Monday, August 20, 2018

Diversity, Anyone?

The Evil Lie of Diversity

Gina Miller
There is no doubt you have noticed that one of the fundamental tenets of the leftist, communist enemies within our country is the illusion that “diversity” somehow leads to “unity.”  This has long irked me, because I know why the Left wants to foist that brazen lie on our great nation, and it’s time for us to talk about this evil fallacy.
Think back to Genesis, chapter 11, in the account of Babel.  At that time, the people of the earth were united by purpose and a single, common language.  Their intentions became evil vanity, as they determined to build a tower into heaven to “make a name” for themselves—to be on the same level as God.
God saw their wrong-headed path, and He put a stop to it, because He knew that since they were unified in purpose and speech, they would succeed.  What did He do to stop them?  He used diversity.  He confounded their language so that they had diverse speech and could no longer understand each other.  He used diversity to break their unity.
He also used diversity of location.  The Bible does not say how God scattered the people all across the world, but for all we know, He could have easily separated the continents in a single moment, thereby “diversifying” the people’s locations.  Not to get off on a rabbit trail, but have you ever looked at a world map and noticed how much the land masses look like pieces of a puzzle that would fit together if you pushed them back in place?
Artist Marten van Valckenborch's concept of the Tower of Babel
It is in unity that people are effective, that they have power to accomplish their goals and desires.  The Left knows this quite well, and thus, one of their main aims is to keep our nation divided against itself.  A divided America benefits the communist Left.  Their whole platform and base of power depends on keeping people in enmity against one another.
Therefore, they push the lie that diversity is a good thing.  Barack Obama toes the party line when he says, “We find unity in our incredible diversity…”  Uh, actually, no we don’t, Barry.  Unity is found in like-mindedness and common goals, despite diversity of types, not because of it.
Our nation has been called The Great Melting Pot.  What does that mean?  It means that one of the things that makes America an excellent nation is that people of all sorts come here and assimilate.  They bring their various nationalities and backgrounds to our shores, and they become Americans, united under our founding principles and documents and our proud flag.  They learn our language, our heritage, and our American way of life, and they embrace them.  Out of many, we are united as One.  That American unity has given us amazing strength in years past.
But, as we have seen in recent decades, those on the communist Left have waged a campaign of separation, wherein they encourage immigrants to not assimilate, to not learn our language, to be diverse from our nation as a whole.  This campaign of diversity is not only waged against immigrants, but also against American citizens, who the Left has kept divided by race and wealth.
The Left has created a huge industry of diversity.  “Diversity training” is big business.  Do an Internet search of “diversity training,” and you will get millions of pages dedicated to the subject.  Corporate America has signed on to the concept and practice of diversity training, partly due to it being sold as a way to avoid lawsuits.
What kind of lawsuits does diversity training supposedly help prevent?  Perceived civil rights violations are one type.  This is ridiculous, of course.  America is not a civil rights violating country, hasn’t been for many, many years.  Yet, part of the sickness of our current society is this selfish sense of entitlement that has been bred into many people in our nation.  They believe that they have a right to not be offended, and they confuse being offended with having some imagined right violated.  Lawsuit abuse is a disease in America.
However, the deeper purpose of diversity training is more sinister than the superficial advertised purposes of protection from lawsuits and preparing employees to work in a global market.  The deeper purpose is to feed division, not promote unity, and another purpose is to promote immorality.
Homosexuals and Islamists are two of the big stars of diversity training.  In the case of homosexuality, diversity training is nothing more than a push for acceptance of that immoral behavior.
The Mission America website has a helpful list of questions to ask if you are a teacher or student forced to undergo homosexual diversity training, although these questions at the site would be helpful to anyone being compelled to participate in one of these “re-education camp” sessions.  The opening message to the questions states,
“As a teacher or student, if you are forced to participate in ‘diversity’ or ‘sensitivity’ training, don’t just sit there and let them spoonfeed twisted concepts through manipulative exercises and false information. Raise your hand, bring up the following issues and expose the real nature of what is taking place: they want to force people to accept homosexual behavior, even if some don’t like it and the responsible facts don’t support it.
It’s time to object, question and expose the truth in open and frank discussions.”
Islamic diversity training is prevalent, too, and in the same way that Americans are subjected to homosexual propaganda in diversity training sessions, Islamist propaganda is also put forth in them.  Millions of Americans are aware of the mission of Islamists in our country and around the world, and we want nothing to do with their backward Shariah law.  No amount of diversity training will change what we know about the goals of the Islamists to create a global Islamic state and subjugate non-Muslims under their warped caliphate.
Nevertheless, malignant Islamist lobby groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) have succeeded in having Islamic “cultural” diversity training forced on many Americans, including in our law enforcement, military and intelligence communities.
Another disturbing aspect of diversity training is that it assumes Americans are too stupid to treat others with kindness and respect.  One telling paragraph from the Diversity Training University International website states,
“Americans are not socialized adequately to live and work in multicultural settings. Where there is employee diversity, diversity-related problems are either waiting to happen or they exist under the surface. The increased numbers of harassment and discrimination multimillion dollar lawsuits settlements attest to this. Many managers are not prepared to deal with the reality of workplace diversity. They do not act on employee diversity-related complaints because they are ill-prepared.”
We’re not “socialized adequately”?  And, that’s the reason for the increased numbers of harassment and discrimination lawsuits?  That is pure bunk!  Those lawsuits are a symptom of the childish entitlement mentality infecting our nation.  I’ll tell you who is not adequately “socialized;” it’s those who are self-centered enough to insist that the world revolves around them and their agenda.
The Left, in true hypocritical fashion, drops its love affair with diversity when the diverse ideas of conservatism and Christianity are put forth.  Instead of walking the walk, leftists only talk the talk of diversity of ideas.  In reality, they are rigidly against the principles of Christianity and conservatism.
Division is the order of the day for the Left.  If Americans became united behind saving our country from the cancer of communist liberalism, the Left would not stand a chance, and they know it.  That’s why the Left, and the “Republican” Left, so despise the Tea Party movement.  This American phenomenon has a unity of mind and purpose that is truly a threat to the power of the Left.  From the Tea Party’s birth, the Left has sought to destroy the movement, because the Tea Party scares the Left to death.
If we have any hope at all of removing the destructive power of the Left in our nation, then conservative patriot unity is essential.  Unity under a righteous cause is critical.  Therein lies power.  In division, or diversity of purpose, there is no power, only strife.
As it currently stands, the Tea Party movement is the best source of unity and power on the conservative side.  It is important that we stand with our local Tea Party groups to grow them ever larger and support them in their efforts to restore fiscal sanity to our federal government.
Those of us who are Christians also know that this is about much more than fiscal policies.  Our nation is infected with the disease of moral corruption, and we will never have sound, conservative fiscal policies as long as moral corruption reigns supreme in our local, state and federal governments, not to mention, our society as a whole.
We must strive to be unified under right reasons, and we must pray for our country and pray for the Lord to grant us leaders who are morally upright to replace the communist scourge of leftists that are currently entrenched in our courts, institutions and government.
We must shun diversity and embrace unity of conservatism, regardless of our racial and social backgrounds.  Those of us who love America must be unified as the Left is unified in its detestable campaign to destroy our country.
For Christians, keep in mind the Word of God-given through Paul in his letter to the Philippians,
“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion,  then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”
Gina Miller, a native of Texas, is a radio commentator and disc jockey. She also works with her husband installing and repairing residential irrigation systems and doing landscaping on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Allison Pearson.

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