Monday, September 30, 2013

UKIP Grab Council Seat In Sevenoaks.

UKIP has achieved another set of remarkable local council by-election results all over the country, winning a seat in Sevenoaks, Kent.
Among the host of encouraging results, UKIP secured 24.6% of the vote in Wombwell, Barnsley, 32.2% in Storrington, West Sussex and a winning 35.7% in Crockenhill & Well Hill in Sevenoaks where Steve Lindsay was elected as a UKIP Councillor, ousting Labour.
Commenting on the UKIP gain, Party Leader and UKIP's MEP in Kent Nigel Farage declared that "anything is possible in Kent" following the party's by-election victory in Sevenoaks.
Mr Farage, who himself lives in Kent, said the result was a "clear demonstration of how UKIP take support from across the board, not just disaffected Tories."

Grace. Alive in Christ = Dead to Sin.

By Joyce Meyer.  God's grace is amazing! We're saved by grace – God's undeserved favor – and we live by grace, which is also God's power in our lives to do what we could never do in our own strength. And it's all because God is love, and He loves us unconditionally, constantly and completely. Christian News.

'In It Together' - Matthew D'Ancona.

The Prime Minister told an ally: “If I’d known what it was going to be like, I wouldn’t have done it” after his relationship with grassroots Conservatives and some backbenchers deteriorated over their upset at the legalisation of same-sex weddings.
How do you see this, dear reader?
If I may paraphrase our noble PM:
'I fort there woh summat in it for us, innit? But there weren't - so I'm not happy.'
Please note the total absence of the moral issue involved and the 100% non-Christian response from someone claiming to be a believer!

Immigration - Singapore-Style!

I recently spoke to a Singaporean about immigration to their overcrowded nation. (It's nearly as bad as ours!) 
Apparently, would-be immigrants have to be able to bring in either money or needed expertise. End of.
How much we could and should learn from Singapore on how to run a country!


Lady Thatcher 'would be proud of Coalition’ says Grant Shapps.

Yet Another Reason To Despise The Left.


Tough On Watchers Of Child Pornography?

Crackdown: Justice Secretary Chris Grayling blasted 'simple' cautions for indictable-only offences
   Sorry, Mr Grayling but is this the same as 'a crackdown'? You see, we ALL know that 'crackdowns' are just hot air!

America Today?

Withdrawing from ECHR Hints From Tory Conference.

Same as usual!
Sorry - but how can we believe you this time?

Tory Tough Talk On Immigration?

Big changes: Home secretary Theresa May plans a major shake-up of the immigration laws in Britain
Theresa my dear, sorry but we've heard it all before.
STOP the Romanian and Bulgarian floods from January and only then might we begin to believe  you all!

David Cameron: Nigel Farage Shouldn't Take Part In Leader Debates.

Hmm. TOLD you that they are scared. SO scared in fact that democratic process must not be permitted!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fracking - The Truth. Well Done UKIP.

I spent yesterday with one of the world's top six experts on fracking. As he is now retired and certainly not held in thrall to the giant oil companies, he has no axe to grind on the issue - and not living in the UK any more - he is able to be 100% neutral and objective.
He made the following points:
There may be some cosmetic damage to the landscape but on a relatively tiny scale compared to the huge advantages.
The technology has been available and used successfully for many decades.
The 'frightener elements' used by the antis are total hogwash.
There are two types of fracking - one is 'the shallow version' which can allow insignificant amounts of land movement BUT ...
The type to be used in the UK is 'deep fracking' - where land movement does not occur AND is a considerable depth below the water table which ends all possibility of damage to it.
I asked him if he could think of any reason at all why the UK should NOT follow this path and his response was an unequivocal 'NO!'
He also explained to me the niceties of horizontal drilling which means that so much more can be extracted than by the vertical methods.
UKIP 6 - So-called Greens - 0.
Blow the whistle - the 90 minutes is up!

Dominic Lawson Quote.

'The tribal left is driven by hate.'
(Not exactly news, though.)

Washington University Study.

Peanut Butter Could Prevent Breast Cancer in Girls. (And later in life.)

We Are Valuable To God.

Met Office Wrecks Ridiculous IPCC Claims On 'Climate Change?'

Sol Campbell On Racism In Football Management.

Archaic: Sol Campbell said attitudes towards black managers in the British game were holding back his careerBritain's 'archaic' attitudes to race mean I have no choice but to go abroad to be a football manager, says former England player Sol Campbell
The former Premiership footballer and England player says he will move abroad after his three-year coaching course because of prejudice towards black managers. Mail On Sunday.
Sorry but I just do not believe this. I can believe that he has been unable to get work but find his claim fatuous and risible.

Billy Graham Supports Pastor Abedini.
(Photo: Facebook/Billy Graham Evangelistic Association)
By Alex Murashko
Renowned evangelist Billy Graham is asking Iran's president Hassan Rouhani for the release of Pastor Saeed Abedini from prison, pointing out that such an action might be perceived by U.S. leaders as a significant step in reducing tensions.
Naghmeh Abedini Personally Delivers Letter for Husband's Release to Iranian President Rouhani  Christian News.

The Prodigal Son - Years Away From Home.

Peter Hitchens - Unadulterated Common Sense.

Winston Churchill.

"What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?"
(Winston Churchill  October 10, 1908)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Face To Face.

Nigel Farage may have to be let in to the 2015 general election TV debates, David Cameron's former communications director has said.
Andy Coulson conceded that the Ukip leader had a "bit of a point" when he argued victory for his party in 2014's European elections would make excluding him impossible.
The prime minister's former top spinner said in order to see off the threat from Farage, or "Mr Mirage", the Conservatives should challenge him to a head-to-head debate before 2015.

Salvation Miracle.

God used stalled car to lead Muslim to Christ
Mounir is an Egyptian Christian living in Southern California. One day his car stalled on a busy freeway in Southern California. Upset by this unscheduled delay in his plans, he called the Auto Club for roadside assistance.
They sent a truck driven by Muhammad, a recent immigrant from Iran. Unable to get the car to run, Muhammad hoisted the car on the back of the tow truck.
As they rode together to a service station, Mounir asked, “So, how are things going in Iran?” Muhammad launched into a litany of problems and concerns plaguing his former country.
After listening for a bit, Mounir said, “I don’t really know much about this terrible situation, but the one thing I really DO know is that Jesus loves you.”
Mounir then shared his dramatic testimony with Muhammad. He told the young immigrant how Jesus appeared to him as he lay in bed at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Southern California after having his entire cancer-ridden colon removed.
In the depths of his fear and concern over his health, Mounir awakened to see a bright light enter his hospital room. It was Jesus, the one known as Issa in the Quran!
MORE Christian News.

Are 'Lukewarm Christians' Saved?

It Is An 'Act Of Faith'.

'It is atheistic dogma, not science, to dismiss design as unscientific. The argument that science cannot suggest that intelligence comes from intelligence or design from an intelligent designer is simply a tautology. It is dogma masquerading as science.' Dennis Prager.

Yorkshire People Claim Title 'God's Own County' - They Are WRONG!

Peaky Blinders - Review.

Three episodes into the new TV drama Peaky Blinders, I am still unsure what I think about it.
It does contain classic modern mumbling; scenes where the characters cannot be readily identified; others which take place in virtual darkness so as to add to the general confusion.
(Modern techniques really do STINK! - They aren't even clever!)
The story is heavy-handed and improbable. The music from the second decade of the 21st Century slots neatly into the post World War One context - NOT!
Still, it has enough going for it for me to watch the final three episodes - possibly.

Celebrating Diversity Is Our New State Religion.

Considering The Dry Summer - We Have Had Rather Too Many Of These.

Global Warming? Believe These People?
After all the deceits; after all the crying 'wolf' - in the highly unlikely event that they are right, WHO COULD POSSIBLY BELIEVE THEM?  Fool me once ....

Anti-Islam Gets You Sacked?

Christian worker seeks ruling to challenge “anti-Islam” dismissal.
Watch a CBN report on
Nohad's case (3m 55s) >
Christian Legal Centre client Nohad Halawi, who was forced to stop working at Heathrow airport because of rumours against her, will have her case heard next week (4th October) in London.
 Ms Halawi worked at a beauty counter in Heathrow Terminal 3 but was effectively dismissed after unfounded rumours that she was “anti-Islam”.

 Watch this video report by CBN for the background to her case.

 We’ll be sending out more information with some prayer points next week. Christian Concern.
Only when I see that being anti-Christian gets someone sacked,  shall I believe that there exists the tiniest hint of evenhandedness amongst the PC lobby and their absurd acolytes.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Second Arrest Of Street Preacher.

Christian Concern

BREAKING CASE NEWS: Perth street preacher arrested for second time
Video of Rev Josh
Williamson's arrest (18m 35s).
Police begin talking to Josh
at 6mins 52secs in.
Rev Josh Williamson, who was arrested last Wednesday, was arrested again on Saturday (21 SEP) in Perth for "breach of the peace".


He was to be held in custody until Monday (23 SEP) but thankfully he was released at 9.30pm on Saturday evening after being held for over five hours in the cells.

Josh recorded the incident on camera and also made an audio recording on his phone of the trip to the police station in the police car.

You can watch a video recording of his arrest (with subtitles) here > (Police begin talking to Josh at 6mins 52secs in.)

The recording includes footage of Josh's conversation with police on the street, his arrest and audio of the conversation in the police car on the way to the station.

His MP3 player has been kept as crown evidence and the Procurator fiscal (a public prosecutor) will review the evidence. Christian Concern.
Free speech attacked - democracy dead.
Hail political correctness!

Jesus - The First Tweeter?

ROME — Jesus Christ was the world's first tweeter because his pronouncements were "brief and full of meaning," Vatican cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi said Wednesday. Christian News.

No Faith?

Bloom's Departure: Damage? - No, Probably Relief.

Bloom’s body blow to Ukip?
From: David Quarrie, Lynden Way Holgate, York.
What a shame that the Ukip conference and leader Nigel Farage’s speech were so diluted by the irresponsible action and words of the Yorkshire and Humber MEP Godfrey Bloom. This silly man opened his mouth and flayed his arms about, before engaging his brain. So many people are now hoping that at long last, via Ukip, this sad nation of ours might get its greatness back. In themselves, what Bloom did and said were not that bad, but the damage to the credibility of the whole party was immense.
In these grim days of political correctness, all politicians should know that their critics and foes are longing for gaffes like Godfrey’s. Hopefully time will be a great healer, and Farage and co can lead us to a far better future. Yorks Post.
Ed: Fair points albeit a tad overstated.
Bet the leftists are actually disappointed!

Global Politics - Current Policy.

Martyrs - Welby Is Spot On!

Archbishop Justin Welby’s choice of the word “martyrs” to describe the 81 Pakistani Christians killed when their church in Peshawar was targeted by suicide bombers has raised eyebrows. It is the sort of language avoided nowadays in the secular, sceptical West, with its taken-for-granted religious freedoms, in case it makes people feel uncomfortable.
Yet in terms of Christian history the Archbishop of Canterbury’s description is surely accurate. These 81 worshippers at All Saints Anglican church, a 19th‑century colonial legacy in the Kohati Gate district of the city, died because they insisted last Sunday on practising their faith, as martyrs in all religions have done through the centuries.
In contrast to some of the more high-profile Christian martyrs, though, they were going about their religious practice quietly and without fuss, as befits a minority community of just 2.5 million (or 1.5 per cent) in a nation of 175 million that is overwhelmingly Muslim. They weren’t evangelising. They weren’t discussing missions to convert Muslims. And they weren’t falling foul of Pakistan’s strict blasphemy laws. They were simply, in the archbishop’s words, “testifying to their faith in Jesus Christ by going to church”. Telegraph.


Okay. The government tells me that this horrendously expensive white elephant is 'essential' to the nation.

Odd that. I know hundreds of people who are regularly using roads suitable for the first half of the last century and NOT ONE PERSON who will use this more than the odd time in their entire lives!

Feminists Misunderstood? - Even So - They Sure Earned It!

Researchers from the University of Toronto quizzed over 400 Americans about both types of activists and received 'overwhelmingly negative' feedback.
The most common words used to describe 'typical feminists' included 'man-hating' and 'unhygienic' while 'tree-hugger' and 'hippie' were attached to 'typical environmentalists'.
Read more:

Debate About Remaining In The EU? - Why?

European Union Budget Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski said $3.5 billion is needed to keep governments afloat - including a £450 million pay out from BritainBrussels orders Britain to hand over £450million amid warning that EU 'will run out of cash in months'
Budget Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski claimed Europe needs another £3.5billion just six months after the EU. Mail.


Wilberforce Publications
6pm for 6.30pm, Monday 7th October
Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, Westminster SW1P 3DW
Guest speaker: Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali
Drinks and canapés will be served
RSVP (by 3rd October) to
(acceptances only)
Authors John Scriven and Dr Richard Scott
will be available to sign copies of their books
Belief and the Nation
“Belief and
the Nation”
written by John Scriven
Christians in the Firing Line
“Christians in
the Firing Line”
written by Richard Scott

Thursday, September 26, 2013


UKIP policy asks that migrants to UK show proof of private health cover.

I Weep For Our Nation.

Dr David Drew previewChristian doctor sacked for emailing a prayer to colleagues to cheer them up loses appeal against dismissal
Consultant paediatrician Dr David Drew, pictured, sent the prayer by St Ignatius Loyola to colleagues at Walsall Manor Hospital, hoping it would be motivational. Mail.

Amjad Bashir's Speech At The UKIP Conference.
I have now caught Amjad Bashir's speech at the UKIP Conference and he was excellent.
Funny how the leftist and tory media have played this down to near zero - innit?
Can't have the non-racist nature of UKIP publicised - that would never do!
Do follow the URL above and there are a number of tremendous speeches. Have a look at Gerard Batten/Amjad Bashir.

I Am A ...

John Piper On Prayer.

Punjab Attack.

A Christian man was attacked with an axe and another was beaten by locals apparently jealous of their business success.
Nadeem Masih, 24, was attacked last week at his home in Gloria Colony, a mainly Christian settlement in Sheikhupura, Punjab province. Five heavily armed local men set upon him, demanding the closure of his brother Waseem’s catering business. ‘Christians are only cleaners and poor,’ they said. When his mother tried to help Nadeem, who was badly injured, she was bitten. Police did nothing when the family sought legal action.
Two days later, the same five men allegedly attacked one of Waseem’s employees – apparently to deter Nadeem from pressing charges. Release Int.

Fifteen To One.

New Statesman.

I recently read an appallingly slanted rant against UKIP in The New Statesman.
Interesting is it not that this rag has more attacks at a democratic, centre right party than I can ever recall it doing against the many marxist regimes which used to proliferate all across the globe?
TBH however, for some reason it is not a journal I read that frequently - so maybe I missed 'em, huh?

Miliband - The Marxist Roots.^editors_choice

Archbishop of Canterbury Is Correct, Of Course!

Hands together and eyes closed: Justin Welby urged worshippers not to forget 'the captors' in their prayers'Pray for the Kenya TERRORISTS': Archbishop of Canterbury faces controversy after urging people not to forget the 'captors' in their prayers
Justin Welby revealed that he himself had prayed for both the gunmen and the victims, and said that to do so was in line with Jesus's teachings. Mail.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


When the UKIP leader addressed the YouGov conference recently, his speech was monitored by a Dial Test. It was played to 1,100 people split evenly between supporters and detractors.
The supporters supported him 99 per cent. But interestingly, 42 per cent of detractors supported him as well, and 38 per cent of detractors had a more favourable view of the UKIP leader after they had heard him speak.
That sort of result is rare in politics, and suggests the main parties will bite their own tails off rather than let Nigel Farage into any leaders' TV debate.


The Government has claimed immigration is going down as their policies take effect.
However, the Public Administration Select Committee has said the figures are "little better than a best guess". They were based on interviewing 5,000 passengers at terminals.
Andrew Gilligan at the Telegraph comments, "the figure ministers use to show the 'success' of immigration policies may be inaccurate by as much as 50 per cent."

UKIP: Join Today.

  • Click here to join online. Choose the membership type that's right for you.Read More
  • Renew

BNP - A Leftist, Dying Party.

Why is it that Labour who have former BNP councillors in their ranks (as well as far too many paedophiles), but UKIP which is the only political party not to accept ex-BNP members, is claimed to be similar to the BNP?
Basically the BNP, which is obviously hard left being in favour of state control of most things, including the means of production, is more allied to Labour than anyone else. Leo Savantt comments/replies in the Telegraph.

The Gospel In Just Six Minutes.

'Global Warming'.

The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), chaired by former Chancellor Lord Lawson, published a report today which argues the UK’s official climate projections, known as UKCP09, are incorrect.
Using research conducted by independent climate scientist Nic Lewis, the GWPF argues a flaw in the  Met Office's computer climate model means it is bound to predict fairly high warming in the UK whatever observational data is used.
The Government uses the Met Office predictions when it comes to building roads, managing water supplies and implementing design standards on houses.


Every year many hundreds of churches around the world help to generate a global wave of prayer by joining the International Day of Prayer (IDOP) for persecuted Christians.
Please ask your church leaders now to consider taking part on Sunday, November 3 (or whatever date is convenient for you). Look at the resources and prayers given in our downloadable IDOP guide, and plan your prayer event.

How It Works.

The Church Kitchen.

Votes At 16?

By rights, this absurd Labour posturing should lose them a great many votes!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Michael Gove.

When I first spotted Mr Gove - I was genuinely impressed.
The more I see of him however ...

See The Glory Of God!

Sin - One More Problem.

Too many evangelicals want to get the message across that 'God, through Jesus, will save us from our sin'.
We must recognise that in a secular world, the concept that humans are 'riddled with sin' is beyond the understanding of most individuals.
Why would people want to be 'freed' from something which they cannot even grasp as a concept?
Sin as 'the separating factor between Man and God' must be dealt with first because most people who claim to 'believe' are generally vague deists who think that good deeds outweighing the bad ones will earn them salvation.

Lest You Forget!

On January 1st, British borders will be open to nearly 30m Romanians and Bulgarians. Average earnings in these countries are one-fifth of the British average.
This will earn UKIP hundreds of thousand votes - possibly millions.But none amongst us are so irresponsible as to want Ukip's profile to rise on the back of something so bad for the nation.

Nigel Farage Meets The Jewish Chronicle.


Er ... Not Quite!
