Thursday, March 22, 2012

This Is 'Old News'.

'Teenagers are still struggling with the three Rs despite achieving top grades in GCSE English and maths, the schools minister warned yesterday.
Nick Gibb told MPs that some students arrive in the workplace or at university with literacy and numeracy problems.' (Mail)
This is no great surprise - the standards are so low and we have reached a point where it is approaching 'irreversible' where English is concerned. Never in the last 120 years have fewer pupils been reading for pleasure.
I sometimes ask pupils about their reading habits outside school and frequently entire groups do NONE whatsoever.
Today, I received an E Mail from a former pupil who gained excellent GCSE results (including an 'A' for me in RS). Frankly, I was ashamed of the English contained within and I know that it was hardly possible for him to have been better taught.
Technology has largely replaced reading. It is a big price we must pay!

I SERIOUSLY Doubt That, Matthew! - Labour Governments ALWAYS Fall Into This Trap!

  Labour are finally waking up to the reality that Britain needs the wealthy Starmer has been reduced to begging, knowing that none of his p...