Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cable & Osbourne Good Buddies?

Vince Cable has been accused of "trying to hide the abject failure" of George Osborne's flagship schemes which are supposed to help British businesses export.
This comes after the Huffington Post UK revealed earlier this month that the Chancellor's £3 billion Direct Lending Facility (DLF) unveiled last autumn and operational since this March, has only helped one firm - the construction giant Carillion - trade overseas.
Under questioning from MPs on Thursday, the business secretary mocked such findings as "horribly out of date", insisting that "dozens of companies are now benefiting from that new suite of credit facilities".
However, when asked who these other firms were, Cable refused to name them, sparking suggestions that he is now trying to "spin his government’s poor record".
HuffPostUK has repeatedly asked UK Export Finance, the government agency that offers insurance and bank guarantees to exporters, to confirm if the DLF had still only helped one business. Asa Bennett. Huff Post.

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.
