majority in a General Election. Self-defence mechanisms would surely kick in. Even so, a number of remoaners would still do the stupid thing - but do remember just how stupid the majority of our MPs are! Pressing the self-destruct button may well be what they would do. (We can only hope.)

Votes were loaned to Ukip in 2014 but returned to their customary owners thereafter.
I am hoping that politics has shifted enough to have stopped most of the 'loyalty votes' going unerringly to parties who do not deserve them.

The Tories disintegrating, Labour taking a hammering because they have failed to respect democracy. Excellent.
The only fly in the ointment is that votes are going to Lib Dems and Greens who are every bit as bad! If that splits the leftist votes - that may be all to the good, however.

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...