Sunday, August 26, 2018

Misplaced China Dragon?

Chinese Dragon “in Wrong Place at Wrong Time”

Chinese dragon “in wrong place at wrong time” according to an article in Science Daily 1 August 2018, about a discovery also reported in National Geographic 24 July 2018, BBC News 25 July 2018 and Nature Communications, 24 July 2018 doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05128-1.
Palaeontologists have found the fossil of a sauropod dinosaur in the Ningxia Autonomous Region, northwest China.  The dinosaur is classified as a “neosauropod” – the huge long necked plant eating dinosaurs, such as Diplodocus and Brontosaurus, which have been found in North and South America, Europe and Africa, but not in east Asia until now.
The fossil is dated as 174 million years old, putting it in the Middle Jurassic period.  This makes it 15 million years older the previous oldest member of the neosauropods.  Philip Mannion of Imperial College London, who was part of the research team told BBC News that finding the dinosaur was “doubly unexpected” because “Not only is it the oldest member [of this group], but it’s the first ever from Asia. For a long time it was thought that neosauropods didn’t get into Asia during the Jurassic.”
According to current theories of continental drift the region that is now China was split off from the supercontinent Pangea at this time, so sauropods would not have been able to migrate into this region until much later.
The dinosaur has been named Lingwulong shenqi, meaning “amazing dragon of Lingwu”.  Paul Upchurch of University College London, also one of the researchers, commented: “Our discovery of Lingwulong demonstrates that several different types of advanced sauropod must have existed at least 15 million years earlier and spread across the world while the supercontinent Pangaea was still a coherent landmass. This forces a complete re-evaluation of the origins and evolution of these animals.”
Editorial Comment:  A complete re-evaluation of the origins and history of these animals would be a good idea, but the answer will still prove not to be evolution.  This dinosaur is only in the wrong place at the wrong time if you believe sauropods evolved from non-sauropod ancestors in one place and then migrated over the earth for millions of years, while continents were drifting apart.
How ever old you want to make sauropods, the actual fossils prove they have always been sauropods, so the extra 15 million years believed by evolutionists are no help to their theory. This fossil was a fully formed dinosaur with all the characteristics of a sauropod, and shows no evidence of having evolved from any other creature, which makes no problem for the Biblical history of dinosaurs where they were created as fully functional creatures as separate kinds.
Regardless of how many individuals of each kind God created over the earth, they would have spread out over the one land mass described in Genesis until many were buried in masses of sediment at the time of Noah’s Flood.  Therefore, finding them in what is now China, or anywhere else on earth, is no problem.
Also, note the name of dinosaur – Amazing Dragon.  Another reminder that the Chinese know a dragon when they find one, just like the original fossil UK experts who dug them up.  Leading geologist Richard Owen (1804-1892) coined the word “dinosaur” as a technical classification, but referred to them as “old dragons” in everyday conversation with colleagues.  See our report on Richard Owen, Willian Fox and dragons here.
Evidence News vol. 18 No.12
22 August 2018
Creation Research Australia

Allison Pearson.

  So you can imagine how delighted I was to come across the term “far centre”, which was coined by Prof Jonathan Clark, the leading British ...