.... otherwise known as A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO EXTORTION!
Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Go For It!

It claims that the online and mobile service it is now offering puts God into the 21st Century for those who may not connect in traditional ways.
The service will provide users with "uplifting messages" via social network Twitter and mobile text messages.' (Radio Humberside.)
Bye Bye?
'The Deputy Prime Minister delivered his strongest rebuke so far to Tory Eurosceptics hoping to reclaim powers from Brussels.
Mr Clegg, whose Liberal Democrats are traditionally pro-European, said rewriting the EU's founding texts would open a "Pandora's Box" and leave the continent paralysed when it should be focused on restoring economic growth.' (Telegraph.)
South African Doctor: 'We need theology of ongoing prayer for healing.'
Perhaps a S. African Doctor has the right idea:
Doctor Frans Cronje from South Africa spoke in an exclusive interview with the Christian Telegraph during the 8th annual International Conference of Christian Doctors in Australia about our need to develop a better understood theology of ongoing prayer for healing.
Watching Labour Heave Leftwards.
'Ed Miliband will find out the hard way that, whatever doubts Mondeo Man has about boardroom pay and City bonuses, his doubts about socialism are still greater.' Janet Daley.
'Care In The Community' Has Always Been A Mighty Failure.
'The controversial ‘care in the community’ approach to treating the mentally ill has been a £100 billion failure, a report warns today.

But it warns that the cost to society has been even higher, with social costs, the impact of lost working days and family breakdown taking the total bill to a ‘completely unsustainable’ £105 billion.' (Mail.)
Early Winter.
It is time we stopped putting the clocks back just to keep the Scots happy. Let there be a different time zone north of the border which would be fair to everybody.
Effectively, with such early evenings - winter has arrived early.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Ecclesiastes 4.
9 Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labour:
10 If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
12 Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Humanity really must learn to work with each other to the benefit of all!
because they have a good return for their labour:
10 If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
12 Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Humanity really must learn to work with each other to the benefit of all!
Simon Watkins.
'But the package of measures also contained some plans that mark the beginning of the end for national self-determination among eurozone countries.
The problem was always that the euro was a currency looking for a nation state.'
When was this ever not the plan?
The problem was always that the euro was a currency looking for a nation state.'
When was this ever not the plan?
RIP Jimmy.
A man who believed that faith should have good works accompanying it. No do-gooder, he - merely somebody who did countless good things to help others.
(Yes, alright - I know he was a bit odd but that's what made him so endearing.)
(Yes, alright - I know he was a bit odd but that's what made him so endearing.)
Saturday, October 29, 2011

You'd almost think that the EU is not on our side, wouldn't you DAVE? - You seem surprised.
Heffer Reports!

Better than that — and here, at last, there is something to be said for the 2007 Lisbon Treaty — such a free trade agreement would not be a matter of conjecture. Article 50 of Lisbon requires the EU to make a trade arrangement with any nation deciding to leave it.'
Don't Mess With Evil And It Won't Mess With You.
'She also admitted playing with an Ouija board with her sister, just before the activity flared up at the house.'
GIVE THE OCCULT A VERY WIDE BERTH!Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2054842/Enfield-Poltergeist-The-amazing-story-11-year-old-North-London-girl-levitated-bed.html#ixzz1c9Su5Nhv
Mail Poll.
The only thing here to surprise me is (Q10) that the poll has tory voters saying that Cameron is 'doing a good job'. That is strange - to say the least.
Perhaps it is just a relief that Labour are no longer in power.
Where Precisely Did This Wretch Put Such Tosh In The Labour Manifesto?

Mr Blair added that migrants had made Britain 'stronger’ and said those calling for greater curbs on foreigners entering the country were wrong.'
The trouble is that he actually represents the whole gamut of socialist thinking as found in Labour and Lib Dems and over at least a half of the current tory party!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2054903/Tony-Blair-defends-opening-door-mass-migration.html#ixzz1c9OrDufl
Joanna Yeates.

David and Theresa Yeates welcomed the guilty verdict and life sentence against the sex monster. The punishment will mean he spends at least 20 years behind bars.' Express.
Christians are told in Romans 12 that vengeance is absolutely wrong.
Tragically, our society helps foment such feelings by not having either a righteous or scriptural or justice-based system of punishments.
If retributive punishments are properly in place, not feeling vengeful becomes considerably easier.
When a man like Tabak escapes so lightly after such a terrible crime - it is almost impossible for most people in the position of the Yeates family to put aside their negative and self-damaging feelings.
They do not just feel the wreckage of their family but our current social setup beckons them alluringly towards serious spiritual damage.
I cannot know what their 'state of grace' is but I do know that society has hurt them to such a depth that they are going to be having 'a life sentence' which will not end a mere 20 years down the line!
All I have stated here is an outline of the current situation. I must also attempt to say what this family must now do - irrespective of the above.
If they cannot forgive Tabak - they must, at the very least, be prepared to forgive.
Today, Most Christians Don't Even Know What Intercessory Prayer Is.

He and his wife were later missionaries in Africa. He was led down the path of intercession for many years, before seeing Revival across Southern Africa from 1915-1920. The rise of Adolf Hitler and the outbreak of World War II also marked a period of strong activity in Howells' ministry of intercession.In 1924 he founded the Bible College of Wales.
The man who led the way in intercessory prayer.Friday, October 28, 2011
When You Have No Death Penalty - You Have No Solution For A Robert Black!
There are almost certainly at least a dozen photos which might be added to this list.
Christians should stop pretending that the Bible does not advocate death for such as he. Jesus Himself spoke of 'millstones'. His 'turn the other cheek' was for individuals and NOT for society - which in fact, 'bears the sword'.
Which is the more revolting? - To execute a Robert Black or to permit such naked evil to continue on this planet?
Psalm 58. Still Valid 3,000 Years On.
1] Do you rulers indeed speak justly?
Do you judge people with equity?
2] No, in your heart you devise injustice,
and your hands mete out violence on the earth.
Do you judge people with equity?
2] No, in your heart you devise injustice,
and your hands mete out violence on the earth.
Good News From Iraq? - Brilliant!
Christians given land in northern Iraq for church and other facilities.
Christians in the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan have been given two acres of land worth $2 million to build a multi-purpose centre that will include a church, seminary, medical clinic and school.
The Grace Baptist Cultural Centre will be built in the town of Simele, with the first phase of the facility scheduled to be completed next year.
The land was granted by the governor of the regional government in Dohuk. Deputy Governor Gurgis Shlaymun, an Assyrian Christian, attended a ceremony to mark the occasion at the end of last month. He pledged his support for the project and spoke openly about the spiritual dimension of the centre.
Source: BarnabasFund.
The land was granted by the governor of the regional government in Dohuk. Deputy Governor Gurgis Shlaymun, an Assyrian Christian, attended a ceremony to mark the occasion at the end of last month. He pledged his support for the project and spoke openly about the spiritual dimension of the centre.
Source: BarnabasFund.
Good, Old Fashioned Common Sense In The YP.
From: Iain Morris, Caroline Street, Saltaire, Shipley.
WHEN I was a student on the post-graduate Certificate of Education course at Manchester Polytechnic in 1971/72, we were taught that one of the things which children need more than anything else are boundaries.
When a child can hit a teacher or tell a teacher where to get off, there are no boundaries.
WHEN I was a student on the post-graduate Certificate of Education course at Manchester Polytechnic in 1971/72, we were taught that one of the things which children need more than anything else are boundaries.
When a child can hit a teacher or tell a teacher where to get off, there are no boundaries.
And These Are Just The Few We Know About!
'Repeat offenders committed more than 500,000 offences in a year, with more than half of these carried out by career criminals each with more than 25 previous offences, figures show. These included some 3,400 serious violent or sexual offences, and a fifth of the offenders who returned to crime were juveniles, the latest figures for 2009 released by the Ministry of Justice reveal.Other figures also published on Thursday show 134 dangerous criminals were charged with murder, rape or another serious offence in 2010/11, despite being monitored by the authorities.It is the first time that the number of offences committed by offenders who have returned to crime, 510,000 in 2009, has been published.More than 10,000 burglars went on to commit another 1,800 domestic burglaries within a year, and almost 3,000 thefts.' (Aol news.)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Please Support.
'Churches throughout the world are being encouraged to stand shoulder-to-shoulder to pray for Christians who are persecuted for their faith on the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). The Day of Prayer is being held in the UK and Ireland on Sunday November 6, and Release International is offering a range of materials and ideas to help churches take part.'
A Gift.
Please give a gift which means a great deal to all your sensible friends - preferably with a recommendation and an E Mail this very day!
Bully Boys.

The Work and Pensions Secretary and former Conservative leader had an extraordinary stand-up row with Chief Whip Patrick McLoughlin as MPs were ordered to oppose a referendum on Britain’s future in the EU.'
Even so - where is the name of IDS on the Better Off Out Campaign list?Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2053974/IDS-threat-quit-I-wont-vote-Eurosceptic-principles-warns-ex-leader.html#ixzz1bxY1uUyf
- Peter Bone (Conservative Party)
- Gregory Campbell MLA (Democratic Unionist)
- Douglas Carswell (Conservative)
- Christopher Chope OBE (Conservative)
- David T C Davies (Conservative)
- Philip Davies (Conservative)
- The Right Hon. Nigel Dodds OBE MLA BL (Democratic Unionist Party)
- The Right Hon. Jeffrey Donaldson MLA (Democratic Unionist)
- Gordon Henderson (Conservative)
- Philip Hollobone (Conservative)
- Dr. William McCrea MLA (Democratic Unionist)
- Austin Mitchell (Labour)
- David Nuttall (Conservative)
- The Hon. Ian Paisley, Jr. (Democratic Unionist)
- Andrew Percy (Conservative)
- Mark Reckless (Conservative)
- Laurence Robertson (Conservative)
- Jim Shannon GSM TD MLA (Democratic Unionist)
- Richard Shepherd (Conservative)
- David Simpson MLA (Democratic Unionist)[
- Sammy Wilson (Democratic Unionist)
(Ever feel that you've been had?)
RIP Bert Jansch - One Of The Greatest Guitarists Ever To Live.
I was upset to find out yesterday about the untimely death to cancer of that brilliant, innovative and inspirational guitarist, Bert Jansch.
I missed a gig of his in Worksop about 12 or so years ago and had been eagerly awaiting him coming to perform in South Yorkshire. Sadly, it was not to be and I never did get to see him live.

Fortunately however, I did catch him performing as part of Pentangle at Sheffield University back in 1972 - or thereabouts. So that will have to do.
I understand that he had led a 'hard-living' sort of life so I do pray that his Glaswegian upbringing may have eventually brought about a personal encounter with The Saviour.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
I Did Not Know That Our Ken 'Did Irony'.
MORE Votes For UKIP?
'Coalition tensions over Europe exploded into the open last night as Nick Clegg told Tory rebels a ‘smash and grab raid’ to claw back powers handed over to Brussels would never take place under this Government.' (Mail.)
The Persecution Marches On.
'A public sector employee in Manchester has been demoted after he posted comments on his private facebook page questioning the idea of homosexual ‘marriages’ taking place on religious premises.' reports Christian Concern for our Nation.
Too Sensible To Ever Be Implemented?
'Britain’s “terrible” employment laws are undermining economic growth and should be overhauled, according to the confidential report obtained by The Daily Telegraph (See Link.).
It says that British workers should be banned from claiming unfair dismissal so that firms and public sector bodies can find more capable replacements.

Maybe what is suggested here simply goes too far.
Industrial Tribunals are currently handing down absurd decisions.
Maybe everything could be changed with one single adjustment. All claimants should be forced to prove their case. Currently, there is effectively an assumption of guilt against the employer which, as MITK has indicated, now means that employers simply pay off employees as the tribunals are long, costly and horrendously balanced against them. (Been there - done that - got the Tee Shirt.)
With my system, those unfairly sacked would still be able to get no-win-no-fee lawyers to act on their behalf but there would inevitably be a filtering out of the wasters, the liars, the shirkers and the vexatious litigants who are all winning at the moment.
Inevitably, with the shackles off, more employers would be prepared to 'take the risk' of employing extra staff.
I reckon that this measure could easily see unemployment cut by a six figure sum.
(Ne'er forget the sinister dead hand of the ECHR lurking in the background here!)http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/jobs/8849420/Give-firms-freedom-to-sack-unproductive-workers-leaked-Downing-Street-report-advises.html
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
What About Christians Who Are Persecuted, Cameron?
'Ann Widdecombe, the former Tory minister, will tomorrow claim the Government is turning a blind eye to abuse of Christians around the world while piling pressure on those who target sexuality.
In a speech in London, she will say “hedgehogs” have a better chance of being protected by the Government.
Miss Widdecombe has hit out following reports that David Cameron has threatened to slash aid to poor African countries that persecute gay people.' (Daily Telegraph.)
Ryanair - Again.
'But when one party found ground crews applying sticky tape to a cockpit window, they feared the penny-pinching had gone too far.
Twenty minutes after take-off, the service from Stansted airport to Riga in Latvia was forced to turn back when the patch came loose and started making a ‘loud’ noise.'
No regular reader of this Blog can ever be in the slightest doubt about my feelings toward this appalling organisation!Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2052751/Ryanair-flight-turns-TAPE-pilots-window-comes-loose.html#ixzz1bnHOpUsZ
Well, Well, Well.
Democracy denied to the British people by the quislings of the Westminster Parliament!
The tories - and Labourites for that matter - who voted for the EU referendum yesterday should all be asked a rather telling question.
How many of them have signed up to The Freedom Association's 'Better Off Out Campaign?'
THAT is the rub!
The tories - and Labourites for that matter - who voted for the EU referendum yesterday should all be asked a rather telling question.
How many of them have signed up to The Freedom Association's 'Better Off Out Campaign?'
THAT is the rub!
'Most Britons want to see immigration reduced but want the Government to focus on cutting the number of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers instead of foreign students and skilled workers, a survey has showed.'
(Research by Oxford University's Migration Observatory.)
Aol News brings us the ... er ... the ... er .... blindingly obvious!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Nice One, Florrie!
"It may seem a strange principle to enunciate as the very first requirement in a Hospital that it should do the sick no harm." [1859] Florence Nightingale.
Accurate Mail On Sunday Headline!
'Only when all three parties tell you that something is right, can you be certain it is wrong.'
Ruth 1:16. King James Version (KJV).
16And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.
Patrick McLoughlin Shows The Tory Truth?
'There are reports that up to 100 rebel Conservative MPs may defy the Prime Minister, there were claims that some had been subjected to a number of threats by Patrick McLoughlin to make them toe the line' - on the matter of an EU referendum.(Mail On Sunday.)
What these are doing is a typical tory posturing device - so as not to fall out with constituents.
What these are doing is a typical tory posturing device - so as not to fall out with constituents.
Kate Hoey MP.
Well done to Labour's Kate Hoey for standing up against the LibLabCon mafia whose attempts to ensure that the people are not consulted on our membership of that evil empire otherwise known as the European Union, are criminal and anti-democratic.On Sky News yesterday - she was most impressive!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Good Old AI.
I note with interest that Amnesty International is demanding an enquiry into the death of Gaddafi.
By fair means or foul they demand that the likes of the colonel must never face death for their multiple atrocities. We must all admit to the horror of what occurred but in Libya - could you really have been expecting 'rule of law'?
It is hard to believe that they are so out of kilter with both reality and justice.
My view? - Sic semper tyrannis!
By fair means or foul they demand that the likes of the colonel must never face death for their multiple atrocities. We must all admit to the horror of what occurred but in Libya - could you really have been expecting 'rule of law'?
It is hard to believe that they are so out of kilter with both reality and justice.
My view? - Sic semper tyrannis!
Friday, October 21, 2011
And In The UK?
A Spanish priest from Zaragoza has just been convicted of 'marrying' illegal immigrants to Spaniards in rather large amounts.
What would have happened in the UK? - A community penalty? A year 'inside' perhaps?
This guy got - wait for it - twenty nine years!
What would have happened in the UK? - A community penalty? A year 'inside' perhaps?
This guy got - wait for it - twenty nine years!
Ephesians 3.
Are you convinced by the 'mystery element' or 'hidden knowledge factor' claimed by assorted religious groups such as; gnostics, scientologists, theosophists, Christian Kabbalists, masons et al?
Do you really believe that the way to God is wrapped up like a riddle in a cryptic crossword?
On Sunday in Church last Sunday, we studied Ephesians 3. The simplicity of the route to salvation is made abundantly clear.
May I commend that chapter to you?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Fury as Ricky Gervais ridicules Down's syndrome children with 'two mongs don't make a right' Twitter.
Gervais has never been funny;always annoying and is clearly one sick buffoon!
Update: All credit to Gervais for his public apology - but when forced one must always wonder as to the degree of remorse therein.
Please pray for this man - I most certainly do!
Trichet - We Were ALL Warned - Repeatedly.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
'Liam Fox: Another Zombie Falls off the Roof.' Sean Gabb.
Dunno quite what to make of this piece - it certainly is very lucid and clearly written by a man with a depth of understanding. Sadly though - as he himself admits - he does not have a solution although I do know that in the past he has encouraged electoral support for UKIP.
What catches my attention, though, is the case of Liam Fox. He was, until made to resign a few days ago, the civilian head of our armed forces. Even by the low standards of British politics, he was useless in the job. His strategic choices were all made in Washington. His spending choices followed every shift in the balance of power between multiple and irreconcilable interest groups. Not surprisingly, he continued sending our men off to be shot at in places like Afghanistan – shot at for no reason he understood or dared state, and often shot at with no armour on their bodies and with P45s waiting in their post.
But, if he caught my attention, he also reminds me why I have mostly chosen to look away. He is worse than the run of his colleagues because he has blood on his hands. In himself, he is no worse than any other Minister. They are all stupid or corrupt or both. This is because every single Member of Parliament is stupid or corrupt or both – and is this by design. No one else is allowed in. The scandals that, every so often, end careers and maintain the lie of accountability have only two causes.
The first is that someone has broken the deal. If he obeys, he can have sex with people who would not otherwise look at him. He also gets the chance to puff out an already inflated salary with bribes and fraudulent expense claims. If he fails to obey, his previous corruptions are fed to the newspapers. The second is that many of these people are just like zombies on a rooftop – every so often, one shambles too close to the edge and falls over. I will assume that the second applies to Liam Fox – but, if he looks like a timeserver who would never dream of breaking his deal, I could easily be wrong.
I have no idea what is to be done about this. I have explained at some length why things are so awful, and how a patriotic government could make them better. What I cannot explain is how to get a patriotic government. Except at the margin, elections change nothing. Only vetted and controlled candidates are allowed to win elections. Outsiders are either mad in the first place, or systematically hobbled. Preaching at the powers that be is a waste of time – these people are not, or do not regard themselves as, our fellow citizens. They are already getting too much of what they want to be swayed by considerations of expediency.
Sometimes, I rather like the idea of a military coup. The problem here is that, while, set beside the trash who employ them, they are moral and intellectual giants, I have yet to meet any soldiers who strike me as up to the job of seizing power. Sometimes, I tell myself that the system will eventually become so obviously evil, and so obviously incompetent, that it will rot away by itself, and be replaced by new and voluntary institutions. But I have never believed this longer than half an hour.
For what it may be worth, my present view is that things are not yet bad enough to provoke radical change. Doubtless, anyone brought forward from about 1960, and given time to see past our electronic toys, would be shocked by what has happened. Even so, things are still better here than virtually anywhere else. I think it is the managers of Tesco who claim, on the basis of what they sell, that there are twenty million illegal immigrants in this country. I know from experience that you can sometimes walk for an hour in South East London and not see an English face. But, whatever else may be said about it, the scale of this immigration – and not only from the usual slagheaps – indicates that we have some way yet to go before people think it worth pulling Ministers out of their cars and disembowelling them in the street. By then, I expect that a solution will have suggested itself. Search me, though, what this will be.
But I return to the case of Liam Fox. As said, he has not just squandered oceans of our money. He also has blood on his hands – the blood of our soldiers, and the blood of foreign civilians. This does not incline me to sympathy. He has directed his adult life to getting something that he will now not have. He is rather like one of those male insects who flap and buzz on swarming day, but are not strong enough to reach and impregnate a female. I have no idea what these unfortunates think as they run out of energy and fall back to the ground, where they get their heads snipped off. But I do like to think this man has just enough intelligence to be unhappy.I agree that gloating is not a positive response to the collapse of civilisation in England. But, until I can think of anything better, I plan to gloat hard and gloat often.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
.... Er ... Well ....Yeees.
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Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
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