Saturday, October 31, 2015

UKIP - Our Only Hope To Avoid Surge To The Hard Right.

Firstly, we must quit the EU. Only UKIP advocates this vital step. Then, and only then, shall we be able to control our borders with an Aussie-style points system.
UKIP has the answer. No other political party does.

Ignore common sense and the inevitable alternative will be the rise of hard right parties - the evidence for which is already starting to show in Germany and elsewhere. Never in history have our mainstream politicians been such a bunch of numbskulls!

Er ...

So - Christians CAN Warn About Spiritual Dangers Of Homosexual Practice, Huh???

Commission Question – Religious liberty

Question for written answer E-001165/2015
to the Commission
Rule 130
Jonathan Arnott (EFDD)
Subject: Religious liberty
According to the Pew Research Center, over 75 % of the world’s population lives in areas with severe religious restrictions. Could the Commission please describe its strategy for promoting religious liberty around the world?
Answer given by Vice-President Mogherini
on behalf of the Commission
The Commission is well aware of the work of the Pew Research Center on Religion and Public Life.
Freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief, constitutes one of the essential foundations of the EU, enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and the European Convention on Human Rights.
In June 2013, the Council adopted “EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief” (FoRB). These guidelines recall what the international standards on FoRB are, provide practical guidance to staff on how to seek to prevent violations of FoRB, to analyse cases and to react effectively to violations worldwide.
In multilateral fora, the EU has actively engaged on FoRB over the last years, presenting resolutions on the issue both at the Human Rights Council and at the UN General Assembly. The EU supports the action of the UN Special rapporteur on FoRB who provides a significant contribution to advancing the FoRB agenda worldwide. Through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), the Commission finances civil society projects promoting FoRB. In 2013, a global call for proposal was launched with an allocation of EUR 5 million for projects combating discrimination based on religion or belief. Under this call, initiatives contributing to dialogue and addressing extremism, amongst others, were recognised as eligible project activities.
Further, the Commission remains engaged in a regular dialogue with religious communities and is committed to ensure the implementation of secondary legislation prohibiting discrimination based on religion in employment and combating hatred against persons because of their religion.

EU Policy Tariffs Harm African Nations.

First Deny Self ...

UKIP Wants Reform Of Disgraceful Family Courts.

It's great to see UK Independence Party (UKIP) taking a stand on our broken family courts system

Tut, Tut!

Marcel de Graaff, co-chair of the far-right Europe of Nations and Freedom group, is being accused of voting fraud after using Marine Le Pen's card.

Jane Collins MEP. Strasbourg, having travelled to this building we only occupy 50 days a year at a cost of millions of euro to the tax payer discussing  yet another ‘strategy for growth and jobs’ when it is legislation rubber stamped in this very building which has cost my constituents in Scunthorpe and Rotherham their jobs.
The obsession with the green agenda has led to increased energy prices. The outgoing boss at Tata steel in Scunthorpe said these levies cost £130million a year.
Thanks to our EU membership the British government can do virtually nothing to help.
To add insult to injury, they are even using Swedish steel to make British Army equipment: steel that beat Hitler is no longer good enough for our Armed Forces!
But given that the UK has a referendum on our membership in 2017 I say we should ignore the Commission and put our own people first.
If Brussels doesn’t want us to have a steel industry it’s something we can talk about after the referendum where I imagine the conversation will be brief, if the polls keep showing a win for LEAVE. 
The North suffered under the Conservatives during the 80’s and 90’s and is doing so again. The Northern Powerhouse is a myth - it's the Brussels powerhouse we need to deal with. 
The North suffered under previous Conservative government’s and now, with EU help, the same is happening again.

Nice One, Frank.

Cameron's Priorities.

From: David Davies, Brigg. UP to £42m to overhaul “Big Ben”, £9m to “support” Scunthorpe steel-makers. A clear indication of this Government’s priorities. Yorkshire Post.


Those Who Lead God's Children Astray Will Pay A Terrible Price.

(Refer also to Titus Chapter One.)

Friday, October 30, 2015

North West Conference.

This event has now been cancelled because of the Oldham West & Royton by-election.

Roaming Charges - The 'Catch' Explained By Jonathan Arnott MEP.

Australia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, the United States of America, Israel, Switzerland, Macau, New Zealand, Sri Lanka. What do these countries have in common?
The answer is, on my mobile phone network it’s free for me to use my mobile phone in any of those countries (within my regular monthly allowances). There are no mobile phone roaming charges at all. They are also countries outside the European Union.
In fact, there are more non-EU countries than EU countries where it’s free for me to use my phone abroad. That’s the free market at work. Customers demand a change, and mobile phone networks work with partners abroad to ensure savings for the consumer. What a wonderful thing the free market can be, when it works well!
Oh, there are certainly industries and times where a free market can break down, and there are extreme situations where government intervention might be necessary but, in general, government meddling makes things worse while competition leads to lower prices and consumer choice.
The free market says that actually, for most consumers, it’s more important to end mobile phone roaming charges from the USA than it is from Belgium.
The free market tells us that it’s better to have free calls from Australia or Sri Lanka than it is to have free calls from Estonia or Lithuania.
Perhaps that’s because, in general, it’s of more benefit to consumers. Or maybe it’s because it’s easier for phone companies to work together to provide that benefit.
Within the continent of Europe, the free market already gives free calls to me if I travel to France, Italy, Switzerland or Spain.
That’s pretty useful for tourists, isn’t it? They’re destinations that tourists often travel to and, in the case of Switzerland, there are probably financial reasons too.
So far, so good. There’s been no mention of the words “European Union”. But the EU now intends to make mobile phone roaming charges illegal across all 28 European Union countries. Yes, they’re going to force mobile phone companies to provide a “free” service to consumers.
What does the word “free” mean in this context though? Well, it means that mobile phone companies will have to provide a cheaper service in countries where their business model doesn’t support it. If you force companies to do something unprofitable, they respond quite naturally by putting their prices up elsewhere.
It means that, in order to get free calls from Latvia, I will have to pay more on my monthly phone bill. I note that the Labour Party members of the European Parliament are generally highly supportive of this idea.
It’ll mean free calls for those working in Belgium – great for MEPs in Brussels, but I personally think it’s fundamentally wrong for us to all pay extra on our monthly phone bills to make sure that MEPs get free calls when working in Belgium.
An idea which sounds so brilliant in theory – “Cheaper calls for every tourist” – actually means higher monthly phone bills in practice. That’s the European Union way. They claim to give us all extra freedoms, rights, cheaper prices but, like everything that’s supposedly “free”, there’s always a catch.
The problem is that the European Commission and Parliament are in a bubble so detached from the people that they fail to spot the unintended consequences of their actions. The only people telling them are UKIP, and they won’t listen to us. We’re not pro-EU, you see.
Likewise, when the commission arbitrarily changed the definition of the word “refugee”, Nigel Farage warned them in April that it would lead to migration on an unprecedented scale.
A few months later, they scratch their heads and wonder why no one told them that the refugee crisis would happen.
When we warned year in, year out, of the dangers of the euro, many in the Labour Party wanted us to join the euro anyway. Countries pressed on despite the economic madness of trying to have one size fits all policies for countries as disparate as Germany and Greece.
And so, today, the Greek economy is in chaos, shackled to a euro that it daren’t leave.
So, when the EU promises the end of roaming charges, it hasn’t thought through the consequences of its actions.
I’m not ashamed to be a dissenting voice.
I’m not ashamed to vote “no” to the end of roaming charges, because I don’t want consumers to have to pay more for using their mobile phones. Chronicle.
Jonathan Arnott is Ukip MEP for the North East.

ISIS Genocide Hardly Noticed.

ISIS Committing Mass Genocide Against Christians as World Stands Silent, Says Franklin Graham

Evangelist Franklin Graham has said that despite the genocide and various horrific human rights abuses being perpetrated on Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria, the world appears to be largely silent and apathetic. Christian Post.

Atheists' Riddle: DNA Proves Existence of God.

DNA has a four-letter alphabet, and structures very similar to words, sentences and paragraphs. With very precise instructions and systems that check for errors and correct them. To the person who says that life arose naturally, I need only ask: "Where did the information come from? Show me just ONE example of a language that didn't come from a mind."
But to a person, no atheist on a leading atheism website has ever been able to explain where the information came from. The argument is known as 'The Atheists' Riddle' This riddle is "So simple any child can understand; so complex, no atheist can solve."
Matter and energy have to come from somewhere. Everyone can agree on that. But information has to come from somewhere, too! Information is separate entity, fully on a par with matter and energy. And information can ultimately, only originate from a mind. If books and poems and TV shows come from human intelligence, then all living things inevitably came from a super-intelligence. This argument has never been disproved. Every word you hear, every sentence you speak, every dog that barks, every song you sing, every e mail you read, every packet of information that zings across the Internet, is proof of the existence of God. Because information and language always originate in a mind.
Atheists then say: "Well, our GUESS is that in this one instance, that is not true." In the beginning were words and language. Jesus "by whom were all things created, is referred to as the Word of God' - Logos.
In view of this, the fair-minded person must surely stop and ask "What if the Christian and several hundred million more are actually correct?" [ I do not include the nominal Christians in that group!] - Hypothetical, I know.
But what if? What if you have got to answer to God for your life? [You aren't exactly promised tomorrow, are you?'] Smart alec retorts would hardly be very appropriate with your eternal destiny at stake.
That is the trouble. You are taking one hell of a gamble if you do not investigate to the nth degree what has to be the biggest question in your life? Can you really approach it with an airy dismissal after 10 minutes thought?
I repeat. Every individual can be prove this in their own life. "Knock and the door will be opened unto you." 

[Matt.7:7] Note. Much of this information comes from Perry Marshall who is correct on this issue but I do have problems with some of his other claims.

Faith Issues.

Pakistan - Apologies For This Posting Coming Weeks After The Tragic Event.

Christian Boy Set On Fire for His Faith in Jesus Succumbs in Pakistan

Fifteen-year-old Pakistani boy dies from severe burns.

Probably True.

Italy’s former defence chief has said the EU’s anti-migrant smuggling operation is likely to bring more, rather than fewer, migrants to Europe.


Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear
and the blind can see.
~Mark Twain~

Anti-God Brigade Are Taking A Mighty Risk With Their Eternal Future.

Cameron Using Scare Tactics.

Farage On Cameron's Feeble Efforts With Brussels.

The Ukip leader accused David Cameron of putting Europe’s interests ahead of Britain’s in a cutting outburst at the PM, who yesterday gave his strongest ever warning about leaving the EU.
Yesterday Cameron claimed leaving the EU would cost Britain hundreds of millions of pounds and not give the UK any more control over immigration than it already has.
He was accused of resorting to “scaremongering” because he was failing to renegotiate Britain’s membership of the EU. Today Mr Farage slammed Mr Cameron's attempt to renegotiate UK membership as "a national embarrassment", stating Britain had been reduced to "a grovelling junior member of a German-dominated club".
The MEP also warned a 'no' vote in the upcoming referendum would also spell "the end of a Prime Minister obsessed with putting the EU’s interests ahead of our own."  Mr Farage said: "The process has made it clearer today than ever that those in the EU have no interest in what is best for Britain, only in further EU harmonisation, centralisation and power. 
"There is no grand deal on offer for Britain to remain in the EU. The Euro project is a steamroller, and if we remain in, we will be flattened by it.” Express.


Nigel On UK Population Growth.

UKIP N.W. Conference.

I attended this excellent event in Salford - I think that it was two years ago. Most informative.

A Unwelcome Swing To The Hard Right Can Be Expected!

UK population set to rocket by 10million in just 25 years as high birthrates and migration make Britain Europe's most populated nation

By 2039 the country will be home to almost 75million people - the equivalent of adding the population of Sweden to numbers already living here. Mail. England is already the most overcrowded nation in the entire world. We are being led by lunatics.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Yesterday's Typical Joke Day In Strasbourg Parliament. (Read From The Bottom Up.)

  1. The last 6 pages are on a report on reform of electoral law in the EU. The votes are deferred and voting finishes 'early'!
  2. It's almost 2.30pm here. Debates start at 3pm after lunch, and there's still 8 pages of voting left in this marathon session.
  3. Translation services go down again, just as we're listening to an oral amendment to the text.
  4. After about 20 minutes of voting on methane and other environmental issues, the final vote on the Commission proposal is...postponed.
  5. "This house does not yet have the power to stop cows from emitting methane" - finally, they admit something is best left to member states ;)
  6. Coming up to the 2-hour mark on voting, and still 18 more pages to go!
  7. Part of the problem with this legislation is that it's giving the unelected Commission broad power to pass delegated acts.
  8. Some of the bits that are short enough for us to have the full text in front of us...
    Embedded image permalink
  9. One of the amendments we just considered is three pages long...highly technical stuff. And there are numerous amendments to this text.
  10. Now we're on to 'novel foods' legislation. I'm not an expert in this area, so following colleagues' guidance on how to vote.
  11. Very complicated tension between the Parliament and the Commission on allowing member states to ban GM foods.
  12. Number of MEPs voting to end bullfighting subsidies was 438, big majority. But will it actually happen?
  13. Next report is on the number of judges at the ECJ. Discussion is between 12 and 28 extra judges.
  14. Our pro-transparency amendment with regard to MEPs' staff and allowances fails by 156-472.
  15. Passed 522-128. But needs treaty change! Shows why Cameron can't renegotiate. If 27 countries can't get simple reform how can 1? (2/2)
  16. Parliament once again votes to end the Brussels/Strasbourg travelling circus. But it won't happen; the French won't agree. (1/2)
  17. Pretty sure that the bullfighting vote passed, but was distracted by conversation in the chamber - will have to check details later.
  18. The one thing they won't spend taxpayers' money on? Creating programmes to help member states leave the euro if they want to. Fails 120-568.
  19. Over an hour into the voting time. 'Just' 45 pages of votes left to go...
  20. And now to the report on the Budget. The bullfighting vote will be part of it. Prediction: it'll pass, as it's text not part of budget line.
  21. Oops! They forgot amendment 120, all the way back on page 3/26. So we have to go back and vote on it. Today's votes, in a word: Omnishambles
  22. We proposed cut to state funding of EU political parties and foundations. Both fail, with over 500 voting against.
  23. Cutting the Parliamentary TV propaganda service? House of History museum to the EU? Both fail by massive margins.
  24. And there's a rare thing, a cut! Yes, we've voted to cut the furniture bill slightly.
  25. Our proposal to cut allowances isn't considered; the Parliament just voted to increase them!
  26. Our amendment supports cuts in MEP travel expenses. Fails by 182-497.
  27. UKIP MEPs vote to cut MEP salaries. Fails 143-531.
  28. Amazing to watch how Labour consistently vote against anything that saves taxpayers' money!
      1. Same thing happens with funding for the Publications Office.
    1. We don't get the chance to vote on our proposals to cut EU funding for propaganda projects - the Parliament voted to increase it first!
    2. Another amendment, to cut funding for EU Special Representatives, fails. This place hates saving taxpayers' money!
    3. Two EFDD amendments to save taxpayers money fail.
    4. On page 13 out of 26 on budget lines. Then it's 9 pages on the budget report, and 40 pages of votes on other matters.
    5. More money for the EU Common Asylum Policy passes. ¡Quelle surprise!
    6. President announces a measure has failed. Electronic check shows it actually passed. By 516-160.
    7. A lot of MEPs forget that 60% needed to amend budget; proposal 'passes' by 344 to 306 but is actually rejected.
    8. Already we're seeing that proposals to spend more taxpayers' money pass; those to spend less fail. Happened at least 4 times already.
    9. I'm live-tweeting today's Budget and other votes in the European Parliament.
    10. Translation goes wrong again in EU Parliament as Jim Carver speaks in English but we hear him in a different language. Not sure which.
    11. Now the rapporteur reads out a string of technical amendments to the EU budget, line by line and we're expected to vote immediately.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...