Saturday, October 31, 2020

2 Peter 1.

 16 For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17 He received honour and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”[b] 18 We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.

Blogger: I love the pure untainted authenticity of this. Simon Peter was at the Transfiguration; he was a witness to who Jesus was. He also saw Him crucified and he saw Him risen.

For Those Who Missed It - Nice One, Poland!


The Polish constitutional tribunal on Thursday (22 October) ruled that abortions for foetal abnormalities violate the constitution - effectively imposing a near-total ban on legal abortions in the country.
Poland already had one of the most restrictive abortion laws in Europe, allowing the termination of the pregnancy only in cases of foetal defects, a threat to the woman's health, or in the case of incest or rape.


Servants of God Need To Be Gentle To Those They Meet.

Yes, Walter.


The Disaster That Is/Was Karl Marx.


Saturday marks 200 years since the birth of Karl Marx, and tributes are arising out around the globe. In a New York Times tribute headlined, “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!” philosophy professor Jason Barker declared that “educated liberal opinion is today more or less unanimous in its agreement (with) Marx’s basic thesis” on the flaws of capitalism. But this is true only if “educated liberal opinion” simply does not care about tyranny.
But Marxism in practice didn’t work out so well. Communist regimes produced the greatest ideological carnage in human history, killing more than a hundred million people in the last century. While some apologists claim it is unfair to Marx to blame him, the seeds of tyranny were there from the start.
Marx’s salvation scheme was built on a mystical foundation supplied by German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel. Though The New York Times' eulogy for Marx touted Hegel as an advocate of a “rational liberal state,” Hegel was derided in his lifetime as the “royal Prussian court philosopher” and for promoting the notion that the State is inherently rational. Hegel deified government, asserting that “the State is the Divine Idea as it exists on earth.” 
Marx, perhaps blinded by Hegel, never recognized the inherent danger of Leviathan.  Nor did Marx explain how communism would actually arise after the demolition of capitalism.  Equally important, he never even attempted to reveal how the State would “wither away” after the “dictatorship of the proletariat” commenced. Marx’s humanitarian piffle did nothing to deter Lenin from decreeing that “liberty is so precious that it must be rationed.” 
Marxists assumed that vastly increasing government power was the key to liberating humanity. Glorifying command-and-control was the flipside of demonizing prices and profits. But all-powerful regimes quickly became ends in themselves. In 1932, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin decreed the death penalty for any theft of state property. As millions of Ukrainians were starving due to the brutal collectivization of farms, even children poaching a few ears of corn could be shot. 
Marx continues to appeal to social justice warriors thanks to axioms such as “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” And who determines “need”?  The presumably omniscient, benevolent State. Marxism promised to end the “class struggle” but did so by subjugating almost everyone to officialdom. Abolishing private property left people hostage to petty government officials who punished anyone who failed to kowtow to the latest dictates.
POLICING THE USA: A look at race, justice, media
Marxist regimes felt entitled to inflict unlimited delusions on their victims — for the good of the people, or at least proletariats. East Germans were told the Berlin Wall existed to keep fascists out — even though all the killings by border guards involved East Germans heading West. Marxism promised a utopia, and that unsecured pledge sufficed to treat subjects like serfs bound to endlessly submit and obey. Anyone who tried to escape was treated as if they were stealing government property.
Communism is still often portrayed as morally superior to capitalism because it banishes greedy corporations poisoning people for profit. But East Bloc regimes became a vast graveyard for Mother NaturePollution was pervasive largely due to the deification of economic plans. As long as the factories roared and steel output rose, it didn’t matter if people and everything else were perishing.
I traveled behind the Iron Curtain many times in the mid-late 1980s to study first-hand the results of Marx’s philosophy. I saw pervasive fear in the faces of emaciated people on the streets of Bucharest, Romania, and I saw the terror in the eyes of young Czechs when anyone touched on the subject of politics. I experienced border guards who flew into a tizzy at any piece of paper that might contain subversive ideas. And I witnessed legions of western apologists who always insisted on giving communist regimes more time and more western handouts to redeem themselves.   
Marx never intended for his doctrines to spur perpetual dread in hundreds of millions of victims. But it was criminally naive to expect happy results from any system that bestowed boundless power on rulers. On Marx’s birthday, never forget that a philosophy that begins by idealizing government will end by idealizing subjugation.
James Bovard, author of Attention Deficit Democracy

Margaret Hodge On Labour Racism - Antisemitism To Be More Accurate.


MARGARET HODGE:As I sat down yesterday morning to read the first few pages of the Equality and Human Rights Commission's report, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. Mail.

Kemi Badenoch - Outstanding in Parliament. (You think BLM is a good thing - Listen to pure sense from an MP.)

Friday, October 30, 2020

Simpleton Judge Denies Justice.


Lauren Statham assaulted two key workers as they treated her at Coventry's University Hospital before then turning on an officer, who was called during the booze-fuelled attack. Mail.

Peter 'The Rock'.

 Archaeological Discovery: Church built where Jesus called Peter 'the rock' found in Israel

A Byzantine church said to have built around the location where Jesus referred to Simon Peter as “the rock” was discovered in a nature reserve in northern Israel.

How To Build A House.

Unthinkable To Unquestionable.

 Transgender: How the unthinkable became unquestionable

The banishment of God from science, philosophy, and politics, echoing the tempter’s boast in Eden, convinced us that we don’t live according to a design. We can, rather, be our own gods. Our own designers. 



What Kills Babies, John Piper?

 Excuse me John Piper, but pride doesn’t kill babies

Excuse me John Piper, but pride doesn’t kill babies

Abby Johnson seen in the trailer for "Beautiful Lives." YouTube/Billy Hallowell
Politics is a dirty business. Mudslinging is common. It’s hard to figure out what’s true and what’s not. But one issue, another dirty business, is something that Christians in particular should know the truth about: abortion. And you know who should be pulling together to stump for a candidate who stands against the killing of our most vulnerable human beings? Our faith leaders. But instead, all we see are some of our most well-known faith leaders causing confusion and dissention.  
In a recent article by John Piper, he stated that “boastfulness” is a bigger problem than abortion: “I think it is baffling and presumptuous to assume that pro-abortion policies kill more people than a culture-saturating, pro-self pride. When a leader models self-absorbed, self-exalting boastfulness, he models the most deadly behavior in the world.” 
No one likes a braggart, but I’ve never seen boastfulness rip a baby limb from limb. Yet I have seen an abortion suction tube do just that. And I have seen a 13-week-old innocent baby fight for his life against that abortion instrument, only to die trying. 
What a ridiculous comment from someone seen as a faith leader. And what a ridiculous justification to vote for a party that stands for the expansion of elective abortion through 40 weeks for any and every reason. Pathetic.  
Pride doesn’t kill babies. Boastfulness doesn’t tear them apart in their mothers’ wombs. Arrogance doesn’t cause a baby to flee for their lives as sharp instruments seek to rip them limb from limb while they are still alive. No. Abortion does that and abortion alone. 

Such Hypocrisy.


Thursday, October 29, 2020

And Yet We Allow Islamists Access To Our Nation.


Mahathir Mohamad (pictured) launched his extraordinary outburst after three people were killed at a church in the latest terror attack to bring misery to France. Mail.

Surely, Our Ken Can't Be Racist. Can He?

The hard Left politician, 75, who ran the capital from 2000 to 2008, was castigated by the EHRC over comments in made in 2016 in support of Bradford MP Naz Shah. Mail.

Interesting Description.

Terror Strikes Inside French Church.

Mayor: ’We Are Victims of Islamo-Fascism, Enough is Enough’
3 Dead, Several Injured in Nice

Surely Jeremy Can't Be Racist. Not Possible Is It?


 Politics latest news: Jeremy Corbyn suspended from Labour Party after bombshell anti-Semitism report. DT.

Oh, Dear.

 Erdoğan whips up Muslim hate against Macron. EU Observer.

TODAYTurkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has put himself at the forefront of a Muslim backlash against France's handling of the recent Mohammed cartoons killing. Read on »

The Ant & The Lion. (Updated.)


Dan Mitchell.

It’s very amusing, so long as you’re willing to laugh at bureaucracy’s expansion and America’s decline. Enjoy.
Want to know why we are still in a recession even though we have added
over 200,000 new federal employees in the past two years?
Simple, it’s not a good time to be an ant!
And God says:



So, What Would Happen If ...

 We note with sadness the case of yet another forced conversion of a young Christian to Islam in Pakistan.

All I wish to know is why the deafening silence from: Greens, Socialists, Marxists, Lib Dems and the SNP? (Not that the tories have done all that much shouting, either.)

Now. Please imagine the forced conversion of a Moslem teenager to Christianity in any part of the globe.
Would there be the same resounding silence, I ask myself?

No doubt this this horrific hypocrisy would be met with individuals insisting we must go back in History to the 16th century with the Aztecs and the RC Church or similar.
Sorry - but this is IN OUR PRESENT DAY WORLD. That is ALL that matters. NOW. RIGHT NOW! 
History can only offer context for human behaviour.

BAME Ist Verboten, Ja? - Heil ...

Funny How These Comments So Rarely Bring Any Sense of Requirements to Contribute When Peddling These Cuddlesome Promises.

Justice In England Is Totally Failing.


Richard Swinnerton, 31, who was 'fast tracked' into his post at a Middlesbrough school in recognition of his 'great potential', admitted possessing indecent images of children. Mail.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Commonwealth Was Always A Better Bet Than The EEC/EU.

 Commonwealth gives UK key advantage in no deal Brexit with EU in for 'dead loss'

BRITAIN would bounce back quickly if it fails to agree a post-Brexit trade agreement with the EU thanks to historical ties with the Commonwealth - but for Brussels, such a situation would be a "dead loss", a French MEP has said.


Guard Your Heart.


If Blunkett Was Right and 90% of These Claimants To Asylum Are Frauds ... Let's Hear It For Boris and Priti.

Boris Johnson and Priti Patel have been urged to end their "hostility" towards lawyers who defend asylum seekers in a letter signed by more than 800 legal professionals.
The letter, published in the Guardian by former and current lawyers, barristers, and UK justices of the Supreme Court, have called on the government to apologise for attacking the legal profession.
The signatories said they were "deeply concerned" at how Johnson and Patel's behaviour was "endangering" lawyers' safety and undermined the rule of law.
They called on both senior figures to act "honourably" and apologise.
No 10 has hit back saying lawyers were "not immune from criticism".
The letter follows several attempts by No 10 to undermine the work of legal professionals who choose defend migrants who arrive in the UK without a visa from deportation. The New European.

Blogger: Please reference the difference of emphasis in the Melanie Phillips approach posted today.

Preaching More Effectively.

                                           Still available from:

Oxford Covid Vaccine Is Apparently The Real McCoy.

 The Oxford Covid-19 vaccine shows a ‘strong immune response’ among the elderly as well as young people, scientists have said.

Data on the safety and immune responses among those taking part in phase two of the Oxford University trials has been submitted for peer review in a medical journal.
But the early findings have been discussed by Professor Andrew Pollard, director of Oxford Vaccine Group, before publication who noted the promising results across all age groups. Oxford Mail.
In a statement, Oxford University said: "These early results covering trial volunteers from the UK in the 56-69 and 70+ age groups have been submitted to a peer-review journal, and we hope to see their publication in the coming weeks.
