Saturday, November 29, 2014

More Than Just A Protest Party Now.

Seventy-five per cent of Ukip supporters are “very” or “fairly strongly” committed, the British Election Study discovered.
It places them higher than Labour supporters on 71 per cent, Tory backers on 68 per cent and Lib Dem followers on 51 per cent.
The findings will cause further panic for Prime Minister David Cameron and Labour leader Ed Miliband, who have both seen Ukip eat into their support.
Ukip has developed staunch grassroots support
Ukip spokesman
Report co-author Professor Matthew Goodwin said the strength of support could see Ukipimprove on its two MPs in next year’s General Election.
He said: “Ukip is more than just a protest party.”
The survey also shows that 56 per cent of Ukip supporters are working class, with strong support in the South and along the East coast. Express.

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.