Wednesday, May 29, 2019

If Labour Were To Win ...

If Labour wins...
I don’t want to give anyone nightmares, but just imagine there is a general election and Labour win a majority. St. Jeremy is invited to Buckingham Palace for a meeting with Queenie. She puts a dust sheet over a chair and indicates for him to sit.
"Mr Steptoe," she says, "You got more votes than any other party, you won more seats than all other parties put together. Obviously that means I will ask you to be Prime Minister and form a Labour Government."
"Thank you Mrs Windsor," says Steptoe "I look forw......"
"One moment, Mr Steptoe," says Queenie.
"Not so fast. I WILL ask you to be PM, but first I think we should put it back to the people in a second vote."
"But, Mrs Windsor, I got a majority, I should be PM NOW!"
"I am not sure people realised what they were voting for. I will ask Mrs May to stay on as PM for a couple of years, and maybe a bit longer after that, then we can have another vote, and if the people still want you, you can be PM."
"B-b-b-b But Mrs Windsor, we HAD a vote, I won! The people love me."
"Then you have nothing to worry about, Surely you will agree its democratic to ask the people again, that’s how democracy works. Why are you worried? surely if you are confident the people want you, you will win again"
"This isn’t fair, Maam."
"Well, you see Mr Steptoe, the other thing is, a few towns in Hertfordshire voted Tory, we can't ignore them. So that's agreed then, another vote in two years. Oh I forgot to mention, the ballot paper will have two choices, Conservative or LibDem." The Sun.
