Friday, May 31, 2019

Hallelujah For The Southern States!

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana's 
Democratic governor signed a ban on 
abortion as early as six weeks of 
pregnancy Thursday, a move that 
puts him squarely in line with the 
leaders of other conservative Southern 
states while provoking anger from 
members of his own party.
With his signature, Gov. John Bel 
Edwards made Louisiana the 
state to enact a law prohibiting 
when a fetal heartbeat is detected, 
joining Mississippi, Kentucky, Ohio 
and Georgia. 
Alabama's gone further, outlawing virtually 
all abortions.
Louisiana's law doesn't contain exceptions
 for pregnancies from rape or incest.
The bill's signing, however, won't limit 
the state's three abortion clinics anytime 
soon. Louisiana's law takes effect only if 
the law in neighboring Mississippi, which 
was recently blocked by a judge, is 
upheld by a federal appeals court.
Edwards, a Catholic running for reelection
 this year, didn't hold a public bill signing,
 instead announcing his action through 
his office. He had repeatedly said he 
intended to sign the measure, citing his
 faith and saying his views match those 
of people in his conservative, religious 
state, who he described as "overwhelmingly 
Louisiana legislators overwhelmingly
 supported the ban, with a 79-23 House
 vote and 31-5 Senate vote. Aol.
