Saturday, June 30, 2012

Our French Friends Do Not Stop Him!

The Mr Big making a mockery out of our immigration 'crackdown': The gangmaster smuggling 5,000 people a year into Britain from shacks near French village

people smuggler Fahruddun
He calls himself 'Fahruddin' and is in charge of a multi-million-pound people-trafficking operation that every year smuggles 5,000 migrants from all over the world into Britain from northern France. His activities make a mockery of claims by David Cameron that Britain's immigration controls have got tougher. (Mail)


75 years old today. Happy birthday.
(Don't forget the alternative.)

The Red Flag - Still Toxic After All These Years.

SHAME on Miliband & Harridan Harperson! SHAME! Singing an anthem responsible for the greatest tyranny in modern history: a flag dowsed in the blood of tens of millions. SHAME ON YOU!

Hell - It is Entirely Optional.

Frankie Boyle.

I simply cannot believe that a leftist comic of Frankie Boyle's dignity, stature and integrity could possibly have 'been pulling a fast one' to avoid paying the taxes which us lesser mortals have to stump up.
It is probably a piece of 'concocted rightwing propaganda from those fascists at the Daily Mail.'
NO!  He is a lovely chap and we shouldn't ever forget it!

Luis Palau.

'Evangelism is not an option for the Christian life.' Luis Palau

Help Our Nation - It's Easy.

Why not join UKIP - the only party truly working for the majority of voters?


The EU's Relative Economic Importance: The Wisdom Of Professor Tim Congdon - 3

• So the Eurozone will by 2016 represent only an eighth of world output. But it is important to realize that - with a declining population and other nations catching up – its relative economic importance will fall in later decades.
• If the 2%-a-year growth differential between the Eurozone and the rest of the world seen in the 2000 – 2015 period were to continue, by 2050 the Eurozone would be a mere 5% of world output. (Yes!)
• It would be crazy for the UK to base its long-run economic strategy on a permanent association with an area in severe relative economic decline.

From Paul's Letter To The Church In Salonika.

Do Not Approach These Men!

Don't know who they are? Here's a hint - they control your life.

'I Am A Realistic, Optimistic Eurosceptic’?

Who uttered those words yesterday?
If you do not already know - take a guess. Go on, do!
As you might expect - it is somebody dead easy to spot from the description.
What? - You need just one more clue, you say?
Okay - he is a prime minister.
Still not able to match the conflicting information?
If I give you just a bit more - he is two-faced, untrustworthy and trying to delude voters by waving around an old chestnut?
I'll leave you to ponder the conundrum!

2007 Figures - It's Worse Now!

The EU’s costs of £310 billion are 25% of our entire £1,330 billion economy (GDP 2007).

Dolphin On Video Kisses Dog Shock.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Recommended. Modern Thriller With Christian Undertones.

Rother Valley Church, Sheffield.

Worship, Warmth and Welcome. WWW Dot in S. Yorkshire.

Religious Freedom In Canada Is Compromised.

Christian Worries In Egypt As Well As Syria.

Release International is calling on Foreign Secretary William Hague to keep human and religious rights at the forefront of any talks with Egyptian and Syrian authorities. The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party in Egypt has stated that religious freedom will be protected in the country and the nation will remain a civil state. ‘We welcome that,’ says Release UK Director Colin King, ‘but judging by the exodus of Christians from Egypt, many remain unconvinced. They are looking to President-elect Mursi to protect their security and guarantee their freedoms.
Christians in Egypt fear increased persecution following the popular vote for an Islamist President-elect, while Christians in Syria have been subject to attack, kidnap and murder as the conflict in that country continues.
While Release welcomes assurances from Egypt that religious freedom will be safeguarded following the election success of the Muslim Brotherhood, Release is calling for further action to make sure that Christian minorities in Egypt and Syria are protected.
Egypt's newly elected president, Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, is vowing to elect a Christian and a woman as two vice presidents in an attempt to unify his government and people amid a period of uncertain turmoil. (Christian Post.)

Immigration Is Out Of Control.

One VERY Good Reason Never To Vote LibLabConGreen.

Throughout all of the EU's financial crises, when have the leaderships of these parties ever admitted that they were WRONG about the beneficial nature of the EU?
They have blamed bankers - a part of the story. They have blamed individual nations for profligacy - also not untrue.
BUT why have they not considered the root cause of all the problems - A Eurozone DESIGNED to politically enmesh [translation: 'hogtie'] nations rather than to benefit them economically! An imperialistic exercise - no more, no less.
So - NO forthcoming apologies.
This is important because it means that they are all in denial and are still trying to make a doomed structure work.
The EU is beginning to make The League Of Nations look like a huge success story.
APOLOGISING is the first step to realism. Then let them scrap the EU in its entirety keeping nothing other than the basic elements of The Common Market for which our people voted back in 1975!
So what can we do? Keep voting UKIP under all or any circumstances - whether they stand a chance of election or they do not! We have no other hope!

'Human Rights' = A Paedophile's Charter.

Painted Bunting - USA.

Yes - it IS real.

Hugh Robertson - A Very Silly Man.

Witnesses state that what he actually said was: ‘I’m the Olympics minister. You should damn well know who I am.’ And he then said: ‘I’m on the television all the time.’
He'll never live this down. Such is the price of very public hubris!

All Those 'Really Tough' Sentences.

Controversial: Most of those jailed for their part in last summer¿s riots have already been released, it has emerged. This picture shows firefighters tackling a large fire in Croydon, LondonTen months on, most jailed rioters are back on the streets despite harsher sentences for those involved (Mail)

More than 700 people imprisoned for burglary, violent disorder, theft and other offences committed during the five-day outbreak of lawlessness across the UK had been released by the middle of this month.

Holocaust Denial.

It is troubling to me that there are seemingly growing numbers of people who are 'holocaust deniers'. It is sickening but nonetheless fortunate that so many photos and so much film was taken which shows us the truth.
Eisenhower predicted this trend.

UK 'Isolationism' Outside The EU: The Wisdom Of Professor Tim Congdon - 2.

• If the UK outside the EU would be ‘isolated’, then 160 countries accounting for 90% of world population and over 80% of world output are ‘isolated’ at present.
• If the UK outside the UK would be ‘isolated’, so would the USA, Japan, Canada and Australia. Most nations do not belong to the EU.
• Leaving the EU is not ‘little England’-ism. On the contrary, it is remembering that the UK belongs to a larger world of which the EU/Eurozone is only one part – and a diminishing part at that.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Finding A Career: How It Is.

'Hey. I am crude, obnoxious, foul-mouthed, leftwing, perverse, offensive, blasphemous, tedious, politically correct and unfunny.'
Hmm. I think I'll become a modern comedian!

Salvation: Every Human Being Needs To Know And Understand This.

To Be Fair To The Tories ....

Fearmongering Labour has insisted year on year, decade on decade, that the tories would attempt to demolish the NHS and sell off the remnants to the private sector.
When will they get it into their heads that this just ain't gonna happen? It is a lie.

More Money Into 'The Great Hole.'

David Cameron is expected to announce today that the UK will hand over £1.3billion to the European Investment Bank as part of an EU-wide growth plan. 

EU Regulation Is NOT Expensive.

EU Regulation - £100bn pa
The annual cost of regulations to industry, together with the cost the government quangos who enforce them, is now £100 billion per annum or 9% of our economy, according to the 2005 Anual Report of the Government's Better Regulation Task Force. David Arculus, its Managing Director says EU regulation is now our biggest industry (larger than tourism at £67 bn.) There are 113,500 regulations now; only 2% of them are not from the EU.
No. It is not expensive - we do not have any single word in the entire language to convey how truly horrific it all is.
Even 'profligate' doesn't get near!

So Whose Bright Idea Was It To Close All Those Successful Special Schools?


'Fox in charge of the chicken coop': Paul Mahoney Meet our new Euro human rights judge... who's not even a real judge: Top Strasbourg job for man who's never sat in a British court

Paul Mahoney (pictured) beat off two other candidates – including a QC who has acted for radical cleric Abu Qatada – to become a £150,000-a-year judge at the Strasbourg court.


Apparently people are griping that some rather wealthy 'comedian' or other has been arranging his tax affairs in a way which suits him.
Provided he keeps within the law - so be it.
BUT why are the rules so lax for the wealthy?
AND isn't it a miracle how so many leftwingers who always want to tax the rich 'til the pips squeak' are so consistent when their cash is in the centre of it all?
(Normally they hate hypocrisy but when their own money is threatened they are prepared to make an exception!
This is, and always has been, a leftist double standard. It goes a long way towards proving that socialism really is 'the politics of envy'.

Cyprus. Tra La La! Join The Party.

Cyprus on Monday became the fifth euro country to ask for help from the zone's bailout funds, hours after Spain formalised its request for a bank rescue.

Never mind - we'll be able to part fund it!

Is There A Homosexual War On Faith?

Alive - And How To Get There.

St Swithin's Day.

If it rains on St Swithin's Day in a couple of weeks - would that create an improvement?

Coffee IS Good For You. I KNEW It!

Drinking coffee regularly in moderation could reduce your risk of heart failure, US researchers have suggested.
Researchers from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston analysed data from five separate Swedish studies on coffee consumption and heart failure.
They found a significant link between daily, moderate coffee drinking and a lowered risk of heart failure.
Moderate coffee consumption was measured as two cups per day (based on American servings). Huffington Post.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Reading Books To Earn Cuts In Jail Sentences In Brazil.

I just LOVE this idea. It should be instituted in the UK and used to replace automatic releases after half a sentence has been served.
It would need to be rather better in the way it was introduced than described below and should be much wider in its educational scope.
Inmates could be assessed for educational abilities and then given carefully monitored educational incentives.
Those with poor arithmetical skills could be given targets; English skills could be improved; better educated prisoners could begin a foreign language.
The biggest drawback would be the incessant attempts by leftists to dilute standards and their inevitable attempts to introduce leftist thinking by stealth - a lot like they do in our current education system!

Cry Unto The Lord.

Lego At Its Best.

Sandra Parsons On School Discipline.

Shock News: Police Are Paper-Pushers.

Civilian lawyer Tom Winsor has been picked by Theresa May to be the next Chief Inspector of Constabulary
The Home Secretary's preferred choice to be the next chief inspector of constabulary, Tom Winsor.

Police spend their time behind desks typing rather than fighting crime, says new chief inspector of constabulary  (Mail)

Who'd have thought it?

Corner Shops.

We hear a great deal about the plight of the owners of small shop owners in the face of supermarket expansion and to an extent, I have sympathy - but only to an extent.
True - they are unable to bring buy-in costs to anywhere close to those of supermarkets but many have joined national groups which has meant that these differentials are not nearly as bad as might be thought.
My point is that I have encountered many instances in my life where local shopkeepers have pushed prices to the highest possible levels.
When has this happened? - Whenever that shop has some sort of monopoly in a particular area.
Happily, such monopolies are now much fewer as the vast majority can easily reach a decent supermarket.
Some small butchers and fruiterers et al can still withstand the onslaught of the supermarkets - and they do so by working to a principal of quality which supermarkets are seemingly unable to match.
It is not just Mr Fearnley-Whittingstall who can taste the difference with meat, eggs etc.

Opposition To Homosexual Marriage By The Chief Rabbi.

Dating The Gospel Of Luke By Norman Geisler.

The Gospel of Luke was written by the same author as the Acts of the Apostles, who refers to Luke as the 'former account' of 'all that Jesus began to do and teach' (Acts 1:1). The destiny ('Theophilus'), style, and vocabulary of the two books betray a common author. Roman historian Colin Hemer has provided powerful evidence that Acts was written between AD 60 and 62. This evidence includes these observations: 1. There is no mention in Acts of the crucial event of the fall of Jerusalem in 70.
2. There is no hint of the outbreak of the Jewish War in 66 or of serious deterioration of relations between Romans and Jews before that time.
3. There is no hint of the deterioration of Christian relations with Rome during the Neronian persecution of the late 60s.
4. There is no hint of the death of James at the hands of the Sanhedrin in ca. 62, which is recorded by Josephus in Antiquities of the Jews (
5. The significance of Gallio's judgement in Acts 18:14-17 may be seen as setting precedent to legitimize Christian teaching under the umbrella of the tolerance extended to Judaism.
6. The prominence and authority of the Sadducees in Acts reflects a pre-70 date, before the collapse of their political cooperation with Rome.
7. The relatively sympathetic attitude in Acts to Pharisees (unlike that found even in Luke's Gospel) does not fit well with in the period of Pharisaic revival that led up to the council at Jamnia. At that time a new phase of conflict began with Christianity.
8. Acts seems to antedate the arrival of Peter in Rome and implies that Peter and John were alive at the time of the writing.
9. The prominence of 'God-fearers' in the synagogues may point to a pre-70 date, after which there were few Gentile inquiries and converts to Jerusalem.
10. Luke gives insignificant details of the culture of an early, Julio-Claudian period.
11. Areas of controversy described presume that the temple was still standing.
12. Adolf Harnack contended that Paul's prophecy in 20:25 (cf. 20:38) may have been contradicted by later events. If so, the book must have appeared before those events.
13. Christian terminology used in Acts reflects an earlier period. Harnack points to use of Iusous and Ho Kurios, while Ho Christos always designates 'the Messiah,' and is not a proper name for Jesus.
14. The confident tone of Acts seems unlikely during the Neronian persecutions of Christians and the Jewish War with the Rome during the late 60s.
15. The action ends very early in the 60s, yet the description in Acts 27 and 28 is written with a vivid immediacy. It is also an odd place to end the book if years have passed since the pre-62 events transpired.

If Acts was written in 62 or before, and Luke was written before Acts (say 60), then Luke was written less than thirty years of the death of Jesus. This is contemporary to the generation who witnessed the events of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. This is precisely what Luke claims in the prologue to his Gospel:
Many have undertaken to draw up a record of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who were eye-witnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. [Luke 1:1-4]
Luke presents the same information about who Jesus is, what he taught, and his death and resurrection as do the other Gospels. Thus, there is not a reason to reject their historical accuracy either.

Second Law Of Thermodynamics Undermines The Evolutionary Hypothesis.

EU Quangos.

Cost of the EU's 8,500 quangos now well over £170 billion pa.

Give Thanks.

Survival Outside The EU? - The Wisdom Of Professor Tim Congdon - 1.

Can Britain survive outside the EU?
'Although the question is idiotic, it is implicit in phrasing which is common in speeches from enthusiasts for EU integration, e.g., from Clegg or Mandelson. Britain said to be ‘isolated’, ‘on the margin’ or ‘peripheral’ if not an EU member. But – on that basis – over 160 countries, accounting for more than 80% of world output, are ‘isolated’, ‘on the margin’, ‘peripheral’, etc!'


Former Failing Headteachers Recruited By Ofsted To Inspect Schools. (Headline Huffington Post.) 

Osborne's Exercise In Budget Folly Crumbles Further.

George Osborne Has Scrapped Fuel Duty Hike Scheduled For August. Petrol Taxes Frozen For The Remainder Of 2012.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Question: What Is The Principal Aim Of The EU?

Answer: To abolish the nation state by using a failing federalist plan which includes not only power grabs, imperialism and bureaucracy but also 'the jewel in its crown' - monetary union.
Please. If you have ever supported the EU (in any of its guises) APOLOGISE NOW to everybody you know!
The First Of Many!
I apologise to all that, although I had severe doubts about the whole project, I let myself be wooed by the weasel words of Wilson and the downright lies of Traitor Heath and, to my eternal shame, voted 'YES' in 1975.

Origen: Saint Or Heretic?

If you have any interest in Church history, you will be aware of the many debates regarding the orthodoxy of Origen, Bishop of Alexandria.
Most scholars today seem prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I stumbled across this online and maybe it will help you to decide:

Pray, Pray And Pray Again For Nigeria.

Suicide bombers have attacked Christians in Nigeria during Sunday worship for the third week running, with the death toll this time rising to more than 50.
In what is becoming an all too familiar pattern of extremist attacks, a suicide bomber rammed a car into a barricade outside the Evangelical Church Winning All church in Kaduna city on Sunday. At least 24 people were killed and 125 were wounded.
Within a few minutes, explosives were detonated at Christ the King Church in Zaria, also in Kaduna state, killing at least 16 and injuring dozens more, some of them critically. Many of the wounded in this second attack were children. Then a Pentecostal congregation called Shalom Church in Kaduna city was bombed, killing at least ten, according to the Red Cross.
The BBC reports that Islamist extremists Boko Haram have claimed responsibility for the three attacks – as they did for attacks in Plateau and Borno states on June 10 and in Bauchi state on June 3 (Prayer Alert, June 6 and 12).
(Release Int.)

Your Word, O Lord ...

Alex Brummer Tells It As It Is.

How Jesus Taught.

Lonesome George RIP. A Short, Recommended Video.

A Major Mistake.

There's none so blind ....
The US Supreme Court ruled in favour of three out of four of the President's arguments that the southwestern state was not entitled to set its own immigration policy and make it a crime for immigrants to not carry registration documents, or to seek employment without a work permit.
The favourable ruling came a week after President Obama seized the initiative on the immigration debate by announcing a partial amnesty for young illegal immigrants who will now not be deported if they came to the US with their parents. (Telegraph.)
What mistakes. It sends a wrong message to would-be illegals! Our government will turn out to be just as stupid, given time.

Where The Epistles Went.

Faith - Refined.

Our Country Is A Joke: A Total Laughing-Stock.

A burglar begging a judge to send him to prison must be a rare sight in any court.
And in the case of housebreaker Kierran Batchelor, the reason was equally unusual – his 10am meetings with his probation officer were wrecking his sleep patterns.
The 21-year-old had originally been handed a suspended 40-week sentence and supervision order after he burgled two houses in February.
  Read more: AND

The Campaign Against Irritating Adverts.

Paul Whitehouse.
There are certain products which are either irritating in the extreme OR hammered incessantly at us.
MY response is NOT to buy the products of such ads - or where I would not use them in any case, to encourage others not to do so.
NUMBER ONE. AVIVA car insurance!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...