Friday, March 23, 2012

Magna Carta Society - An Interesting Perspective.

The discussion below is from experts in the British Constitution, Common Law, and Magna Carta Society.
Our armed forces owe no allegiance to Parliament what so ever, be Parliament legitimate or otherwise, they do owe allegiance by oath to the people through the Monarch. This arrangement was created by the Declaration of Rights 1688 as a failsafe in case Parliament ever became despotic. The people's elected Monarch has the power, backed by his/her armed forces to dismiss all ministers and dissolve Parliament at any time during its life. This the Queen could have done or threatened so to do but she did not.
The soldiers oath of allegiance binds him to protect the Monarch from his/her enemies and by  implication the people the Monarch represents. It also restricts him to do no more than that. Since the abdication of the Monarch in 1972 succeeding governments have been using our armed forces as a political mercenary force in military confrontations including wars waged against sovereign nations without formal declarations of war. By so doing our servicemen and women have been tricked into acting beyond the limitation and therefore the protection of their oath rendering them exposed to being charged with acts of aggression or even war crimes. 
 With our political structure now acting without legitimacy according to our law our armed forces could, according to their sworn obligation to the British people legitimately declare a national emergency and restore lawful governance.   BL. 

Nepalese Hospital Destroyed.

Landslides devastate Leprosy Mission's Nepal hospital. Jennifer Moreno    03 October 2024. A devastating landslide has hit the training ...