Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Prisoners of Faith.

In many countries around the world Christians face detention and torture, simply for following Jesus Christ.
In countries such as Burma, China, Eritrea, North Korea, Pakistan and Vietnam, Christian pastors, evangelists and other believers are in prison today because of their active Christian witness.
Release’s Prisoners of Faith ministry gives pastoral care and practical support to Christians imprisoned for their faith in Jesus Christ, and their families. We encourage supporters in the UK and Ireland to pray for prisoners, write letters of encouragement, campaign for their release, and give financially to support this vital work. Release International.


Bigoted Numpty Alert.


No Spirit of Fear.

'Priming The Pump' Economics Can Have Dangerous Consequences.


This Blogger is well aware of FDR's success in kick starting the US economy in the 30s but there are some incredible dangers in this socialist approach to a crisis.
Borrowing money is incredibly expensive and puts nations so easily into hock. Think of Greece with its absurd overspends and the consequences for both them and the EU nations which bailed them out. (Ourselves included!)

The alternative approach is to print money. This course leads inevitably to inflation and one might argue - a desire to devalue the pound to encourage trade.
The consequences for those of us with a few savings or relatively fixed incomes are terrifying.

The temptations are obvious but I fear the directions we are taking. Some may argue that such thinking 'did the business' for FDR but the two situations are not really comparable being generations apart.

If this 'bold' thinking does work, Boris will be hailed as a hero but if it hurts natural Tory supporters ...

Prayer Request.

Please pray for my elderly friend, Tom, whose leukaemia has become aggressive. Many thanks.

Someone Taping My Conversations? - I Have Explained 'Priming The Pump Politics' To A Number of Friends Who Knew Nothing About It, In Recent Days.

Boris Johnson to unveil latest coronavirus recovery plan echoing former US President.

BORIS Johnson is due to unveil plans for a £5 billion "infrastructure revolution" this morning in a speech which he has dubbed "Rooseveltian". This is a reference to policies set out by US President Franklin D Roosevelt in the 1930s, who set about rebuilding the US economy following the Great Depression.

In his announcement this morning, Johnson is expected to place a new emphasis on infrastructure in post-pandemic Britain, urging the country to “build, build, build”.
He is expected to comment on constructing homes, fixing the NHS and tackling a shortage of skilled jobs in the UK.
He will also mention a decentralisation of power, with the idea being, in his words: “to mend the indefensible gap in opportunity and productivity and connectivity between the regions of the UK”.
The speech will be delivered from the West Midlands town of Dudley this morning – though the exact time is unclear.
The location of the speech may not be entirely coincidental. It follows reports that the Midlands and the North are set to receive a big part of the government’s investment into the plans, according to Birmingham Live.
boris johnson with a hard hat
Boris Johnson will urge the UK to 'build, build, build' (Image: Toby Melville / WPA Pool / Getty)
Johnson is expected to say later today: “It sounds positively Rooseveltian. It sounds like a New Deal. All I can say is that if so, then that is how it is meant to sound and to be, because that is what the times demand.
“A government that is powerful and determined and that puts its arms around people at a time of crisis.
“This is a government that is wholly committed not just to defeating coronavirus but to using this crisis finally to tackle this country’s great unresolved challenges of the last three decades.”
Sky News reports that the £5 billion pledged by the prime minister tomorrow will include: £1.5bn for hospital maintenance; at least £1bn towards a decade-long school rebuilding initiative and £560m for school repairs and upgrades; and £100 million for 29 road network plans.

Blogger: two dangers:
1) The damage of borrowing more than future generations will be able to pay back.
2) Printing money - which will fuel inflation.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Free 'Just Mercy' Film.


Vandalism Against Churches in Turkey.

Priests hold a mass at Surp Asdvadzadzin Patriarchal Church in Istanbul, Turkey, April 24, 2015, as part of events to commemorate the victims of mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks. | Reuters/Murad Sezer
Attacks on churches in Turkey have spiked during the coronavirus pandemic as some blame Christians for the crisis and other social woes, according to a leading international Christian satellite television network.
SAT-7, which broadcasts Christian programming into the Middle East and North Africa, warns that angry individuals have attacked churches, including incidents of attempted arson and removals of crosses, as “coronavirus-fueled anger" has led to a "climate of fear [and] hatred."
In Turkey, there have been at least 191,000 cases of coronavirus and 5,000 related deaths as of Thursday. Even before the pandemic, Turkey was experiencing economic struggles with increasing unemployment, a problem made worse by coronavirus-related financial hardships. 
In a statement to media this week, SAT-7 warned that some Turks have been “looking for a scapegoat to vent their anger,” which has put “Christians and other minorities in the direct line of protests.”
“We know firsthand the climate of hatred and its devastating effects on Turkey and on the churches exposed to it,” Turkish SAT-7 presenter Senem Ekener said. “We aim to counter that with lives that reflect Christ.”
In early May, a person attempted to set the front gate of the Dznunt Surp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Church in Istanbul on fire. No officials of the church were hurt and the gate sustained no structural damage.  
Church leadership filed a complaint with police and were told that authorities would do all they could to catch the perpetrator. The Armenia-based News.am reports that a suspect was apprehended. 
This week, a Turkish citizen named Mazlum Serin was sentenced to five years and four months in prison after he was caught on camera breaking a cross on the gate of the Surp Krikor Lusavoriç Armenian Church in Istanbul on May 23.
According to Middle East Monitor, Serin told investigators that he “was just angry that day” and didn’t “plan or intend to harm the church,” adding that he respects “all religions.” Serin was charged with the crime of “damaging places of worship and cemeteries.”
SAT-7 is the only Christian network that broadcasts every day in the Turkish language. It is trying to use its platform to get the point across that Christians are not a threat and to encourage local Christians to respond to the attacks by “living out their faith with love and taking the path of peace.”
“The pandemic has created fear and frustration in Turkey, with Christians sometimes being blamed for the problem,” SAT-7 President Rex Rogers said in a statement. 
According to the nongovernmental organization International Christian Concern, Armenian churches in Turkey are not strangers to vandalism and defacement. The group warned in a statement Wednesday that attackers of churches and Christians often “escape justice.”  
“Turkish media also perpetuates and even encourages these incidents, making it even more common for justice to remain fleeting,” ICC, a United States-based advocacy group, contends. “Turkey’s media is mostly state-run and it frequently posts hate speech directed toward Christians, Jews, and other religious minorities. These instances of hate speech are often linked to an increase in persecution incidents.”
ICC reported in May that the Turkish magazine Gercek Hayat published a 176-page special edition that alleges key religious minority leaders, including Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, are part of a terrorist movement and accused them of staging the 2016 coup attempt of trying to overthrow the Erdogan government. 
According to ICC, religious leaders condemned the allegations and warned that they could incite attacks and desecration.
A similar accusation was made against American missionary Andrew Brunson, who spent two years in a Turkish prison before being allowed to return home to the U.S. in October 2018. 
Alexander Görlach, a senior fellow with the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs and a senior research associate at the Religion & International Studies Institute at Cambridge University, warned in a recent op-ed that “Christians are becoming a welcome scapegoat for Ankara,” even on issues relating to Syria and Libya. 
“The marginalization of Turkey's Christians isn't new for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan: He's been busy reorganizing his secular republic into a mixture of Ottomanism and Islam for some time now,” Görlach stated. 
Turkey, one of the world’s largest Muslim countries, ranks as the 36th-worst country in the world when it comes to Christian persecution, according to Open Doors USA, a U.S.-based group monitoring persecution in 60 countries. 
Open Doors notes in an online fact page about Turkey that media reporting on Christians there is “very biased,” resulting in discrimination.  
“Those from ethnic minorities, such as Greek Orthodox, Armenian and Syriac Christians, experience discrimination in the workplace, especially where employers have government ties,” 
Open Doors warns.  “Religious affiliation is recorded on ID cards, so it’s easy to discriminate against Christian applicants.”Follow Samuel Smith on Twitter: @IamSamSmith, or Facebook: SamuelSmithCP.


Nigerian Genocide.


15 Jun 2020
Nigeria: Unfolding genocide? New report by UK parliamentarians highlights growing Islamist nature of the attacks. (Picture Release partner, Stefanos Foundation)
Release International welcomes a new report by UK parliamentarians highlighting the religious element behind much of the growing violence in Nigeria. The report warns of the risk of an unfolding genocide and calls for UK aid to be linked to efforts to protect Nigerian villagers from attacks by Islamist extremists.
The new report by the All Party Parliamentary Group on International Freedom of Religion and Belief, Nigeria: Unfolding Genocide? is the result of an investigation by 100 UK parliamentarians from a wide range of political parties.
It describes attacks on churches and Christians which killed more than 1,000 in 2019. A partner of Release International, which supports victims of violence, estimates 30,000 have been killed since the conflict began in the 1980s. The United Nations put the death toll at 27,000.
Religious dimension
In recent years, Fulani militants have taken over from Boko Haram terrorists as the number-one killers in the region. These herdsmen, searching for grazing lands reduced by global warming, have slaughtered farmers and driven them from their homes.
‘But this is not just about resources,’ says Paul Robinson, the Chief Executive of Release International.
‘This report acknowledges the religious dimension to much of the violence, which can no longer be ignored. This report shows these attacks can no longer be simplistically caricatured and written off as “herder-farmer violence”.’
According to the APPG report, many of those attacks have been carried out by militants shouting ‘Allah u Akhbar’ [Allah is greater] and ‘Destroy the infidels.’ The heavily armed extremists have destroyed more than 500 churches in Benue State alone.
The APPG report urges the world to face up to this religious dimension, however uncomfortable: ‘Commentators must not shy away from describing conflicts as motivated by religion or ideology when that is the case.’
Islamist violence
Adds Paul Robinson: ‘Release joins with British parliamentarians in urging the world to wake up to the unrelenting Islamist violence in Nigeria.’
The report argues that in killing and driving out Christian villagers, the Fulani militants, wittingly or unwittingly, are serving the same agenda as Boko Haram. The stated aim of the terrorist group Boko Haram is to turn Nigeria into an Islamist state. Its spokesman has declared: ‘This war is against Christians.’
The APPG report stated: ‘While not necessarily sharing an identical vision, some Fulani herders have adopted a comparable strategy to Boko Haram and Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP) and demonstrated a clear intent to target Christians and symbols of Christian identity such as churches.’
In the APPG report, Co-Chair Baroness Caroline Cox said: ‘While the underlying causes of violence are complex, the asymmetry and escalation of attacks by well-armed Fulani militia upon these predominately Christian communities are stark and must be acknowledged.
‘Such atrocities cannot be attributed just to desertification, climate change or competition for resources, as [the UK] Government have claimed.’
‘Targeted attacks’
And Vice Chair of the APPG, Fiona Bruce MP, added: ‘Targeted attacks against churches and heightening religious tensions indicate that religious identity plays a role in the farmer-herder conflict.’
‘These attacks are taking place with impunity,’ says Paul Robinson. ‘And there is a growing religious dimension to these attacks. Nigeria must act to stop the violence.’
Release has been providing support, including trauma counselling, to victims of violence in Nigeria. Through its international network of missions, Release International is active in some 25 countries around the world, supporting pastors, Christian prisoners and their families; supplying Christian literature and Bibles, and working for justice. Release Int.
Read the report on the APPG website here.


John Cao.


Farage On Fear To Speak.

Brexit leader Nigel Farage has spoken to Breitbart about the “Marxist, Anarchic” threat to free speech and free thought in the United Kingdom, saying that fear is “dominating absolutely everything”.
Mr Farage made the remarks to Alex Marlow on the Breitbart News Daily Show on Sirius XM Patriot on Monday, when he was asked about his recent break with Global Radio’s LBC, where until last week he had a daily political talk show.
While Mr Farage declined to comment on the specifics of the change, a position of silence has has taken since the surprise announcement on Thursday, he did offer his thoughts on the broader move to suppress freedom of thought and speech in the United Kingdom, implying those developments may have had something to do with his ouster.
Making clear present developments were historic in scale, the Brexit leader told Marlow and the Breitbart News Daily audience that: “It seems that the real threat we face now is a genuine threat to free speech. I have never known a time when, in the United Kingdom — which is famed for its huge breadth of media commentary and views — I have never seen so many people so scared to write and say and speak and broadcast what they think. It really is very disturbing.” Mr Farage explained that while it was clear the simple and face-value idea that black lives matter was unarguable and widely supported, the organisation that calls itself Black Lives Matter hid a radical agenda behind its agreeable sounding name, but used the title to accuse anyone who dared disagree with its hard-left views of being racist. He continued: “the truth of it, of course, is that Black Lives Matters the organisation is open Marxist, Anarchic, wants to abolish our police forces, and is doing its best culturally to literally destroy and erase every piece of symbolism of our long and complex history.
“We’re at a point where if you criticise ‘Black Lives Matter’ the accusation is you don’t support equality and you think there should be a huge racial divide. And that is where we are. I am just not somebody who is prepared to go along with that, and I won’t support mob rule.”
On how the woke-left police the new orthodoxy of thought, Farage said “Fear is what dominating absolutely everything”, pointing out political activists would vilify dissenters online, in the street, and agitate against businesses to deprive funding. On the organised campaigning networks that perpetrate this enforcement, Farage told Breitbart News that ordinary peoiple increasingly felt: “…the fear knowing that the Soros-funded organisations will go directly to the advertisers who advertise on radio shows and TV shows and in newspapers and all the rest of it. And this is very much the way in which the cancel-mob works. They try to put the advertisers under pressure. “This did not just spark after George Floyd. This has been long-planned, and they were simply waiting for an opportunity. If we lose free speech to this degree, then the world is going to be a pretty dangerous and unpleasant place.”
Mr Farage has been extremely outspoken on this new Puritanism in recent weeks, leading to speculation that his pointing out that Black Lives Matter UK openly campaign for the abolition of police and that smashing statues was uncomfortably similar to the behaviour of radical religious extremist groups in the Middle East contributed to his sudden departure from his radio talk show. Last week, the Brexit party leader condemned the announcement that London’s Royal Holloway university was going to purge its own library collection to combat “structural racism”, noting dryly that the “book-burning” had now started.
Offering an explanation of how it could be that young British people caught up in the growing Black Lives Matter protest could be ignorant of the fact that it was the British Empire that did so much to stamp out slavery worldwide in the 19th century, Farage said “we’ve got to start teaching history properly” and it was time to make “positive arguments” to the nation’s youth.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Tomorrow - Release International.

Day of the Christian Martyr

Monday, June 29th



Race, Ethnicity, Genetics and DNA Seen Through Scriptural Glasses - Remarkable Scientific Conclusions.


Zephaniah Quote.

Very Telling.


I Wonder How Many Vets Are Proud To Have Him Representing Them?

Prince Harry shares a video message revealing he is 'proud' to support military veterans taking part in a gruelling 400km trek across Oman for the Walking With The Wounded charity.

Harry has earned a great deal of opprobium from the very same people who celebrated his marriage to a black actress.
She lost zero points with the Great British Public for her colour but has lost oodles by appearing to be a negative drag-down for the brave Prince. 
Everything she does or says seems to be: PC; destructive to the Royal Family; petty; political; leftist and self-centred. She had the support of a huge majority and has cast it away with frivolous ease.
(BTW, I promise never to use the words "hen-pecked" about Diana's lad.)

Going On Holiday?

Statues and An Apology.

More than three-quarters of Britons believe we should learn from history rather than rewrite it.

Statues including those of Winston Churchill and Edward Colston have been targeted and vandalised by Black Lives Matter protesters.

Consequences? - Ha, Ha, Ha!

Angela Merkel: UK must live with consequences of weaker ties to EU.
German leader signals trade compromise less likely as she hardens tone on no-deal Brexit. Guardian.

Boris Bounce Back?

Boris Johnson’s net favourability is now at six points, an increase of two.  The Tories are now leading in Westminster voting intention with 43 percent of the vote. Labour are second with 36 percent, with the Tories gaining one point and Labour losing one from a fortnight previously. Express.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Yet More Syrian Persecutions.


Christians and Yazidis experiencing persecution in Syria after US troop withdrawal, commission hears.


The 'Doubly Thankful' Villages in The UK: Flixborough.

The villages are: Herodsfoot in Cornwall, Langton Herring in Dorset, Upper Slaughter in Gloucestershire, High Toynton in Lincolnshire, South Elmham St Michael in Suffolk, Woolley in Somerset, Catwick in Yorkshire, Middleton-on-the-Hill in Herefordshire, Nether Kellet in Lancashire, Flixborough in LincolnshireHerbrandston in Pembrokeshire and Stocklinch in Somerset.
I know Flixborough very well indeed. The village was mightily blessed throughout both World Wars as every single serviceman returned home. Amazing.
It was rather less blessed in June 1974 when the NYPRO disaster saw an explosion nearby which: wrecked the local chemical plant; destroyed local houses; caused my parents - living more than a mile and a half from the disaster to see the roof of their house destroyed - and it killed 28. I knew several of the deceased.

Renew Your Strength.


Zion Lights, 36 has switched from Extinction Rebellion to pro-nuclear cause Environment Progress, telling supporters 'The facts didn't really change, but once I understood them, I did'. Mail.


Hobbesian Nightmare?


International pressure on Israel not to extend its sovereignty over parts of the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria is increasing. More than 1,000 European parliamentarians have signed a letter asserting that this proposal, which they term “annexation,” would “encourage other states with territorial claims to disregard basic principles of international law.”
Following the brutal death in police custody of George Floyd, racial anarchy in America is increasing. In Seattle and Washington, D.C., there have been attempts to set up “autonomous zones” that exclude the police. Statues and other artworks that have been targeted for toppling as representing “white privilege” include those of Abraham Lincoln, the 19th-century anti-slavery activist Hans Christian Heg and now even Jesus.
These events are connected. In this period of civilizational turmoil, supposed progressives campaigning against the sovereignty proposal falsely project onto Israel crimes of which not only is it innocent, but of which the progressive class itself is guilty.
Take the claim that Israel’s “annexation” is unlawful. Under international law, annexation has a precise meaning: the forcible incorporation by one state of the territory of another state. This does not apply to the disputed territories, which never belonged in law to any other state.
Israel has the only legally grounded claim to this land, including the never-abrogated duty given to the British in the 1920s to settle the Jews throughout what is now Israel, the disputed territories and the Gaza Strip.
Far from being an illegal annexation, extending Israeli law to these areas actually implements international law after some nine decades during which it was flouted and then ignored by Britain and the world community. It is those who oppose the sovereignty proposal who show contempt for the law.
Now look at how “progressives” in America are practicing occupation and junking the rule of law. The “autonomous zones” promptly descended into lawlessness, chaos and violence. In Seattle, there have been arson attacks, reports of rape and shooting incidents in which at least one person has died.
Andy Ngo of the Canadian website Post Millennial spent five days undercover in this area. He has said it quickly descended into anarchy with armed vigilantes roaming the streets.
In addition, he observed extremist literature being distributed. Some of this provided “instructions for criminality, such as how to create bombs with light bulbs, how to lock up a building to prevent entry from police, how to injure police and kill them.”
The “progressive” class routinely accuses Israel of racist behavior towards the Palestinians. Yet Israel’s Arabs have equal civil rights, as can be seen every day in its parks and shopping malls, and in its hospitals, courts or armed forces.
Arabs in the disputed territories don’t have the same rights for the simple reason that they are not Israeli citizens. Even so, they receive Israeli aid or hospital treatment alongside Israelis. Any discriminatory treatment they receive, such as queuing at checkpoints, is purely to protect Israelis from the ever-present threat of being wounded or murdered by them.
Now look at the anti-white racism that openly parades itself in America and Britain.
The very idea of “white privilege,” damning an entire ethnic group for its alleged evil behavior and attitudes, is racist.
At the University of Virginia in February, a black student was filmed stating: “This is a space for people of color, so just be really cognizant of the space you’re taking up because it does make some of us [people of color] uncomfortable when we see too many white people in here.”
In Lincoln County, Ore., wearing anti-virus face masks has become compulsory for white people alone since black people are exempt if they have “heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment due to wearing face coverings in public.”
So the color of someone’s skin — once the key marker of racial prejudice — has now become the determinant factor in western culture when used against white people.
The reason why the war of extermination against Israel continues to this day is only because its Arab attackers are empowered by the tacit or overt support they receive from the West. Similarly, America has descended into anarchy only because civic, educational and political authorities have fallen into line with the diktats of the mob.
Seattle’s Mayor Jenny Durkan initially backed the “autonomous zone” as “a peaceful expression of your community’s collective grief and their desire to build a better world.”
At Northwestern University, professor Steven Thrasher declared: “The destruction of a police precinct is not only a tactically reasonable ­response to the crisis of policing, it is a quintessentially American response.”
Meanwhile, people who question this insurrection in any way are being harassed or losing their jobs. Princeton University professor Omar Wasow showed that, while peaceful civil-rights protests gained public support, violent protests lost it. A data analyst who tweeted this, David Shor, was promptly fired.
It’s not by chance that attitudes to Israel illuminate the west’s internal anarchy. For repudiating the tenets of Judaism lies at the very core of the current turmoil.
Black Lives Matter is a far-left, anti-white, anti-capitalist, anti-family revolutionary movement with openly expressed aims of destroying western culture and society. Yet thousands of people are supporting it, including many Jews.
Some of this support is based on ignorance of its agenda. But the recent demonstrations have brought out onto the streets the same kind of people who came out for Extinction Rebellion, and before that the Occupy movement against capitalism, and who have marched against Israel behind the banners of Hamas and Hezbollah.
This is because there’s a large mass of people, mostly young, who are constantly seeking a focus for their idealism. They have accordingly alighted upon one cause after another which claims to be about the betterment of the world — women, race, gender, the Palestinians, saving the planet.
But, in fact, these causes are all about hating other people: men, Zionists, white people and humanity in general.
Worse still, since they are utopian they all fail to deliver the perfection of the world that they have promised. Their adherents consequently seek scapegoats upon whom they turn with ferocity in an attempt to bring about by coercion the state of purity the designated culprits have purportedly thwarted.
All of these ideologies have sought to displace the basis of western Christian culture: the moral codes of the Hebrew Bible.
So-called progressives believed that casting all that aside would make people free, decent and rational. But these virtues come from that very same Hebrew Bible.
Its belief that humanity had been fashioned in the divine image gave rise to the revolutionary idea of the dignity of every individual. Its moral codes putting chains on human appetites in the interests of others were the basis of community, conscience and the rule of law. And its proposition that the world was created by a purposeful intelligence gave the west its powers of scientific reason.
Destroying the basis of those virtues turned them into the very things progressives purport to stand against: bigotry, illiberalism and unreason.
Having abandoned the values that give life meaning, progressive idealism has now mutated into a vicious culture of grievance and resentment, and ushered in the Hobbesian nightmare of a war of all against all.
No surprise that it has also unleashed fresh waves of antisemitism across the world. For by denying the book that gave the west its values of love, truth and conscience, it has now embraced instead hatred, self-absorption and lies.


PARENTS NEED THIS: Mark Latham published a lengthy post about an alarming program used by NESA in schools to indoctrinate teachers into gender-fluid ideology that is then implemented in schools. It is primarily aimed at early childhood! “Multiverse” is a disturbing pervasive and dangerous program which undermines parental authority. It isn’t about a lesson or a particular subject, it is about a mindset that permeates every lesson and everything children are exposed to in schools. Thanks to BINARY. Creation Research.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...