Wednesday, June 01, 2016

How It Is.

SIR – An impressive list of academics from the University of Cambridge write in favour of remaining in the European Union.
Their major concern is funding. It’s true that Cambridge may eventually lose a minority – about a quarter – of its total research funding in the event of Brexit. To suggest that this can’t be made up from other sources (including from our own government, once funds from Brussels are returned) shows a distinct lack of imagination. With relief from the bureaucratic process of EU grant application, there should be time enough to pursue other possibilities.
We believe instead there are higher values to take into account: freedom, democracy, accountability and legitimacy of government. It’s a little disappointing to see those at one of our foremost universities focusing only on the utilitarian.
Professor James Tooley
Dr Barrie Craven

School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences
Newcastle upon Tyne. Telegraph.

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