Thursday, November 30, 2017

Labour Has Been Irresponsible Throughout My Lifetime.

Labour have been promising unprecedented levels of spending. A cynic might suggest they are promising anything they can think of that will attract new voters without pausing to consider any of the economic impacts - much like the last Labour government.

Fracking Part Two.

Did Lennie Finally Find His Saviour?

Were Leonard Cohen’s Questions Answered?When Leonard Cohen died in November, the world lost more than just a famous singer: he was a poet and novelist from Montreal, a globetrotting cosmopolitan musician, and a Jewish supplicant of startling depth and complexity. As a performer, Cohen’s mind was always his most essential instrument – sharp, worldly, wise, and always a little funnier than you expected. His brilliant lyrics would have won acclaim if married to any voice, but one can’t overstate the importance and effectiveness of his particular voice. For just shy of fifty years, listeners tracked Cohen’s tenor as it shifted from a wry, deadpan whine to an almost comically cavernous bass rumble, like the Ghost of Hanukkahs Yet to Come crooning amusingly morbid pronouncements in five-minute dirges. From album to album, Cohen’s voice simultaneously decayed and bloomed, becoming something surprisingly moving and malleable, even as its gravity pulled his many adopted musical styles into its own orbit.

Spiritually, Cohen was traditional and progressive, displaying a sense of religious literacy uncommon in pop music and also a mile-wide irreverent streak that, true to his Jewish roots, flirted with insouciance without ever becoming truly glib. Cohen’s religious sensibilities and fascinations were obvious, though they were evenly deposited throughout his entire catalogue, without any distinct moment of illumination. The grandson of a rabbi, Leonard Cohen was consistently and resolutely committed to his own strain of Judaism, one he reconciled with his ordination as a Buddhist monk as well as an obvious affection for Jesus (mentioned in many Cohen songs, including “Suzanne,” “Avalanche,” “Passing Through,” “Is This What You Wanted,” “Jazz Police,” “The Future,” and “You Want It Darker”). In Jim Devlin’s Leonard Cohen: In His Own Words, Cohen referred to Jesus as, “the most beautiful guy who ever walked the face of the earth.” Cohen went on to say he believed he had been truly touched by Jesus, a figure of “inhuman generosity,” despite both the traditional Jewish approach to Christ and his own education on the history of Christendom.
After a press tour in which he frequently discussed his own mortality, Leonard Cohen released You Want It Darker, his 14th and final album. The title seemed like a playful threat from an artist often accused of wallowing in sadness, but rather than urbane miserabilism, the album opens with the title track, in which Cohen muses on his bone-tiredness before intoning “Hineni, hineni, I’m ready my Lord.” Recalling Abraham, Samuel, and Isaiah, Cohen tapped into his own sense of preparedness and resignation, and also a grand biblical tradition of Jewish men who recognized they were in the presence of the Divine. Throughout the album, he deftly blends the sacred and the profane, referencing the Old and New Testaments, as well as bidding fond, remorseful farewells to old and new lovers. Gone was the gentle defiance of “Hallelujah,” arguably Cohen’s best song, replaced by a knowing sense of loss. Though he seemed certain he would soon meet his Maker, there were still lingering questions of a sort that filled many of his lyrics. He may have been ready to go, but it was now expressed more like “ready or not, here I come,” a realization that his unanswered questions might have unsatisfying answers. Decades earlier, in his 1974 song “Who by Fire,” a reworking of a traditional Yom Kippur prayer, Cohen questioned the Judge of all the earth by inquiring of Him, “And who shall I say is calling?” In the new song “I’m Leaving the Table,” Cohen wearily states, “I’m leaving the table, I’m out of the game,” before singing, “If I ever loved you, if I knew your name.”
It’s not for us to know whether or not Cohen’s lifelong appreciation of Jesus ever translated to true faith, if he ever truly knew the Lord of Song he sung about, the holy name he magnified until his final album, but his questions are now settled and his seeking is at an end. Perhaps the many who loved Leonard Cohen and found comfort in his music will ask those same questions and find the solace in God he spent a career publicly seeking. May his memory be a blessing, and may you find an answer to one of Cohen’s most poignant questions: “When they said ‘Repent, repent,’ I wonder what they meant.”

Another Tory Failure.

The Government rolls over at the slightest challenge

Published Nov, 2017
The announcement that Britain has withdrawn its candidate from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is a disturbing aspect of our Government's competence.

Peter Jewell, the UKIP Justice spokesman responded "Sir Christopher Greenwood QC has an exceptional legal brain. Britain has been a member of the International Court since 1946 and is the only permanent of the security Council to have their candidate challenged. The new incumbent will be Dalver Bhandari from India.
"The leaders of this country have become weak and ineffective, we role over at the slightest challenge. As with the ICJ, so with the European Union.
"Mrs May now runs to Mr Barnier in Brussels. For heavens sake say what we will do and go, however Mr Barnier if you want to trade with Britain come to London and put your case, otherwise German, French and Spanish and Italian Cars will not be sold in Britain and for example French Farmers may panic if they cannot sell their wine and other Agricultural products here as well."

May Your Life Ever Be To The Glory Of God.

The Donald.

Whenever you tear out your hair because of Trump - pause, take a breath, count to ten and think how appalling it could have been!
This is indubitably, the lesser evil!


A Wholly Terrifying Prospect.

A report entitled Europe's Growing Muslim Population said the percentage of Muslims making up the total population of Britain could rise from 9.7 to 17.2 per cent. Mail.

Several Royal Nasties In This Photo.

Taken at Windsor Castle during the funeral of King Edward VII. Standing (left to right): King Haakon VII of Norway, King Ferdinand of Bulgaria, King Manuel of Portugal, Emperor William II of Germany, King George I of the Hellenes, King Albert of the Belgians.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

N. Korean Kids - This You Gotta See!


Yeti Exists BUT Is A Bear!
Hmm. Yet another hoped for 'missing link' - isn't!

Lord, Show Me Your Ways!

EVERY Single Illegal MUST Be Expelled.
There are no illegal immigrants who are refugees. Even if a few were so once - as soon as they started to break UN rules on the matter and chose to sneak illegally into our country they simply turned themselves into criminals! Nothing more, nothing less!

Godless Churches?

Church of Sweden Tells Clergy to Use Gender-Neutral Pronouns for God, Not 'He' or 'Lord'

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden has told clergy that they need to start using gender-neutral language when referring to God, and avoid masculine terms such as "He" and "Lord." CP.

Little Wonder The NUS Is Screaming - They Don't Believe In Free Speech.

Assess Henry For Yourself.

Brexit Divorce Bill Agreed?

I shall not forgive the Tory Party if they have spent a whole swathe of taxpayers' money, extorted out of them by the EU gangsters, so we can continue 'to enjoy' the somewhat dubious benefits of the 'single market'.
The single market means having to sign up to countless EU rules and regulations which we voted to leave behind. It will probably leave us little control over our borders and we may well find ourselves 'outside the EU' but only on the same basis as a Norway.
We held all the cards in these negotiations and I strongly suspect that the Tories have blown it - and big style. 
Again, I suspect that the only tangible benefit we shall be seeing will be our national ability to strike up more free trade deals on the world stage.
Compared to what should have been - it simply WILL NOT DO!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Chennai 6 Home For Christmas?

I'm delighted that Ashington's Nick Dunn and the Chennai 6 have finally been acquitted; having spent some time looking at the case, I'm utterly convinced they did nothing wrong and don't deserve what's happened. I hope they'll now all be back with their families for Christmas.


Missionary Hostage Butchered In Nigeria.

Hostages tell of moment Nigerian terrorists shoot man dead after singing Amazing Grace.

A BRITISH couple held hostage in Nigeria have told of their horrifying ordeal, including the moment one of their group was shot dead after singing Amazing Grace.
Christian missionaries David and Shirley Donovan were kidnapped from their accommodation in Delta State in the south of the country in the early hours of October 13 by terrorists.
They were held with Ian Squire, an optician, and Alanna Carson who were also working as missionary medics in west Africa
Dr Donovan told the Daily Telegraph how the group's spirits were briefly lifted when the kidnappers returned a guitar and Mr Squire played Amazing Grace.
He told the paper: "It was the perfect song, and at that point things began to look not quite as bad.

The Challenge Of Islam In The UK.

November 22nd, 2017 | Islam
Tim Dieppe writes about the challenge of Islam in the UK, asking how the church should respond. He reviews the increasing influence of Islam, discusses some perspective on the beliefs of Muslims, and then outlines some ways that the church can and should be responding.

Romans 2:14.

Dangers Of Corbynism.

Corbyn more dangerous for markets than hard Brexit, warns Morgan Stanley.


Priti Patel On Dazzling Form.

Do Not Be Overcome By Your Own Sense Of Self-Importance.

Bibles For Vietnam.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Good. Let's Concentrate Solely On This Individual's History of Treason!

Sir Edward Ted Heath historic sex crimes child abuse gay wiltshire police investigation
Ted Heath historic child sex probe could be SHUT DOWN after claims branded 'fantasy'. Express.

Red Wednesday.

Red Wednesday: Churches, Christians Shine Light on Persecution With 'Colour of Martyrdom'

Hundreds of buildings and churches around the world are being lit up in red, with Christians also encouraged to wear red, as persecution watchdog groups mark #RedWednesday, an initiative aimed at drawing attention to the plight of persecuted believers. Christian Post.

Self Harm & Drugs To Walking With God.



Angela Gordon, 42, who starved her seven-year-old daughter to death has been released from prison after serving less than her 15-year sentence in Britain. The little girl's father says no one told him.


Nick - On The Mark, As Ever.

Nick Martinek, Briarlyn Road, Huddersfield. THERE is no doubt that Leave was far too complacent after the referendum. We thought we had won and it was all over bar Parliamentary implementation which would be rather dull. No-one thought Remainers would overnight become Leavers, but we did expect them to treat the result in the same way as a win at a general election. Many have honourably done so. However, some Remainers claim they respect the referendum result but, by their actions, we know they don’t. Others are quite blatantly siding with the EU and doing everything in their power to overturn our democratic decision. Since the facts haven’t changed, and a majority want the government to “get on with it”, we will be leaving. So the only result that Remain can achieve is for the UK to get a worse deal, with an enormous bill, when otherwise we could just leave, using the existing WTO trade deal. Appeasement on the scale of our entry negotiations in 1972 will harm the UK for decades, and could result in the implosion of the Conservative party.

Read more at:

The God-Fashioned Life.

England Lose The First Test.


Hmm. Don't Hide Your Light Under A Bushel?

Top Vatican Astronomer: Some Scientists Pretend They're Atheists for Credibility, but Many Attend Church.

I fully understand their dilemma!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

England Defeat In First Test Is Virtually Inevitable.

England having set the home side the meagre total of 170 to chase down, the Aussies have now taken complete command of the First Test.
It might have been considerably better for England had the third umpire not given the in form Moeen Ali out, stumped, when the pictures seemed to indicate the opposite decision was the appropriate one.

I Disagree - We Must Do BOTH.

I hear a lot of talk among conservative Christians today about "the radical liberal agenda" that is dominating our culture. This agenda is filled with leftist Democrats, unfair and imbalanced MSNBC reporters and pro-gay Starbucks cups controversies.
As a matter of fact I'm sick of hearing about it.
Now don't get me wrong. I am very conservative, both politically and theologically. I like Reagan, Republicans and imputed righteousness.
But I am not going to expend my energy fighting the radical liberal agenda. Instead, I'm going to invest it in pushing the "radical Jesus agenda."
What is his agenda? To love God, love others and make disciples!
When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was he answered, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself'"Matthew 22:37-39.
This basically means love God with everything you have and then take your love for him out on everyone else. Yes, this especially includes those you vehemently differ with politically, philosophically and morally!
The radical Jesus agenda is to love your enemies and hate your own sin. The radical Jesus agenda is to be a visible, visceral demonstration to the world that we love others no matter matter if we differ with their politics or lifestyle choices. Our love for others has no qualifications, exceptions or asterisks because our love is rooted in God (1 John 4:19.)
This doesn't mean that we refuse to vote our convictions. This doesn't mean that we don't stand for truth. But it does mean that we do so humbly, lovingly and gently. It means we are characterized by an open hand, not a clenched fist.
And the radical Jesus agenda goes even farther than loving God and loving others. It also includes making disciples!
In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
A key thrust of the radical Jesus agenda is winning people over, not to our politics, but to our Saviour! It is making disciples, not to follow us, but to follow our King! Christian Post.

Kenyan Christian Convert Tells Her Story.

Kenyan Christian Convert Disowned by Muslim Family After Giving Life to Christ Shares Her Story

A 21-year-old Kenyan who grew up in a strict Muslim household and was forced to pray five times per day is now paying the consequence that many from strict Muslim families experience when they leave Islam and give their lives to Christ, a Christian organization has reported.

Hammond Cares Little For Yorkshire.

Pistorius Sentence Doubled.


Pray To End Abortion.

Abortions in America Drop to Historic Low: CDC Report.

Abortions in America have dropped to an all-time low, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which found that the nation's abortion rate declined by two percent between 2013 and 2014. Christian Post.

Makes Your Flesh Creep - Doesn't It?

Anti-Christian Businesses? - Boycott 'Em!

Salvation Through Faith.

Algerian Church Forcibly Closed Down.

Algeria Shuts Down Church Accused of Illegally Printing Bibles and Evangelism Materials

A church in the Northeastern African nation of Algeria has been closed down after authorities claimed that the church building was being used to print Bibles and other Christian materials.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Terry's Chocolate Orange Price Hike? - No Problem For Me - I'll Be Boycotting Them!

.                                        Sainsbury's shoppers up and down the UK will have to fork out almost double what they did last year to get their hands on a Terry's Chocolate Orange this Christmas. Mail

England - Rather Disappointing Third Day At The Gabba.

When England had the Aussies at 209 for 7, they were in the driving seat. But then England allowed Australia off the hook as the home side put on 119 for the final three wickets.
England found themselves facing a deficit of just 26 but conspired to lose two wickets in finishing the day just eight runs ahead.
Little blame attached to Vince for the loss of his wicket but Alastair Cook played a most foolish hook shot and was caught on the boundary. Shameful batting from a man of his talent and experience.
Congratulations to Aussie skipper, Steve Smith whose unbeaten 140 will almost certainly prove to be final difference between the sides.
Tomorrow, if England fail to manage to bat through until the final day - defeat is inevitable! (Even that may not be enough.)

Faith In The Workplace - VERY Dangerous In The UK, Though!

A Christian business executive believes workers should not place their faith life and employment in separate "silos," but rather should think of them as "one circle."

Do Not Be Hardhearted!

Henry Bolton Impresses On The Sharp End.

LIAR Heath - The Evidence!

We were lied to! Secret document FCO 30/1048 kept truth about EU from British for 30 years

A SECRET document, which remained locked away for 30 years, advised the British Government to COVER-UP the realities of EU membership so that by the time the public realised what was happening it would be too late. Almost all of the shocking predictions – from the loss of British sovereignty, to monetary union and the over-arching powers of European courts – have come true.
But damningly for Tory Prime Minister Edward Heath, and all those who kept quiet about the findings in the early 70s, the document, known as FCO30/1048, was locked away under Official Secrets Act rules for almost five decades.
The classified paper, dated April 1971, suggested the Government should keep the British public in the dark about what EEC membership means predicting that it would take 30 years for voters to realise what was happening by which time it would be too late to leave.
That last detail was the only thing the disgraceful paper – prepared for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) – got wrong. Express.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...