Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Democracy - We'd Like Some!

Periodically, we get the opportunity to cast a vote for three major parties who, by and large, all believe exactly the same things.
Because we are First-Past-The-Post in the UK with our voting system it is exceedingly difficult to make a breakthrough as the 'terrible trio' all smugly announce that a vote for anybody else is 'a wasted vote'.
They have been getting away with this for years. The time has now come to always vote for the party you want and not 'the best of a very poor bunch'.
UKIP's success in the EU Elections gives us a clue that people ARE prepared to vote for something better IF they stand a chance.
We really must vote for them irrespective of outcomes in the short term if longterm change is to be effected!

Nepalese Hospital Destroyed.

Landslides devastate Leprosy Mission's Nepal hospital. Jennifer Moreno    03 October 2024. A devastating landslide has hit the training ...