Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I Do Not Fear A Corbyn Government.

There is a bit of a kerfuffle going on about Brexit in the Yorkshire Post Letters pages.
Jeremy gets more than a few mentions and recently, it has been suggested that Brexiteers would be to blame for a Labour government.

(Personally, I think that it is Tory remainers who have caused all the trouble plus the LibLabs who had promised to respect the referendum result. But let us put that to one side.)

If it is a reasonable Brexit - a Corbyn government would be a very small price to pay. Besides, it would almost certainly not have an overall majority.

A spell with a leftist Labour government would soon bring reality to thirty years of school leavers who have no grasp of what leftist politics really means.
It could put Labour out of office for a generation.

Look how hard left-wing governments always fall flat on their faces in France - if you want a clue.
