Friday, October 04, 2024

Truly Appalling! Heroin Dealer Escapes Prison.

 NEW A heroin dealer caught brazenly selling drugs and dancing with cash under a CCTV camera dodged prison after a judge told him 'you were not very good at it'. Entison Dimitri, 35, was captured dealing cocaine and heroin out the back of his black Volkswagen Polo in February by a casino's security camera in Peterborough. The footage showed Dimitri skipping and jiving after making sales to users and collecting more wraps from his motor. But despite the clear flouting of the law, a judge at Cambridge Crown Court handed him a suspended sentence, saying: 'Having watched the CCTV you were somewhat naïve given the fact that you were dealing drugs in full view of the CCTV. DM.

A Church in Crisis.