Thursday, June 02, 2016

The Remain Campaign - The Principal Lies I've Heard Personally.

After Brexit:
1) Our young people may/will not be able to study at EU universities. - LIE.
2) (Unbelievably!) We shall be unable to travel to EU countries!!! SILLY LIE!
3) British expats to Spain et al will have to return home. An ABSURD LIE!
4) British expats will not be able to get medical cover. PARTIAL LIE. Those in Spain, for example, who have their residencia most assuredly will retain cover. The rest will insure before going as they have always had to do, EHIC or no EHIC. I am one such!
5) We shall be able to have some control of our borders to EU migrants. A BLATANT LIE!
6) Job losses will be 3 million/huge/ hundreds of thousands/ many - or simply "Jobs will be lost!" PORKIES! However much you beg for detail - it is all  wild, pessimistic, neanderthal guesswork.
7) The EU will refuse to trade with us. RIDICULOUS LIE! - They export far more to us than we do to them!
8) The EU will impose tariffs on our exports. SIMPLETON'S LIE. If they do - so shall we. Who loses? - Refer to Point 7.
9) 'We shall lose influence'. MYTH. We have never had any! Currently one EU Commissioner out of 28 and some 8% of the MEPs.
10) 'Mr Cameron brought back significant changes and reforms.' LIE. He brought back 5 beans which ain't gonna make a beanstalk!
11) 'Not being in the EU may/will lead to war.' What with EU countries? All those lovely people who love the UK even more than we do? - GRANDIOSE LIE.
12) "We get great value for money from the EU." LIE OF THE NUMPTY.
13) "All these Brexiteers are small-minded Little Englanders." A MONSTRUOUS MISREPRESENTATION! - Caring that foreign nations run your country is simple pragmatism.
14) '60% of our exports go to the EU' - NO! 60% pass through the EU - mainly through Zeebrugge - much of which goes onto nations outside the EU!
I am getting bored but this is precisely what we are up against.

PS. Where can you find any claims by the Brexit side that misrepresent their case?

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?