The two-day Evangelistic Crusade Victorious Life For You has drawn an impressive crowd in Brazil. The event is in its 16th year and according to organizers more than 650,000 attended the event this year in Ponta Negra Beach, Amazonas state in the northwest of Brazil. Well-known televangelist Pastor Silas Malafaia, who led the event, preached the message "God is in control" and "How to be a complete person," leading nearly 11,000 to commit their lives to Christ over Aug. 25-26, 2012.
Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Absurdly overstated in the first instance. When did a Christian last burn someone at the stake? What relevance has this got for the 21st Century?
'Presenting with arguments'? If that was what was happening few would complain. Their attacks over the last decade are frequently vicious and attack basic human rights.
In any case - he argues that 'Christians have been wrong centuries ago - so they should suffer for that today.'
Would he use this kind of logic in other situations, I wonder?
The overweening arrogance of the new brand of atheists has seldom been better exemplified!
The Government Has Done Something Right.
It has made squatting illegal. This is decades overdue and extremely welcome.
The 'usual suspects' have been on Radio Humberside this morning talking about this change and saying that 'it will add to the problems of homelessness' - which, may I say, is a government or council problem and most emphatically NOT that of private property owners.
One Quarter Of Births In The UK To Foreign Born Mothers.
Add illegals and second generation births to the above and it can be seen that the entire nature of the nation is changing.
Whether this is a good or a bad thing, is not for me alone to decide but I am bemused that the native population of these islands has had NO DEMOCRATIC SAY whatsoever in this transformation over the last 50 years.
I suppose I shouldn't complain, after all, our liberal politicians 'do know precisely what is best for us!'
Whether this is a good or a bad thing, is not for me alone to decide but I am bemused that the native population of these islands has had NO DEMOCRATIC SAY whatsoever in this transformation over the last 50 years.
I suppose I shouldn't complain, after all, our liberal politicians 'do know precisely what is best for us!'
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Countries of origin. |
Lib Dems - The Cracks Are Beginning To Show.
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Watch yer back, Nick! |
Lord Oakeshott, a former Lib Dem Treasury spokesman and close ally of business secretary Vince Cable, said that since entering coalition with the Conservatives in 2010 the party had lost nearly half of its support and it would be hard to win it back with Clegg in charge. (Huffington Post.)
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Republicans Getting It Right.
GOP platform: unborn have 'fundamental' rights.
TAMPA, Fla. (BP) -- Republican National Convention delegates have adopted a platform that takes traditional stances on several issues, proclaiming the unborn child has a "fundamental individual right to life" and calling marriage between a man and a woman "the foundation of civil society." Baptist Press.
US President Next But One?
Sicko Comic Puts Foot In Mouth - AGAIN.
Boyle Twittered that the Saudi Arabian Paralympic team were 'mainly thieves'.
What a little charmer; what a sweetheart; what an egregious, self-opinionated abuser of oxygen.
Imagine if the Duke Of Edinburgh had said something mildly tactless. How this alleged funny man would have been 'shocked and horrified' right down to his two-faced, leftwing roots.
Pray for this man, please. He REALLY needs it!
Clegg Showed That He Is 'Not Fit For Purpose' - Stephen Glover Shoots Him Down In Flames,
Pie-In-The-Sky economics from the politically simple.
Pie-In-The-Sky economics from the politically simple.
Yorks Post On Halal.
From: Barrie Frost, Watson’s Lane, Reighton, Filey.
IT seems to belong to a long forgotten era when Britain could proudly boast of being a nation of animal lovers.There will always be unbelievable and isolated cases of animal cruelty in even the most caring country but it is the horrific slaughter of our farm animals which is very rapidly becoming an utter disgrace to a majority of our people.Probably few people think when lovingly gazing at a newly born lamb, calf or piglet, and thank goodness young children are totally unaware, that in a very short time too many of our animals will have their throats slit while still fully conscious, still then able to move and whimper before collapsing after around 30 seconds and then hung up by their back leg until all their blood drains.The huge number of immigrants who have wanted to come to live in Britain because, presumably, they envy our lifestyle, have decided they must alter our standards of behaviour and impose their beliefs, and our MPs appear to have bent over backwards to accommodate their wishes regardless of our animal welfare laws and animal husbandry.
But, just why does this disgusting ritual take place? Why cannot an animal be humanely stunned before being slaughtered?It is because the Holy Book of some religions say that before being slaughtered an animal should listen to the prayers of Allah, which are administered by the slaughterman, and it, obviously, cannot do this if it is unconscious. The animal must be eternally grateful for the concern and care shown to it by the supposedly superior human race, but as it is so unbelievably petrified, I doubt whether it is really listening. Because Britain’s politicians have decided that immigrants’ beliefs must be practised, more than 100 million of our animals are slaughtered each year in this barbaric and disgraceful manner with this figure growing alarmingly.
But, just why does this disgusting ritual take place? Why cannot an animal be humanely stunned before being slaughtered?It is because the Holy Book of some religions say that before being slaughtered an animal should listen to the prayers of Allah, which are administered by the slaughterman, and it, obviously, cannot do this if it is unconscious. The animal must be eternally grateful for the concern and care shown to it by the supposedly superior human race, but as it is so unbelievably petrified, I doubt whether it is really listening. Because Britain’s politicians have decided that immigrants’ beliefs must be practised, more than 100 million of our animals are slaughtered each year in this barbaric and disgraceful manner with this figure growing alarmingly.
Whatever happened to the British desire that all animals killed for human consumption must be humanely killed?
Halal meat is being served in hospitals, pubs and schools even though vets say Islamic slaughter is cruel. Waitrose,Tesco and fast food chains including McDonalds, famous sporting venues such as Ascot and Wembley are serving halal meat to unwitting customers.
Halal meat is being served in hospitals, pubs and schools even though vets say Islamic slaughter is cruel. Waitrose,Tesco and fast food chains including McDonalds, famous sporting venues such as Ascot and Wembley are serving halal meat to unwitting customers.
The senses of all animals are so superior to those of humans, appearing to many to be almost beyond comprehension. Their sense of smell and hearing being particularly acute. When transported to any abattoir they, quite obviously, are petrified as they can smell and hear the pitiful cries of death long, long before they reach their destination; so petrified they lose all control of their bodily functions but to then exacerbate their ordeal by their ritual killing is alien to many. Among all the stench they are lined up for slaughter, witnessing their imminent fate by seeing other animals horribly killed in this way. That such killing is supposedly done for religious beliefs does nothing to attract lesser believers to their cause, indeed, it adds weight to those who believe religion is the root cause of many of the world’s disputes and horrors.In the last few decades the number of abattoirs which are practising halal killing has increased alarmingly. Are we prepared to sacrifice our country’s high animal welfare standards to such questionable beliefs?Are our rulers so lacking in basic decency that they are prepared to “look the other way” and permit our country to sink deeper into the mire?
My dislike of Ryanair is well-established on this Blog. Currently, they are making a bid for Aer Lingus which would leave them they only serious air carrier based in Southern Ireland.
With an effective monopoly + their barely concealed love of filthy lucre, the outcome for consumers is bleak.
Perhaps, for once, the limitless powers of the EU could be used for the good of the people and this potential monopoly could be prevented.
With an effective monopoly + their barely concealed love of filthy lucre, the outcome for consumers is bleak.
Perhaps, for once, the limitless powers of the EU could be used for the good of the people and this potential monopoly could be prevented.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Coffee - The Panacea!
As chocolate is beginning to lose 'scientific credibility' in claims to help prevent heart disease 'coffee's star is on the rise'.
Apparently 6 cups daily will cut bowel cancer by around 40%.
It's about time we just ignored every report on all foods and drinks!
(Remember when coffee was the bête noire of every scientist?)
Apparently 6 cups daily will cut bowel cancer by around 40%.
It's about time we just ignored every report on all foods and drinks!
(Remember when coffee was the bête noire of every scientist?)
28% Increase For Councillors?
The Taxpayers' Alliance has revealed that a dozen councils have approved rises for councillors of an eye-watering 28%.
(Incidentally - UKIP believes in PUBLIC SERVICE as the main function of being a councillor!)
(Incidentally - UKIP believes in PUBLIC SERVICE as the main function of being a councillor!)
The Headline Says That ....
'Young jobless should do three months unpaid work or lose their dole.'
How can it be called 'unpaid' if they are receiving monies from the taxpayer?
How can it be called 'unpaid' if they are receiving monies from the taxpayer?
Clegg Is A Simplistic Socialist.
The Deputy Prime Minister said Britain’s wealthiest should be made to contribute more to the ‘economic war’, which has been made worse by the double-dip recession.
He said an extra ‘time-limited contribution’ from the rich would be seen as fair given the scale of Britain’s financial problems. (Mail)
Oh dear! Just how could anybody be so dim? - Well, to answer my own question - if you are a socialist by inclination ....
Nick, dear boy, few of us object to taxing the rich 'until the pips squeak' - that is not the point!
Taxes of this type simply cause the super-wealthy to cease acting as investors and entrepreneurs in the UK. They run away to 'kinder nations' - taking their cash with them!
This is a basic economic fact of life! - How come you do not grasp it?
History is littered with such examples.
You are too young to remember the Wilson Government's Super Tax at 98% -
IT UP! Uncover the consequences of that folly!
He said an extra ‘time-limited contribution’ from the rich would be seen as fair given the scale of Britain’s financial problems. (Mail)
Oh dear! Just how could anybody be so dim? - Well, to answer my own question - if you are a socialist by inclination ....
Nick, dear boy, few of us object to taxing the rich 'until the pips squeak' - that is not the point!
Taxes of this type simply cause the super-wealthy to cease acting as investors and entrepreneurs in the UK. They run away to 'kinder nations' - taking their cash with them!
This is a basic economic fact of life! - How come you do not grasp it?
History is littered with such examples.
You are too young to remember the Wilson Government's Super Tax at 98% -
Angela Merkel.
Reading as I do through so many political articles and releases about the EU, there is a constantly
recurring introduction to sentences which is starting to get my goat.
"Angela Merkel wants ...."
Aggressive Atheism Is On The Rise.
WASHINGTON (BP) - Hostility toward religious expression "has reached an all-time high" in the United States, according to a new report.
"The Survey of Religious Hostility in America" shows a rising tide of attacks on religious liberty in the public square and in schools as well as against churches and ministries, Liberty Institute (LI) and Family Research Council (FRC) said in the 140-page report. The organizations released the document Aug. 17 and held an Aug. 20 news conference at Tampa, Fla., during the Republican National Convention's platform committee meeting in that city.
The report, which is an update of a 2004 survey by LI, documents more than 600 instances of hostility toward religion -- hostility it says is dramatically growing in both frequency and type. Most have taken place in the last 10 years. Religious liberty advocates have prevailed in legal challenges in some of the incidents, not in others.
"America today would be unrecognizable to our Founders," said Kelly Shackelford, LI president, and Tony Perkins, FRC president, in the introduction to the survey. "Our first freedom is facing a relentless onslaught from well-funded and aggressive groups and individuals who are using the courts, Congress, and the vast federal bureaucracy to suppress and limit religious freedom. This radicalized minority is driven by an anti-religious ideology that is turning the First Amendment upside down." Baptist Press.
"The Survey of Religious Hostility in America" shows a rising tide of attacks on religious liberty in the public square and in schools as well as against churches and ministries, Liberty Institute (LI) and Family Research Council (FRC) said in the 140-page report. The organizations released the document Aug. 17 and held an Aug. 20 news conference at Tampa, Fla., during the Republican National Convention's platform committee meeting in that city.
The report, which is an update of a 2004 survey by LI, documents more than 600 instances of hostility toward religion -- hostility it says is dramatically growing in both frequency and type. Most have taken place in the last 10 years. Religious liberty advocates have prevailed in legal challenges in some of the incidents, not in others.
"America today would be unrecognizable to our Founders," said Kelly Shackelford, LI president, and Tony Perkins, FRC president, in the introduction to the survey. "Our first freedom is facing a relentless onslaught from well-funded and aggressive groups and individuals who are using the courts, Congress, and the vast federal bureaucracy to suppress and limit religious freedom. This radicalized minority is driven by an anti-religious ideology that is turning the First Amendment upside down." Baptist Press.
Loving My Neighbour.
A simple rule of thumb for this is to want the best for others and wherever possible, help to see that accomplshed.
Irritating Drivers For Fun?
I drove around Holderness a couple of days ago. It was an exercise in absurdity. Ridiculously low speed limits enforced (apparently) by 'safety cameras' were everywhere.
It was so ill-thought out that I had to assume that these limits were imposed by non-drivers with a totally anti-motorist agenda.
It was so ill-thought out that I had to assume that these limits were imposed by non-drivers with a totally anti-motorist agenda.
Anti-Immigration Is Not Anti-Immigrant. Golden Dawn Is An Unhappy Exception.
Anti-immigrant and nationalistic discourse has existed in Greece since the 1990s, say experts, but has become more radical with the economic crisis.
Voters are no longer ashamed to say publicly they support the neo-Facist Golden Dawn party.
Voters are no longer ashamed to say publicly they support the neo-Facist Golden Dawn party.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Pastor Behnam Irani: Condition Deteriorates. Please Pray.
Iranian pastor Behnam Irani, who is serving a five-year sentence, has finally been taken to the military hospital after becoming so ill that he became unconscious within the last week.
Irani has been severely beaten while in Karaj's Ghezel Hesar Prison– allegedly for crimes against national security but really for holding house church services and leading people to Christ. He has been finding blood in his stool, Present Truth Ministries reported Monday. After the hospital visit, it was discovered that the pastor was suffering from a bleeding ulcer.
Direct Link Found Between Promiscuity Levels And Sexual Scenes In Films.
Study Of Modern Languages.
Modern Languages are, I believe, the hardest subjects that one can teach in any school. Too many participants are disgruntled because the demands of the work are high and there is a need for pupils to use that area which educationists have insisted is so unimportant - MEMORY!
As a consequence, when forced to follow the subject across the board, there is a tremendous negativity from the 'consumers'.
When not forced to undertake a language, so many 'vote with their feet'.
This situation is difficult to remedy as the nation needs many more of our young people to be able to handle more than just their own tongue.
It is perhaps compounded because those pupils from lower sets may be being asked to attempt something which I personally consider to be unreasonable and can truly make their lives a misery - however much the pill is sugar-coated.
One possible solution would be to return to the system abandoned around the time that I was finishing my own school education.
Put simply, no would-be student should be allowed into university without at least one GCSE in a foreign language.
This would mean that there would be pressure on all potential university entrants to succeed in a language. The subject(s) would then be on a par with Maths and English and a desire to succeed in them made necessary.
Currently pupils recognise the essential nature of studying maths which so many consider to be a most difficult discipline. The added advantage to this ploy would be that students who know that they would not be university bound would not feel the need or obligation to do the subject and there is consequently a natural filtering by ability and/or interest in the subject itself.
As a consequence, when forced to follow the subject across the board, there is a tremendous negativity from the 'consumers'.
When not forced to undertake a language, so many 'vote with their feet'.
This situation is difficult to remedy as the nation needs many more of our young people to be able to handle more than just their own tongue.
It is perhaps compounded because those pupils from lower sets may be being asked to attempt something which I personally consider to be unreasonable and can truly make their lives a misery - however much the pill is sugar-coated.
One possible solution would be to return to the system abandoned around the time that I was finishing my own school education.
Put simply, no would-be student should be allowed into university without at least one GCSE in a foreign language.
This would mean that there would be pressure on all potential university entrants to succeed in a language. The subject(s) would then be on a par with Maths and English and a desire to succeed in them made necessary.
Currently pupils recognise the essential nature of studying maths which so many consider to be a most difficult discipline. The added advantage to this ploy would be that students who know that they would not be university bound would not feel the need or obligation to do the subject and there is consequently a natural filtering by ability and/or interest in the subject itself.
Yet More Power To Europe? - No Thanks!
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is pressing for a new EU treaty convention by December, despite opposition from many countries, Der Spiegel reports.
She is also revisiting the idea of the EU's top court being granted jurisdiction over national budgets.
She is also revisiting the idea of the EU's top court being granted jurisdiction over national budgets.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Our Wettest Ever Summer.
I am waiting to be informed that where 'global warming' is concerned - the above scenario 'fits the profile precisely!'
Funny how it was never formerly broadcast as one of the warmists' famous predictions, innit?
Funny how it was never formerly broadcast as one of the warmists' famous predictions, innit?
The Head Teachers Baying For Examiners' & Politicians' Blood Are Doing Everybody A Disservice!
Tanzanian Persecutions.
A 17-year-old Tanzanian girl has been sentenced to two years in prison after being accused of desecrating the Koran.

There have been signs of growing unrest in Tanzania against Christians. In May this year a 200-strong Islamist mob demolished three churches on the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar. A Christian leader said they were shouting, 'Allahu Akbar' (Allah is greater) as they destroyed the churches.
(Release Int.)
I'd Like To Slug Brussels Bureaucrats.
Brussels bureaucrats have determined that containing slug infestations by sprinkling coffee grounds on vegetable plots to deter the cuddlesome little darlings is breaking the law!
(Apparently - coffee is an illegal pesticide!)
Worrying Failure To Cut Public Sector Spending.
Despite repeated Government claims to be cutting public expenditure, the study by the Centre for Policy Studies found that the Coalition has made just 6 per cent of its planned cuts to current expenditure for this Parliament.

John Piper's Wisdom.
John Piper, the influential and wise Christian preacher, recently wrote an insightful blog post about the opportunity Minnesota voters will have in 2012 to define marriage as one man and one woman in their state constitution (Piper is pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in downtown Minneapolis).Here is one salient point from his post, urging us to use accurate terminology in definine marrage:
I don’t think we should use the term “gay marriage” or “same-sex marriage.” I think in our everyday discourse, we should say “so-called gay marriage” or “so-called same sex marriage.” I would encourage politicians, pastors, and people to adopt this simple habit. The reason is that in God’s eyes, there simply is no such thing as so-called “gay marriage.” It does not exist. It cannot be made to exist by desires or decisions or language or laws. God ordained marriage with the words: “A man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Marriage is the union of a man and a woman in a lifelong covenant as husband and wife.Piper then goes on to discuss how the Biblical theology of marriage should apply to human law and human societies, to protect and benefit everyone. Ultimately, there is really only one alternative to God’s design for marriage –that of societies abandoning a common and uniform definition of marriage and family, and instead allowing every person to do whatever they want to find self-fulfillment in the areas of sex, family and children. That may sound enlightened and liberating, but in actual practice, it is not. The consensus of human experience throughout the centuries shows that many people suffer tragically by the hands of individuals seeking their own personal sexual fulfillment absent significant societal restraint. In order to minimize human suffering and maximize human fulfillment, the Bible instructs all of us to have sex only within a marriage of one man and one woman in which both spouses commit to be sexually faithful to each other for life. There is no “separation of church and state” violation here, because a society that adopts the Biblical definition of marriage protects and benefits all people, just like the Bible’s prohibitions on stealing and lying protect and benefit everyone (not just Christians) in a society that adopts them. A good public policy idea is still a good idea, and is not “tainted” and constitutionally ”off limits” because it comes from the Bible.
John Piper’s entire post is worth reading.
Alliance Defending Freedom.
I don’t think we should use the term “gay marriage” or “same-sex marriage.” I think in our everyday discourse, we should say “so-called gay marriage” or “so-called same sex marriage.” I would encourage politicians, pastors, and people to adopt this simple habit. The reason is that in God’s eyes, there simply is no such thing as so-called “gay marriage.” It does not exist. It cannot be made to exist by desires or decisions or language or laws. God ordained marriage with the words: “A man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Marriage is the union of a man and a woman in a lifelong covenant as husband and wife.Piper then goes on to discuss how the Biblical theology of marriage should apply to human law and human societies, to protect and benefit everyone. Ultimately, there is really only one alternative to God’s design for marriage –that of societies abandoning a common and uniform definition of marriage and family, and instead allowing every person to do whatever they want to find self-fulfillment in the areas of sex, family and children. That may sound enlightened and liberating, but in actual practice, it is not. The consensus of human experience throughout the centuries shows that many people suffer tragically by the hands of individuals seeking their own personal sexual fulfillment absent significant societal restraint. In order to minimize human suffering and maximize human fulfillment, the Bible instructs all of us to have sex only within a marriage of one man and one woman in which both spouses commit to be sexually faithful to each other for life. There is no “separation of church and state” violation here, because a society that adopts the Biblical definition of marriage protects and benefits all people, just like the Bible’s prohibitions on stealing and lying protect and benefit everyone (not just Christians) in a society that adopts them. A good public policy idea is still a good idea, and is not “tainted” and constitutionally ”off limits” because it comes from the Bible.
John Piper’s entire post is worth reading.
Alliance Defending Freedom.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
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Franklin Graham preached in Glasgow, launches new fund to defend religious freedom in the UK. Staff writer Franklin Graham preaching at ...
Watch the film How the Gospel Transforms Lives Today Discover how Spring Harvest Host, Damilola Makinde, was inspired by the life-enhancin...