Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Marx And Collectivism.

Marx’s basic premise is that socio-economic statuses for different groups, the proletariat and the bourgeois ruling classes are defined by their relationship to private property and the means of production. Marx believed as many long-haired, dirty, grimy, tree hugging hippies believe to this very day that by eradicating this relationship of property that peace on earth will finally be realized. It’s an excessively naive view of the world, and has failed time and time again due to the fact that such a society always requires administrators, and those administrators always attempt to rule through dictatorship. In the case of the Palmera Apartments in Mason, the apartment dweller, (the non-owners) gain enormous voting power because of their sheer numbers. The bureaucrats of Mason City government get to impose fees on the developer of the apartment and keep a leash on their control of their own property so to best serve the apartment dwellers. These fees pay their administrative costs, but also keep the developer from gaining too much personal power.

Governments in general all have a tendency toward socialism, because they function as a collective, not as individuals responsible for their own thoughts and action. The blob mentality of no property ownership, no ownership of ideas, or even of personal relationships are destroying the human race, and it can all be hung presently on the gutter bum, Karl Marx and his legions of leeching intellectuals. In The United States the government sued Microsoft for having a monopoly, to gain control of a company becoming too big and powerful. Today, that company is only a fraction of what it once was. And now Facebook has been artificially propped up by government so that it can tear it down again and take away from people the freedom enjoyed there. Facebook as I’m writing this is being attacked by government to level the playing field for others, and to gain control of the business. The behavior is more reminiscent of communism than capitalism, because the administrators of our economy are tampering with the ownership of assets in order to facilitate who does what according to their abilities, and who needs what according to their needs. Those determinations are made by the “collective,” by the mobs of the masses and it is sheer evil. Evil because the mob can determine what someone else does with their property. In the case of the Palmera Apartments the building code administrators and local school will decide the costs of the project. Up front the code people do. But after the apartments are built, the schools can increase their cost by raising taxes at the will of the mob. The owner will then have to decide to absorb the cost increase of the taxes, or raise their rental rates, which might push out the apartment dwellers because the apartments will then become too expensive. The intent of the mob is that by using communism, the apartment owner is forced to surrender their profits, their means of production, to the “collective. Rich Hoffman.

In Full Bloom.

I saw communism in full bloom just the other day as I was on my way to the Kings Island Amusement Park in Mason, Ohio. A large complex of apartments had sprung up out of the only ground left in Mason from which to build called The Palmera. These are high-end, luxury apartments which would be expected in Mason, perfectly located to take advantage of the excellent Mason Schools, local shopping, and highway access. At first glance it would seem nice to offer renters a chance to move into the community of Mason at a fraction of the cost property would garner of the same quality, but that is until one thinks about election time. Apartment dwellers are notoriously vociferous to pass school levies when a public school asks for higher taxes, because the apartment dweller does not directly pay the taxes, the apartment owner does, yet the apartment dweller does get to send their child to school for free. So they almost always vote in favor of school levies, because they don’t have to pay the tax increase directly—someone else does. This is the Marx idea of forcing on society “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” Since the apartment owner is rich enough to build an apartment complex, they are rich enough to pay the taxes required by the “needs” of the community. Rich Hoffman.


Today Presidents like Obama do not call themselves Marxists, socialists, or communists—they term it progressives. School teachers, politicians of both parties, many media personalities, actors, actresses, producers, music industry tycoons, and even Wall Street Bankers consider themselves “progressive” yet have their roots directly tied to the work of Karl Marx. To see the evidence, all one has to do is look in their neighborhoods and the evidence of “collectivism” will be seen in great abundance. Collectivism is an evil of thoughtless enterprise. No one brain controls this evil, its methods of destruction are generated from a collective belief that all participants are moved by a “will” that transcends thought, so mob will rules through democratic participation. Marx sought the complete eradication of private property so that every member of society could work according to their capacities and consume according to their needs. To his way of thinking, this was the only way to prevent the rich from living at the expense of the poor. Since he was so terribly poor, he was concerned about “leveling” the playing field so people like him could have a say in his fate. After all, he could not afford property of his own, and he obviously lacked the will to obtain it himself. So he built a philosophy that allowed for the legal theft of other people’s property so that at least they would not have more than he did. Communism became the philosophy of the lazy; those who would rather take from others so that they could not have more than the communists did as if such a thing could justify the communist’s lack of ambition. Rich Hoffman.

Marx & Evil.

Karl Marx: The evil advocate of individual destruction.

I do not believe that Karl Marx intended to deliver the most evil political philosophy known to the human mind on purpose. It would appear that Marx, being the helpless, poverty-stricken despot that he was, wished to become powerful as he looked about Europe and saw the classes of those above him. He knew he would never reach any lofty social heights in his lifetime without stealing some of that influence from the bourgeoisie class. Marx did not have the benefit of living in America where the closest form of a socially classless society existed. If he did live in America, he might not have died with only 11 mourners at his funeral leaving behind a wife, and life of extreme poverty. Yet Marx and his writing were discovered by the intellectual elite, and even newspaper editors in America were giving voice to Marx and his writing partner on The Communist Manifesto Friedrich Engels because they sensed correctly that the plight of the poor and down trodden was the path to power. The intellectual elite knew they were too weak for actual battle and sought to utilize a mob of peasants to capture political control from the kings, queens, and the nobility of Europe. Intellectuals for centuries had been looking for a philosophy to bring about the utopian vision of a society created by Sir Thomas More in his book Utopia published in 1516. Marx, with all the foolish innocence of a beggar placed ideas to paper and the intellectual classes used him to gain power over Europe in the middle 1850’s. What followed was a century of death, destruction, and the near eradication of human innovation globally. Marx brought to the world decay in the form of his political philosophy called Marxism, which morphed into socialism maturing into communism, and all the gains made in America advancing the spirit of the human species had found its destroyer. Rich Hoffman.

Remoaners - Be Careful What You Wish For!

Another vote? Be careful what you wish for, Remoaners, says LEO MCKINSTRY

The Government is now paying the price for the incoherence and cowardice of its Brexit strategy. Repeated concessions to the EU have led only to arrogance in Brussels, turmoil at Westminster, paralysis in Whitehall and disillusion among voters.

By LEO MCKINSTRYAs ministers struggle with their self-inflicted troubles, pressure now grows for a second referendum on EU withdrawal. At the forefront of this campaign is a group named the People’s Vote, which plans to step up its agitation over the coming months.
Yet this so-called People’s Vote movement is based on a spectacular deceit. The organisation, which is essentially a Remainer front run by pro-EU outfit Open Britain, pretends it is seeking a democratic endorsement for any Brexit deal.
In reality it wants to overturn the result of the 2016 referendum and keep Britain locked inside the Brussels empire. Rarely has any gang of lobbyists had a more misleading title.
The People’s Vote is the antithesis of democracy. Its entire outlook is based on the betrayal of the voters. We have already had a People’s Vote on the EU and it was by far the greatest democratic exercise in our modern political history.
The debate was intense, the turnout high, the result decisive. Brexit is in difficulty not because of the public’s brave decision but because of the establishment’s reluctance to abide by the result.
Worship of Brussels is so ingrained within the ruling class that our politicians and civil servants are terrified of British independence.
Leo McKinstry
Worship of Brussels is so ingrained within the ruling class that our politicians and civil servants are terrified of British independence.
So over the past two years they have done all they can to emasculate Brexit with endless delays, meaningless talks, legalistic manoeuvres and empty sloganising.
It is this institutional inertia which has created the present mess and heightened public despair. With ruthless cynicism Remainers aim to foment the mood of crisis so they can present a second referendum as the only viable solution.
Every dire warning about Brexit, from political stalemate to shortages of medical supplies, is geared towards that end. What we have is a reprise of the notorious Project Fear with the aim of forcing a re-run on the vote.
That attitude is epitomised by the mega-rich, achingly progressive football pundit Gary Lineker, who has just come out in support of the People’s Vote.
Justifying his stance Lineker said: “I know when something is wrong and right now Brexit feels like it is going very wrong indeed.”
Other celebrities have joined in this denunciation of the EU withdrawal, such as businessman Sir Richard Branson, who claims that British voters were misled in 2016 and would “change their minds” in a second vote.
Against the backdrop of this high-profile coverage the People’s Vote campaigners are brimming with confidence.
They boast they now have 130 branches across the country as well as more than 250,000 signatures on their petition for a second vote and more than a million supporters online.
They also point to an opinion poll last week which showed that 42 per cent of the public favour a second referendum, compared with 40 per cent against one.
But the second-vote zealots should be careful about what they wish for. Another referendum could backfire dramatically. Far from forcing us to stay in the EU, a further vote could provide renewed impetus for our departure.
The only way there will be a second referendum is if the Government is forced by Parliament into one, either because Theresa May has been unable to conclude any kind of reasonable agreement with Brussels or because a deal has been rejected by the Commons.
In such circumstances the new referendum will be just like the 2016 version with a straight choice between clean Brexit and Remain.
The result could be a landslide for the former, once again puncturing all the arrogant self-delusions of the pro-EU brigade.
The Remainers think that in a second ballot the people will be like an army of despairing penitents, anxious to atone for the sin of their past heresy by voting the “right” way this time.But the very opposite could happen. A further referendum could be the vehicle for an explosion of public anger against the political establishment for failing to implement the decision of 2016.
Such a vote could trigger a nationwide revolt against the elite, which will have shattered all public trust by treating democracy with contempt.
Any new Remain campaign that involves despised pro-EU figures such as Nick Clegg and Tony Blair will guarantee an even bigger failure than in 2016.
Nor is there any evidence that the electorate has changed its mind on Brexit, especially after Project Fear proved so inaccurate and the EU so stubborn.
The British do not like sore losers, which is exactly what the Remainers are. That can be seen from the examples of two controversial by-elections.
In 1997 the Tories challenged the exceedingly narrow victory of Liberal Democrat Mark Oaten in the seat of Winchester. In the subsequent by-election Oaten’s majority went up.
Similarly when the Liberal Democrats successfully used the courts to challenge Labour’s win in Oldham at the 2010 general election, Labour’s majority went up at the by-election in 2011.
A second vote represents no answer whatsoever. The only realistic policy is for the Government to implement the clear mandate from the public and have the courage to embrace British freedom.


Noetic Science.

What is noetic science?

noetic science
Question: "What is noetic science?"

Noetic science is a branch of parapsychology concerned with the power and source of human intelligence, including how thoughts cause physical effects. “Noetic” refers to the mind and how human beings utilize intellect. It is often used as a term describing the source of intellect, particularly on a fundamental or metaphysical level. For this reason, the word noetic is often used in contexts that have little or nothing to do with noetic science. “Noetics,” in a philosophical context, refers to a branch of metaphysics. “Noetic science” refers to the parapsychological category.

Groups focusing on noetic science are interested in topics such as telepathy, telekinesis, precognition, and self-healing. Despite claims to the contrary, most of these topics have been exhaustively studied and found to be fictional by multiple scientific means. This classifies noetic science as pseudoscience at best, and science fiction at worst.

The continued popularity of superstitions such as noetic science is well explained by passages such as 2 Timothy 4:3. Rather than admitting to spiritual and physical truths, people have a bad habit of looking for a “teacher” to tell them what they wanted to hear in the first place. Rather than seeking truth, they seek validation (Romans 1:20). While not explicitly connected to any particular anti-Christian ideas, the claims of noetic science are neither wise nor helpful (1 Corinthians 6:121 Timothy 4:7) and shouldn’t be a part of a Christian’s worldview.

How It Is.

Snowflakeism Is Hardly New.

How many decades ago were the do-gooders of their day trembling and fretting when criminals received their just deserts?
In the political classes, there were scores in parliament even in the 50s - but at least, in those days, we had a real Conservative Party!

Well - You Can't Have It Always.

Owen's Warning.

In an outspoken interview, former EU peace negotiator Lord Owen (pictured) lambasted parliament for letting down the millions of people who voted for Brexit. Mail.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Christianity & Socialism Are Mutually Exclusive - Hear It From 'The Fount'.


God's Perfect Timing.

Moral Universalism Should Bring Us A Few Shreds Of Respite From The Political Left But Tragically ...

Moral universalism (also called moral objectivism or universal morality) is the meta-ethical position that some system of ethics, or a universal ethic, applies universally, that is, for "all similarly situated individuals", regardless of culture, race, sex, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, or any other ...

Even the very scant hope this offers to our present world is now compromised when we discover that there are those actually prepared to justify Aztec human sacrifice!

This Is Correct. Why Is Our Society Giving Bullets For The Hard Right To Fire?

Helping The Poor In Sheffield.


(Scroll to about 40 minutes in.)
Well done, Joy and colleagues!

Lest We Forget: Nazi Means National SOCIALIST.

Price Is No Guarantee of Quality.

Heston’s Citrus Sherbet Lazy Gin, made exclusively for Waitrose and costing £24.99, came below own-brand gins from Aldi, Lidl, Spar and Morrisons. Mail.
Blogger: I have long made this point. If you do not test the cheaper brands - you will never know. Sometimes cheap is ... well ... just cheap but there are very few areas where the big brand is simply the best.
I would always buy Kellogs Cornflakes and Heinz Salad Cream - but beyond those, there are few items where I do not try to save money.
Do this intelligently over a lifetime and you will probably save a six figure sum which, intelligently invested into your pension pot, could easily add 40% to your income in old age.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Marx The Terrifying.


Progressivism's March To Judgment.

Printer-friendly version
Dr P. Andrew Sandlin, Founder & President,Center for Cultural Leadership discusses the problem with 'progressivism' and challenges Christians and churches to steer away from its influence.
“Liberal” has become a dirty word in the last few decades, so liberals have latched onto “progressive.” After all, who’s opposed to progress except hillbilly fundamentalists and head-in-the-sand technophobes? But behind the moniker “progressive” are also deep worldview assumptions. When candidate Barak Obama warned his Democratic audience that the Republicans would “take [them] back to the 1920’s,” he didn’t find it necessary to elaborate. He could assume they embraced the basic progressive presupposition that the measure of linear history is the march of moral improvement. In 2018, our cell phones and cars are superior to those of the past, and so are our political and sexual standards. This is the great premise of modern progressivism: whatever comes later is better.
True Progress
This is not only a contemporary idea. Still, the idea of historical progress was rare in the ancient world. Aside from the Jews, it was almost unheard of. Ancient pagans saw civilization as cyclical: rise, ascendency, prominence, decline, and fall.  This view led to pessimism and despair. Christianity inherited from the Jewish faith the belief in incremental progress toward a glorious age to come, ushered in by Messiah, whom they knew to be Jesus of Nazareth. True progress is the fruit of godly faith and obedience. It is social sanctification.
The Enlightenment began to secularize the Christian promise of progress. This secularized progress was served up in different forms. In the 19th century Karl Marx theorized that progress in society comes only by the conflict between human classes, but chiefly the bourgeoisie (property owners) and the proletariat (propertyless workers).  Today’s Cultural Marxists  take this a step further: progress is possible not only by economic conflict but also sexual, racial, and regional conflict. This conflict produces the New Man (excuse me: the New Person — the politically correct grammarian thugs must have their say). This development is the sociopolitical counterpart of Darwinism in science. Just as higher species develop by “survival of the fittest,” so higher morality develops by contesting and vanquishing traditional morality.  
Liberation from Christianity?
The battle of the Cultural Marxists (and theirs is the guiding elite sociopolitical vision of our time) is to liberate the West from the “repressive” tendencies of the past, especially the Christian past. This liberation crusade encompasses one sphere after another. For example, in jurisprudence, constitutions must be considered “living” documents, interpreted according to present standards. Why? Because the authors lived in a time when moral standards were inferior. They did not include the right of a mother to abort her unborn child or the right of homosexuals to marry. They didn’t know better at the time.
And then consider economics. The free market system on which the U.S. was partly founded presupposes the biblical guarantee of private (or family) property. Private ownership is a God-given right. Progressives are confident that this is a false, naïve assumption. The individual is not important; we now know the collective is what’s important. As Marx taught, it’s not that the free market is absolutely bad; in fact, capitalism is a stage through which civilization must have travelled. But that stage is over, and we’re now in the higher, greater stage of socialism.
The battle within the church
Nor has the church been immune from progressivism. The guiding adage of modernism, related to progressivism, is “Make it new!”  Every age must be governed by its own, unique views and standards, not those inherited from the past. In the case of Christianity this meant that the old, timeworn Bible must be replaced by human reason and experience, and that the classical creeds and orthodoxy were no longer relevant. In practical terms, this translated into the erasure of sin and judgment, the installation of women pastors, and the introduction of Sunday morning laser-light-show entertainment.
Sexual progressivism will never stop with the abolition of marriage…. [T]he revolution must be permanent. The next step is progress beyond male and female … [T]he elites must restructure reality. Creation stands in the way of progress. Reality itself is the enemy.
Perhaps the most diabolical instance of progressivism, however, has been the Sexual Revolution launched in the Sixties. It has progressed (= regressed) from miniskirts and premarital sex to gay “marriage” and transgenderism. The Playboy culture and easy availability of condoms were not enough. In fact, they were just the start. The progressivist revolution must devour everything in its path. Its main impediment has been the institution of marriage. The gay “marriage” agenda is not to expand marriage, but to destroy the family. What makes marriage what it is, is the uniqueness of its participants: one man and one woman covenantally committed to one another before God for a lifetime. To redefine marriage is to destroy it. If just any relationship can be marriage, there can be no marriage.
But sexual progressivism will never stop with the abolition of marriage. As Trotsky claimed, the revolution must be permanent. The next step is progress beyond male and female: God’s creation is a barrier to human imagination, so the elites must restructure reality. Creation stands in the way of progress. Reality itself is the enemy. This was the claim of the ancient Gnostics, and it is the program of their 21st century successors.  “My male or female body parts assigned at conception and developed in the womb may not prevent me from realizing my dreams of utter sexual autonomy. I am entitled to ‘Gender Affirmation Surgery’ to make my body conform to my imagination. Sexual progress demands it.”
Progressivism's ultimate failure
Progressivism necessitates the eventual overturning of the created order. The goal is not simply rebellion against God’s creation; it is the new creation by autonomous man. This goal is satanic. It is materially no different from the Serpent’s hiss in Eden: “Eve, God is trying to keep pleasant things from you. Break his unjust order so that you can be truly free.”
Because we live in a God-rigged universe, the new Gnostics will not succeed any more than Eve and Adam did, though their rebellion can wreak havoc in the process, just as our first parents’ did. Not just the Jews but also the Gentile nations are subject to God’s moral law (Is. 13ff.; Rom. 3:19). The progressives might believe that morals are evolving right along with history, but they will be judged by the ancient, unchanging standard of biblical law. This judgment is not limited to eternity, but will arrive in history — just as it did for ancient Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome (Dan. 2, 7). God will halt the progressives’ revolution in its tracks. He will create an earthly Zion corresponding to the heavenly Zion (Is. 2:1–4; 9:1–7; Heb. 12:18–29). God will throw the unrepentant progressives, today so proud of their moral superiority, into the dustbin of history. Christian Concern.
Blogger: I am not sure that I agree with the final statement. I am no longer certain that God will permit us a further generation for there to be any more 'history'. Verily, verily I say unto you - surely we must be in the very end of end times.

'gods' Come in a Variety Of Shapes and Sizes And In A Great Many Forms. Be Careful!

What If ...?

What would happen if I were to launch a well-funded campaign to promote heterosexuality with parades and posters, I wonder?
I'm guessing that it would be deemed 'a hate crime'.

Yeah, Winnie But Not Of The Same Quality!

Everyday Answers.


Saturday, July 28, 2018

If Amazon Do Not Back Down - Boycott Them!


Doubting The Bible.

Pastor Steven Furtick's 'Claim That Doubting Bible Is OK', is good. It tells us everything we need to know about the man.
Incidentally, whose view would you prefer on the matter?
That of The Creator and Saviour of the universe or that of a feeble man who does not possess one minute fraction of a trillionth of God's intellect?
Ooh - that's a tough one!

Well Done Ms Champion.

Terror police boost security for MP Sarah Champion over criticism of Asian sex gangsThe Times.

Sarah Champion was accused of racism after writing an article about sexual abuse by British Pakistani men
Sarah Champion was accused of racism after writing an article about sexual abuse by British Pakistani menVICTOR DE JESUS FOR THE TIMES
An MP who received death threats after condemning the sexual abuse of girls by groups of British Pakistani men has been given increased security amid fears that hard-left and Muslim opponents are trying to force her from office.
Sarah Champion was accused by activists in her Rotherham constituency of “industrial-scale racism” for highlighting the “common ethnic heritage” of most of those implicated in the town’s sex-grooming scandal.
Criticism of the former Labour frontbencher has been led by a racial justice charity that claims to speak on behalf of the local Pakistani community. Its main funder is the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, a Quaker organisation that was widely criticised in 2015 for donating more than £300,000 to Cage, a [dodgy]human rights group.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...