Saturday, September 30, 2006

New campaign.

I have determined that I shall never again buy Christmas cards festooned with snowmen, holly, robins, logs, reindeer and all things non Christian. If enough people decide to shun the tat and insist on Christmas cards which celebrate Christmas then the manufacturers will have to sit up and take notice.

Join the campaign for 'real' Christmas cards!

Hain to axe surviving Grammar Schools.

Congratulations to Peter Hain. We now have the lowest % of young people going to university from working class homes in any time since the effective abolition of the Grammar Schools. Peter has found a way to attack the problem - he has promised to close down the 164 remaining bastions of genuine quality in our education system.
As usual, for Labour and the left, their egalitarianism is more important than real people.
Of course local democracy allows people to remove their grammar schools - and they haven't. So democracy must be overruled.

Incidentally, the so-called elitist arguments are flawed. Research in both Wales and N. Ireland have revealed that Secondary Modern pupils in areas with a Grammar School outperform equivalent pupils of similar ability levels and social background from comprehensives.


Friday, September 29, 2006

Cowardly CPS.

The CPS yesterday backed out of taking Stephen Green to trial for the heinous crime of giving out leaflets which gently pointed out that the Scripures say that homosexuality is sinful.
In many ways this is a great shame as the trial would have highlighted the absurdities and double standards of the politically correct mandarins who are pretending to be real policemen.
Congratulations Stephen. Even now it is a victory.

Good works 'tainted' if Christian.

Norfolk County Council has recently objected to the constitution of Barnabas House in King's Lynn which helps the homeless, as it dares to mention the word 'Christian'.
It gets worse in Romford, where the local bien pensants claim that as the YMCA has only Christians as board members, this ensures that the needs of 'diversity' are not being met, even though the YMCA itself is open to 'all faiths and none'.
Once again the customary question "Were this an Islamic organisation, would these bigots make the same claims?"

I leave you, the reader, to judge.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Pagans at the Royal Mail.

I discovered yesterday that Christmas this year is to be celebrated with the issue of four pagan stamps.The politically correct/anti-Christian forces are simply everywhere. Happy yuletide to you all!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Has Labour learned a lesson?

The Tories under Major began the process of providing tax disincentives for marriage. From that tiny seed, New Labour has toiled relentlessly to wreck that principal 'building block of society' - and with great success.
Never mind that every piece of research, irrespective of source, has proved not only that children are better raised in a stable, two parent home but that married partners do a better job than cohabiting couples.
Of course, you must always fly in the very face of the facts if you have an urgent feminist or politically correct principle that has to be considered more important than the needs of children. Dare I say that this is not rocket science but just basic common sense?
Now, John Hutton, the Work and Pensions Secretary, seems to have recognised that condemning children and seeing many more from single parent homes: fail at school, take drugs, abuse alcohol, gain criminal records and fail in their own relationships is socially detrimental. Perhaps it is just the taxpayer having to fund the consequences. Whatever his thinking, he seems to be waking up! "The evidence for the superiority of the two parent family could not be ignored" was his statement last week.
So, one Labour politician has got the message. Only another 300 or so to go!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Mr Cameron leans to the left.

Has this man yet said anything to suggest that he will try to undo the appalling moral pollution of our society caused by Labour? - If he has - I must have missed it. What a damp squib!

A grave situation.

I am certain that Nottingham Councillors have not got the faintest idea why aligning new cemeteries with Mecca is causing so much anger and disquiet.
They will no doubt comfort themselves by claiming that dissenting voices are 'racist' or 'islamophobic'. Steve Dowling - a councillor with an extended title - must be named and shamed for his unconscionable political correctness and blame to the Council which approved his folly.
What is upsetting so many people is that, once again, the feelings of the majority are to be trampled on in order to appease a minority.The tail wags the dog. These same fools will then show astonishment when their traditional supporters begin voting BNP.

Incidentally, traditional Christian burials face eastwards.


Allegations of the deepest possible dishonesty.

If reports are to be believed, a meeting took place on the 3rd of July between Labour Party Chairman Hazel Blears, Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt and certain ministerial advisers at which an utter repudiation of honesty and political probity was on the agenda.
As readers will be aware, the present Government has closed substantial numbers of smaller hospitals which served local communities, on the rather doubtful premise that 'bigger is better'. Leaked E Mails suggest that this meeting was to identify a 'heat map' showing where Labour could lose seats if local hospitals were to be shut down.
It is beneath contempt to consider saving hospitals to appease local Labour voters but are we surprised? Today, I expect that people will just nod knowingly. This is the kind of political malfeasance, which if proved conclusively, equals and probably outdoes any scandal of the last 30 years.
Need I say that Christians really must not support corruption and malpractice of such magnitude at the ballot box?.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Who cares?

A quarter of girls in care have been pregnant by the time they leave. Half become single mothers - a viable career option - within just two years.
Some 50% of prisoners under 25 have been through the care system. One third of the homeless are products of our care system.
Half of the 6,000 who leave care annually, usually aged 16, are longterm unemployed within two years.

The liberal left have enjoyed absolute control over the downgrading of discipline in favour of untried and absurd politically correct ideas. This is a measure of their success.

A friend of mine who did occasional night shifts in Sheffield care homes spoke of appalling atmospheres where literally, yobs were in control as there were no realistic disciplinary measures whatsoever. If thirteen year olds wanted to go out onto the streets at midnight, nothing could stop them. They knew that staff were not allowed to physically prevent them and of course, they could not be locked in as that was the equivalent of 'pin down' and a 'Health and Safety Issue'. (Youngsters prowling the streets is of course, NOT a safety issue!) Consequently, the yob element began to demonstrate power, other children had to follow. Result? - Disaster! I do not even want to discuss matters such as drugs and prostitution! Failure in school is more than double that of the rest of the population.
What of Christian input? What of letting these children know that God loves them?

"Good gracious me, never! It is morally detestable to indoctrinate these poor children with religion. Typical of these Christians wanting to get their hands on the vulnerable!"
Frankly - I despair of the sick world we inhabit.


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Who can't be a millionaire?

Last night I watched a gentleman win £1 million on a well known TV programme. The man who followed him, whom I assumed to be in his forties, was unable to progress as he did not know whether the story of the Tower of Babel was in Genesis or in Numbers.
Had this been a 'one off', who could have batted an eyelid? But, I have noticed a significant trend in many quiz programmes where the 'victim' fails to answer a relatively starightforward question on the Scriptures. As a quiz fan, I declare that this goes beyond Mr Tarrant's show and is evidenced in: Mastermind, University Challenge, Eggheads and the latter days of Fifteen to One. Questions which were considered a 'doddle' just ten years ago now flummox many.
This is a triumph for the liberal left whose aim has long been the eradication of Christianity from our schools. So much for their transparent and disingenuous arguments that "We must let children grow up without propaganda so that they can make an informed choice when they are older."
Those children are deprived, not only of a spiritual foundation which they COULD reject later, but of a history of their own culture. Congratulations to the lefties for their tremendous success achieved with the most facile of arguments. I believe it is called a 'double whammy'!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Desmond Tutu - "lose respect!"

Well. I have always been a bit of a fan of Archbishop Tutu on the quiet but no longer. His recent autobiography condemns Rowan Williams for "surrendering on the issue [homosexual clergy] to appease the African Bishops." He speaks of the Church sticking to Biblical teaching as "outrageous".
As the Archbishop does not grasp basic Christian concepts of sin, I shall explain. Sin separates Man from God. God the Son died to redeem us from the eternal consequences of that sin. EVERY person may share in that salvation BUT it is only granted on the basis of repentance; turning away from sin.
If an individual chooses to wallow in that sin, then there has clearly been no repentance and can be no salvation. Let us be clear, homosexual practice (NOT inclination - note the honourable course of a recent Archbishop of York, David Hope) is classed as sin in BOTH Testaments. "Gay Christian" is an oxymoron. A "Christian struggling to do God's will and reject sin in his or her life" is normal.
We may not add our own opinions to Scripture. We may not see how society is developing and then require Christianity to adjust and conform. God is not a God of fads and fashions. Perhaps this will help you to grasp fundamental concepts, Des?

Friday, September 22, 2006

Well done that man!

Congratulations to the Bishop of Bolton, the Reverend David Gillett, for making his voice heard against the odious festival of halloween. Its vaguely Christian history has always been rather dubious and it trivialises darkness and evil , rather like an extended celebration of Harry Potter books.
It is most unlikely that his campaign will influence the purely profit-motivated big stores but credit to him for the attempt. If his campaign gets people using their brains or Christians shunning this americanised load of tosh, much will have still been achieved.
The author of this Blog is no lover of the bigger churches but will always try to give credit where due.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Evolution is logically impossible.

"The complex interdependent symbiotic relationship between animals, mosses, ferns and insects (not to mention the relationship between flowering plants and pollinators) is a challenge both to those who want to make the days of Genesis long periods, as well as those who proclaim evolution. Such plants would have to have died out if their pollinators or spermcarriers were not created within their own lifespan. Therefore, it you want to make Genesis days millions of years, you have throw the whole of Genesis out. (Ref. symbiosis, ecology, bryophytes)"

This site has already considered the impossibly high numbers of changes required to explain every part of every species - TRILLIONS come to mind when we realise that regular, beneficial mutations are rare almost to the point of being unprovable. Mutations make species devolve.
Now, coupled with these facts in the first paragraph ( "Thankyou" to John Mackay ) we see that the impossibly high numbers of changes required MUST, in addition, be perfectly integrated where relationships between species are concerned. In order for all of this to work the differing symbiotic relationships - think just how complex these all are - MUST have evolved in tandem.
Let us not forget that evolution is a 'faith system' not a factually based, and scientifically proven one.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hoisted by her own petard.

Pardon my indulgence in schadenfreude. Cherie Blair was investigated by six plain clothes police officers for the heinous offence of giving a playful cuff to a 17 year old in public.
As The Good Book says: "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pope Benedict.

Just a thought. Had The Pope said what he did about Islam in the UK, he would have been arrested. Not theory - it is just the kind of sad society we inhabit today. The correct term is "post democratic."

Lib Dem suicide pact.

The Liberal Democrats want a new style Council Tax with a levy of 1% on the house value each year. There are those who see a house as an investment - clearly Lib Dems do - but for most of us it is just 'our little spot which we call home'. This will effectively DOUBLE Council Tax for everybody.
They have another clever plan to double the cost of motoring. I do love to see these self destructive urges from a party which is 'political correctness on a stick'. I urge them to carry on "thinking the unthinkable" so the electorate will "think them unelectable".
Let us not forget this week's figures which show that their pet EU costs every individual £873 per annum in this country.
The LIb Dems love ideas but despise people. Added to their anti Christian bias, already shown on this Blog, it is hard to see how they can expect any votes from practising Christians ever again.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Bilderberg Menace.

Just who are The Bilderberg Group? - They are a sinister and secretive grouping of the 'great and the good'. They meet furtively in absolute secrecy, in assorted world venues, for a period of 2.5 days each year. They feature bankers, financiers, business people, politicians and, most important of all, apologists for the EU.They are frequently accused of having links to the even more secret, and deeply frightening, illuminati.
Clandestine organisations are never in the public interest!
Set up by Prince Bernhard in the early 1950s, they have pulled EU strings from the outset. Blair and a number of cabinet members have been proved to attend - although not necessarily every year.
Our own Lord Carrington presided from 1990 to 1999 - interesting how that dovetails so much more with the Major government than the Thatcher one!
Of course, the rampant and overweening secrecy may just be to help preserve security. You decide.

It is anathema for Christians to support organisations built on the foundation of secrecy, manipulation and working against the public interest.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Shame on you Tony!

No. This time the title does not refer to our 'great leader' but that other Tony - (Baldrick by any other name) - a well known leftie.
Last night, evangelical beliefs about the 'end times' were systematically trashed by the Channel 4 sponsored Mr Robinson in 'The Doomsday Code'.
It was perhaps legitimate for the programme to point out some of the excesses of believers - particularly around Jerusalem - but the heavily biased Robinson voice, dripping in heavy irony on those occasions when he was not just downright sarcastic, mocked evangelicals in a way which would have been considered beyond the pale if applied to any Islamic belief - irrespective of how outlandish it may have been.
Usual tactics were employed with a tame 'liberal christian' or two extracted from the woodwork to give the odious offering a stamp of approval.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Forgiveness for WHO?

It was Oscar Wilde who said that "When a man knows he is going to be hanged in the morning - it concentrates the mind wonderfully." Undoubtedly, one positive side effect of capital punishment was that the felon was rapidly forced to come to terms with his mortality - and I would wager that a very high percentage repented and were saved in the runup to their execution. *
With long prison terms, there are fewer im
mediate imperatives to consider the claims of the Gospel. There are notable exceptions, one such is David Berkowitz - 'Son of Sam' - who has seemingly become a believer. It is of course, impossible to know whether this is genuine or simply game playing and self publicity.
With a history of Satanism, the occult and six murders behind him, this serial killer has had a website dedicated to his newly found faith. It is unlikely that this is a "parole board conversion" as he has no prospects of anything other than dying in prison.

Christ died for the salvation of sinners. Berkowitz is not excluded because of his evil past!

* This point was significantly reinforced, albeit unintentionally, in a Daily Mail article on the 23/9/06 which looked at the final statements of those executed in the last 15 years or so in California.


LINK to FICTIONAL serial killer who looks at faith issues.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Gone West!

Gordon Brown recently claimed that he "inherited his moral compass" from his father, a Church Minister.
I was unaware that old style Scottish preachers favoured: the development of super casinos, wrecking workers' pension schemes, the sponsoring of immoral behaviour amongst teenagers, the undermining of marriage by governmental fiat, the promulgation of binge drinking, the making of housing unaffordable for ordinary people and taxing workers to an extent that it ruins their lifestyle.
Of course, some cruel-minded voters may view this as a slightly different type of cynical exploitation of Christianity to that already practised by the present incumbent of Number 10.

Scots are of course noted stereotypically for their financial prudence. Mr Brown's Dad would not have been too chuffed to learn that his blue-eyed boy had frittered away our gold reserves for a handful of magic beans!

I wonder if Christians with their votes will wish to endorse this 'brave new world'?

*** Mr Brown has never actually been tested as Chancellor. The Tories underwent FOUR major world recessions. Lucky Mr Brown has not even seen one yet!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Nigel Farage.

Congratulations are in order to UKIP for having chosen Nigel Farage as their new leader.

Two points. Compare the accomplished MEP to the leaders of the other three parties and see who comes out best. If you have not yet seen him speak, then keep an eye out for his regular appearances on Question Time where he never fails to impress.
Secondly, note how democracy works by watching UKIP. One member, one vote. Not too difficult is it?
Consider Labour where some have FOUR votes each; their Fabian vote, their MP vote, their Member vote and their Union vote!
Ha, ha, ha, ha!


Wednesday, September 13, 2006


If you run a society without reference to morality - or preferably Christian teaching - you cannot be surprised when hedonistic attitudes develop.
Today, the only wrong in the eyes of the liberal left is in identifying other wrongs. Ironically enough, if Christians point out sin, they are condemned as being "judgemental". The word has changed from the Christian meaning which has always suggested that condemning wrong is proper - the only stricture being, as a sinner, not to imply that you are any better than the other person. ("Take the plank out of your own eye before drawing attention to the speck in someone elses.")

Well, in telling schoolchildren "You probably will take drugs - so do it safely" we have topped another league. We have the highest percentage (0.94% of the population) of problem drug users of any European nation.
It is no coincidence that we hardly punish possession - we pretend that the dealers alone are to blame.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Another insidious group.

"COMMON PURPOSE " is the glue that enables fraud to be committed across government departments, to reward pro-European politicians. Corrupt deals are enabled that put property or cash into their pockets, by embezzling public assets. Although it has 80,000 trainees in 36 cities, 18,000 "graduate" members and enormous power.
Common Purpose is largely unknown to the general public. It recruits and trains "leaders" to be loyal to the directives of Common Purpose and the EU, instead of to their own departments, which they then undermine or subvert, the NHS being an example. Common Purpose is identifying leaders in all levels of our government to assume power, when our nation is replaced by the European Union. Unlike current leaders, CP leaders are taught to rule without democracy, and will bring the EU police state home to every one of us.

Brian Gerrish and David Noakes are to be thanked for the information above.

*** Christians must always oppose secret organisations. If we do not, we are failing to 'love our neighbour', as such groups never act in the interests of ordinary people.


Propaganda Link:

Monday, September 11, 2006

All not well in the chicken coop.

If you had a scheme which showed tremendous success giving vocational training to young offenders and those excluded from school, would you not want to replicate it? Well, the Highfield Happy Hens Centre is just such a scheme. Based in Derbyshire, it is a model of how to enjoy a greatly lessened rate of recidivism in juvenile crime in your area.
Naturally then, the authorities do not want any more such operations. You are probably way ahead of me at this point.
If you had surmised that successful plans which are Christian based are unwelcome today, you would be right. Once again political correctness strikes.
Once again we ask the question, "If this had been a Muslim scheme.....?"


Sunday, September 10, 2006

The moral standards of the concentration camp.

The so-called Independent Advisory Group on Teenage Pregnancy which reports to Secretaries of State Alan Johnson and Patricia Hewitt, has been actively promoting the idea that the "benefits of abortion" should be taught to children UNDER the age of eleven and possibly to those as young as five.
Apparently 200,000 abortions annually in this country are not enough. The report also mendaciously claims that the fact that abortions can lead to "infertility" is misleading.
Where this nauseating group shoots itself in the foot is when it states that girls should be able to "make an informed decision" as to whether or not to have one. If only these weasel words were true, the abortions in this nation would plummet. Furthermore, is it "informed" if parents have not been informed?
In the Christian School where I teach sex education, we do give the girls all the information - and boys too.We show them what an abortion actually is and what it does. We do not hide the truth behind sickeningly bland euphemisms such as "procedure or "termination".
Funnily enough, when people have seen the various films taken of an abortion from inside the womb by ultrasound and when they have seen that "number one" refers to crushing the fully formed head of a living child, when they have seen the detritus and the aftermath they tend to become actively anti abortion. "Propagandised" you say? No. We fully outline both sides of the argument. The difference being that we conceal nothing!
Parents are written to and given an opt out from the abortion lessons. This is seldom used.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Fabian menace

The Fabian Society has generally been upheld as a model for that oxymoron," democratic socialism". It has been portrayed, particularly by itself, as a moderate kind of group; a touch cuddly even. Fabian members have never tended to be of the really hard left and so, in recent years, with a majority of the cabinet and 200 MPs as members of this Webb & Shaw inspired club, it has been seen as rather quaint and most acceptable.
The problem is that in this country it is probably the primary moving force behind the sinister regionalisation movements which led to Jean Monnet's brainchild - our current EU. They have worked tirelessly towards their twin goals of destroying national sovereignty and imposing a one-size-fits-all currency.
Arnold Toynbee's quote, published in yesterday's Daily Mail was new to me and is as follows: "We are working discreetly but with all our might to wrest this mysterious political force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states.......all the time denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands." Devious HYPOCRITES!
Their objective has been to achieve their utopian ideal of 'socialistic quangos' by what they called "permeation and infiltration". Just how often is the word "infiltration" used in an honest sense?
As long ago as the 1920s, British Fabian Sir Arthur Salter had joined up with that other low life Jean Monnet and were planning regionalisation, what we now recognise as the EU, along with its planned Constitution and the euro as the "pillars of their project."
If it has to work in secret because it knows its plans are unacceptable to voters then it as evil as the more obvious Bilderberg Group - which also contains a number of europhile cabinet members.
What defies logic is how the tories do not seemingly grasp who their fellow europhiles actually are.

Of course, the roots of the Fabians were intermingled with the Christian Socialist movement -( I expect GBS was a major exception.) If proof were ever needed that Christians should shun the left, and should always have done so, surely this opening up of the Fabians should suffice.

Orwell link:
Bilderberg Link:

Friday, September 08, 2006

Please can we have a new Wesley?

I do not write this piece to attack adherents of Islam but rather to expose double standards. We are a gentle nation; one of compromise, understanding and fundamental tolerance.
I ask whether that same tolerance is displayed towards Christian minorities in Muslim run countries such as: Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Algeria,the Sudan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Syria, Egypt, Jordan and many more?
- The answer is clearly in the negative. So what I am asking is whether we are able to accept that "Islam is a tolerant religion" when the evidence of our eyes, even in this country, leads us to an opposite conclusion?
It is Islam which is courted, largely by the political left, and yet it is out of uncompromising Islam that so many of our nation's problems come. Do we have any similar problems with Sikhism or Judaism or Hindus?
Our political masters -[in a real democracy, politicians do the will of the people] - determined over a half century that we should import workers. They have learned precisely nothing from their previous stupidity and the same arguments are being recycled and used again.
Ours is not a "multi-cultural" nation but merely one which has become dangerously fragmented by politicians who were blind to the consequences of their pseudo-liberalism.
Had they recognised that they were wrong, we could have said ." "Ah, well. Water under the bridge. Let us move on."
Unless VERY specifically called by God to a mission field abroad, I do not want to hear of missionaries leaving the very abundant mission field which is now England. A new Wesley is needed and desperately overdue.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

More Channel 4 bias.

We have already considered the appalling attitudes of Channel 4 towards the Christian Faith and its active promotion of Islam. [See posting 18/7/06 ]It never stops, as once again, we see this strange phenomenon demonstrated with its new programme "A beginner's guide to Islam."
How long before we get a Christian equivalent, I wonder? Something to do with 'when hell freezes over' comes to mind.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Freedom of speech abolished.

It is now official. Freedom of speech in the UK has been abolished. Evangelical Stephen Green has not only been arrested for peacefully handing out leaflets in Cardiff but has been charged with "Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour."
The National Director of the excellent 'Christian Voice' was merely handing out pamphlets which quoted the Word of God regarding the practice of sodomy at a homosexual,'mardi gras' event in Cardiff.
It is appalling that good Christian people should be persecuted whilst deviants are protected.

Freedom of expression is no more. I urge people NEVER again to vote for this mean-spirited, anti-God, liberal elite of the three main parties which is utterly destroying this nation.

Again, I make the point that perhaps only UKIP merits a vote BUT if things do not change soon - be prepared to welcome the BNP as a leader in what remains of our democratic processes.

You do not even have to agree with Stephen to end up feeling deeply disturbed by the direction in which the UK is going.

[Text of the leaflet. You judge whether it warrants an arrest.]

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A touch of cynicism.

The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments on display in a Courthouse........You cannot post signs saying "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians -- it creates a hostile work environment

Monday, September 04, 2006

Fire my conscience?

Nine Strathclyde firemen have been ordered to do 'diversity training' after refusing to hand out fire prevention leaflets at a homosexual gathering.
In the terms of the American Constitution, this would surely be classed as a 'cruel and unusual punishment'.
The one bright spot to emerge is that the Strathclyde Fire Brigade employs THREE 'diversity officers'. This is obviously very good news. If trapped in a major conflagration - there is nothing which would raise my spirits more than to learn that a 'diversity officer' was rushing to the scene!


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Christians must NOT embrace corruption.

Largely because of phenomenal amounts of fraud and corruption, coupled with abject failure in tracking how our taxes are spent, the EU Court of Auditors has failed to sign off the EU accounts for the eleven consecutive years since it began. Our laws clearly forbid payments of any public money to any organisation which fails to keep proper accounts.
Very simply therefore, our membership of the EU - at the horrendous cost of £100,000 per MINUTE - is illegal.
This is unarguable. On this ground alone, Christians may not lend the EU their support.

Links :

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Leftwing hypocrisy - again.

Why is it that the left are so keen to promote and decriminalise cannabis?
Why are the left total health fascists where smoking is concerned? It is the purest of double standards.


Friday, September 01, 2006

Our very own apartheid - courtesy of the left.

Aussie PM John Howard recently told Muslims who want Sharia Law to leave Australia. "Why. The man must be a raving racist!" Such is the response we would expect from the so-called liberal left over here. Funny that. A large proportion of Aussie Muslims have now declared loyalty to their nation. Seemingly, they want to integrate!
Ruth Kelly, Trevor Phillips and a great many more are beginning to diassociate themselves from the evil which is multiculturalism. So often we hear an ordinary person declare "We are now a multicultural society" as if this is a plus point. Clearly, many do not grasp the simple principle. Multiculturalism means a whole gang of races and creeds and cultures entirely 'doing their own thing' whilst under a nebulous UK banner. It is a recipe for out and out disaster. Great damage has already been done as we have effectively created ghettos and no-go enclaves - particularly in the larger cities.
If you favour apartheid - fine you must be getting precisely what you want. "Separate development" it was called.
This is not merely nonsense, it is divisive and dangerous and no amount of do-gooder purring can paper over the cracks.
To survive, a society must have SHARED VALUES. Whilst this readily allows for differences, it enables us to move forward as a truly liberal society. [I use the word "liberal" in a correct sense and not as referring to modern politicians who are left of centre.]
Consider the Jews in this country as an excellent example. They are 100% British; fully integrated and quietly and unobtrusively maintain their cultural and religious identities. This attitude is not A way forward but the ONLY way. It is called INTEGRATION!

Just how many times and on how many issues can the left get it so badly wrong? More to the point - when do they ever get it right?

Yet again paving the way for the BNP to succeed.

