Wednesday, May 22, 2019

'Far-right hate speech flooded Facebook ahead of EU vote.'

'Far-right hate speech flooded Facebook ahead of EU vote.'

TODAYShady Facebook users have been promoting far-right views ahead of the EU elections, sometimes using graphic images of sex and violence, an investigation has found. 

I am going to take the above statements at face value. The definition of 'hate speech' can go from someone reasonably wanting immigration controls to those screaming in full hitlerian fashion and demanding people of other races be put to death!

Consequently, 'hate speech' is a much loved term from the left that broadly covers everyone whom they despise.

I am accepting this quotation as actually meaning that 'hitlerian' stance. (Note how much I've had to write to explain a two word phrase.)

Let us be under no illusions. Racism is massively on the rise. I have heard too many people, who 20 years ago, would never have dreamed of being against people of other backgrounds now sounding truly racist.

The left beam warmly at having achieved their broad-brushed picture - but what they have done is to foment racist thought and here are just a few of the reasons why:

1) People do not like being hectored over certain matters and are actually quite likely to go in the opposite direction to the one intended.
2) Most right-thinking, decent people are appalled to be accused of racism over matters which are entirely inconsequential. That has a deleterious effect on attitudes. Consider 'the Irish joke' which has all the luvvies gasping, swooning and reaching for the smelling salts.
3) There are few who accept 'special pleading' where migrants - or indeed anyone else - is concerned.
4) A great many are horrified that illegal immigrants and bogus refugees are not immediately deported.
5) The sheer scale of UK immigration has had too many damaging effects to list. The left think that people will learn to accept this but they will not.
6) It is not that people are against moslems - why should they be? - It is just that so many refuse to integrate at the same time as so many migrants of different creeds are perfectly willing to do so.
7) People do not approve of the ghetto mentality.
8) The left have tried to undermine our world with a nauseating concept called 'multi-culturalism' in a nation which (unlike in Singapore) did not need such a way forward. Integration or nothing is the attitude of many - perhaps even the view of most.
9) Implying that voting for Brexit equated to racism has backfired very badly, I am delighted to say.
10) Many no longer care about being called 'racist' and may even wear this as a badge of honour - people who do not have a discriminatory bone in their bodies.

There are so many more reasons.

But - these migrants are, for the most part, decent people wanting to improve their lot. Fine.

The trouble is that the less intelligent will start to resent the migrants themselves rather than the liberals who caused all of the problems in the first place. They are not always bright enough to make the distinction.

We have been a quarter of a step away from creating something like the old National Front, or the odious BNP.

Happily, our alternative was the moderate, populist Ukip - but the left made so many false accusations of racism - it was not altogether surprising that that party began to live up to the false, knuckle-dragging image which leftists had created.

But the UK is not filled to the brim with genuine racists - yet. As a consequence, a more moderate outcome arises from an essentially reasonable people.

A big welcome to the Brexit Party! 

But do learn from Ukip that the profound anger out there could manifest itself in all the wrong ways again.
Ukip got it right til 2014 - then lost the plot. That cannot be allowed to happen with the BP.
It MUST become the party of reason!

Incidentally, when you look at the big picture - racism has not been created by the right but rather, by resentment at the pontificating left.
Would that be the same left that is riddled with anti-semitism? - Indeed, it would!
