Dawkins is arrogantly anti Christian and anti God. He is one of the proponents of the idea that 'science has disproved the Bible'.
If we put to one side the fact that I can name a dozen scientists of equal qualification to the good professor who totally reject the evolutionary hypothesis AND across a wide variety of scientific disciplines - we can consider the real travesty.
HE WILL NOT DEBATE. So like Attenborough and, I believe Professor Jones too, he will not defend his beliefs. "It only lends credibility to creationists" is the feeble response.
This blog reveals the TRUTH. He is absolutely terrified. He does not want to risk being caught out
again. I have him at home on video being interviewed by a creationist who asked, what should have beena fantastically easy question for an evolutionary geneticist, "Please give one example of NEW genetic information." His eyes opened wide , terror ran over his face, his mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, there was a really long period of saying nothing, total embarrassment and finally, he answered a different question. He sure convinced me of the depth of his knowledge and expertise!
He is also scared of John Mackay the Aussie Geologist and degree geneticist who has a habit of beating in debate, the few evolutionists prepared to put their heads above the parapet. Dawkins was invited to the debate at Sheffield University by the students' Debating Society last November when Mackay proposed "This house believes evolution is a myth."
The students reported thatDawkins did not even give the courtesy of a reply. Every major evolutionist in UK universities was approached and all refused bar Dr Ross of Lincoln who valiantly fell as another sacrificial victim to the genial Queenslander.
I was there. I saw it. The creationist won hands down in a largely scientific debate.
Funny how Dawkins, The Guardian and Independent are all right up there attacking the academies which dare to teach creationism. Until this evolutionary rubbish has been fully tested in public, televised debate, evolution should be withdrawn from school curricula.
Until recently, I had NO idea just
how thin the so-called evidence for evolution actually is. Shame on the Bishop of Oxford for his seemingly unqualified support forDawkins.