Friday, November 28, 2014

Cameron LIES At PMQT - He Is Clearly Learning From Labour!

Cameron caught lying at PMQs.

bours2-e1404806711180.jpgUKIP Health spokesperson Louise Bours has criticised David Cameron’s response to Mark Reckless's first question as a UKIP MP, during Wednesdays PMQs. She said “Mr Reckless was asking a perfectly sensible question about Medway Hospital. Like all good constituency MPs he was raising an issue that will be of concern to many people in Rochester and Strood”. She continued “David Cameron’s assertion that UKIP doesn’t believe in the NHS and wants to break it up is a cheap shot, and a downright lie. There is a concerted effort from the established parties to peddle non-truths and misinformation about UKIP and the NHS”.
HERE is the truth and Louise should know!

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.