Saturday, November 30, 2013

Nice Thought - But Wrong!

Britain remains a Christian country, says Eric Pickles Secretary Eric Pickles has said that Britain is still “a Christian country” in a speech in Westminster Abbey.

Mr Pickles told the audience of church leaders and politicians that they should not be made to feel that they ought to “apologise” for their faith.

He said: “We go through phases in politics, we had a phase where we didn't 'do God'.

“…In a way, the voice of religion was almost something politicians had to apologise for if they made any reference to it.” Christian Concern.

Afghanistan To Restore Stoning?

Our men's lives have not been wasted, have they?

By-Election Results.

This week's key by-election results
Bracknell Forest, Winkfield & Cranbourne: Con 582, UKIP 318, Lab 139, LD 69 
Central Befordshire, Caddington: Con 738, Ind 560, UKIP 334, Lab 209, LD 24
St Helens, Billinge & Seneley Green: Lab 936, UKIP 442, Con 248, G 94, BNP 73, LD 52
Wakefield City, Horbury & South Ossett: Lab 1041, UKIP 856, Con 504, LD 212

Viviane Reding.

You have got to love European Commissioner Viviane Reding. Like a greyhound, she is immediately out of the traps pouncing on David Cameron’s rabbit. "But David, the UK supported enlargement which it could have vetoed" and again, "Any renegotiation of free movement can only be tabled by the European Commission and it has no plans to do so."
Mr Cameron’s plans are only out today and already they are in tatters.
Of course, she made clear earlier this year that Romanian and Bulgarian migrants to the UK will have the same rights to reside and draw benefits as British nationals. Unless he acts to stop mass migration from Romania and Bulgaria from January 1, 2014, what the Prime Minister is proposing does not amount to a row of beans. Nigel Farage.

'Abort Healthy Child!'

Woman gives birth to healthy child after doctors advised abortion Liane Stooke was told her daughter would be born “severely brain damaged” doctors advised her to terminate, making it "sound almost as if there was no other option."

But her mother’s instinct helped her decide to proceed with the birth of her daughter Miley, who was born perfectly healthy in October 2011.

Mrs Stooke said that two days after Miley was born an MRI scan found that there was nothing wrong with her at all.

Mrs Stooke was so angered at the advice doctors gave her to abort that she wrote to Dr Chris Burton, the medical director of North Bristol NHS, requesting an explanation for the mistakes which had been made. Christian Concern.

The Bread Of Life.

Sad But True.

The Most Rev Justin Welby claimed the cross has been trivialised and is now a sign of beauty as well as faith
The Archbishop of Canterbury has written in the foreword of a new book that the cross has been trivialised and ceases to shock or challenge people. Mail.

Patricia Cornwell - Not AGAIN!

I read Ms Cornwell's book on the artist Walter Sickert 'being Jack The Ripper.' I found it singularly unimpressive and utterly unconvicing.
I see that she is now parroting this old idea again. I shall not bother to investigate her 'findings.'


Prayer - What A Shocker!

prayDoes prayer help us resist temptation? Talking to God boosts self-control and emotional stability, claims study

Experts at Saarland University and the University of Mannheim found that a brief period of personal prayer buffered the 'self-control depletion effect'. Mail.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanet South.

Nigel Farage may decide Thanet South is where he could become Ukip's first MP. Photograph: Rex
The potential for Ukip to reshape British politics is revealed in a rare constituency poll showing the Conservatives are in third place behind the party in Thanet South, where Tory MP Laura Sandys this week announced her decision to stand down at the next election.
The poll commissioned by a Ukip donor and conducted by the polling company Survation, shows Labour in first place with 35% (up nearly five percentage points on the general election), Ukip second on 30% (up 24 points), the Tories third on 28% (down 20 points) and the Liberal Democrats fourth on 5% (down 10 points).
The poll in a key Labour-Tory marginal is one of eight constituency surveys being conducted by Survation for Ukip donors. It is likely to be used by the party to help decide where its leader, Nigel Farage, has the best chance of winning an historic first parliamentary seat for Ukip. In total more than 5,000 people will have been polled in the exercise. In Thanet, 515 people were questioned between 19 and 25 November.
There has been much speculation that Farage will stand in Thanet, and this one of the reasons for Sandys' decision to stand down. GUARDIAN.

Christians 'Viciously Bullied.'

Survey reveals "vicious bullying" against Christians in entertainment industry is mainly Christians who are the target of faith-based bullying in the entertainment and media industries in the UK and Ireland, according to a new report.

The Federation of Entertainment Unions recently surveyed over 4,000 workers in the creative industries, including stage, screen, broadcast and print media.

The survey found that 56 per cent of respondents had been bullied, harassed or discriminated against at work. 52 per cent of respondents across all sectors had witnessed bullying, harassment or discrimination in their workplace.
4.6 per cent of workers who declared a trigger for their mistreatment felt that their “religious beliefs” had induced the bullying, harassment or discrimination towards them, with those bullied for their beliefs being “predominantly Christian.”
Christian Concern.

Jane Austen.

Tedious tales of boring posh folk or people wanting to become posh.

Driving Out The Christians.

Patriarch Gregorios Laham III, Greek Melkite Catholic Patriarch of Antioch, All the East, Alexandria and Jerusalem has followed the events in Syria as they pertain to affected Christians. The patriarch has described that deadly shells have fallen on churches, patriarchates, dioceses, houses, property, charities on such a regular basis that they are now convinced that the war in Syria is targeting Christians to terrorize them and push them out of the country.

In an appeal this week, Patriarch Laham expressed regret for not hearing a global condemnation of these cowardly acts except by Pope Francis I, who denounced them strongly and defended the human dignity of the weak.
"These criminal acts threaten the educational process of our children and generations," said the patriarch, who noted that they would call on the Western and Arab worlds' conscience to speak out about this cowardly war.

Moving Mountains - Again.

Zechariah 4:1-14. Charles Stanley, Christian Post Contributor
In the vision God gave to Zechariah, the mountain is an illustration of a barrier or hindrance. We might wonder what the prophet's strange dreams can teach us today. While the imagery is foreign, the principles are repeated throughout the Bible.
Zerubbabel, leader of Judah, and a group of 50,000 captives had been released by the Babylonians to return to Jerusalem. There, they began to rebuild the temple walls but were attacked by hostile neighbors. As a result, God's people were discouraged and on the verge of giving up.
In verse six, God reminded Zerubbabel through Zechariah that progress is made "not by might nor by power but by My Spirit." In other words, when God calls us to a task, He Himself assumes responsibility for removing hindrances. The Lord went on to ask, "What are you, O great mountain?" Nothing but flatland would remain once He worked through Zerubbabel.
God never intended for us to face seemingly insurmountable tasks in our own strength. Instead, we're to rely on the Holy Spirit's power within us. We are like the lampstand (v. 2) that was to be kept constantly burning in the temple. In Zechariah's dream, the olive trees on each side of the lampstand were pouring oil directly into its bowl, with no help from the priests (v. 12). Like those olive trees, the Holy Spirit was God's promise of continual help to the weary people. We, too, can trust the Lord to pour His Spirit into our lives for help when we're facing a "mountain" of an obstacle. Read more at:

Human Shields.

Syrian Rebels Used Civilians as Human Shields, Bombed Churches, Says Human Rights Watch

By MidEast Christian News
Human Rights Watch revealed that Syrian rebel forces have committed war crimes including the killing of civilians and the targeting of churches, during their attack on the Christian village of Sadad in late October.
With pictures published today of one Al Qaeda group 'executing' eight members of a different sect - but from the same side - how relieved we must now be NOT to have joined the anti-Assad forces.
Sometimes, there just ain't no good guys no how!

From The Man Who Brought You The Horrors Of Maastricht ...

Sir John Major is right to point out that the privately educated have a stranglehold on most top jobsBritain will pay 'severe price' if it quits EU, warns Sir John Major

Exit could cost billions, would leave UK isolated and yet still required to implement EU rule, former Prime Minister says. Telegraph.



Good Call Madam!

 A head teacher has defended her schoolís policy of banning children from talking about Christmas until DecemberHeadmistress BANS excited school children from mentioning Christmas until December

Headmistress Jane Porter at Whitehill Primary School in Gravesend, Kent said festive excitement was taking hold too early and distracting the pupils. Mail.

Copts Need Full Rights.

Copts Need Full Rights Under Egyptian Law After 'Centuries of Persecution,' Says Egyptian Journalist

By MidEast Christian News.
Dr. Abdel Halim Kandil, a prominent Egyptian journalist, expressed his rejection of a quota system for Copts and other religious minorities to ensure their representation in parliament that is being considered in the new draft of the country's constitution. Christian Post.

Norman Baker MP.

Norman Baker MP, the alleged Crime Prevention Minister, has stated that legalisation of cannabis should be considered. (You are probably well ahead of me here - yes, he is a Lib Dem!)
Okay, I've considered it. NO!
This Blog has consistently opposed this step. Please put the word 'cannabis' into the Blog's own search engine if you wish to know why!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Steve Crowther's Delight.

Victory in battle against windfarm project
Published on Tuesday, 26 November 2013 13:47
UKIP Chairman Steve Crowther, who played a leading role in the Slay The Array campaign, hails ‘sensible and realistic’ RWE decision to abandon Bristol Channel windfarm project.
The decision by developers RWE npower to abandon plans to build a huge offshore windfarm just 9 miles off the North Devon coast has been hailed as “sensible and realistic” by UKIP Chairman Steve Crowther who also helped lead the campaign group Slay The Array, which has fought the project for the past two years.

The Most Famous Journey In History.

Tories Fail On Every Count.

Let us assume that the current government were a purely Tory administration and has an overall majority of twenty. Would it slam the door on the next wave of E. European immigration?
Let us assume that we were not part of the horrendous ECHR.
Let us assume that we were not under the EU's thumb.
Would the Tory Party slam the door firmly shut?
I think not. Take the LibLabs and add these to the Tory ultra - wets and the measure would NOT pass through parliament.
How can anyone vote for the LibLabCon? We MUST have a sea change in our politics and only by voters switching en masse from the old guard can this happen. Yes - UKIP!

Thank You Jesus.

At LAST. A GOOD Reason For Scotland To Seek Full Independence!

Mariano Rajoy, Spanish PM, has said that a 'free Scotland' would be kicked out of the EU.

Blair - Warmonger. UKIP The SENSIBLE Peace Party.

Pressure: Tony Blair and Thabo Mbeki in 2006. Mr Mbeki has attacked Mr Blair's interventionist foreign policyFormer South African president Thabo Mbeki said the ex-prime minister asked for his help in 2000 but he refused, choosing a negotiated settlement instead. Mail.
One of the many things I like about UKIP is that no government they formed would ever send troops into a war that does not directly affect the UK.

Sadly, Boris Is Correct - For Once!

Tackling economic equality is 'futile' because some people's IQ is too low for them to compete, says Boris.
Also, too many people fail to use the brains God gave them!

Be Strong!

Old? Poor Pension? - Don't Worry - It's Worse In Mexico!

Britons on average wages can expect a pension worth just 33 per cent of their final salary when they retire, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development yesterday.
Of the 34 countries in the OECD, only Mexico had a worse rate at 29 per cent compared to a 54 per cent average across the rest of the bloc.
The startling statistics were contained in the organisation’s annual Pensions At A Glance report published yesterday. Express.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Father Christmas.

Express Cartoon.

Turner And The Sea.

The Wreck of a Transport Ship (1810) by JMW Turner
The Wreck of a Transport Ship (1810) by JMW Turner. Telegraph.
Turner and the Sea, The National Maritime Museum, review.
This show devoted to Turner's maritime paintings is a wow says Richard Dorment! Telegraph.

Women Bishops.
Church of England General Synod Votes in Favor of Female Bishops  By Stoyan Zaimov.

The Church of England is closer to moving away from its traditional position of electing only men as bishops after an overwhelming majority voted in favor of female bishops at the General Synod in London on Wednesday. Christian Post.
Got to admit it, this no great issue to me - either one way or the other.

Spaniards Doing Whatever They Like - AGAIN!

Spain behaves like Mugabe's Zimbabwe says UKIP's Dartmouth
Published on Tuesday, 26 November 2013 16:24
On Friday Spanish officials opened a British diplomatic bag at the Gibraltarian border. William Dartmouth MEP, who represents the Rock in the European Parliament has demanded action from the Government.

Be Content.

No Bulgar Work Permits Rejected!

Government's weak approach on immigration exposed.
Published on Monday, 25 November 2013 09:34
The revelation that not a single work permit for Bulgarian immigrants has been rejected since 2007, according to the country’s ambassador Konstantin Dimitrov, shows how the Coalition government's rhetoric on immigration isn't matched by reality says UKIP Deputy Leader Paul Nuttall.
"This government has been spinning the line that it is tougher than Labour on immigration. This proves otherwise.

Pakistani Christians Forced Into Homelessness.
Release partners say that Christians forced to flee from their homes during the Rimsha Masih (also known as Rimsha Misrik) blasphemy row are still homeless – and increasingly desperate.
Between 800 and 1,000 families from Mehrabad are still living in tents or makeshift shelters in a forest area near Islamabad, more than a year after fleeing their homes. They lack even basic services such as water and fear officials may soon move them on.
Release sources say the Christians still fear retaliatory attacks from Islamist extremists enraged by the blasphemy accusations made against Rimsha, a teenager with learning difficulties, in August 2012.
Rimsha was acquitted of blasphemy in November 2012 and was later granted asylum, with her family, in Canada. At the time, Christians in her neighbourhood were attacked and forced to flee amid death threats. Some tried to return but were ostracised and not allowed to buy food. They’re now seeking government support to find permanent homes. Release International.

God Is Serious!

UKIP Deputy Leader: 'Well done to the 15.'

UKIP Deputy Leader: Well done to the 15
Published on Friday, 22 November 2013 13:26
The 15 MPs who today voted in support of an In/Out referendum being held next year have been congratulated by UKIP Deputy Leader Paul Nuttall.
Adam Afriyie’s amendment to bring forward the referendum to 2014 was rejected in the House of Commons by 249 to 15.
"I am happy to congratulate those 15 MPs who had the courage of their convictions to stand up and be counted. They are clearly politicians of principle while meanwhile it appears many Conservatives just want to use the issue as a means of getting re-elected.

Everlasting Life On Offer.

Mr Cameron CARES.

The Prime Minister will insist that he shares the public's 'concerns' about a renewed wave of migration from Europe. Ahead of the lifting of controls on newcomers from Romania and Bulgaria on January 1, he will declare that the founding EU principle of 'free movement' for workers has gone too far. Mail.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

James Hanratty - An Evil Man Who Gets A Good Press!

There was considerable activity from abolitionists in the case of the thief, James Hanratty, hanged in 1962 for the brutal murder of Michael Gregsten - exacerbated by the rape and kidnap of Valerie Storey.
They decided that the A6 Murderer must be declared 'innocent' to be used as a tool against the death penalty.
Authors like Paul Foot (Socialist Workers' Party.), inter al, insisted that he was innocent in spite of all the huge amounts evidence to the contrary.
Valerie Storey survived her rape and triple shooting and identified him. She was in a car with him for SIX hours! There were genuine questions about her visual identification but his voice was unmistakable to her.
"Call me Jim" also hid the murder weapon EXACTLY where he had stated that he would do so to others in such circumstances!
He suddenly changed his alibi in court when he feared that he would not be believed.
As Valerie was being held, he spoke of prison and having 'done hard time' AND 'done the lot.'
Only three men fitted this profile. One was in Australia, one was dead and the third was Hanratty!!!
Long, long after his death the BBC produced 11 'witnesses' in one programme of theirs to claim that he had been in Rhyl at the time of the murder. A Daily Express expose later revealed that they had been paid substantially for this testimony. (Why had none come forward at the time one might legitimately ask? - It was the biggest thing in the newspapers!)
For years, the abolitionists rather ridiculously claimed that Hanratty was innocent.
In 1997, the Yorkshire Forensics Lab analysed Valerie Storey's underwear - and wonder of wonders, his DNA popped up. They analysed the handkerchief containing the murder weapon which had been found shoved down a bus seat - that also had his DNA on it!
Too much credence to the 'injustice' movement was recently given to the Hanratty-should-not-have-hanged brigade on Fred Dinenage's Murder Casebook programme. It was appalling!
Yet. The propaganda has been so great that there are still some people who do not believe in his guilt!
If any man ever deserved to hang - it was Hanratty.

Angola Bans Islam.

I strongly disapprove! Odd to see the role reversal, isn't it?

Well Done In N. Ireland!

Petition against new Girl Guides oath in Northern Ireland Methodist, Presbyterian and Church of Ireland denominations have refused to support the new Girlguiding oath, which replaces the promise to “love my God” with a pledge to “be true to myself and develop my beliefs.”

Andrew Brannigan, Diocesan Youth Officer for Down and Dromore, has launched a petition calling for the old pledge within Girlguiding Ulster to be reinstated, with the option of an additional alternative for those who do not want to make a promise to God. Christian Concern.

Please sign the petition if you haven't done so already.

The EU: Be Afraid - VERY Afraid!


Tragic: Half-blind Jacqueline Harris, who suffered crippling back pain, killed herself after her disability benefits were stopped, it has been claimedHalf-blind woman crippled with back pain killed herself after benefits bosses stopped her disability payments - following a TWO MINUTE assessment
Despite being in almost constant agony, Jacqueline Harris, 53, from Bristol was told she was fit for work following a Government health assessment. Mail. 

Debate - A Sham!

Sham debate seeks ban on therapy for unwanted same sex attraction
Watch the full debate (30m 3s) >
MPs have held a debate in Westminster Hall in an effort to increase pressure on the government to ban therapy which helps reduce feelings of unwanted same sex attraction.

‘Change therapy’ is a means of reducing feelings of same sex attraction for individuals who seek change in their sexual preference and expression.

Despite evidence that the therapy can help reduce unwanted feelings of same sex attraction, it was variously described as “voodoo”, “abhorrent” and a “real and present danger” during the debate.

Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, commented:
 “This ‘debate’ was marked by unfounded, hyperbolic and scaremongering comments from MPs. It was completely one-sided without any proper discussion based on the evidence.
“The large number of referrals to counsellors who practice this kind of therapy was mentioned. Could this be because health professionals actually understand the therapy to be beneficial, contrary to what MPs driven by ideological agendas think?
“Until the other side of the debate has been heard, this hollow attempt in Westminster to ban reparative therapy needs to be exposed for what it is.” Christian Concern.

Scottish Parliament SPITS In The Face Of Democracy!

The Scottish Government’s public consultation produced a record 77,508 responses, with more than two-thirds opposed to the proposals!But 98 MSPs voted in principle for the Marriage and Civil Partnership Bill in the first of three parliamentary stages, while 15 voted against the legislation. Christian Concern.

God's Will.

Lord Neuberger.

Sentences under six months 'disrupt a prisoner's home life'.  Lord Neuberger, President Of The Supreme Court.

Conservative Newsletter.

(Yorks Post. Mr V Platt. Harrogate.) I HAVE just received the latest Conservative newsletter through the door. In one of the columns Andrew Jones MP is boasting that immigration into the country is down and quotes relevant percentages.
Don’t be conned, everyone, by this red herring.
Tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of immigrants arrive in Britain every year. Nobody knows the exact figure.
They come in planes, on ships, trains, cars in lorries, under lorries etc and we can’t deport them if they come from the EU and other nationals just disappear from the system.
Come January 1, 2014, millions of Romanians and Bulgarians will have the legal right to live in Britain with free access to all our services and housing. At the present rate of immigration through our open-door policy, with no control of our own borders, we need a new city the size of Birmingham every five years.
That maniac David Cameron is desperate for Turkey to join the EU. Its 90 million population will also have the same right to reside here.
Think about it: is it just coincidence that dozens of towns and villages throughout Britain are being told to build hundreds of new housing estates, whether the local people like it or not?
The people who govern us have no idea that they are destroying our country, do they?
The May 2014 elections are not far away, so if you want more of the same, vote Labour, Lib Dem or Conservative.
If you want to put a stop to this madness, vote UKIP.

ASDA V Morrisons Price War On The Horizon?

I do hope so!

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Awe Factor Of God.

Scargill Is Partly To Blame!

These islands are built on top of a coal source which could potentially solve our energy needs for up to 400 years.
Sadly, almost all of this is the 'deep-mined' variety.
It is not cost effective - or should I say that Scargill and his NUM ensured that mining costs would always be too high to make it viable?
Not only did he wreck our mining industry, he ensured that the future of coal for the UK was undermined and made energy planning much more difficult.
Add EU strictures on coal-fired power stations - and a whole energy source has been removed from the thinking.


Cameron Only Ever Says What He Is Allowed To Say.

Dan Delzell On Rejection By God.

You know what you don't find in the world? You don't find people saying, "I turned to God in repentance and faith, but He rejected me. He didn't want me. I wasn't good enough." That sort of thing doesn't happen.
What does happen is that millions of people choose to continue living their lives without Jesus Christ. It's their choice, but not God's choice for them. His choice for them was the cross. His desire for them is eternal life in heaven. But God does not make robots who are programmed to believe. He makes human beings, some of whom respond to His love, and others who don't. Christian Post.

Helping UKIP?

If you would like to contribute to the UKIP fighting fund then plese donate today  
 0800 587 6 587

Good Grief! Time To Shut The C of E Down?

C of E asks homosexual lobby group to teach in its schools. At the Church of England’s General Synod this week it was revealed that homosexual lobby group Stonewall will play an active role in delivering “anti-bullying” education in CofE schools. Christian Concern.

A group which has proved to be actively anti-Christian?

Ashamed Of Being Great?


The 'Wrong' Religion.
Christian Shot Dead in Kenya for 'Spreading Wrong Religion' By Morning Star News.  Gunmen who said they intended to kill a Christian in Mogadishu, Somalia for spreading his faith shot him to death last month, the victim's neighbor said. Christian Post.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Christian Reviewers Call New Film 'Gravity' an Allegory for God, Jesus By Tyler O'Neil.  Alfonso Cuaron's box-office record-smasher "Gravity" also broke new ground for faith in Hollywood, according to Christian reviewers who praised the film. They saw the presence of God throughout – in an allegory to the death and resurrection of Christ, a personal interaction with God, and a God-given hope in the afterlife. Christian News.

Soft Justice Culture.

UKIP has condemned Britain's ‘soft justice culture’ that led to 150,000 criminals last year having 15 prior offences.
Home Affairs Spokesman Gerard Batten said: "This is evidence enough that soft sentencing simply doesn't work.

Good News From Italia.

Abortion rates in Italy continue to drop new government report shows that abortion rates in Italy continue to decline at the same time as a record number of gynaecologists refuse to perform abortions.

80-90 per cent of Italian gynaecologists refuse to abort babies, with a current peak of 90 per cent in Campania and over 80 per cent throughout all of Southern Italy.

Alongside these figures, the report by the Ministry of Health found that the abortion rates in 2012 dropped by 4.9 per cent compared to the previous year. Christian Concern.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...