Friday, November 28, 2014

Atheism Struggles Where Logic Is Ignored.

The Grand "Sez Who?" - "Either God exists or He does not, but if He does not, nothing and no one else can take His place..."
  • And what of Universal Human Rights?
    • This is the twofold conviction that every human being has inherent dignity and that it is obligatory that we order our lives in accordance with this fact.
  • Where do they come from?
    • God: but not everyone believes in God some say.
    • Nature: but Nature thrives on violence and predation, survival of the fittest.
    • Us: but if we create rights, what if we changed out minds about YOUR rights?
  • Their very value comes from the ability of minorities to assert them against majorities. So they must not be created, but discovered to have any permanent value.
    • While it's clear there is a religious ground, it's far from clear that there is any other.
  • If there is no God, moral laws are arbitrary. Our inability to ground them successfully outside of God should be a big CLUE If the Biblical account explains out moral sense, why do we reject it?
    • If a premise ('There is no God') leads to conclusions you know aren't true ('Napalming babies is culturally relative.') then you need to change the premise!

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.