Thursday, May 23, 2019

Political Understanding From John Mackay.

Have you noticed? The politics of the world is becoming more polarised as pro-creation, pro-lifers and anti-abortionists gain ground in the USA while Conservatives (aka Liberals down under) win overwhelming “miracle victory” in Australia and in ye Merry Old England a seemingly very liberal Mrs May (reverend’s daughter) has further major losses and an election guillotine approaches.
Dig deeper and you will find the side of politics you or we follow is very much related to how much authority you accept that God as creator and sovereign Lord has over man. And that is related to your acceptance that the Lord God has not only spoken, but He (not she or it), has given us His Word, and it’s preserved from Genesis to Revelation. This type of polarisation was brought to a height at the Reformation within the church, now it’s widespread across the whole of society. Whether it’s climate change, education or social services and yes, human rights – your reaction will be related to the basic issue of this newsletter - where do we come from, how did we get here and how do we know? Evolution is not just a side issue, it’s one of the devil’s biggest side tracks to stop everyone believing they can find out what the righteous God and Creator requires of man and what He alone has done about our salvation and the forgiveness of human sin.
Some great new questions in this issue on cows, methane and the environment, as well as a key question about Genesis. We also include a special appeal for English, soon to be full timer, Joseph Hubbard who has a really special need – don’t miss it below.
Now enjoy this week's ENews 09/19 and don’t miss out on your brand-new material from Thanks for your continuing support from the Creation Guy, John Mackay, and the whole Creation Research team worldwide.
Thank you and God bless.

John Mackay.
