Saturday, October 05, 2024

1 Corinthians 6. Believers Must KNOW and Implement What The Lord Teaches Us.

  Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a]

 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

14 By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also. 15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! 16 Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.”[b] 17 But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.[c]

18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. 19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.



An Oft Overlooked Verse In Scriptures Which ALL Christians MUST Know.

Good Grief!

For Your Phone.


 Britain is entering its first 'atheist age': Non-believers now outnumber those who believe in God - as parents fail to pass their religious beliefs on to their children, study finds.

By Xantha Leatham Deputy Science Editor For The Daily Mail

Published: 13:49, 4 October 2024.

Britain is entering its first 'atheist age' as parents fail to pass on religious beliefs to children, a study says. 

For the first time in history, the UK now has more atheists than people who believe in the existence of a god, researchers have found. Mail.

Discover More About Christians Murdered In Nigeria.

 Christians in Nigeria continue to suffer the devastation of seeing loved ones killed by Islamist militants. You can read some of their stories, and find out how you can support them, in a major article in our latest magazine here

Friday, October 04, 2024

Several Weeks Ago ...

 Hezbollah targets Nazareth in rocket attacks; fires break out: 'Threatening countless holy places'.



Wailing Into Dancing.


Truly Appalling! Heroin Dealer Escapes Prison.

 NEW A heroin dealer caught brazenly selling drugs and dancing with cash under a CCTV camera dodged prison after a judge told him 'you were not very good at it'. Entison Dimitri, 35, was captured dealing cocaine and heroin out the back of his black Volkswagen Polo in February by a casino's security camera in Peterborough. The footage showed Dimitri skipping and jiving after making sales to users and collecting more wraps from his motor. But despite the clear flouting of the law, a judge at Cambridge Crown Court handed him a suspended sentence, saying: 'Having watched the CCTV you were somewhat naïve given the fact that you were dealing drugs in full view of the CCTV. DM.

I Sincerely Doubt It!

The Hamas Broadcasting Corporation.

Another report lays out the BBC's malevolence towards Israel. Will it ever listen?

SEP 30

The First Evangelicals.

 The story of England's first evangelical movement.

Neil Rees  30 September 2024.

(Photo: Getty/iStock)

The Lollards were England's first evangelicals. This is the story ...

John Wycliffe

In the mid-fourteenth century John Wycliffe (c1324-1384), who was a dean at Oxford University, protested against the abuses of the Established Church.

Wycliffe protested against many of the abuses and corruption of the organised Church. At that time the Catholic Church used Latin for the services and used the Latin Bible. It was basically a good translation but few people, including many of the priests, knew Latin well.

The Church was a series of rituals and ceremonies which most people did out of duty. The gospel was there but often lost under layers of tradition, corrupt practices, complications and superstitions, mixed up with politics. Instead John Wycliffe emphasised personal faith and a simpler form of religion, with priests living in poverty.

Wycliffe was himself a priest who wanted to see the Church radically reformed, and he believed that they should use English instead of Latin. His quarrel was not with faith itself. He was a strong Christian who emphasised personal faith based upon the Bible, but he was opposed to the errors of man-made organised religion.

In 1368, Wycliffe moved from Oxford to Bucks when he became rector of Ludgershall, near Aylesbury. He was there until 1374, when he became a priest at Lutterworth, in Leicestershire, where he stayed until he died in 1384.

Wycliffe Bible

Wycliffe and his followers translated the Bible from the Latin Vulgate into English, which was completed about 1382, and went through various revisions. This was the first complete Bible in English, and it opened up the Scriptures to ordinary people. This was before the printing press came to England, and parts were copied by hand and distributed widely.

The Lollards

Many people supported Wycliffe's ideas which spread across England. Some people became itinerant preachers. They went in pairs to towns and villages, telling people the good news (gospel) about Jesus, and doing so in English. These were known as the Lollards. They were particularly numerous in the West Country, the Chilterns, the East Midlands and East Anglia. They were mainly in England, but there were also some in Scotland.

Lollards met without a priest and were mainly a lay movement although some priests were also Lollards. They prayed in English and read the Bible in English instead of Latin, and held meetings outside a consecrated building. People gathered in each other's homes, to pray and read the Bible in English. They were educated and peaceful people. CT.

Sexual Guidance and Marriage.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

We Must Never Forget The Wonders Done By The Disciples. Where Are Those Wonders In Our Churches, Today?

 4) Those [disciples] who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. 5) Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there. 6) When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. 7) For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. 8) So there was great joy in that city. Acts 8.

Funny - I Have Zero Police Experience and Yet, I Knew All of This At The Time!

Police Were too Slow to Arrest ‘Jihad’ Protesters at Weekly Palestine Rallies, Says Top Cop

Police admitted being too slow to arrest at Palestine protests that followed the October terror attacks on Israel and would act quicker now.

Leftists and Tory 'Wets' Have Done This. The Left Malevolently: Tories By Being Dopey!

Young people will not fight to save a country they’ve been taught to hate.

The collapse in pride in our history will have serious consequences.
The British Social Attitudes Survey has reported that we are less proud to be British than we were a decade ago. In one or two respects, the decline is alarmingly steep, with only 64 per cent of respondents being proud of our history now compared with 86 per cent a decade ago.
Sir John Curtice, the renowned psephologist who is also connected to the Survey, said with his customary air of infallibility on the BBC last Tuesday that this was because we are now more aware of slavery. Perhaps we also ought to be more aware that we abolished it some time before other great nations, and that one struggles to find any Briton who wants to bring it back.
Sadly, a combination of some of our more politically motivated universities and the BBC, which talks of little else, appears to have left the public thinking that we have the most loathsome past imaginable. It is a shame that no-one is left who fought on the Somme, and hardly anyone who saw Belsen at first hand when we liberated it, to put them right on what our past and its values really were like.
That, too, raises a serious question. We must all hope that we are not called upon again to fight a total war against a vicious enemy posing an existentialist threat to us and our way of life. But when one notes the malevolence and proximity of Vladimir Putin, the interference of Iran across the Middle East, the opportunism of China in imposing its values on much of the world, and our signal inability to prepare for it by increasing our defence budget to a sensible level, who would like to put money on our people not being called upon again, as twice in the 20th century, to save our country?
And what is the chance of their willingly doing that if they have been brought up to despise it?

Labour Has Conned Pensioners.

Labour has conned pensioners.

The Chancellor’s suggestion that retirees are better off is a straight up lie
BEN WILKINSONHEAD OF MONEY10 September 2024 • 9:36amBen Wilkinson
Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, and Liz Kendall, Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, meet pensioners to talk about the impact of the energy crisis and cost of living
The Party’s election commitment to the triple lock was always meaningless – and Labour knew it CREDIT: Labour Party
Chancellor Rachel Reeves is keen to stress that this more than makes up for her ill-judged decision to pull winter fuel payments from millions of elderly people.
Sir Keir Starmer will surely do the same when he attempts to defend off a rebellion from his uneasy MPs in a showdown in Parliament today.
Yet this is a straight-up lie that Labour cannot be allowed to get away with. The triple lock is in place purely to ensure that those who rely solely on the state pension can keep up with the rising standard of living.
It’s nonsense for the Chancellor to suggest that pensioners will be £1,700 better off under Labour because in real terms they have already lost as much as £300.
Labour’s move to restrict winter fuel payments to those in receipt of pension credit has now been exposed for what it is – a rash and ruthless decision that could kill thousands of pensioners.
The party’s election commitment to the triple lock was always meaningless – and Labour knew it. After two years of sky-high inflation, the damage caused by the triple lock was largely done.
The increase to come in April only reflects earnings catching up with inflation, and the triple lock is unlikely to cause the Treasury much trouble over the next four years.
  • Labour claims it has to make “tough decisions” but you’ve got to agree with its former leader Jeremy Corbyn when he says this is a lie. Pensioners will be poorer under Labour and there’s no twisting the truth about that.
Let’s not forget the erosive impact of Labour’s “retirement tax” which will mean that pensioners living solely on the state pension will be paying tax on it within this Parliament.
Sure, it’s the fault of the Tories who set the deep freeze on income thresholds, but Labour has refused to spare the state pension from income tax.
There has been lots of noise about wealthy pensioners not needing a £300 bump every winter, as if this excuses taking it away from some of the poorest. Labour’s benefits grab means anyone earning as little as £11,343 loses hundreds of pounds.
Let’s not forget that energy bills are now significantly higher than they were when Corbyn’s shadow cabinet was bleating about a Tory plot to take away winter fuel payments, and will rise another 10pc this winter. DT.

Vengeance Is Not For Us To Employ.


N. Korea.

North Korea flagrantly disregarding international human and religious rights standards - report.

Balm of Gilead, Perhaps?

Scientists grow Biblical 'lost tree' from mysterious 1,000 year old seed.

Resin from a tree grown from a seed found in caves in the late 1980s could be the Bibical "Balm of Judea", a study suggests.

21:25, Tue, Sep 24, 2024.

A view of the seed and young tree

Scientists have grown a Biblical 'lost tree' from a mysterious 1,000 year old seed. (Image: Dr Elaine Solowey/Guy Eisner/Communications Biology)

Scientists have grown a "lost tree" from a 1,000-year-old seed found in the desert which may produce the "Balm of Judea" from Biblical times.

The seed measures about 2cm in length and was found during a survey of caves near Jerusalem led by the Archaeology Department of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the mid-to-late 1980s. Radiocarbon dating found the seed dates back to between 993AD and 1202AD.

1 Corinthians 6. Believers Must KNOW and Implement What The Lord Teaches Us.

    9  Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolater...