Sunday, March 31, 2013

Andrea - Christian Concern.

The time is now..., then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? (Romans 10:14)

At this time of year we remember Jesus' victory as he died for our sins on the cross and rose again. But it’s becoming more and more difficult for people to hear of Jesus Christ in public life.

This is why we urgently need your help.

I have just returned from Australia where I had the privilege of sharing with MPs a little of what is tragically happening in our Country. Many, who have a heart for the UK, were visibly shocked by what they heard.

We must stand for gospel freedom – for God’s glory and the good of our nation. Help us keep the door open for the gospel this Easter by making a donation today. Every penny you give will count towards proclaiming Jesus in our nation’s public life.

Thank you so much for all your support so far, we could not do this without you.


He will hear you if you ask for help today. (Prov. 3:21)

Thanks For The Balance, Tom! So It Was MORE Scientific Guesswork!

Professor Tom Sanders, head of nutrition and dietetics at London’s King’s College, says we shouldn’t rush to bin our bangers just yet.
The scientist points out that this study (threatening us with doom and gloom if we even cast a glance towards a rasher of bacon)  does not calculate actual deaths in Britain from processed meat. Instead, it estimates  the likely chance of dying from cardiovascular disease if you eat these foods.
Its main finding is that anyone who eats a lot of processed meat (160g plus – the equivalent of two-and-a-half sausages) every day – is 72 per cent more likely to die from heart disease than someone who eats a moderate amount (less than 20g). But eating it in moderation doesn’t pose a great health risk.

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Osborne Blamed By Discontented Tory MPs.

Apparently he doesn't 'understand middle class frustrations' and he is now a target. According to Mole-in-The-Know however, there is a strong possibility that this is a diversionary tactic by a certain beleaguered PM!

Scottish? - The Sentiment Is Sound.

Deportation - We MUST Get Our Rights Back As A Nation.

Home Secretary Theresa May announced the UK Border Agency would be split into two after acknowledging it was 'not good enough'Three jail sentences, 18 convictions and 40 offences in a decade and we STILL can't deport Iranian criminal because of human rights laws

NEW Davodreza Abasbahi-Gotti, of Uxbridge, has committed 40 crimes in a decade. Home Secretary Theresa May said the UK Border Agency 'was not good enough' last week.  Mail.

The Beeb.

The BBC is part-funded by the European Union.
I read plenty of a negative, factual accounts of EU failings and disasters from a variety of neutral websites.
How come these seemingly never find their way onto BBC news programmes?

Hallelujah - He Is Risen!

He is risen Indeed!

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Students hold placards, including one that reads in Greek "we don't sell out "during a parade for Greek independence day at the southern port city of Limassol, Cyprus. Students hold placards, including one that reads in Greek "we don't sell out "during a parade for Greek independence day at the southern port city of Limassol, Cyprus. Photo: AP
The brinkmanship that has been on display over the Cypriot financial crisis makes obvious to all but the wilfully blind the level of political determination in Brussels to save the euro at all costs. No amount of empirical economic evidence - or misery for ordinary people - matters when the dreams of the continent's elite are threatened.
After the French and Dutch rejected the European Constitution in 2005, the then European Commissioner for Communications, Margot Wallstrom, put it perfectly. She and the other EU cheerleaders had invested "a lot of energy and political capital" in the project, she declared, and they were not going to give up on it. No matter what the people said, no matter what the economic realities were.
Five years later, this delusion in the face of brute reality has reached its apogee in Cyprus.

Read more:

My Own Personal Saviour.

When Good Friday and Easter Become Personal

By Dan Delzell
Jesus won't mean much to you until you are able to speak about Him in a personal way. It's one thing to say, "This is Easter weekend." It's another thing altogether to say, "Jesus died for me, and rose again for my eternal salvation." So are Good Friday and Easter personal for you, or not so much?

Sci Fi Sand Exhibition.

I like it!

Iain Trying Very Hard.

The Work and Pensions Secretary is due to publish figures next week showing that the Government¿s benefits cap is already ¿changing behaviour¿ even before it is introducedThousands taking jobs 'because of Iain Duncan Smith's benefits cap': He says reforms are changing behaviour

The Work and Pensions Secretary is due to publish figures next week showing that the Government’s benefits cap is already ‘changing behaviour’ even before it is introduced.

Sowing In Tears?

Neutral Cost Benefit Analysis Of Our EU Membership?


Socialist Tactics Drive Wealth Away - ALWAYS! France has lost ONE MILLION jobs because of repressive tax regime as 60,000 of the country's rich now live abroad, report claims

A flood of wealthy French have quit France to avoid a 75% tax on millionaires, including actor Gerard Depardieu who was granted a Russian passport in January. Mail.

How Can A Good God Permit Evil?

An atheist bemoans the existence of evil and states this is incompatible with a good God.
This is a common complaint. However, the alternative explanation to this good God is an evolution-based origin myth, which has no definition for good or evil. So it’s interesting how the atheist has to borrow from our theistic Biblical worldview of God’s universal standards of right and wrong to complain about the evil, which cannot be defined in atheism. Strange state of affairs, no? Ed Neeland.

Did They Really Think A Mere Grave ...

 ... could hold Him?

Spot On, George!

Cameron accused of betraying Christians: Astonishing Easter attack on the PM by former Archbishop of Canterbury
 the Easter Cross over the snow covered fields to head to a small Good Friday service at St Andrews Church near Kiln Pit Hill, Northumberland as Britain braces for one of the coldest Easter weekends on record
Many Christians doubt the sincerity of David Cameron (bottom right) in pledging to protect their freedoms, former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey says today. A dramatic new poll released on the eve of Easter Sunday revealed that more than two-thirds of Christians feel they are now part of a 'persecuted minority'. It follows traditional services marking Good Friday carried out across Britain and the world, including the carrying of an Easter Cross to St Andrews Church in Northumberland (pictured). Mail.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Syrian Christians Need Prayer & Support.

Call for Help for Syrian Christians; 2.3M Christians Flee in Mass Exodus From Syria
By Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher
The mass exodus of the 2.3 million Christians from Syria is not a secondary matter. Of the previous 60,000 Christians in Homs, less than 1,000 remain. Christians are being killed and tortured while their women are being raped and their churches destroyed. Christian Post.

Folly Exposed.

Probation Officers.

Why is it that in the USA probation officers are there to serve society and in the UK their function is to act as supplementary members of the defence team?

State Sponsored Theft.

With the whole EU conspiracy seemingly casting avaricious glances towards bank accounts which do not belong to them across the EU - we can see marxism in the offing.
This is no exaggeration. The ramifications of what is being mooted are an utter disgrace.
The 'up side' of all this is that honest working people will remove their support for The European Union in droves.
Surely, the euro is now in its death throes; surely, former europhiles will flood to the anti-EU parties. Surely, the end is in sight.

Mutations Cannot Do The Job.
Author: Diane Eager.


Melodrama is totally absent from the New Testament - and distinctly rare in the Old.
Quite a bonus when determining the 'factual base or otherwise' of any historical text.

Turn Away From Sin!

EU Demanding More Of Our Cash!

The European Commission has demanded an additional €11.2bn from member states to cover shortfalls in the EU's 2012 and 2013 annual budgets. The UK's gross share of the additional funding would be around €1.6bn (£1.4bn). Pawel Swidlicki was quoted in the Telegraph and Mail as saying that the UK will probably end up having to pay more because it has no veto over annual budgets. Open Europe.

Preparing A Sermon.

Europol: In Theory Its Powers Already Exceed Those Of The Gestapo.

The EU's joint police agency, Europol, is to see its powers expand and its
performance put under stronger oversight under new European Commission

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Over the next 10 days or so, postings on this Blog will be a little erratic with regard to what time of day they appear.
I shall still attempt to keep them otherwise flowing fairly smoothly.


According to a new YouGov poll for the Sun, Labour leads on 40%, ahead of the Conservatives on 30%, UKIP on an all-time high of 13%, and the Liberal Democrats on 12%.

INDONESIA - Church bulldozed in permit row.

Indonesian Christians are dismayed at the demolition of a church in West Java – another casualty of mounting opposition to churches seeking building permits. Release Int

Argentina - SHURRUP! - You LOST Militarily & Democratically.

Hector Marcos Timerman, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Argentina speak to media about the Falkland Islands Argentina urges UN to 'wear down deplorable Britain' over the Falklands in bad-tempered meeting in New York
Argentina's foreign minister demanded talks with Britain on the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, but Britain again refused, pointing to the islanders' overwhelming vote this month to remain British. Mail.
Any moral high ground the Argies might have claimed - and let's be honest, historically there was precious little of it - has been totally undermined by a democratic vote of the local population!

One Fifth Of All Immigrants - Why Is That, I Wonder?

One in five of all migrants in Europe settled in Britain in 2011, according to the European Commission's statistics body EurostatOne in five of the 3million immigrants in the European Union chooses to settle in Britain
Figures from the European Commission reveal 566,000 people moved to Britain in 2011, the highest figure of any EU country and 18% of all migrants. Mail

Frequently Misquoted.


No human race is superior; no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them.
Elie Wiesel
A little truth - a lot of twaddle! ALL false faiths are inferior.
This echoes the absurd 'all faiths lead to salvation' nonsense!'
Where does Wiesel get the authority from to make such bald statements?

Sustain Yourself With A Promise From God.

'You are His beloved, He believes in you.' (Rom. 1:7)

Nice One, Bob!
Bob Crow - boss of the RMT union and very leftwing. Strongly anti-EU

One-Size-Fits-All Don't Work!

Open Europe’s Raoul Ruparel is quoted by Bloomberg discussing the capital controls. He notes, “Stuck with an overvalued euro, Cyprus loses out on tourism, one of its two main economic activities…The other one, banking, is dead with capital controls. So what advantage does Cyprus get from being in the euro now?”

Theologically UNSOUND!

The Dutch Would Like Some Democracy, Please.

Writing in Dutch daily Volkskrant, a citizens’ group which has collected enough signatures (56,000) to force the Dutch parliament to debate holding referenda on future transfers of power to the EU, argues that Dutch citizens “want to put a stop to the back door federalisation of Europe…That leaves us with only two options: a halt to the transfer of sovereignty or a referendum.”Volkskrant Dutch Dutch Citizens forum EUobserver

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Whatever Happened To Justice?

Home Secretary Theresa May loses her appeal against a ruling preventing the deportation of radical cleric Abu Qatada.

Pastor Saeed - Some Optimism?

naghmeh abedini

Pastor Saeed's Wife 'Very Encouraged' After Secretary Kerry Calls for Abedini's Release

By Anugrah Kumar
Naghmeh, the wife of American Pastor Saeed Abedini, who is imprisoned in Iran because of his Christian faith, said she is "very encouraged" by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's public statement calling for her husband's "immediate" release. Christian Post.

Plural Verb Endings - The Great Debate Rages On!

Using plural endings of verbs with a singular nouns is grammatically rather naughty.
For example, should Ukip be followed by singular or plural?
Obviously, in purely technical terms this has to be singular - but when the sense is very much 'they' - I must insist in the legitimacy of using the verb in the plural form!

Croatia To Join EU?


The 'Che Way'.

C. S. Lewis

Alf - Is That You?

Amanda Knox.

Foxy Knoxy 'won't ever go back': Judges order retrial for murder of British student but can't force her to attend
On the 4th of October 2011 - this Blog asked readers to boycott her book. With good reason, I now suspect!

'Warmist' Silliness Exposed.

Be Generous.


The soldier was wounded in the Helmand province of Afghanistan yesterday and died in hospital today the MoD confirmedBritish soldier dies in hospital after being injured in suicide bomb attack in Afghanistan
The Ministry of Defence announced this afternoon that the soldier from 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment died after he was injured as a result of 'enemy action'.

Life As It Is!

Border Agency - Scrapped.

Bye Bye!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Matt Prior - Yeeeeehah!

May I suggest a knighthood?
SIR Matthew Prior.

Student Flight.

Saturday’s Telegraph reported that according to figures obtained by James Clappison MP, 22% of EU students who received public financed loans to study at British universities have disappeared without making repayments.Saturday's Telegraph Saturday's Mail

Littlejohn On Cameron.

Charles Wesley.

Good Stuff.

Nigel At Spring Conference.

Alternative for Germany.

Braun: Anti-euro Alternative for Germany could breakthrough nationallyWriting in Süddeutsche, Stefan Braun argues that the new anti-euro party Alternative for Germany could break through nationally as its opposition to the euro is not rooted in nostalgia for the Deutschmark but in doubt over the euro’s viability and the costs of the rescue efforts, in contrast to the main parties which are all committed to keeping the euro at all costs.

The Euro & Chrysostomos II.

EUobserver reports that the leader of the Cypriot Orthodox Church, Chrysostomos II, said on Saturday, “It is certain that [the euro] will not last in the long term, and the best is to think about how to escape it.”

Che? - Who's He?

Immigration Controls - 'Smoke & Mirrors.'

The Politicians' Cry.

Just What I Had Thought!

From: Rodney Atkinson, Meadowfield Road, Stocksfield, Northumberland.
I NOTE that – as elsewhere in the Eurozone – countries like Cyprus, Greece and Italy warn their peoples that if they don’t vote for the financial destruction that the euro demands they will be forced to leave the euro.
Only in the mad world of the EU could you threaten someone with salvation (leaving the euro) unless they commit to destruction (staying in the euro)!


"So, the proponents of nationalism calling for us to abandon the European Union, and human rights, must understand that the consequences are a divided, and unstable, society which is ineffective at addressing global problems." Recent correspondent in Yorks Post.
I despair - I really do! How on earth is wanting to withdraw from a corrupt millstone-round-your-neck organisation a declaration of nationalism?
Ukip, for one, has always spoken with a world economic view rather than with a narrow EU one.
Some people ignore facts and only see what they choose to see!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Time Overdue For The Mail To Ditch Janet Street-Porter!

Scottish MPs? - Not Before Time!

Laws that affect England alone should no longer be passed in the Commons without the consent of a majority of English MPs, an inquiry has concluded.
The changes are designed to end the problem of unpopular measures affecting England, but not Scotland, being approved only with the support of Scottish MPs.
An independent commission, led by former House of Commons clerk Sir William McKay, has said more needs to be done to ensure English MPs have better control. Mail.

Bias Is Not Just In The UK Media.

By Napp Nazworth.
On the popular newsmaker talk shows Sunday, all of the major TV networks – ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox News – had more guests supporting the view that marriage should be redefined to include same-sex couples than guests supporting the traditional definition of marriage.
Christian Post.

Radioactive Dating? - Beware. All Is Not As It Seems.

Oldie But A Goodie!

Charles Spurgeon on 'Saving Faith'.

Saving faith is an immediate relation to Christ, accepting, receiving, resting upon Him alone, for justification, sanctification, and eternal life by virtue of God's grace.
Charles Spurgeon

In The Beginning ...

Ukip: Congleton Victory. Many More To Follow.

UKIP National Executive member Louise Bours made a welcome breakthrough on Thursday with a comfortable win in a local Cheshire by-election, the party's first council victory in the North West. Louise topped the Tories in the Congleton Town Council poll with 769 votes, leaving the Conservatives on 587, one Independent candidate on 263 and a second Independent on 125.Following the victory Cllr Bours said: "I am both proud and humbled by the people of Congleton West placing their trust in me."Throughout our country on May 2 voters will be given the choice to at last have their voice heard. UKIP councillor's will deliver that voice and will bring to councils across our country, common sense and trustworthiness so badly lacking'.

Paul Nuttall On Rotten Secret Ballots.

One of the most despicable features of the EU is its secrecy. Another despicable feature is the way the EU wastes our money. There is something about to happen that will combine this secrecy and waste, writes UKIP Deputy Leader Paul Nuttall.
 The member states of the EU, racked by the financial crisis, have requested a cut in the EU budget. This is a welcome move. However it has angered the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, who actually wants an increase in the budget to help pay for the champagne and caviar lifestyle he is accustomed to. Schulz is a German Socialist, and even by the standards of career politicians, is a fanatical Europhile. In the upcoming European Parliament vote on the budget, Schulz has demanded a secret ballot, and he only needs 151 MEPs to back him for it to become a reality.
To give you some idea of how unusual this move is, this secret ballot procedure has only been used three times in the 34 years of the European Parliament's existence.

The European Parliament's archive service have already confirmed this (Request number 17044 and answer number 29576).
The reason is simple. Schulz thinks it is okay for career politicians to keep how they vote a secret from the people who pay for their salaries and expenses. To Schulz, the taxpayer, already at breaking point financially, should be squeezed even harder for even more money - and to add insult to injury, they should not be allowed to know which politicians are squeezing them.
The secret ballot goes against the principles of accountability and transparency that so many of us hold dear.
I am launching a campaign to demand both British MEPs and their European counterparts of all parties commit not to support this secret ballot initiative.
Please contact your MEPs and demand that they oppose a secret ballot. Spread the word, and let the arrogant elites in Brussels know that you will not put up with this any longer.

The REAL Che!

Heffer & Farage.

Heffer and Farage host a night to remember.
The man dubbed the 'Bulldog of British politics', Simon Heffer, will joing UKIP Leader Nigel Farage for a public meeting in Gravesend, Kent on April 5.
Heffer, a Daily Mail columnist and political commentator (pictured above), will join the Party Leader from 7.30pm at:
Best Western Manor Hotel,
Hever Court Rd, Singlewell,
Gravesend DA12 5UQ

To book a seat call 01634 868 269 or email.

Our God.

Pounds To Pocket.

Representative 278% APR. Representative example: Borrow £500 and pay £79.09 per month for 12 months at a fixed interest rate of 140% per year.1 The total charge for credit is £449.01 (all interest). The Total Repayable is £949.01.

Primary Places Damaged By Rampant Immigration.

Figures show immigration impact on primary school places.
The report by the National Audit Office highlighting the shortfall of 250,000 places in primary schools gives lie to claims that immigration is not impacting upon local services.
UKIP Immigration spokesman Gerard Batten MEP said: “The pressure on local services is increasing and these figures highlight it in a worrying fashion."The increases are caused by both a spike in the birth rate and a large increase in migration. Indeed both are related with a large percentage of population growth due to children born to recent immigrants.
"The need to create a quarter of a million school places will put massive strain on local education budgets, particularly in London which accounts for 37% of the total demand.
“It is absolutely vital that we get a grip on the issue of immigration."

Sunday, March 24, 2013


If you and your family overspend - you end up in debt and owing interest.
If you continue this approach to life - you get into ever deeper trouble.
Why is it that so many leftists who run their family budgets really efficiently cannot extrapolate from this scenario and see that governments must work to almost identical principles?
There really is NO fairy godmother. (Translation: means of extracting money from others to make your crazy scheme work!)

Nigel v Barroso.

It was sooo good!

He Can Say That Again!

Ed Miliband believes that the biggest problem for the Labour party just now is public mistrust of politiciansLabour party leader Ed Miliband has confessed that the biggest problem facing his party at the next election is public mistrust of politicians.

We Need Bigger Nations Than Cyprus On This Route.

Cyprus is on the brink of bankruptcy and becoming the first country to leave the euro, after the European Central Bank issued an ultimatum to the island to sort out a bailout plan.

Liberal Tolerance?

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...