Friday, March 16, 2012

Air Pollution - A Mega Killer?

'Urban air pollution is set to become the biggest environmental cause of premature death in the coming decades, overtaking even such mass killers as poor sanitation and a lack of clean drinking water, according to a new report. Both developed and developing countries will be hit, and by 2050, there could be 3.6 million premature deaths a year from exposure to particulate matter, most of them in China and India. But rich countries will suffer worse effects from exposure to ground-level ozone, because of their ageing populations – older people are more susceptible.The warning comes in a new report from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which is a study of the global environmental outlook until 2050. The report found four key areas that are of most concern – climate change, loss of biodiversity, water and the health impacts of pollution.' (Guardian online.)


Is this believable or is it more exaggeration from 'the usual suspects'? So many have now 'cried wolf' that the average person simply no longer knows what to believe.

Donald Trump's Promises.

                                   WOW!              (Compare to our feeble, insipid PM.)