Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Bloodworth: Zero Hours & Beyond.
If one wishes to get to the root of why populism in Britain today has such an appeal, whether it is the populism of the Brexiters or the Corbynistas, then this is the book to read. For, as history has shown, the roots of populism can be traced back to poor working conditions and living standards.
Bloodworth chronicles in a very graphic manner, the daily reality of millions of Britons who are trapped in low paid insecure jobs in the ‘gig economy, ‘ on zero hours contracts, who are exploited on a daily basis with very few employment rights
It is the Britain of the twenty-first century where one in twenty people live on the minimum wage, where nearly two and a half million people who are self-employed have a weekly wage below the minimum weekly wage, and while there are record levels of employment, an increasing proportion of this work is poorly paid, precarious and without regular hours. As Bloodworth points out “working for five hours a week may keep you off the government’s unemployment figures, but it is not necessarily sufficient to pay the rent.”
And for those in full-time work, more and more private sector companies are no longer paying sick pay, but merely statutory sick pay of ninety-two pounds and five pence a week. How can anyone live off such a meager amount whilst sick? This leads to tremendous injustices with employees working whilst sick because they can’t afford to take time off because they will lose pay. It also leads to cruelty. An employee of a major high street law firm with numerous branches in the South East who suffered a broken leg as a result of a road accident and who was clearly off sick through no fault of her own was offered a loan by the firm to cover her time off which she was expected to pay back.
Exploitation is rampant. Stewards who work at Premier League football clubs for private security companies have to sign in an hour early before they start getting paid and there are numerous occasions where even when the steward arrives on time he or she is sent home with no pay as the security company has overbooked on its numbers. There are paralegals in law firms left dangling for a year and half on minimum pay before they are finally told whether they will be offered a training contract or not.
For too many people in Britain there is the insecurity of not knowing whether one has a job from one day to the next. The mental stress this causes is tremendous and immeasurable. We truly live in Dickensian times.
James Bloodworth starts his ‘journey working’ in an Amazon warehouse in Rugeley, Staffordshire, where until he mentions he is working at an Amazon warehouse, the reader is left wondering aloud whether he is actually working in a prison with Amazon workers in effect getting only fifteen minutes lunch break to guzzle down stodgy food, where to be underpaid is the norm, where the shifts last ten and a half hours, and where in this Darwinism world to be sick is considered to be an unpardonable sin caused by laziness and where your every movement is monitored through a hand-held electronic device, very Orwellian..
His journey then takes him to Blackpool where he works as a care worker. It is the norm for Home Office security checks to take two to three months, so care workers could end up with no pay for two to three months. Bloodworth in Blackpool strikes a rapport with a homeless individual called Gary who informs him that he always sleeps near a CCTV camera as a deterrent against people ‘kicking his head in’ whilst asleep. A Shelter report in 2016 stated that one in three families in England could not afford to pay their rent or mortgage for longer than one month if they lost their job.
Bloodworth also worked at a call center for Admiral in South Wales which he described as “sheer tedium.” He finally ended back in London as an Uber driver, a company that has tried to avoid paying its staff minimum pay and holiday entitlement by defining its workforce as independent contractors.
This book is a must read for anyone who believes in social justice. It is a book about the millions of ordinary Britons who wake up in the morning and ask the following question: How shall I keep myself alive? It is a book about modern Britain, a Britain of two nations, the haves and have-nots. All policy makers who are responsible for tackling inequality and poverty need to read this book.
Ze’ev Portner works as a part time law lecturer and in security in the ‘gig economy.’ The English Channel.
Either You Have Freedom Of Information - Or You Do Not.
28 Sep 2018 Montgomery. Breitbart.
Austria’s conservative-nationalist coalition government wants police to be more transparent about sex attackers, and to reveal their nationality and whether they are an asylum seeker as a matter of course.
Standing guidelines from the Justice Ministry advise that the ethnic and religious background of criminal suspects “should only be indicated when it is absolutely necessary for understanding the event in question” — leaving the public in the dark more often than not.
But the interior ministry, led by Herbert Kickl of the nationalist Freedom Party (FPO), which serves as the junior partner in Austria’s new populist coalition government, wants to change this, according to Deutsche Welle.
Kavanaugh - All Is Explained.
It's only fair to share...
Finally – finally! – a Republican has expressed appropriate fury, disgust and contempt for the way in which the Democratic Party turned Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court into a political lynching.
Christine Blasey Ford had accused Kavanaugh of having sexually assaulted her when they were both teenagers in high school. She had taken her allegation, made for the first time after 36 years, to Senator Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Feinstein sat on it for six weeks until virtually the last moment in the Senate’s consideration of Kavanaugh’s nomination.
Having heard both Ford’s accusation and Kavanaugh’s emotional and angry response at yesterday’s hearing, a scarcely less emotional and angry Senator Lyndsey Graham could contain himself no longer and denounced the whole circus as “the most unethical sham” during his entire time in politics (view this here).
He accused the Democrats of having boasted they would destroy Kavanaugh’s life in order to hold his Supreme Court seat open in the hope they would win the presidency in 2020.
“If you really wanted to know the truth”, he erupted at the Democrats, “you sure as hell wouldn’t have done what you’ve done to this guy. Boy, y’all want power. God, I hope you never get it. I hope the American people can see through this sham. That you knew about it and you held it! You had no intention of protecting Dr Ford! None! She’s as much of a victim as you are [pointing at Kavanaugh]. God I hate to say it ’cause these have been my friends. But let me tell you, when it comes to this: you’re looking for fair process? You came to the wrong town at the wrong time, my friend… Would you say you’ve been through hell?”
KAVANAUGH: “I’ve been through hell and then some”.
GRAHAM:”This is not a job interview. This is hell.”
Ford’s testimony garnered widespread sympathy. Many have concluded she was sincere and that she probably did experience a traumatic sexual encounter. The question, though, is whether her assailant was Brett Kavanaugh or someone else, especially given the many contradictions and lacunae in her account. Those concerned about this affair are not seeking to judge Ford herself. The concerns, and they could hardly be more grave, are about an abuse of process by the Democratic party which has been engaged in character assassination on the basis of wholly uncorroborated and flaky claims.
To this travesty of justice and decency must also be added a travesty of journalism. The New Yorkerdecided to say #MeToo to this lynching. Its reporters, Ronan Farrow and Jane Meyer, suddenly produced one Deborah Ramirez, who claimed Kavanaugh had exposed himself to her at a drunken party in their freshman year at Yale. Kavanaugh says forcefully that this didn’t happen and that the claim is a smear.
In their own story, Farrow and Meyer wrote:
“In her initial conversations with The New Yorker, Deborah Ramirez was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty”, not least because “her memories contained gaps because she had been drinking”. But then: “After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney, Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollections…”
The reporters further admitted they contacted “several dozens of classmates of Ramirez and Kavanaugh” and yet had “not confirmed with other eyewitnesses that Kavanaugh was present at the party.” All they obtained was a classmate of Ramirez who “declined to be identified,” and who said that “another student told him about the incident either on the night of the party or in the next day or two.”
Oh dear. And Farrow and Meyer thought this somehow held their story up?
Even the New York Times, which has itself systematically junked journalistic norms in the Democratic cause, balked at endorsing this patent insult to the intelligence. As it told us, it wasn’t for want of trying. “The Times had interviewed several dozen people over the past week in an attempt to corroborate her story, and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself.”
Farrow, whose story said that the allegation by Ramirez “was conveyed to Democratic senators by a civil-rights lawyer”, told “Good Morning America” that Ramirez had come forward “because Senate Democrats came looking for this claim. She did not flag this.”
A responsible editor – no, more than that, an editor with even a vestigial understanding of the distinction between journalism and propaganda – would have told Farrow and Meyer to junk the story as ancient, unproveable and utterly suspect. But the New Yorker editor, David Remnick – whose publication’s on-line ad boasts that it is “Fighting fake stories with real ones” – ran it.
This is the same Remnick who, under pressure from the same kind of people who believe that rabid hatred of Donald J Trump is the non-negotiable condition for freedom of expression, censored his own festival event when its glittering participants threatened to boycott it if he went ahead with his planned interview of Trump’s erstwhile eminence grise, Steve Bannon.
Despite (or because of) all this, Democrats and their partisans knew for a fact that Kavanaugh was guilty as charged. At Yale, some 31 law classes were reportedly cancelled due to protests against Kavanaugh’s nomination. These law students just knew he was guilty – because he was accused of sexual assault by a woman, and as the #MeToo movement has schooled us, any man thus accused is axiomatically guilty as charged.
So we can now see how these future lawyers will treat the the presumption of innocence, the core premise of the justice system in a free society. They will stamp all over it. And we can now also see, if the Democrats regain power in the mid-term elections or in 2020, how they will treat their constitutional duty to uphold the presumption of innocence. They will stamp all over it, along with the sterling reputations they will grind to dust under their heels.
This is nothing less than the substitution of justice by the abuse of power, the hallmark of the former Soviet Union and now adopted in all its brain-frying, fact-twisting, totalitarian cynicism by America’s Democratic party.
All this is taking place against the backdrop of the rolling coup against President Trump, with elements of America’s justice department and others in the administration collaborating with the Democratic party and their partisan panders in the media to bring Trump down and impeach him for the high crime and misdemeanour of having been elected President of the United States.
And that, in turn, represents America’s current revolutionary moment: its toleration and even endorsement of thuggery first with the Occupy anti-capitalist movement and then Black Lives Matter and Antifa; the #MeToo war against men; the onslaught against the traditional family and the willed production of children made feral through mass fatherlessness; the systemic hijack of schooling by anti-western propaganda; the stamping out of dissent on a myriad topics, and the transformation of the university from the crucible of enlightenment into the funeral pyre of reason itself.
And along with the media, which has betrayed its own historic role as the ultimate guarantor of liberty by promulgating falsehoods, suppressing factual evidence and conducting witch-hunts against dissenters, the worst thing of all about them is this: that those committing these gross abuses of power actually believe their own lies.
More is at at stake than the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as a justice of the Supreme Court. More is at stake than the political survival of Donald J Trump.
What’s at stake is the survival of justice and freedom against tyranny and chaos. What’s at stake is the very soul of America itself. Melanie Phillips.
Saturday, September 29, 2018
The JWs ARE A Cult - And Amongst the Worst : Blogger.
Apostasy: This gripping drama about Jehovah’s Witnesses will make you angry
By: Sam Hailes | 14th September 2018
Sam Hailes reviews a new film which has been written and directed by a former Jehovah's Witness
God has commanded us to preach the good news to all. When Jesus returns he will restore the earth. In the meantime, no you can’t have a blood transfusion.
Even if it will save your life.
Welcome to the world of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, as portrayed in the gripping British drama Apostasy, currently being screened in selected UK cinemas.
Although they claim to follow Christ, JWs have long been excluded from mainstream Christianity because of important doctrinal differences. While all Christian denominations believe Jesus is God and accept the doctrine of the trinity, JWs deny both.
The film doesn’t deal with these theological distinctions, but there’s plenty of God-talk and prayer depicted. It’s refreshing to see a film engage with spiritual matters and portray how important faith is to many of us. It also demonstrates how what we believe can dramatically alter the course of our earthly lives.
Apostasy is set in Oldham, Manchester and tells the story of a mother and her two teenage daughters - all devout followers of the faith. Writer/director Daniel Kokotajlo has clearly drawn on his own experiences growing up in the city as a JW. Hence why this piece of fiction feels so real.
Best described as a tragedy, this is ultimately a story about how dogma and religion can tear a family apart. Each of the three women must choose to either follow what they’ve been taught and told by the elders at the Kingdom Hall, or go their own way, thereby suffering serious consequences to their relationships with one another.Some have described the JWs as a cult - a loaded and perhaps needlessly offensive term. But one of the most common objections to this faith - namely the issue of excommunication - looms large in the film. While plenty of Christian churches would accept there are cases where an individual must be asked to leave, the heavy-handed nature of being “disfellowshiped” - which in the film means ceasing to have any contact with your own family member who lives in the same house as you - is extreme. And it's another point of difference between mainstream Christianity and the doctrines of the Watchtower Society. The alleged controlling nature of the organisation is also highlighted by the film. When one of the daughters first begins to doubt her faith she starts researching the group's history. Soon, thanks to the internet, she discovers the elders had predicted the world would end in the 1970s and some had even sold their possessions, ready to usher in the “new system.” Why had she never been told about this false prophecy?As Christians, we are all too aware of how media representations of who we are and what we stand for are often inaccurate. Could the same thing be happening here? Are the JWs victims of unreasonably negative publicity in the form of this film? Perhaps, but we should remember the film's writer spent 10 years inside the religion. This is a powerful movie, designed to make you angry. Where is the sense in withholding life-saving treatment from a young girl who needs a blood transfusion? And how dare the elders ban a woman from speaking to her child? There are moments when you want to scream at the characters to run away from this organisation which is tearing their family apart.Shouting at your television screen won't achieve much. But the very fact this engrossing film is available reminds me of Christ's words: "Whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open." (Mark 4:22) Thanks to Apostasy it seems some of the JW's more concerning and most-hidden beliefs and practices are being brought into the light. Apostasy is available to watch now on Curzon Home Cinema SPECIAL
No Deal Brexit - Would It Look Rather Like This?
It is May's puerile negotiating skills which have brought us to this point.
Fancy relying on the EU to act like gentlemen! - Just how naive is it possible to get?
It is May's puerile negotiating skills which have brought us to this point.
Fancy relying on the EU to act like gentlemen! - Just how naive is it possible to get?
Papal Trust Problems?
Report: Pope Francis Suffers From a Trust Deficit?.
AP/Andrew Medichini27 Sep 2018.
Pope Francis is finding it harder and harder to get by on trust alone as the faithful demand information and transparency, a report suggests.
Writing in the online Catholic news site Crux, veteran Vatican reporter John L. Allen Jr. stated Thursday that two major issues—the Vatican-China deal and the sex abuse crisis—showcase the need for Pope Francis to move beyond his tactic of silence in the face of problems with the expectation that people will simply “trust him.”
Francis is dealing with “two groups for whom a plea of ‘trust me’ from any Church leader, even him, is especially hard to swallow,” Allen notes, and moreover, “trust is a two-way street.”
“If Francis or any leader wants public trust, once in a while they have to be prepared to take the kinds of steps that earn it,” he said.
Chinese Catholics of the underground church who have suffered for their steadfast opposition to the Communist government out of fidelity to Rome “now feel like the rug has been pulled out from under them” as Francis has yielded to government demands for a role in the naming of Catholic bishops in the country, Allen said.
For the pope to tell Chinese Catholics to simply “trust him” without even revealing the terms of the new agreement is going a step too far, Allen suggests,
The pope’s handling of the China situation resembles the approach he has taken to the charges leveled against him a month ago by Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Allen says, in thinking that by saying nothing people will simply give him a pass.
Viganò, the former papal nuncio to the United States, has stated that Francis knew of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s serial homosexual abuse at least since 2013 and yet lifted sanctions against him, restoring him to a position of prominence in the Vatican.
“When those charges first arose,” Allen said, “Francis refused to address them, and essentially did so again Monday night during a new conference aboard his plane returning to Rome from a four-day trip in the Baltics.”
“Francis declined to respond to any question that wasn’t specifically related to the trip,” Allen added.
Moreover, “the pope didn’t say a word about Viganò’s allegations, nor did he answer the obvious question journalists aboard the plane really wanted to ask: Will he order the disclosure of records showing what the Vatican knew about the McCarrick case, and when it knew it?” Allen said.
The solution for the pope is to begin practicing what he has been preaching about transparency and accountability, Allen suggests.
“If Francis is looking for somewhere to begin right now, he might consider transparency – a word that’s been frequently invoked as a goal of his reforms, but a practice that sometimes seems more honored in the breach than the observance on his watch,” he wrote.
In practice, this means revealing to Chinese Catholics the content of the new deal he has made with the Chinese government, he said.
It also means a serious effort to get to the bottom of the McCarrick case, he added, something that the pope has shown little inclination to do thus far.
“Both on China and on sex abuse,” Allen concludes, transparency may be costly for Francis and his Vatican team, “but experience may prove that doing so is no longer a luxury but a necessity.”
Thomas D. Williams.
Dr Danny Faulkner On Tour.
We are delighted to be bringing Dr Danny Faulkner to the UK next week where he will be speaking in the following places:
- Northwich in Cheshire
- Rugby in Warwickshire
- Loughborough in Leicestershire
- Leeds in Yorkshire
- Newcastle in Tyneside (2 talks)
- Edinburgh in Scotland (4-talk Day Conference also featuring Prof. Stuart Burgess)
- Leyland in Lancashire
- finishing off in Stockport in Cheshire
We would love to see you at any of these events (to which you can use the relevant Facebook events pages to invite friends/family who are in any of the areas) and we would ask you to please pray for the tour as a whole.
Additionally, Simon Turpin will be speaking at the following places in October:
- Saturday 13th October in Gloucester on Adam and The Days of Creation (2 talks)
- Sunday 14th October (AM) in Hay-on-Wye on The Relevance of Genesis
- Sunday 14th October (PM) in Llandrindod Wells on Adam
Friday, September 28, 2018
Not Much Fun With Flags.
Ten Years Celebrating LIFE!

As we celebrate ten years of Christian Concern, we're looking back and giving thanks for just some of what God has enabled us to do together.
Our unique combination of Christian grassroots campaigning and legal, media, and parliamentary experience has made a difference in challenging the culture of death and championing life in its place.
As Christian Concern was getting off the ground in 2008, we were resisting dangerous provisions in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill - which opened the door to animal-human hybrids and removed the 'need for a father' from consideration when providing fertility treatment.
Through the years we have laboured to keep the church vocal on the issue of abortion - marking a number of anniversaries through events such as Choose Life (2010), Make Abortion History (2011) and the 45th and 50th anniversaries of the passing of the Abortion Act - not to mention speaking at churches all around the UK to raise awareness.
But we haven't just talked about life issues - the Christian Legal Centre has supported a number of challenges to the culture of death: helping reveal certain abortion statistics(2011), maintaining the freedom of pro-life campaigners (2012) and assisting the private prosecution of doctors who offered sex-selective abortions (2015).
And it's not just about the beginning of life - we've been there at the heart of campaigns to defend the current law against seemingly-endless attempts to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia.
From key legal cases such as Purdy (2009), Nicklinson (2013) and Conway (2017) to parliamentary pushes such as the Coroners & Justice Bill (2009), Falconer (2013) andMarris (2015), Christian Concern has been central in campaigning to uphold the value of all life, made in God's image - also supporting challenges from the pro-life perspective from people like Nikki and Merv Kenward (2017).
Those promoting the culture of death are active in every area of society - pushing narratives in the media, active in Parliament and constantly starting legal challenges. We as Christians need to be in all of these areas, making God's message of life heard.
Those promoting the culture of death are active in every area of society - pushing narratives in the media, active in Parliament and constantly starting legal challenges. We as Christians need to be in all of these areas, making God's message of life heard.
By God's grace we have been a thorn in the side of those who love death. But there's much more work still to be done. We need to develop a culture of life in society. Find out more about making a difference in the next ten years as we give thanks and praise on Saturday 20th October.
And if you can't make it on the day, please keep running the race with us, supporting us with prayers and donations so that we can make the biggest possible difference in the next ten years. Christian Concern.
And if you can't make it on the day, please keep running the race with us, supporting us with prayers and donations so that we can make the biggest possible difference in the next ten years. Christian Concern.
Labour - Oh, Dear: Jonathan Arnott Independent MEP For The North East Of England.
We live in an Alice-in-Wonderland, topsy-turvy world where those seeking to overturn the result of the biggest vote of the people in our history brand themselves as the ‘People’s Vote’
27th September 2018/
In our Alice-in-Wonderland, topsy-turvy world where those seeking to overturn the result of the biggest vote of the people in our history ironically brand themselves as ‘People’s Vote’, the traditional response of Brexit supporters has been incredulity. The actual proposal – for a second referendum on our EU membership – has escaped scrutiny. Let’s set the ball rolling.
Would a Remain vote in a second referendum even result in Remain? There’s a court case going to the European Court of Justice at present, asking it to rule whether it’s even legal for the UK to unilaterally change its mind about invoking Article 50 and leaving the EU. There’s certainly nothing in the Treaties authorising that. What if the EU didn’t allow the UK to change its mind? What if it sought to impose punitive conditions on the UK for doing so?
How do they propose that everything should be done in time? At present, pro-Remain campaigners are spending vast unregulated sums of money seeking to shift public opinion. The Electoral Commission requires 6 months between calling a referendum and it taking place, to ensure a semblance of balance. In a referendum, campaign rules regulate spending. TV airtime was required to cover both sides equally. (Remain and Leave each had minor quibbles about the other side’s spending and co-ordination, though the big picture was that Remain outspent Leave by 3 to 2; the minutae will be argued for years, each side claiming victories as appeals go to higher and higher courts). How could legislation possibly have time to go through Parliament and a referendum be held fairly long before March 29th giving time for the European Parliament to sign off on any deal.
Extending the Article 50 deadline doesn’t help much either. That requires all 27 EU countries to agree to an extension. There are European Parliament elections in May. Those elections are planned based upon the UK having left, with all the seats re-allocated. The EU won’t allow their own elections to be utterly ruined by Brexit uncertainty. They might agree to a 4-6 week extension, but that’s about all.
Let’s suppose that a vote were held, with inconclusive results. Suppose they overruled the Electoral Commission, ignored balance requirements, and secured a tiny Remain majority on a low turnout on a snowy day in February, with far fewer people voting than in 2016. Would that legitimately overturn the biggest vote in our history?
What is the position in the event that Leave wins a second referendum? Will the European Parliament vote for a deal in the run-up to a UK referendum? Knowing my MEP colleagues, I seriously doubt it. In all likelihood the European Parliament wouldn’t vote until after a UK referendum. What if a UK referendum approves the deal, but the European Parliament rejects it? Would campaigners then call for a third referendum? How? When?
What if the second referendum were not based upon a clear, agreed deal? In that case, we’d have a carbon copy of 2016. ‘We don’t know exactly what Brexit will look like’ was their argument last time. It didn’t work, but they’d re-hash the same. Indeed, the mere potential of a second referendum is already emboldening the EU to offer a poor deal.
Finally, what of the social consequences of their actions? People’s Vote campaigners claim the original referendum campaign was based upon lies (I should probably avoid churlishly pointing out that they should know, because they told most of them). If the referendum in 2016 was acrimonious, what do they suppose a further referendum now would be? Do they not think it would be far, far worse?
Would they accept the result if Leave won again? Many of them claimed during the last campaign that they would, then accepted it publicly, but have since reverse-ferreted. Even if they did somehow pull off a Remain victory, at what price? 10 million or more committed, unwavering, Brexit voters would never trust democracy again.
Those campaigning for a second referendum should think very carefully: they propose a recipe for constitutional chaos. In the meantime, they’re torpedoing negotiations. The more traction they gain, the stronger the EU’s side of negotiations, and the worse deal we’ll get. If the UK is browbeaten into a poor deal, they need only look in the mirror to find out why.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Adultery: I See That Social Improvement Is Moving On Apace!
Women are 40 per cent more likely to cheat on their husbands now than in 1990.
Franklin Graham In Blackpool.
Franklin Graham promised a message of love - and last night in Blackpool he delivered.
By: Marcus Jones | 22nd September 2018
Premier’s Marcus Jones was in Blackpool for the first night of Franklin Graham’s Festival of Hope but controversy was nowhere to be found.
It was hard to know what to expect when entering the auditorium at Blackpool’s Winter Gardens to hear Franklin Graham preach.
There’s been no getting away from the controversy surrounding his visit. There was the thousands – including MPs – who signed a petition claiming he should be denied entering the UK because he was a hate preacher. The Muslim Council of Britain seemed to agree with this point of view.
There was also the bus adverts for the festival which were banned because his association was deemed offensive. Last month, Premier Christianity reported on how the planned visit was even dividing the Church, with Christians taking different sides on this debate.
Even at the event itself there were a handful of protesters warning those attending of the danger Graham was to Christianity. This negativity has to be acknowledged – even if you agree with everything Franklin Graham says – some of his comments have offended. Whether they’re about homosexuality, Islam or Donald Trump, a lot of people have been left hurt by his words. But back in January when I spoke at length with Graham, he assured me he was bringing a message of love to Blackpool and he certainly delivered on Friday evening.
The words ‘God loves you’ were uttered six times within the 30 minutes he spoke for. Yes there was a lot about sin, plenty about judgement and even a bit about death – but time and again he brought it round to love. Graham was welcomed to the stage by a standing ovation from many who had gathered at the Winter Gardens.
Just over 2,000 were there to hear him speak what was quite a simple but certainly effective message. There was nothing new in what he said. The Bible verses were familiar. "For God so loved the world" check. "No one comes to the father except through me" check. "Jesus came to save the lost" check.
There were moments of humour. “It doesn’t matter what diet you’re on, you can exercise four times a day, lift weights, jog, whatever…you’re going to die.” There was even a bizarre reference to Donald Trump but the closest Graham came to controversy was his examples of sin. He spoke of cultural standards evolving but God’s law never changing. While many would have no problem with him referring to lying, stealing and murder as sin – some may have struggled as he went in hard on the issue of abortion.
He gave his personal testimony of “running from God” but feeling “empty” and encouraged those like him to acknowledge what Christ did on the cross. It was an old fashioned telling of the Gospel. We’re all sinners but there is one who forgives.
Was it the most engaging presentation of the gospel that I’ve ever witnessed? No. Was it the most people I’ve ever seen respond to the gospel? By some way.
Perhaps it was the cynic in me that was unexpectant or maybe it was Franklin Graham telling me earlier in the day that even if just one person turned their life around the festival would be deemed a success.
Far from just one – a conservative estimate of the number of people walking to the front to make a commitment would be 100-200 – of those some children and some elderly.
With two days still to go, that has to be encouraging for people in all quarters of the Church. Will it go as far as changing people’s attitudes to Graham? I’d guess not but would those people who made commitments have had that experience of God if it were not for him? That’s a difficult question many of his critics within the Church will have to answer.
About the Authors

Marcus Jones is the Group Head of News and can be heard daily on the News Hour and on the last Thursday of each month on Middle East North Africa Analysis.
Should Christians Be Optimists In The Short Term? - In The Longer Term - Definitely!
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Want Revival?
If You Want to See Revival, Do 'Revival-Like' Things
By CP Contributor Greg Laurie | Wed 19 Sep 2018 11:04 EDT

Almost 50 years ago, a great spiritual awakening known as "The Jesus Movement" swept across America. Time magazine called it the "Jesus Revolution", which is interesting, considering it was during the time of a sexual revolution as well. Moral standards were replaced with "free love", and sexual promiscuity was wildly rampant. And let's not forget about the drug revolution that took over the country as well.
The Beatles led the charge on this, starting with their early hit "I want to hold your hand", and then on to "I'd love to turn you on". Things got even darker in America, especially in 1968. Civil Rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated in April, and just two months later, Presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy was shot and killed. He was the brother of President John Kennedy, was shot and killed in Dallas in 1964.
The country was reeling.
God decided to send a Jesus Revolution, and let me tell you—it changed America dramatically, and in many ways, it saved an entire generation. It seems to me it's time for another spiritual revival. As believers, we want God to heal our land and change our nation for the better, but as we look at the problems in our country, it's sometimes easier to just point at someone else. We say that the problems in our country are because of the White House or Hollywood, but God says the source of the problems is actually His house, the church.
God lays out His prescription in 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." Notice God says, "If My people who are called by My name..."
He doesn't say a thing about secular culture. He talks to His own people—that's you and me. We don't have time to point fingers when we're picking up our crosses and following after Him.
There's no doubt that America needs another spiritual awakening, but the church needs a revival just as bad. We often use the words revival and awakening interchangeably, but there is a distinction. An awakening is when a nation comes alive spiritually—when it sees its need for God and turns to Him. A revival is when God's people come back to life again. Revival simply means to restore. It's time for the church to wake up and shine its light into a dark world.
"Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Ephesians 5:14
As C. S. Lewis once pointed out, "A moderately bad man knows he is not very good: a thoroughly bad man thinks he is all right. You understand sleep when you are awake, not while you are sleeping." In other words, if you think you're a great person with no problems, you are knocked out asleep and don't even realize it.
Revival is a choice to wake up, it's an intentional decision to get back to the Christian life as it was meant to be lived. Revival is being in the bloom of first love for a lifetime, walking closely with the Lord. You can't always have those initial emotions you had as a new believer, no more than you can have the same butterflies in your stomach you had when you first met your husband or wife to be. That is unrealistic, but here's the thing: your love can grow deeper, stronger and bolder, it just takes intentionality.
Only God can send an awakening to America, but I believe whole-heartedly that revival can happen right here, right now. May it start with you and me.That is how we ought to be as followers of Jesus. We need the faith of the Christians of the first century that turned the world upside down. Revival is nothing more or less than a new obedience to God. Or as it has been described, "long obedience in the same direction."
Back in the days of the Jesus Movement, we used to do mass baptisms at Pirate's Cove beach in Southern California.
Thousands showed up and hundreds would be baptized.
Major news outlets showed up an did feature stories on this phenomena.
We just held a baptism in September of this year and we baptized over 550 people. It seems to me, if we want to see revival again, we should do 'revival-like' things.
Greg Laurie is the Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California and is also the Evangelist for the Harvest Crusades. Over 500,000 people have made professions of faith at these large-scale evangelistic events. Laurie is also the author of the newly released book, "Jesus Revolution" that he wrote with NY Times best-selling author, Ellen Vaughn.
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