Friday, September 30, 2011

Half-Baked Lib Dem Thinking - Yet Again!

Building Bridges?

The Forth Bridge, The Tay Bridge, The Skye Bridge and The Humber Bridge.
Which is the odd one out?
Clearly the last of these is in England but that is only a fraction of the reasoning. Nonetheless, it remains the answer when all logic is applied.
 Being non-Scottish IT STILL HAS TOLLS.
 PS. I built The Humber Bridge. (Okay - there were a number of others who also helped.)

Theos En Ho Logos.

Jehovah's Witnesses are a brainwashing cult and not just 'some nice, albeit misguided, folk landing on your doorstep'.
The main reason for this is that they claim that the Bible describes Jesus as 'a god' in John 1:1 and 1:14. Their corrupt New World Translation actually uses this abomination.
They downgrade God The Son and commit a heinous blasphemy and then compound it by pretending that it is what the Scriptures say.
Challenge them on this and have this piece below printed and ready to give when they come-a-callin':

There are a total of four  occurrences in the New Testament where the singular predicate, theos, precedes the verb and does not have the article. Let’s look at each of these verses to see how the New World Translation has translated them.
1. Luke 20:38. "He is a God, not of the dead, but of the living" (NWT)

theos de ouk estin nekron
a God – not he is of the dead
He is not a God of the dead
In this verse, we have theos appearing as a singular predicate before the verb, "is," and is not preceded by the article. "He" is implied and is the subject. "A God" is the predicate because it describes the subject. "He [subject] is [verb] a God [predicate] ...". Although indefinite [ie. without the Greek article], the NWT rightly translates theos as "a God" with a big "G," meaning Jehovah.
2. John 8:54. "It is my Father that glorifies me, he who you say is your God" (NWT)
theos hemon estin
God of you he is
He is your God.
Theos again is a singular predicate occurring before the verb "is", and is not preceded by the article. "He [subject] is [verb] your [pronoun] God [predicate]." Yet, the NWT again correctly translates "God" with a big "G".
3. Philippians 2:13. "For God is the one that, for the sake of [his] good pleasure, is acting within you" (NWT)
theos gar estin ho energon en hymin
God for is the one working in you
For God is the one working in you
Theos is a singular predicate occurring before the verb "is", and is not preceded by the article. "The one working" has the article (ho) and is considered to be the subject. The predicate, "God", further describes who the subject is, "The one working [subject] in you [prepositional phrase] is [verb] God [predicate]".
"God" appears first in the sentence for emphasis. Again, the NWT correctly renders "God" with a big "G".
4. John 1:1. "the Word was a god" (NWT)
theos en ho logos
God was the Word
Theos is a singular predicate occurring before the verb "was", and is not preceded by the article. "The Word [subject] was [verb] God [predicate]". The inconsistency of the New World Translation here is clear. Of the four occurrences in the New Testament where the Greek theos is a predicate occurring before the verb and is not preceded by the article, this is the only time the NWT has not translated it "God" with a capital "G". John uses the term "God" to describe the Word. Deity is the certain character or quality described of the subject!
In conclusion, when we conduct a study of the reason provided by the Watchtower Translation Committee of the New World Translation why John 1:1 should be translated, "the Word was a god", we find a gross inconsistency. We saw that there is a total of four instances in the New Testament where the predicate theos precedes the verb and does not have the article. In three of the four instances, the NWT has translated it "God" in conflict with their own rule.
The Evil Version.

Shashank Joshi. Very Worrying!

Let's All Settle Down And Enjoy The EU Together, What?

'The European Commission has threatened to take legal action against Britain if ministers do not water down rules limiting foreigners’ ability to claim benefits.'  (Telegraph.)

A Tad Unkind - But Nonetheless, Unsettling.

From: Jeremy Kilner, Choppards Mill, Holmfirth.
Perhaps the expression: “Beware Greeks bearing gifts” should now be shortened to “Beware Greeks”?  (YP.)

Please Pray!

Sep 28 2011.
'Iranian pastor Yousef Nadarkhani could be executed as early as tomorrow if he refuses to recant his faith in court today.
The pastor, who was given the death sentence for 'leaving Islam' in September 2010, has appeared in court in Rasht already this week – and has twice refused to renounce his faith. If he does so a third time today, he can then be executed at any point, in accordance with Iran's interpretation of Islamic law.'
Release International.

Ta, Brussels! Ta Muchly!

'New Open Europe research published yesterday estimates that around 28,000 temporary employment contracts for those aged between 16 and 24 in the UK are under threat from the Agency Workers Regulations coming into force on 1 October, which implement the EU’s Temporary Agency Workers Directive.'
Oh, spiffing!

The EU is Not Tame: It Is NOT Controllable!

"On the UK's role in the EU, Hague stated, 'The EU does have too much power. I haven't changed that view since being in government; in fact if anything, being in government has reinforced that view. There should be powers that are returned to this country. I think we should be clear in the Conservative party that that is where we are heading.' OE.
At one time I held such high hopes for this man - and no, the teenage Hague at conference is not the one to whom I refer! 
He has now played 'the double game' for such a long time it is engrained within him.
I MUST repeat - seemingly ad nauseam - that, as he very well knows, membership of the EU combined with its policy of acquis commaunitaire does not permit any repatriation of powers to nation states!
This is the same deception which has been foisted on the electorate by the duplicitous tory party for nearly 40 years. PLEASE tell your friends, relatives and neighbours the unvarnished truth about this. They have got away with it largely because of the general apathy of the people toward in depth political knowledge.
The great British public is yet to cotton on!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Request From Open Doors.

Essential Reading If You Want To Learn About The 'Multicultural Agenda.'


PETA - One Collection Of Very Sick Puppies to whom we must award a LoonyTunesWatch Coconut!

The ONC Tells It Like It Is.

'Nearly nine in ten over-65s are Christian. But even in the least  religious age group, 25 to 34-year-olds, more than half – 55 per cent – profess Christianity.Fifty-nine per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds and 60 per cent of under-16s said they were Christian.
Support for other religions breaks down as 4.4 per cent Muslim, 1.3 per cent Hindu, 0.7 per cent Sikh, 0.4 per cent Buddhist, 0.4 per cent Jewish, and 1.1 per cent who say they follow other religions.
Only 23 per cent of the population said they had no religion. Christian groups said the findings showed that State agencies which act as if Christianity was a minority hobby are wildly wrong.' Mail.

10% Of The Population Homosexual? - See The Truth.

'Homosexuals make up only 1.5 per cent of the population, the survey found.
One per cent said they were gay or lesbian, while 0.5 per cent said they were bisexual.
More men than women declared themselves homosexual, with 1.3 per cent of men saying they were gay compared to 0.6 per cent of women who described themselves as lesbian.
Gay lobbyists and politicians have long claimed that 10 per cent of the population is homosexual. But the figures from the Office for National Statistics’ Integrated Household Survey show this is a wild exaggeration.
Some 94 per cent said they were heterosexual, 4.3 per cent declined to answer the question or said they didn’t know, and 0.4 per cent said their sexuality was ‘other’.'
These figures give the lie to the propaganda we have faced by out and out liars over decades.
The figures are very reminiscent of the Wellcome Trust Survey of some 20 years ago. The figures are so close it reinforces the authenticity of this survey.
We have very clearly been 'scammed' by a TINY special interest group.

Read more:

I Always Find These Interesting.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

An Unholy Alliance.

Referendum? - Evening Standard.

E Book?

If you either purchased or know someone who purchased 'The Unassuming Assassin' as an E Book - please contact:
Many thanks.

Weal, Weal, Weal!

'Indeed,  to Rory Weal, they [his parents] appear to have made no such contribution since he told us that he owes his ‘entire well-being’ to the welfare state.
To Rory Weal, all good things appear to come from the state – and so anyone who dares suggest otherwise is vicious and right-wing. Is that not terrifying?' (Mel.)
 Here is the poor chap pictured in front of the hovel he had to live in with his parents on benefits.

Leave Florrie Alone You Bully.

The BBC has been accused of producing films that persistently "attack and belittle" Florence Nightingale. (Telegraph.)

Well of course it does. It is compulsory for any positives in our society or history to be reduced by the liberal left - and where today can you find a larger nest of such vipers than at the Beeb?


Freewill is a prerequisite in understanding the relationship between God and Man.
This has long been recognised as such by atheists and denigrators of faith.
It therefore becomes necessary to attack the base of freewill on two fronts.
The first of these is to make a claim that it is our genetic makeup which will make us act in predetermined ways and the second is to consider the effects of our environment on how we will inevitably respond in given sets of circumstances.
The picture here suggests that Man is less than the sum of his constituent parts - a logic so riddled with holes, it is not worthy of our consideration.
The best lies are always those which are mixed in with a fair smattering of truth.
Man is affected by his genes - he has to be. Man is also affected by his environment - how could he not be?
The fallacy here lies in the manner in which these elements have been blown up out of all proportion. They are presented as 'the answer'.
The best way to counter such arguments on the personal level is to analyse your own decision-making.
We make literally thousands of decisions daily. Some of these stem from routines, others from common practice, yet more from following a logical path through a series of situations.
Immediately it becomes apparent that the 'the big two' arguments do not explain a great deal.
When we move onto decisions which are worked out in our brains and not completed automatically - both clearly have influence but nothing more than that.
Give it a try. See which of your decisions 'are not really yours' but have been 'programmed in'.
Some will be surprised to see that the latter does have an effect but few will not recognise that as an entire answer to our actions - they fail miserably.


FAZ reports that a survey published by the European Commission yesterday revealed 56% of Germans believe the Single Market has worsened working conditions in Germany, 65% claimed it only benefits large companies and 64% believe it has brought in too much cheap foreign labour.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Incisive Article On Immigration In The Spectator.

A Link To Explain Why Toynbee Is SUCH A Pain In The Rear.

Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, the world's oldest known biblical documents, are now available to read online - and simply scrolling over phrases from one of the 2000-year-old scrolls instantly translates them into English.Read more:

Some Right, Some Wrong.

Plan to give poor pupils extra credit to discriminate against private school classes

GCSE pupils to be docked marks over bad spelling and grammar, says exam watchdog

Dan The Man.

'Ofqual: pupils to sit end-of-course exams in GCSE overhaul.'

'The existing system – in which courses are split into bite-sized chunks that students can re-take to boost their overall score – is likely to be scrapped next year.
It is feared that modular exams get in the way of teaching time and promote a culture of short-term cramming instead of a proper understanding of subjects.' (Telegraph.)

Michael Gove is getting more right than he is wrong. (A most agreeable change for a Secretary Of State For Education!) I myself have gradually adjusted to the current system and note that it is designed to give an artificial 'hike' to exam results.
I believe that in my own school we have been penalised to an extent by the current system and so would welcome this 'reality check'.
Never forget one thing however, exam results are decided by the exam boards in the most arbitrary of ways. They impose 'cut-off points' to achieve the desired numbers of passes.
Frequent changes to the 'style' of examinations are nothing less than calculated attempts to confuse those wanting to make comparisons with previous exam entrants.
The sickening cry of 'you're not comparing like with like' is always employed when comparisons are attempted.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Old Style Atheists.

Whatever happened to the 'old style atheists'? - You know the ones I mean - they did not believe in God but didn't object to those who do. They noted that Christianity was part of our traditions and culture - so they accepted its place in society.
They didn't gripe about religious education but figured that most people would give up on 'religion' but at least they would have had sufficient information before doing so.
They were not loud, objectionable and malicious - naturally, with out and out marxists as the only exception to this.
Today, these negative features of purest nastiness are found extensively in large pockets across the whole of the liberal left.

Christian Persecution in Mexico!

'About 70 evangelical Christians have been forced to leave their homes in Puebla state after other townsfolk threatened to 'crucify or lynch' them if they stayed.
The evangelicals from San Rafael Tlanalapan were forced out last Monday, effectively expelled by the town's majority who follow a blend of indigenous and traditional Catholic rituals.'
(Compass Direct News Agency.)

A Round Of Applause For The Use Of Irony So Successfully!

'Triple axe murderer Thomas McCulloch has been allowed out of prison to take a course how to chop down trees.
In 1976, McCulloch was convicted along with his gay lover Robert Mone of butchering a nurse, a patient and a policeman at a hospital in Scotland.' (Mail.)
A LoonyTunesWatch coconut is hereby awarded to the Parole Authorities in Scotland.


A Labour Leader Admitting To The Truth? - Hmm.

 Ed Miliband has admitted that Labour’s open-door immigration policy drove down wages and living standards in Britain.

Statistics Prove Women To Be Worse 'Parkers' Than Men.

Hmm. I'm keeping quiet on this one. I know my own limitations in this area!

The ECHR Lets Us Down AGAIN!

'Hate-filled Siraj Yassin Abdullah Ali, graded the highest possible risk to the public, was released after serving just half of his nine-year sentence for helping the July 21 bombers. He now mingles freely among the Londoners his co-plotters tried to kill six years ago. Government officials are desperate to deport the Islamic fundamentalist back to his native Eritrea but have been told they cannot.' (Mail.)
I assume that his 'yuman rights' include drawing benefits from the people he hates so much. I DO hope that prison was sufficiently comfortable for him with a halal meat choice instead of the morally much more justifiable 'tek it or leave it!'

No Bull!

Great news. The autonomía of Catalonia has abolished bullfighting.
This is not the 'harnessing of predator on prey by man' nor is it 'vermin control' or 'wildlife management'.
I have spent a fair proportion of my life in Spain but have never put my money into supporting a bullfight by paying to go to a corrida.
In the 70s, bullfighting was shown on TV on Sunday afternoons in Spain so I have seen this vile spectacle in all of its gory glory. The wanton, stylised torture of an animal to death over some 20 minutes is indefensible.
Well done to the Catalans!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Scunthorpe Player Sam Togwell Demonstrates His Super Powers.

Simeon:The Nunc Dimittis.

     English (Book of Common Prayer, 1662):
'Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace : according to thy word.
For mine eyes have seen : thy salvation,
Which thou hast prepared : before the face of all people;
To be a light to lighten the Gentiles : and to be the glory of thy people Israel.'

Ta, Mate!

Countries with the Highest Density of Millionaires:
1.    Singapore    11.4%
2.    Hong Kong    8.8%
3.    Switzerland   8.4%
4.    Kuwait          8.2%
5.    Qatar            7.4%
6.    UAE               6.2%
7.    USA               4.1%
8.    Belgium        3.5%
9.    Israel            3.3%
10.  Taiwan          3.0%
More arriving by the day.  Money doesn't rush to autocracy, it goes to safety, security and good governance. Murdoch was once asked why he didn't set up in Singapore.  He said that he couldn't work there, because the government was too transparent for him. Ha ha ha! Classic!!!!  Did okay in those bastions of "freedom", USA and UK didn't he?

Suzanne Moore.

'Civilised democracies remove it [the death penalty] even if public support remains.'
Let me get this right here. I read a sentence wherein ALL logic is absent!
'A civilised society' allows people the freedom to butcher their fellows with no threat to their own life?
That is 'civilised'? - A strange usage of the word - particularly against the backcloth of the graph I recently showed of the massive ascent in UK murder rates post 1965 when capital punishment was abolished. TENS of thousands of extra murder victims (literally) since that shameful time do not fit into the definition of 'civilised' then.

How does that work?
As for Ms Moore's logical lapse in her failure to understand the meaning of the word 'democracy' - it simply beggars belief!

Biased Beeb And The 'Death By The Ten Thousand Cuts' Principle.

'The BBC has been accused of 'absurd political correctness' after dropping the terms BC and AD in case they offend non-Christians.
The Corporation has replaced the familiar Anno Domini (the year of Our Lord) and Before Christ with the obscure terms Common Era and Before Common Era.
Some of the BBC's most popular programmes including University Challenge, presented by Jeremy Paxman, and Radio 4's In Our Time, hosted by Melvyn Bragg, are among the growing number of shows using the new descriptions.'
Please, please, please write in and complain!
Read more:

£1.75 TRILLION Plan To 'Save the Euro'?

1] We are not part of the Eurozone.
2] Our people have never had the chance to vote on our membership of a federal state but only for a massively different Common Market.
There are many more reasons I could give as to why the UK must NOT agree to funding a single penny more but this pair should suffice to  win the moral argument by an overwhelming margin.
We have been playing 'pretend politics' as well as 'pretend economics' since 1973.
Enough is enough. Withdraw immediately to associate status.

What really hacks me off is that mealy-mouthed group who lecture us all and state that 'we are a democracy and people have had the chance to vote for anti-EU parties over the last three and a half decades.'
Which mainstream party would that be then? - Coz it certainly ain't the tories!
Our electoral system makes it nigh on impossible for others to succeed.
To go on to claim that people 'could have voted UKIP' is disingenuous in the extreme - particularly against the backcloth of European Elections where a not too unfair voting system turned UKIP into our second largest party - and with the genuine possibility of topping the poll next time around.
The irony is not lost on me!
The only solution to this mess is for voters to stop calling it 'a wasted vote' in Westminster elections and vote for UKIP consistently - and at every electoral opportunity. It may take a very long time - but what alternatives are there?
To try to sway opinion in the tory party is doomed to abject failure. They are a totally pro-EU outfit with handfuls of dissenters almost all of whom categorically refuse to join the 'Better Off Out Campaign'.
These same people then play a game of smoke and mirrors in which there is a double-pronged assault on the countless naive voters.
The first of these is the pretence that the EU is reformable - which is a manifest falsehood.
The second is to pretend that acquis commaunitaire - 'the ratchet method' of the EU or 'The-What-We-Win-We-Hold-Principle', in place since 1957, does not exist.

Sunday Telegraph Headline.

What is the point of the Labour Party?
Janet Daley.
I actually didn't bother to read any further, mind you I did think that the scope of - whatever the article was - was rather too limited!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


It is comforting but nonetheless still a fallacy that hell is reserved for the likes of Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin as well as Ant & Dec.
The truth is that it is exclusively the destination for any who do not accept God's free - but expensively purchased at The Cross - gift of salvation.

Er ... No Thanks!

Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner, is calling for a European Criminal Policy. (Mail.)
She evidently wants it to do for justice what the CAP and CFP have done for farmers and fishermen!

Mencken With An 'Old Favourite' Quote.

'No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.'H. L. Mencken

(Variants of this wisdom also exist attributed to other 'famous folk'.)

This pithy saying underlines the indisputable fact that mankind's thin veneer of civilisation is heading toiletwards at a rapid rate of knots!

Dr Therese Coffey.

The MP for Suffolk Coastal, Dr Therese Coffey, has presented a Ten Minute Rule Bill in parliament that would guarantee access to food and water for those who are terminally ill.
She said:
"Decisions taken to remove nutrition and hydration are not easy.
“However end of life palliative care is about allowing people to die as painlessly as possible, withdrawing hydration and nutrition in some cases, without the family knowing does not do this.
“Death comes to us all and without being too morbid, we have to acknowledge it happens and actually think a little bit about how we want it to happen.
“I am strongly opposed to euthanasia and assisted suicide. However, that doesn't mean that I think someone has to be constantly resuscitated to prolong the life of someone who may have just days to live." [Christian Concern.]

The bill will inevitably fail because of a lack of time.

Gem Discovered In The Yorkshire Post.

From: Martin Smith, Main Street, Elvington, York.
AT the Liberal Democrat (a misnomer if ever there was one) Conference, Vince Cable declares that the current economic strife is the equivalent of being at war.
The facts are that anyone trying to run a business in the private sector during the last two decades have been at war, fighting a tidal wave of regulation introduced by politicians with no inkling of what it takes to run a profitable enterprise.
The accumulation of expensive social policies, and the accompanying penal taxation regime, had already placed British industry at a competitive disadvantage.
The banking crisis together with the freefall in commercial property values has produced an environment where many businesses can neither borrow sufficiently or have the comfort of a significant commercial freehold asset on their balance sheet.
What we need is a radical programme of real job creation accompanied by a low tax enterprise environment – something which seems beyond the vision of any current mainstream political party.
The Liberal Democrats blind adherence to all things EU, their obsession with wind farms and green taxes,and their belief in penal taxation are basically a socialist recipe for further economic woe – one that is currently being visited on the country aided by an apologist Prime Minister who is clearly a disciple of the Blair principles of spin over substance.

I Expect That It's Only A Matter Of Time Before I'm In Trouble In The UK, Then.

'A couple in California have been fined after holding Bible studies twice a week in their spacious home in Southern California.
According to City officials in San Juan Capistrano, Chuck and Stephanie Fromm are in violation of a municipal code which prohibits “religious, fraternal or non-profit” organisations in residential neighbourhoods without a permit.' [Christian Concern.]
Soviet-style atheism - here we come!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Scream, Scream, Scream!

'Dr Richard Scott, 51, appeared before a disciplinary hearing after allegedly talking to the patient about Jesus in a way the General Medical Council described as ‘insensitive, exploitative and inappropriate’.
The GMC heard Dr Scott had ‘crossed the line’ by allegedly suggesting the  ‘suicidal and vulnerable’ patient could  be helped by Christianity rather than  his own faith.
The married GP is one of six Christian partners at a medical centre which states on its website that spiritual matters are likely to be discussed with patients during consultations.'
Your choice!

Scientists Wrong On Key Issue? - Surely Not!

Speed of light 'broken' by scientists

It was Albert Einstein, no less, who proposed more than 100 years ago that nothing could travel faster than the speed of light.

Speed of light 'broken' by scientists: Speed of light 'broken' by scientists
Einstein’s theory of special relativity, proposed in 1905, states that nothing in the universe can travel faster than the speed of light.
But last night it emerged that the man who laid the foundations for the laws of nature may have been wrong.
The science world was left in shock when workers at the world’s largest physics lab announced they had recorded subatomic particles travelling faster than the speed of light
If the findings are proven to be accurate, they would overturn one of the pillars of the Standard Model of physics, which explains the way the universe and everything within it works.

The Barnett Formula.

Only English students have to pay £9,000 per year to attend a four-year course at a Scottish university. European students enjoy the same free tuition as the Scots which adds insult to injury.
Gratitude for The Barnett Formula, do you think?


We have had a host of TV programmes on the so-called 'educational channels' of SKY.
'Educational?' - Purest rubbish from history based on relics has featured widely in a number of allegedly 'serious' programmes.
The Shroud of Turin, 4 Spears of Christ, multiple pieces of 'the true cross' - with enough bits extant to make a small skyscraper - crowns of thorns, cloths imbued with the 'blood (or sweat) of Christ', crucifixion nails, holy grails in abundance. What a load of tosh! ALL without serious provenance!
Most would have been out and out frauds with just a few having 'a soupçon of added optimism'.
Why do so many fall prey to this guff along with fingers, toenails, hair and even skin of so-called saints? Head of John The Baptist anyone? - Which one?
The Bible simply describes all believers as having sainthood!
Christianity is a religion based on FAITH and The GRACE of GOD. Demanding as it does, that we have a relationship with God The Son - all of the rest is trivial nonsense.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Troy Davis.

It seems that Troy Davis was almost certainly guilty of the murder for which he was executed. The appeals have been many and any miniscule doubts have been magnified by 'the usual suspects' in order to gain a propaganda coup.
As a firm believer that those who kill earn the right to lose their own lives, there are two points which should perhaps be made here.
No man should have to serve a 22 year prison sentence with added psychological pressures beyond the norm and THEN be executed. The system is very poor indeed. This execution should not have gone ahead on those grounds alone.
Irrespective of all of the above, it seems likely that Davis became a Christian whilst facing 'the needle'.
I wonder if that would have happened if a mere term of imprisonment had been imposed?

Stuff opinion. Grant Special Treatment To The 'Special Interest Groups'.

'We have said this before, but it is worth saying again: When evolutionists have to campaign to get governments and law courts to enforce the teaching of their beliefs, and ban any criticism or opposing beliefs, they are admitting their ideas cannot stand up to serious scientific critique. If evolution was good science it would stand up to any honest scrutiny, so there would be no need to hide behind politicians and lawyers. Furthermore, they cannot hide behind the excuse of public funding for schools. As the Guardian reminded its readers, it seems a majority of British adults [Ipsos- Mori Survey] i.e. the public who supplied the funds, do not want creation and intelligent design banned from schools.'
John Mackay.
 You may be suprised to learn that I do not necessarily advocate the teaching of creationism in schools. I would quite happily settle for a system which teaches the evolutionary hypothesis BUT has to backtrack on any scientific issue once disproved and nor would permit discredited data or anything which is opinion or guesswork. (Sauces - gooses - ganders and so on.)
So. Out would go: peppered moths, Galapagos finches, natural selection as an engine for evolution, long ages for coal formation, the geological column etc, etc.


Have you ever thought seriously about the Popeye cartoons? Ask yourself why he and Bluto were always in punchups!
Then let us think deeply about several vital issues here:
1) Why was it morally acceptable for the small guy to take performance-enhancing vegetables?
2) Why didn't the muscular guy do the same?
3) Was Bluto actually stealing the higher moral ground by refusing to take selective androgen receptor modulator equivalents?


A poll conducted by the Forsa Institute for Stern shows that 18% of Germans are in favour of rescuing Greece in contrast with 80% who are against.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Breaking Ranks?

NOBEL PHYSICIST RESIGNS OVER CLIMATE CLAIMS, according to Fox News 14 September 2011 and International Business Times 15 September.
Ivar Giaever, a former professor with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, and winner of the Nobel Prize in physics 1973, has resigned from the prestigious American Physics Society (APS) because he rejects their official stance on global warming. The society claims that the evidence for man-made global warming is “incontrovertible”. In his resignation letter Giaever wrote: “In the APS, it is ok to discuss whether the mass of the proton changes over time and how a multi-universe behaves, but the evidence of global warming is incontrovertible? ... The (APS) claim is that the temperature has changed from ~288.0 to ~288.8 degree Kelvin in about 150 years, which (if true) means to me that the temperature has been amazingly stable, and both human health and happiness have definitely improved in this ‘warming’ period”.


'The owner of the “Teach Evolution, not Creationism” website is the British Humanist Society.'

Utter Tripe!

The average adult spends FOUR years of their life with a hangover, a study has revealed.
The survey of 2,000 adults was by YorkTest.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...