Friday, May 24, 2019

Gervais and Lineker Finally Talk Some Sense.

Ricky Gervais has condemned the man who threw 
milkshake at Nigel Farage saying he "deserves a smack 
in the mouth".
The Office star claimed Paul Crowther - who has been 
charged with common assault and criminal damage after a 
milkshake was thrown over the leader of the Brexit Party in 
Newcastle - was not demonstrating a good political argument.
TV presenter Gary Lineker has backed the comedian's opinion 
ahead of the European Parliamentary elections, which take place 
Gervais, 57, tweeted: "I voted remain. I would still like to stay in 
Europe. I will argue with people who disagree me, always 
respecting their right to do so. What I won't do is throw things at
 them. That would mean I had run out of good arguments. It would 
also mean I deserve a smack in the mouth." AOL
