Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Brilliant and Most Perceptive Understanding.


I am actually looking forward to voting on Thursday. Normally, it is an irritating chore!
This is a very good article - the writer recognises what I have been pleading for, for 15+ years. I want a centre-right, non-Tory party which does not bend to the PC left in any way whatsoever.
Such a party will hoover up a large majority of Tory voters and will be an easy choice for oodles of former Labour voters who could never bear the thought of supporting the elitist Tories.
I would not be surprised to see a portion of Lib Dem voters too. (You know - those hapless numpties who truly believe that the Lib Dems are the middle ground between Tories and Labour.)
Add even more former Ukip voters and ... Then, we must rely on Mr Farage to have learned from an abundance of past errors. 
A new party = a clean slate. Come on Nigel, show us the requisite gravitas!
