Monday, May 30, 2016

Exam Result Inflation.

Taste and See That The Lord Is Good!

Well have you done that yet?



It may offend all of our leftist friends if I state that capitalism is the only tried and trusted system of economics which works - or indeed - can work.
The socialist alternatives have always had to be imposed at great cost to liberty, freedom of speech and personal safety. Almost 200 million deaths caused by marxism, in assorted forms during the twentieth century needs to be our warning.
Capitalism can be evil in its own right but, with good intent, can be largely controlled. It is based on principles of self-interest; it recognises realities; it understands that people in general will only work truly hard for their own benefit and it does not fall into the trap of thinking that Man in general is a benevolent creature. (Think just how much that goes against Scripture!)
Capitalism brings jobs, better quality of life, money into the country.
The idea of 'the mixed economy' has been tried quite successfully, in which capitalism and thinking about the betterment of the populace are melded into one. Provided there are not too many socialist thought processes at work - this can be the most successful model.
Ask the great unwashed what their alternative would be and all you get is shudders as you realise that Stalinism could rise once more if they get their way.

Why is it that these dangerous demoniacs are tolerated but the hard right is not? They are BOTH rotten-to-the-core. The hard left are not just deluded (that is the liberal left) they put any nation into grievous peril.


God Requires Things From Us - No, Honestly!

Are you into prayer, praise and worship? Are you into thanking God daily for his gifts and mercies? - Good.
Are you working for the furtherance of His Kingdom? - Ah. Why not? - What is the Great Commission all about if not helping others to enjoy the benefits which are freely yours?

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Well Done ...

... Hull City! Tigers to roar in the Premiership - again!

One Died For All - ACCEPT His Sacrifice In Your Life!


EU Lifers In Our Jails? cost of open borders: 250 EU migrants serving life sentences in Britain. Express.

Additional EU Bills.

EU rules give UK taxpayers multibillion pound bill
New Vote Leave research has revealed that EU procurement rules cost UK taxpayers £8.4 billion between 2010 and 2014. These onerous regulations make it more expensive for public authorities to build vital services such as schools and hospitals. They also cause huge delays to projects, amounting to 5,422 years in 2014 alone.

When you reflect on what this money could have bought it brings home the huge cost of our EU membership. £8.4 billion could have funded 25 new hospitals here in the UK or paid for England’s flood defences three times over. The annual cost is five times what we spend on the NHS Cancer Drugs Fund and could have paid for 273,000 basic state pensions.

Control Our Borders!

Let’s take back control of our immigration policy
Today’s migration figures confirm that we don’t have control of our borders. Last year alone, 270,000 EU migrants came to the UK, with net migration levels at a record 184,000. This is the equivalent of adding a population the size of Oxford to the UK every year, putting huge pressure on our schools, hospitals and housing.

Boris Johnson spoke today of how the UK benefits from immigration, but that the system has ‘spun out of control’. He pointed not only to the strain this puts on our NHS, but also the downward pressure it puts on wages. With five more countries - including Turkey, Albania and Serbia - with a combined population of 88 million set to join the EU, the impact will only get worse.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Traditional Atheism As Opposed To The Very Nasty Variety.

From: Mr J Bore, Draycott Avenue, Hornsea. Yorks Post Letters.
IN the debate on the place of Christianity in modern life in the UK, I speak as an atheist. Nevertheless, I do acknowledge the following fact. It is that all that is best in British law, British culture and British traditions, stems directly from the Christian ethics as preached by Christ.
Therefore, all the customs, celebrations and ceremonials that remind us of this fact, should be vigorously maintained. We lose these reminders at our peril.

WiFi Issues.

I am still having problems with Internet access - it will be around another week before the Blog is fully back to normal.

Christ's Love.

A Sheep In ...

"A sheep in sheep's clothing."
Churchill's droll insult about Labour Prime Minister Clement Attlee,

Catching Up.

Petition update

Our news is being censored.

Voice for Justice UK
6 Feb 2016 — According to Reuters, on 30th January 2016, hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered in the Circus Maximus in Rome to protest the introduction of same sex unions and gay adoption. Organisers reportedly estimated that around two million people attended the rally, the crowd so big that they were forced to spill out into the surrounding streets. 

News coverage of this event in the UK was at best muted; at worst, non-existent. The BBC carried a report on its European online news section. It was headed, ‘Italy protest against same sex marriage gathers thousands (italics added)’. Only towards the end of the article did it add, ‘Organisers said two million had attended, far more than the venue's capacity, and journalists at the scene estimated the figure at around 300,000’.

Similarly, The Guardian reported, ‘Tens of thousands of people have gathered in Rome to protest against legislation that would allow civil unions for same-sex couples in Italy’ (Saturday, 30th January, Italians protest against civil unions for same sex couples). The number was even further downgraded by The Telegraph’s headline, which stated, ‘Hundreds in Italy protest against same-sex marriage as cardinal urges government to listen’. 

The point is, the subject matter and its acceptability to the liberal elite seems these days to dictate the amount and style of coverage. To put it bluntly, anything supporting the nation’s newly defined ‘values’ gets highly positive publicity. But anything supporting what are branded reactionary traditional values is minimized, ridiculed or ignored.

Western civilization is imploding, but in this brave new world it would seem that the Christian voice is unacceptable and needs to be silenced. The truth is we are under ideological attack – a competing belief system that will not allow different views. 

It is for this reason that we call upon David Cameron and Her Majesty’s government to uphold the UK’s Christian heritage, and to protect freedom of speech and belief. For all of us. 


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Songbird Survival.

I have just renewed my membership to Songbird Survival - may I wholeheartedly recommend that you Brits do the same?


Drift From Faith And Suicide Rates.

We’ve already witnessed the spiritual demise of Europe. Can its physical demise be far behind?
John Stonestreet
In early May, Brussels Airport finally re-opened after being closed for nearly six weeks, following the March terrorist attack that killed sixteen people.
While it will not be back at full capacity until mid-June, the Belgian government sees the re-opening as part of their effort to regain some sense of normalcy after the attacks.
Another part of their efforts is figuring out how to deal with its restive and disgruntled Muslim minority, especially in places like the now-infamous Brussels suburb of Molenbeek. This tiny municipality, measuring less than 2.5 square miles, not only produced the March 22nd attackers, it’s also the reason Belgium produces proportionately more ISIS fighters than any other European country.
In recent remarks before the European Parliament, Koen Geens, Belgium’s Minister of Justice, told parliamentarians that “In Europe, very shortly we’re going to have more practicing Muslims than practicing Christians . . . That is not because there are too many Muslims, it is because Christians are generally less practicing.”
Not surprisingly, people, and not just Muslims, took offense at his comments. Belgium’s Interior Minister said that Geens was “making an enemy of Islam” and insisted that “the overwhelming majority of [Belgian Muslims] share our values.”
Lost in the furor over Geen’s comments was the fact that he was talking primarily about secularism and the decline of Christian practice, and values.
Also lost in this conversation over Belgium’s future, Islam and its jettisoned Christian heritage, is that the nation has turned euthanasia into a fundamental right. As PBS put it, and everyone already knows, Belgium has “the world’s most liberal euthanasia laws.” Physician-assisted suicide there isn’t limited to the terminally-ill – people with psychiatric illnesses or even children can also be euthanized.
As a member of Belgium’s Euthanasia Control and Evaluation Commission told PBS, at the heart of the law is “a respect to individual autonomy.” Thus rather than being limited to the terminally ill, the dark practice is available to anyone who sees his or her condition as “hopeless.”
And that includes, as we’ve previously told BreakPoint listeners, children as young as twelve. All that’s needed is the approval of two doctors, three in the case of psychiatric patients.
By all accounts, Belgium’s law, which goes against everything Christianity teaches about the sanctity and dignity of human life, enjoys wide support. While Geens’ party, the Christian Democrats, has opposed Belgium’s euthanasia regime, their view is a minority one.
The majority view of Belgian elites not only sees euthanasia as an indispensable part of respecting human autonomy, it has laughably convinced itself that the “overwhelming majority” of Belgian Muslims share these secularist values that made euthanizing children not only conceivable but the law.
daily_commentary_05_10_16Now while we’ve singled out Belgium, it’s by no means unique. In fact, it wasn’t even the first country to legalize euthanasia. That dubious distinction belongs to the Netherlands. It’s also legal in Luxemburg and Switzerland. So-called “right to die” advocates expect other western European nations to follow over the next decade.
In light of this, it’s hard to avoid the sense that Europe is committing suicide on multiple levels: first it committed spiritual suicide, turning its back on its Christian heritage. And once this happened, physical suicide wasn’t far behind.
And now, the de-Christianized Europeans find themselves ill-prepared to respond to what’s going on in places like Molenbeek. Not only that, but as they try to figure it out, they miss the obvious—like if you want your nation to survive, legalizing suicide is not only immoral, it’s, shall we say, counter-productive.
Or as Chuck would say, that’s what happens when you saw off the branch that you’re sitting on. Breakpoint

Hear No ... See No ... Speak No ...

A MINISTER recently likened David Cameron, The Leader of The Opposition, and John Major to the three wise monkeys — who “see no immigration, hear no immigration, speak no immigration”.

Please Pray For Persecuted Pastor.

Prayer Shield -  May 2016 - Sri Lanka

Pray for the pastor of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Sri Lanka Church in Dehiowita, Kegalle district, who was threatened by a 60-strong mob recently while he led a prayer meeting.  Release Int.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Belgium: Be Afraid - Very Afraid.

Obama tells Belgians he 'has their back'. 

Darwin's Glasses.

One of the reasons many refuse to even consider evidence for creation is that they have been brainwashed since kindergarten to see the world through Darwin’s Glasses. By this we mean they apply the following logic: Define evolution as “change”, then call all change “evolution”, then accept any change as proof of evolution, then turn around and claim such change disproves creation. Darwin used these tactics to get people to believe his theory. In 2009, the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth and 150th anniversary of the publication of Origin of Species we wrote a series of items for Evidence News showing how this thinking has and does still prevail in mainstream science and media. It’s a great  PDF article here. Get yours now.

Thinking With The Mind of Christ.

Songbird Survival: Editor's Note.

" ... where man's intervention has upset the balance of nature only man can correct it."

This is called 'common sense'! - You would not believe it from that silly lobby which seems to believe that 'nature will or can find its own balance'.

York Minster Abused.

May 16th, 2016 | Social
The Church of England has come under fire, after it has emerged that a senior clergyman at York Minster have introduced Zen Buddhist meditation into their offered services. Christian Concern.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Blog Postings.

Until the 5th of June, the average of ten posts a day will reduce by approximately half on this Blog. Postings may also tend to be a little more erratic. Am hoping to recharge my batteries somewhat, in order to prepare myself for the fray in the final fortnight before the most important vote in all of UK history.

Schroedinger's Greece. (Worth A Listen!)


Please Rearrange: Lunatics The The Taken Over Have Asylum.

Children at St Monica's Catholic Primary School in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, must instead look out for their teachers' raised hands to know when to stop playing. Mail.

Austria and Blinkered Lefties.

You know, it does not particularly matter whether a really hard right politician takes over in Austria or not at this point because THIS IS THE INEVITABLE FUTURE - and all because of absurd levels of immigration and all the attendant problems caused.
If UKIP, a moderate party, which simply speaks rationally on the immigration crisis is classed as 'right-wing' by the liberal left - we have no hope. Support common sense or do not be surprised when we have politicians gaining support from similar politicians to the sinister groups emerging in Austria and beyond.
When letter-writers and marchers say. "We want our country back" - better to listen to them now than have to put up with a truly fascist future!
The soppy left are too self-absorbed. (That wasn't the first term to spring to mind.) THEY are the ones pushing us towards fascism and they are too dim to see it.

Great Idea - Let's Make Youngsters Even More Uncontrollable!


Jesus - Who He Is.

Osborne Says Brexit Will Cause A Year of Recession.

Let us allow that he just might be correct - for once - dubious as that thought is. As a nation, this would be a miniscule price to pay for: freedom; free speech; huge annual savings; loss of the Brussels dictators; slashed bureaucracy; control of borders; an exit from imperialism; rights to self-determination; an opening up of world markets; cheaper food sourced internationally at best prices; a jobs boost and so, so much more.

The Love Of God.

Maybe The Daily Mail Is Not As Bad As The MOS.

In a shattering blow to the Prime Minister (pictured, right), Steve Hilton (left) claims the UK is 'literally ungovernable' as a democracy while it remains in a club that has been 'corruptly captured' by a self-serving elite. And in an attack on Project Fear, the former No 10 adviser dismisses claims by Mr Cameron, the IMF and the Bank of England that being in the EU makes us more secure. In an exclusive Daily Mail article, Mr Hilton - who persuaded Mr Cameron to stand for Tory leader - also delivers a devastating assessment of the PM's referendum deal. He says Mr Cameron made only 'modest' demands of Brussels - and that even these were swatted contemptuously aside. He also warns that Brussels will take revenge on Britain for the referendum if it votes to stay, by imposing fresh diktats.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Bus!


Syrian Church.

Pastor Edward Awabdeh's church continues to thrive despite the threat from ISISA CHRISTIAN church in Syria has stood up to Islamic State extremists by continuing to hold services.

PA/GETPastor Edward Awabdeh's church continues to thrive despite the threat from ISIS
Pastor Edward Awabdeh returned to his homeland after working as a dentist in the United States 
With the Islamic terror group taking large swathes of territory in civil war-torn Syria, many Christians have fled the country. 
But Pastor Edward has seen his congregation grow with people turning to his church for support in an act of defiance against the extremists.
He has taken threats to his own life and had an incredible escape when a bomb fell on his house but did not explode. 
With Syria ranked as the fifth most dangerous country in the world to be a Christian, many have questioned why he has stayed. 

Poll For The Express.

A poll for The Express reveals that up to TWELVE MILLION Turks are considering migrating to the UK.

Jimmy Anderson Leads England To A Whopping Victory.

Only four players seemed to contribute to this huge victory with two days to spare. Alex Hales, Jonny Bairstow, Stuart Broad and Jimmy Anderson were the only players to have had a good game.
England's first innings 298 was, by any standard, a pretty moderate effort in conditions where the ball would swing - but not excessively.
To win by an innings and 88 runs from such a low base was incredible, and all down to the pacemen, but this game still left a great many questions unanswered against a rather modest Sri Lankan team which won at Headingley in 2014,

Suspicious Deaths Of Christian Soldiers.

Pray that officials will investigate fully four suspicious deaths in the Egyptian army in nine months: all the deceased were Christian soldiers. Officials report three of the deaths as suicide: relatives reject those claims.  Release Int.


You Cannot Trust The Mail.

Up until today, The Mail has been fantastic in its fair reporting of the referendum. Today, that has all changed in the MOS.
A leading Brexit politician had told me face to face that this is what the Mail would do - and so it turns out!

John 1:14.

Link to John 1:1.

Trading With India.

None of the the Top 10 countries exporting goods to India are in the EU. One non-EU European country is though: Switzerland, which comes 4th.


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Save The NHS.

Jonathan And Paul - The Pride of UKIP!

£350 Million A Week Of Our Money Being Wasted In Brussels.

Cowardice Alert.

David Cameron Gove Boris Farage EU TV debate running scared blue on blue

Cameron running scared: Prime Minister REFUSES to take part in head-to-head EU debates

DAVID Cameron has confirmed he will not take part in any live head-to-head TV debates in a bid to stop “blue-on-blue conflicts”. Express.

Fabianism Rejects Real Democracy.

"Fabianism believes in “the democratic control of society in all its activities.” [Control!] – whereas most people see democracy as based on the freedom and liberty of the individual, Fabian socialism places the emphasis on control of the individual – a sort of “we know what is best” attitude. It sees this as being best achieved through some form of global government, a goal it shares with Communism, (which is also based on centralised control)."

Fabulous Frank - Our Best Labour MP.

Frank Field, who backs Brexit, told voters they will deciding on the UK's "destiny" when they go to the ballot box on June 23.

The outspoken MP for Birkenhead said: "A vote to remain is a vote to take our country firmly and securely into that single state."
Field argued that would represent a "danger" because of the "inevitably of unlimited immigration" from EU member states. Express.


The Nuns Fought the Law (and the Nuns Won)

Doctors' Dispute Ends.


pakistanPlease pray for our brothers and sisters in Chak village, Punjab in Pakistan: they’re living in fear after local Muslims accused a Christian of blasphemy.
The allegations surfaced after Imran Masih’s colleagues at the local health centre where he worked as a cleaner claimed he had been watching a controversial Christian preacher on YouTube on his mobile. Friends of Imran, who is a cleaner, say he is illiterate and could not have mastered the browser on his phone.
Angry local Muslims consulted Islamic scholars in the city of Sargodha, who issued a fatwa (Islamic decree) against Imran. When a local business man placed a bounty on Imran’s head, he fled from Chak. Muslims in the village then boycotted the 45 local Christian families, refusing to buy from or sell to them and threatening to attack their homes and churches.
Last Friday a large mob had gathered outside the mosque, apparently poised to attack Christians. Police dispersed the crowd but things remain tense. By Sunday, three-quarters of Chak’s 45 Christian families had fled. Those who stayed now have no food. Release partners are supporting Chak Christians and have called on police to step up security to protect them. Release Int.

We Have A Spirit of Power!

And Why Would It Not Happen Like This?

Justice Secretary Michael Gove said a migrant influx equivalent to the population of Scotland over the next 15 years would put 'unsustainable' pressure on the NHS. Mail.

Death Of The Cockney.

Remember Always The Needy.

Not Me.

Yesterday, I heard a report of a man in a local factory who declared that he would vote for Brexit: "I am fed up of the government telling me how to vote." 
If all the rest of the 'bloodyminded' people out there who feel the same DO the same - we shall win and win big!

Imagine If ...

Imagine if we Vote Leave on 23 June...

Friday, May 20, 2016

Excellent Brexit Argument.

Abortion Rise!
Christian Concern and other pro-life groups have expressed dismay as new statistics were released today, demonstrating a rise in abortions in England and Wales.
The Department of Health statistics show that 185,824 abortions were carried out in England and Wales, a 0.7% increase from 2014. Whilst the percentage of abortions for women under 30 decreased slightly, it has risen for women over 30.
The breakdown of the statistics also revealed that there has been a rise in repeat abortions and abortions on the basis of disability.

Published Letter.

Dear Sir,

I has long been the right of every freeborn British person to grumble about our leaders and rulers, our managers and others 'in authority over us'. We call it "freedom of speech".

On May 6th the EU removed that right, not that many would know it from the silence in much of the media (source: Daily Telegraph).

The European Court of Justice ruled that the right to complain about, or otherwise point out, the failings or wrongdoings of the EU Commission is illegal and gave the Commission the right to legally punish "individuals who damage the institution's image and reputation".

Interestingly, from an historic viewpoint, almost the same words were used in the Enabling Act of 1933 which allowed the German government to "abolish civil liberties" including rights of free speech which were not restored in that country until 1945. Don't take my word for it; the complete transcript of the Act in both German and English is available on line.

Yet another reason to vote Leave on June 23rd.

Yours faithfully,

Maggie Throup.


Thomas Jefferson On The EU.

Thomas Jefferson, Alexandra Place, Bridlington. SHOULD we join? Surely the question (Michael Dobbs, The Yorkshire Post, May 14) we should ask ourselves as we contemplate the vote in or out of the European Union is this: If we were not in already, would we want to apply to join? Yorks Post.

How It Is.

The Beeb Is Leftie But What Happened To ITV?

Left-wing academic Noreena Hertz, 48, who has no background as a journalist, has been unveiled as ITV's economics editor, an appointment said to have left staff in revolt. Mail.
To answer the question, ITV has been in the habit of poaching trained staff from the BBC - maybe they took their leftist contamination with them!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...