Sunday, October 31, 2010

Benzo hell.

We're sheep shuffling towards a permanently yellow Britain.

Hitchens: every one a winner! So why is he not in UKIP?

Love is.

“For God so loved the world
that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16 NIV.

These words are probably the most famous in the Bible and certainly the most widely preached. This is not surprising because there is so much in this verse. It is no exaggeration to say that there is enough truth here, if properly understood and acted upon, to gain you a guaranteed place in heaven. [Christian Herald.]

Bet he's not wrong - but is he supposed to let the cat out of the bag?

'A new Tory MP has made a scathing attack on David Cameron for pro­moting women and people from the ethnic minorities over ‘white, Christian, married’ men.
John Glen, the party’s former head of research, said his background effectively ruled him out for a min­isterial job under Mr Cameron.'

Stunning MITK revelation!

MITK has had his snout in some pretty unpleasant places recently and hears some good news at last - it appears that the BNP is imploding - and big style.
You may have been aware that they have many-a-problem but there is a strong possibility that this unpleasant group is soon going to reach critical mass.

You heard it here first!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Despair heaped upon despair. We cry out for justice!

'A terminally ill cancer sufferer beaten up by a teenage thug has expressed his dismay and disbelief after his attacker walked free from court. But Kent was spared jail at St Albans Crown Court in Hertfordshire after pleading guilty to wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm, a court official said.Instead, he was handed a six-month sentence at a young offenders institution, suspended for 12 months, ordered to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work and told to pay £1,000 in compensation.' AOL.

Only 90%?

'Nearly nine out of ten jobs created under Labour went to foreign-born workers, astonishing figures revealed last night.'

Read more:

Amongst all the truly silly lefties ....

.... one stands head and shoulders above the rest.
Meet The Guardian's own ivory tower dweller, Polly Toynbee!

This week she suggested the cuts were the Tories’ ‘final solution’ for the poor – a phrase usually associated with the genocide of six million Jews in the Holocaust – BUT asonishingly, yesterday apologised.

Now - amongst the rabid left, that is truly unprecedented.
In fairness though, she has countless lunacies spanning decades for which, breath bated, we await backtracking!

Max Hastings in today's Mail is in top form.

Housing benefit! Do read - it is well worth it.

Mystic claptrap.

I've just been looking through some of the songs of the truly brilliant Sally Oldfield but was immediately hit by a profound sense of sadness.
Like many in the public eye she has embarked on a meaningless spiritual journey which embraces everything from obscure and diabolical religions to new age piffle.
Talk about 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater'.
These spiritual quests are principally a search for novelty and have little to do with reality.
Can you have 'experiences' with such activities? Well - of course you can but one must ask who is the orchestrator? You will probably eventually have 'a spiritual moment' worshipping a tree stump but I dread to think what actual diabolical horror lies behind it!

When the Scriptures invite you to 'prove them' - they mean it!
Psalm 34:8 - "Taste and see that the Lord is good."
Jeremiah 29: 13 - "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
Matthew 7:7 - "Seek and you WILL find."
Deuteronomy 4:29 - "But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul." (NIV)


"Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions."

GK Chesterton.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Well. Not if I remain well-grounded in the Scriptures.


I love Tebbit.

'David Cameron has won crucial backing in his fight to limit an EU budget increase.
But Tory grandees immediately accused him of a ‘Vichy-style’ surrender for agreeing any rise at all.'



Tomorrow, the clocks go back. This should not happen! Dark mornings are one thing but darkness at 4 pm is just not funny.


'A group of physicians, scientists and teachers have set up the Centre for Intelligent design in Glasgow, Scotland, to promote the theory that the universe is the product of design and not chance random processes. The group is headed by Professor Norman Nevin OBE, a geneticist at Queen’s University in Belfast, Dr David Galloway, vice-president of theRoyal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and Dr Alastair Noble, a teacher, and school inspector.'


"But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it."

Ephesians 4:7.

Loony leftiness is genetic?

'Political bias could be a matter of genetics, say scientists.
They have identified a so-called ‘Liberal Gene’ that makes people more likely to seek out less conventional ­political views.
The gene, a neurotransmitter in the brain called DRD4, could even be stimulated by the novelty value of radical opinions, claim the U.S. researchers.'

Well. I suppose that it's as good an explanation as any to explain the crass stupidity of the left and the politically correct.

Kenneth McDuff.

In 1966, in Texas, multiple burglar Kenneth Alan McDuff was sentenced to death for butchering three teenagers, after having raped one with a broom handle - then choking her with the same handle.
Six years later the all wise Supreme Court abolished the death penalty. He was released after 23 years because prison places were at a premium(!!!!!)
He consistently breached his parole and yet was not re-jailed.
(Please make comparisons to the UK.)
This vile human being now slaughtered FIVE more women - and these are just the ones we know about!
We may well ask where were the noisy abolitionists at this time? - You know the ones I mean - those who make fatuous claims of innocence for any thug who is sentenced to death!
Do remember too of course, that a senior probation officer revealed that in the UK - one person is killed every fortnight by a released 'lifer'!
Remember also that in the UK, we are so keen to release 'lifers' that only around 1% receive what is called a 'whole of life tariff'.
Re-arranging a whole system just to avoid proper punishments of the evil is morally reprehensible.

Unchristian to execute? - Oh no! Retribution is the duty of the state - it is individuals only who must forgive!

On the 17th of November 1998 justice was belatedly done at Huntsville Prison, Texas.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thrills abounding.

The thriller written for non Christians - who, by the end, will fully understand what the Gospel of Christ really is!

The system is working well!

'Dangerous criminals committed almost 200 serious offences, including rape and murder, last year while under the supervision of the authorities, official figures disclosed.'


November beckons and so ....

.... the Campaign For Real Christmas Cards is back!
Shops are currently vying with each other to give us the widest possible selection of cards 'to celebrate the Saviour's birth' - or something, at least!
Well. The widest possible variety of cards, anyway.
Please, please, please. All Christians - REFUSE to buy from shops which do not stock real Christmas cards.
Please do not add to the: comic; the Dikensian; the holly tree; snow men; robins; the yule log; the sexy Santa et al. Buying these things just encourages their production!
Encourage your friends, relatives and churches to do the same!
Embarrass shops by asking for REAL Christmas cards.
Honour the Saviour!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Belief in 'climate change' plummeting.

Shame really. The climate is always changing. It is just that the wolf-crying 'warmists' have left an inevitable trail of serious damage to joined-up thinking in their wake.

Truly wicked discrimination from Christian woman.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — A 31-year-old woman in Michigan who posted an ad seeking a Christian roommate on a church bulletin board has been charged with discrimination.
The Fair Housing Center of West Michigan filed the complaint against the single woman. They accuse her of posting “an advertisement which contained the following sentence: ‘I am looking for a Christian roommate….’ The claimant believes the statement expresses an illegal preference for a Christian roommate, thus excluding people of other faiths.”

Christian Examiner.

Dismantling a millenium of justice.

Mole-In-The-Know has been burrowing around a large Magistrates Court area and has discovered two facts of interest.
Magistrates who have to have their lost pay refunded are not being used - and the bulk of sitting magistrates are consequently either the unemployed or the retired.
Furthermore, a great many magistrates in the position of needing to submit claims for loss of earnings are owed hefty sums of money - some into four figures!
If proof were ever needed that the thrice cursed EU is dismantling our justice system in favour of the toxic, napoleonic Corpus Juris - then here is the evidence!

A different type of propaganda.

What do these all have in common?
Robin Hood (If he existed)
Luis Candelas
Jesse James
Jack Sheppard
Dick Turpin
Ned Kelly
Claude Duval
Billy the Kid
and countless more.

Evil thugs portrayed as noble, social-conscience driven thieves.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Requiescat in pace - or garlic sauce.

Marital sex is compulsory!

1 Corinthians 7.

3] The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4] The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. 5] Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer.

Cameron - doing well?

'David Cameron opened the door to a new wave of immigration yesterday by signalling that the Government will let businesses bring in more staff from overseas.' Mail.
Failing on immigration.
Failing on crime.
Failing in 'holding back the EU'.
Failing on cuts. (See last posting on Peter Hitchens.)
Not a very good start, eh?
Some 'good talking' in certain areas but we shall just have to wait and see on those.

Have you the right?

If you make contact with me, whether SKY, a business or the local council, how dare you call me be my first name without me having given leave for you to do so?
Are you a work colleague, neighbour, family member or friend? Have you known me long enough to be afforded that privilege?

How dare you assume?

I had actually forgotten just how much this practice annoys me until a friend made this very point yesterday from his dealings with presumptuous officials.
Politeness first, please.
It was actually much worse when my Mum was alive and some youngster had the bare-faced effrontery to call her 'Norah'. - Shameful.

Monday, October 25, 2010


.... were fully human.
Against such a backcloth, consider this 'scientific' statement: "Neanderthals may have died out 30,000 years ago – but their genes live on in some modern humans."

So. We have the same genes as early German peoples. Not exactly a surprise, is it? 30,000 years? - Pah!

Evolutionists, desperate for a 'missing link', have decided to make Neanderthal man 'a bit less than human' althought the evidence for him being anything less than an historical ancestor is non-existent.
Note how 'artists' impressions' always seem to make him look like an apeman - which is the purest of dishonesty!

State pensions.

The 'devil' they say, 'is in the detail'. And thus it is with Ian Duncan-Smith's radical proposals for reform of old age pensions, which at first sight, look excellent.
By raising the age, cutting out complexities, ending means testing and hammering bureaucracy - the actual costs of a massive boost in state pensions to the nation will be minimal.
Have we not always known that this kind of approach would allow for such increases.
Well done IDS! - Stealing UKIP ideas is always valuable!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hitchens scores AGAIN! - What cuts?

'What cuts? My favourite two facts about British public spending are these. Housing benefit, probably the single most fraudulent and wasteful state handout ever invented, costs more each year than the Army and the Royal Navy combined.
And while Labour spent £600 billion (roughly £10,000 for every human being in this country) in their last year in office, the supposedly vicious cutter George Osborne plans to spend £692.7 billion (£11,500 per head) in 2014-15, after his alleged chainsaw massacre.'


Wrong - they not only live but blossom!

'A lie cannot live.'
Martin Luther King, Jr.

This time the Israelis are wrong.

Four times treacherously invaded; systematically targeted by rockets; subject to decades of terror tactics.
Because of these things, I have generally supported the Israeli Government.
In continuing to build on The West Bank, however - they are being wanton, unreasonable and provocative.
They are wrong!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bless your anti-PC friends!

Please recommend to others!

Janet Street-Porter.

"Oh, how I glory in a grudge: There's nothing I love more than getting my own back." - Janet Street-Porter.

Just how far from God can one person actually get?


“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you!”


A UK Tea Party?

In the USA, The Tea Party is threatening to cause mayhem to the political system. It is anti PC and wants the core values of the American people to be brought to the fore. It is terrifying both Democrats and Republicans in the upcoming mid-term elections.
This is a difference between us and the USA: a difference not dissimilar to that between us and France.
Their peoples are not total sheep during election after election.
In the UK we need a right of centre, non Tory party. UKIP MUST fill this gap and voters must start voting for what they actually want.
UKIP, I think, may be beginning to do this. However, the electorate ....


Read and weep.

'A Christian lawyer, his wife and five children are believed to have been murdered by Islamic extremists after he dared to challenge a Muslim loan shark.
Edwin and Ruby Paul were shot dead at their home in Haripur in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, north-west Pakistan, along with their five children aged between six and 17, on September 28. A Muslim neighbour told Compass Direct news agency that the lawyer had been warned to leave the area by armed men the previous day.
Edwin had taken up the case of a Christian taxi driver who had taken out a loan of 150,000 rupees (just over £2,000) from an influential local Muslim to buy a taxi, only to find that the interest rate had been raised to 500 per cent without his consent. When the Christian failed to pay the lender, a man with alleged links to extremists, his home and taxi were seized.'

Release Int.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Truth will out.

Some people have no hope of life after death. The atheistic philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote, “I believe that when I die I shall rot, and nothing of my own ego will survive.”

Trouble for him is - he now knows the truth!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's an old question but ...

... a valid one.

If you were to be taken to court charged with being a Christian - would there be enough evidence to find you guilty?


Well. Angela Merkel very seldom gets anything right but there is so often an exception to prove any rule.
She has admitted the totality of the failure of that leftist lovechild, multiculturalism.
Credit where credit is due! Vive l'intégration! (Or whatever the German equivalent is!)

The truth will out.

US physics professor: 'Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life'


When you have much - even a lot taken from you does not hurt.
When you have a comfortable amount there is much to lose but
When you have little, losing little can lead to desperation.
TV and radio is currently filled with people interviewed on the streets - clearly Labour voters all - who are going to lose out. (Nice leftie tactic!)

What upsets me is that they think that:

a) The 'hardhearted tories' enjoy doing this.

b) That there are alternatives.

c) That this is not Labour's fault.

d) That somebody other than them must always pay.

e) That the super rich can be made to pay taxes - which is false - they just move their monies, investments and expertise to lower taxed countries.

f) That the welfare state can survive: parasites, cheats, visionaries, the unworthy et al.

Of these points, only the second and fourth are not entirely true but they are effectively so - that is, unless you have a UKIP administration, of course, which knows precisely how to save the country a fortune without a down side and with added benefits.

Jeremiah 3:25.

Let us lie down in our shame,
and let our disgrace cover us.
We have sinned against the LORD our God,
both we and our fathers;
from our youth till this day
we have not obeyed the LORD our God.

And STILL He loves us! And anyone who denies these verses - "The truth is not in him."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Church Times...

The Law Society - a definition.

A body which does its level best to support lawyers whenever they have been guilty of dodgy dealings.
It is certainly not the body dedicated to 'good practice' and 'squeaky clean honesty' it purports to be.

What exactly is the BMA?

So, what do you suppose that this august body actually is? - After all it sounds so, well - respectable - and such a tremendous stalwart in the protection of medical standards.
Well - it ain't any such thing. Not by a long chalk!
What it truly is, is just one more stroppy trade union - although one with a little more intelligence amongst its largely leftist, upper echelons.

(See also: Law Society.)

Not just recirculated air.

Recirculated air on airliners has been blamed by scientists for many an infection.
This may well be true but I have an alternative source which is considerably simpler to deal with.

At security gates, the trays we recently saw at Leeds/Bradford were disgusting - and we had to put our belongings inside! They looked as though they had never been washed and of course, are handled by possibly thousands of passengers every week.
Naturally, I wonder where the vile cold came from which did its level best to ruin my break away.
If I'd thought Leeds/Bradford was bad - Alicante was a revelation. Grime, grease, ingrained filth.

I wonder if I picked up a second infection travelling home?

Ain't it the truth?

"Neither conservatives nor humanists believe man is good. But left-wingers do!

P J O' Rourke.
(Incidentally, Christians are realists too - the genuine ones, anyway!)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Elephant John.

Pop music? It all sounds the same, says Sir Elton John Telegraph.

Is the piano-vamping, tinkling, talentless, tuneless, tedious twonk truly serious?
Pots and kettles, huh?

EU's Health & Safety Shambles causes grief, pain and death!

'Injured victims of the July 7 terror attacks on London were left to die in agony because of health and safety protocols, a survivor claimed yesterday. Victims on the Aldgate train were screaming in pain for up to 40 minutes before emergency services were allowed near the bomb site. Michael Henning, 43, said he saw firemen waiting on the platform at Aldgate, as the wounded lay dying barely 150ft away.'

I am revolted; sickened to the core; deeply angry!
This is what happens when governments permit alien legislation and protocols to be dumped onto our longsuffering society!

Labour knows just what to do! - (At last!)

After 13 years of total financial ineptitude, there has apparently been some new dawn: an epiphany for Labour.
It seems that suddenly - and right out of the blue - they have learned how to run a country after just a couple of months in opposition; they 'know all the precise answers' to the economic disaster which - let us not forget - they themselves had created; funnily enough, their solutions are completely at odds with those of the new administration.
Surely, Mr Cameron should listen attentively to these fiscal experts as they obviously have so much to offer.
Every time Labour has a spell in power, somebody is left with the mess to clean up.
Frankly, Osborne, Clegg & Cameron are doing a very mediocre job in rectifying Brown's ideals-driven stupidity but one thing, and one thing alone can be said in their favour - they aren't Labour!
(I think that this is called 'damning with faint praise.')

Snow good at all.

So. Snow may well be welcoming me back into the UK. Certainly parts of the nation will be hit.
That is, snow in mid October, for those who hadn't spotted the point.

We have never had proper snow in mid October in my lifetime.
Global warming? - Pah! - 'Climate change', I might just buy into!

Monday, October 18, 2010


The media are getting all excited about a Costa Rican silver beetle. Big deal!
Look at the one we found in TorreLaMata, Spain! Ours is much prettier!

Katharine Birbalsingh.

It appears that Katharine Birbalsingh who spoke so much truth about education in the UK at the Tory conference has been edged out of her post. Sinister innit? This is reviewed in the excellent article in the link below by Melanie Phillips who also wrote
the staggering 'All Must Have Prizes' which this Blog thoroughly recommends!


Marilyn Manson.

So this sicko burns Bibles on stage.

The Christian response? - We pray for him!

Colorado Springs Gazette.

Never say that this Blog doesn't go worldwide for its points of interest.
Why not join in and vote on an important matter?


Sunday, October 17, 2010

It matters. The Great Commission never ends!

Some of our photographic efforts in Spain.

For this wisdom -many thanks to Peter Hitchens.

'Why, we’ll ask, did we give our nation away...
If an occupying power did to us what the European Union does – carted off huge piles of national wealth, robbed us of our right to make our own foreign policy or laws, abolished our passports, compelled us to import its goods at preferential rates, cut us off from the English-speaking world while forcing us to allow in ­millions of continental workers (inclu­ding doctors who cannot speak English), dem­anded the right to arrest our people and carry them off to unfair trials on the Continent, ordered our MPs and courts about, closed rural post offices, fined market traders for selling vege­tables in pounds and ounces – we’d be in revolt.
But because our own political leaders allow this to happen, anyone who opposes the EU membership that lies behind all this is dismissed as an extremist or meaninglessly sneered at as a ‘Little Englander’. One day, people will wonder why.'

He is only correct in the final sentence providing that our 'education system' has not totally educated out what little common sense remains from those who are its products!

Read more:

Attacking benefit fraud?

Who could possibly believe that? It just ain't gonna happen.
It's just like 13 years of Labour's claims that there were to be 'crackdowns on crime'.
Purest of hot air!
Also watch the newspapers for the first stories to emerge of when such 'crackdowns' have turned sour; watch the leftie civil servants undermine what little is being done; watch out for the 'usual suspects' who believe that if you attack this - you cannot be attacking tax evasion at the same time.
And of course, keep eyes peeled for the unwanted interventions of the ECHR!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...