Monday, February 28, 2022

In A Time of Crisis.

 ... how grateful I've been for GB News.

515 on Sky TV and GB news is Freeview channel 236, Sky, Virgin Media, YouView channel 236.





Fear of Christian Persecution.



As the world looks on at Russia’s attack on Ukraine what could this mean for Christians in that country? In those parts of Ukraine that were already under Russian separatist control many Protestant churches have faced restrictions, with church services being closed… Release International.

Don't Be Dismayed.


Where It Is Happening.


Vigil Plea.


20 Feb 2022
A vigil marking the fifth anniversary of the forced disappearance of Malaysian Pastor Raymond Koh has been held in Kuala Lumpur. The kidnapped pastor’s wife described her pain at not knowing the fate of her husband. ‘We are frozen in grief,’ she said.
In-person attendance at the Council of Churches Hall was restricted to 70, due to the Covid pandemic. But a further 2,535 participated via a live online broadcast.
‘God is with him’
‘Whether he is dead or alive, God is with him.’ Moving address by Susanne Liew,
wife of Pastor Koh
Pastor Koh’s wife Susanna Liew gave a moving address. ‘Whether he is dead or alive, God is with him,’ she said.
But, she added, if her husband is no longer alive, then she would want to thank those who had kidnapped him for ‘giving him the privilege and honour to die as a martyr.’ 
A statement released by the family said: ‘It has been five years since Pastor Raymond has been forcibly disappeared by security forces without any trace or news since 13 February 2017.
‘The family is disappointed and saddened by the inaction of the authorities towards the plight of the victim and family. We cannot describe the suffering as we are frozen in grief, uncertain of his whereabouts and well–being. We cannot move on.’ 
Never forget… Vigil for Pastor Raymond Koh in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. More than 2,500 attended online
Release International is pressing the Malaysian government to investigate the disappearance of Pastor Koh and bring about his release. The petition to the Prime Minister and the Inspector General of Police states:
‘One of your country’s loyal citizens… Pastor Raymond Koh was kidnapped off the streets on February 13, 2017, and has not been seen since. His wife and children have been left to wonder what happened to him and whether he is still alive.
‘We, Pastor Raymond’s fellow Christians from around the world, call on your government to release any and all information related to the forced disappearance… including any involvement of Special Branch.’
Do please continue to pray for Susanna and the rest of Pastor Raymond’s family. Pray also that the Malaysian government will respond to international calls to release information about Pastor Raymond’s disappearance.
You can sign the online petition here
More on this story: here. Release International.

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made.


Celebrate the wonder of life in this awe-inspiring book featuring photographs of the Fearfully & Wonderfully Made exhibit at the Creation Museum. Includes a 41.5" foldout timeline of The Journey of Life Before Birth.

(Paperback Book 11" x 11", 192 pages)

Creation Research UK.

(£12) £10 INTRO

Ah. Backtracking in The Guardian? - Now They WANT Us To Have Competitive Weaponry, Huh?

Liberal democracies must defend their values and show Putin that the west isn’t weak.

Blogger: I shall repeat a simple, universal truth. When there is peace you cannot afford to scrap your weaponry.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

An Utter Disgrace! An Investigation Is Needed.

Josh Taylor retains world titles with controversial split decision win over Jack Catterall.

By Andy BurkeBBC Scotland at Glasgow's Hydro
Jack Catterall, right, was denied a momentous success in Glasgow against Josh Taylor
Jack Catterall, right, was denied a momentous success in Glasgow against Josh Taylor

Scotland's Josh Taylor clung on to his status as undisputed light-welterweight world champion with a controversial split-decision victory against Jack Catterall in Glasgow.

The English challenger looked to have claimed a stunning upset in Taylor's first defence of his WBA, WBC, IBF and WBO belts.

But two judges scored in favour of the Scot, who was floored in the eighth round, as they delivered a verdict met with widespread disbelief and described as "disgusting" by the Catterall camp.

Blogger: as I awaited the result of this terrific bout - it never even occurred to me that the man with facial damage and who had successfully landed punches at a feeble ratio of 1:2 throughout the fight had not lost his world title to the better boxer whose landed punches ratio was 2:1.

I've seen bad decisions from time to time (Tyson Fury given a draw in the clear defeat of Wilder in the US - to name but one.)

THIS WAS WORSE; A LOT WORSE! Boxing cannot survive these sorts of decisions. It is not as if there was an alternative way of looking at the fight. The man who landed double the punches - and generally harder ones at that - LOST.


Nana Akua - A Star For Common Sense on GB News.

Akua has criticised "taking the knee" against racism as an example of virtue signalling. Akua has linked it to Black Lives Matter (BLM), which she calls a "far-left Marxist pressure group and political organisation", and has supported England football fans who did not agree with the gesture of taking the knee, but said that booing is bad manners.

Nana is a total star for common sense, daily on GB News.

No Spirit of Fear for Believers AND With Added Bonuses.


Wars and Rumours of Wars.

Conspiracy Theorists Attack Nuns.



Christians and Jews Pray a Psalm Together Re: Ukraine.

Very Worrying.

Is The FBI A New Wing of The Democratic Party?

One Final Warning and Then Shut Down University of Bristol?

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Good Call For Once, Mikhail!

Russian politicians break ranks with Kremlin to condemn invasion.

Communist Mikhail Matveyev, a member of the State Duma, says he "voted for peace, not a war" and calls on Moscow to halt the conflict

Obviously, This MEP Does Not Grasp The Truly Vile Horrors of Partygate!

'I wish we had him in Brussels!' MEP bemoans no-one in EU as strong as Boris against Putin.

A LEADING Polish MEP has hit out at EU allies, as he told BBC Question Time last night that he wished there was a Boris Johnson on the European Council to take action against Russia.

By OLI SMITH, Express.

War: What Is The Christian's Function?

Four things Christians must do as war returns to Europe.

J John   25 February 2022 | 10:27 AM
The sun sets over Kyiv, capital of Ukraine.(Photo: Getty/iStock)
So, for the first time in my lifetime, Europe finds itself at war. This is not the place for a full analysis of what is happening, but can I simply suggest four duties for those of us who are Christians.
First, we need to be aware. In many ways this is a wake-up call for the church. We have followed too closely the naive philosophy of the world that there is nothing so seriously wrong with human beings that science and prosperity will not cure.
This appalling invasion of Ukraine demonstrates the sad biblical truth that human beings are inclined to evil and that only the grace of God in Christ can truly bring peace.
We have been inclined to consider evil to belong to fantasy realms such as Narnia and Middle-Earth. The sad reality is that evil, whether subtle or blatant, is present in our world.
Second, we have the duty of prayer. We are those who believe in a God who answers prayer and who reigns over all the world. Let us bring the situation to him. Let us pray for those who are at this moment frightened and fearful. Let us pray against those powers who wish for evil to be done.
Pray for wisdom and unity among those leaders who must oppose the Russian invasion. Let us remember in prayer that one of the sad predictabilities of warfare is that the unpredictable is inevitable. These are very dangerous times.
Third, we have the duty of care. We must never forget that the prime Christian virtue is that of love. We need to lift up to our heavenly Father all those, whether in Ukraine or in Russia, who are caught up in this conflict.
But we must be prepared to do more than just simply pray. Although much of the suffering will be beyond our immediate aid, there will in the days ahead be opportunities for practical giving and caring.
There must be a temptation for people to try to ignore the news and try to forget what is happening. We who are Christians do not have this option. We need to be involved.
Finally, we have a duty to share. One of the very few positive things about this conflict is that it is a reminder that this world is not a playground but a battleground. We will be talking with those who are scared and troubled about the state of the world. In this darkness comes an opportunity to share the light of Christ and the only lasting hope of peace in this world.
Canon J.John is the Director of Philo Trust. Visit his website at or follow him on FacebookInstagram or Twitter. Christian Today.


pillsWales to make at-home abortions permanent

Staff writerFri 25 Feb 2022 17:35 GMT
Welsh Health Minister Eluned Morgan has called the move "progressive".

An Abomination From The Church of Rome Backed up by Artists Looking For Church Commissions.

Where did the idea that Cherubs were sickly, naked, podgy, baby Angels originate?

Painted by Murillo - one of many.

There is no Scriptural basis for Cherubs being baby Angels, or in fact that any Angels are infants. Additionally I find no reference to Cupid who is depicted as a infant with wings and bow and arrows anywhere in the Bible? If anyone is aware of any such Scriptures please inform me. Christianity.

Nut Job Alert.

David Mamet.

We do not know how many deaths Putin has caused but do know that Marx caused the best part of two hundred million!
Ask yourself, in whose roots does former KGB Colonel Putin find his influences?
A marxist plutocrat. - Who'd have seen that one coming?

Ah. Masterful Use of Understatement.

Is the world about to pay the price for Joe Biden being in power?

There is a growing feeling that his reluctance to tackle Putin head on means he isn’t the right person to lead the free world in this crisis.

Featherpuffin' Good.


Friday, February 25, 2022

It's This Weekend.


Answering Atheism Conference in
Saturday 26 February 2022
featuring Simon Turpin
& Prof. Andy McIntosh.
Creation Research UK.

Could ONLY Have Come From A Blinkered Leftist.


Julie Elliott, the Labour MP for Sunderland Central, insisted international law was 'as relevant' in both situations and pressed the Government to consider recognising the state of Palestine alongside Israel. Mail.

Jesus Statue Destroyed With Government Assistance.

Jesus statue destroyed by government in India after Hindu nationalists complain.

Anugrah Kumar   20 February 2022 

Where Is CND? - What Is Their Take on Ukraine in Peril?

I wonder just how many ban-the-bomb types are now starting to doubt their own instincts to surrender military control to the likes of Putin?

Russia has nuclear weapons. Just imagine the terrifying imbalance if NATO did not!
The balance of power saved us during The Cold War - the odds are that it would do the same today were it not for there being the moral-courage-free-Biden and his wimpish Democrats in control over there in Washington.

This Blogger has personal cause to hate war - and do so with a venom - but peace NEVER emerges from weakness. Read up on 20th Century History but do shun all left-leaning writers and propagandists so many of whom have twisted modern History into something it was not. Read those without their own agenda.

Blogger: you cannot ban nuclear weapons as they are all over the planet.
The only time they have been used was in 1945 by one nation which possessed them against another which did not.
There is no encouragement to feel safer by having NATO rid itself of its own weapons. We would simply be even more vulnerable to any passing nut job.
The balance of power in the Cold War - worked. They were not used.
Might I perhaps urge prayer that these terrible tools of destruction are never used again.

In Any Case - These Were Not Baptisms.

Hundreds of Catholic baptisms may be invalidated over incorrect 'formula'.

Leonardo Blair   22 February 2022 
(Photo: Unsplash/Josh Applegate)Nearly two years before thousands of Catholics learned earlier this month that their baptisms were invalidated because their priest said the wrong word during baptisms, hundreds of Catholics baptized at the St. Anastasia Roman Catholic Church in Michigan learned their baptisms were also deemed invalid.
The Rev. Andres Arango, the former priest of St. Gregory Catholic Church in Phoenix, Arizona, resigned after a 20-year career earlier this month after church officials concluded that he had been using the phrase "We baptize" instead of the Vatican approved "I baptize" for baptisms.
Blogger: the Greek for baptism is baptizo and denotes total immersion. The Greek for sprinkle is rhantizo and denotes sprinkling.
Jesus was baptised and not rhantised. We 'follow Jesus through the waters'.
Nothing wrong with a christening (rhantizo) as a welcome to the Church until the point when you claim that it is the same as a baptism which it manifestly is not.
Furthermore, nowhere in Christian teaching can you 'stand in for someone else' as occurs in a number of denominations.
Both First Communions and Confirmations, many years later, do not obviate the need for a proper baptism. 
Dedication ceremonies in many evangelical churches form a better way. You cannot 'assume' that a child will embrace Jesus, s/he has a free choice. 
This Blogger was 'christened' as a baby but rapidly undertook to be baptised after I had acknowledged The Christ as my personal Saviour.



Fruits Come From Trust.

By David Mamet.


The Need To Control: OCNCD.

And Boris Has Done What To Prevent This?

Over 1,000 Boat Migrants Land in Britain This Month, FIVE Times More Than Last Year.

Migrants react onboard UK Border Force vessel HMC Speedwell after being picked up at sea, as they are brought into the Marina in Dover, southeast England, on December 21, 2021. - Migrants who crossed the Channel to Britain from northern France are being held in sub-standard conditions, despite government promises …BEN STANSALL/AFP via Getty Images


 25 Jan 2022

The number of illegal migrants who have crossed the English Channel has hit an all-time high for the month of January, with five times as many making the journey so far this month compared to last year.
On Monday, another 67 boat migrants in two boats were brought ashore by British authorities according to Home Office data supplied to Breitbart London. An additional 100 aliens were prevented from making the crossing by French authorities. This comes as 87 were logged reaching Britain from France on Sunday. Breitbart.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...