Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Nigel Farage Is Right - UKIP Really Are The True Peoples' Party.

YouGov. Asked which party was most in touch with the views of white working class people, 27 per cent of people named Ukip compared to 21 per cent who pointed to Labour.
Just nine per cent identified the Conservatives and two per cent the Lib Dems, although 29 per cent said none of the parties was in touch.
Among white working class people, the margin was even greater, with 29 per cent saying Ukip understood them best and only 20 per cent Labour.
After a series of strong by-election and European Parliament election performances, Mr Farage has long claimed his party is an increasing threat to Labour and not just to the Conservatives whose disaffected former supporters have been seen as the backbone of Ukip's success.
A party spokesman said: "Ukip have known that our message appeals across social groups and classes for many years.

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.