Thursday, June 02, 2016

All Party Parliamentary Committee.

A Parliamentary Group has criticised the Brexit side for its claim that we can save a third of a billion per week leaving the EU. In order to 'balance' their criticism they mad some criticism about the Remain side.
Let us just step back one cotton-pickin' minute here. What is the makeup of this committee?
Did it contain full representation of the 84 MPs UKIP should have won under an honest sytem? - No!
Did it contain SNP representation - a group which took far fewer votes than did UKIP last General Election?
Did it contain Lib Dems - a group thrashed by UKIP in the last General Election?
Were the Labour and Tory members selected carefully on the basis of known views?  - - If so, let us recall that almost all Labour MPs and most Tories are pro-EU.

How can this possibly be a fair committee?

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