Thursday, November 27, 2014


DINO DNA PROBLEM as Canadian Synthetic Chemistry Prof Ed Neeland refers us to “The half-life of DNA in bone: measuring decay kinetics in 158 dated fossils”, Proc. Royal Society B 279(1748):4724–4733, 7 December 2012, where authors Allentoft, M.E. et al., concluded that even when preserved in bone, DNA is completely disintegrated in 22,000 years at 25°C, 131,000 years at 15°C, 882,000 years at 5°C; and 6.83 million years at –5°C. Prof Ed comments: “Finding dino DNA in “millions” of years old bone is a bit of a problem for evolutionists eh?

ED. COM. Ed Neeland is right – this is a serious problem for evolutionists who have found DNA in dinosaur bones, as they insist dinosaur bones are a long way older than 6.83 million years – the oldest estimate in Allencroft's calculations. In 2012, around the same time this study was published, Mary Schweitzer of North Carolina State University and colleagues found DNA in aTyrannosaurus rex bone dated as 67 million years andBrachyloposaurusbone dated as 80 million years. (Ref: Bone doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2012.10.010, 16 October 2012) In 1994 Scott Woodward and colleagues isolated DNA from a bone dated as 80 million years old. (Ref: Science, vol. 266, pp1229-1232, 18 November 1993) This find is a particularly big problem as the bone was found in the roof of a coal mine in a rock formation where they suggest the temperature had reached 90°C to 95°C. Note the only way Allencroft's study indicates DNA can last more than just one million years is if it is frozen at -5°C. All these inconsistencies can be resolved easily by rejecting the evolutionists’ belief in millions of years, and accepting the Bible’s record of thousands of years for the age of the earth and the things that are buried in its rock layers. (Ref: dating, age, biochemistry, decay.) Creation Research.

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.