Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Hate. Hate. Hate.

If I disapprove of homosexual 'marriage' - I am committing 'a hate crime.
If I proclaim that abortion is murder - hate crime.
If I complain about inadequate sentencing in courts - hate crime.
If I refer to people who abuse the benefits system - hate crime.
If I stand up for traditional marriage - hate crime.
If I refuse to believe in uncontrolled immigration - hate crime.
If I complain about the false doctrine of 'inclusivity' - hate crime.
If I complain about special treatment for Islam - hate crime.
If I stand for freedom of speech - hate crime. No. Really!
If I believe multiculturalism should not replace integration - hate crime.
And so it goes.

You may have spotted a certain pattern beginning to emerge here.
If I criticise virtually any policy of the left - I am committing 'a hate crime'.
