Monday, May 20, 2019

Farage - Lincoln Visit.

I recently read a piece about Nigel Farage's visit to Lincoln on a site called the Lincolnite.
The coverage of his rally was fair enough, I suppose, but some of those commenting were simply vile.
It is wholly unacceptable to wildly brand the man as a racist trying to manipulate the truth into something totally different. The dishonesty of that is the customary dishonesty of the left.
It is an abomination when people accuse without bothering to resort to facts.

I may not know enough about the BP - and I probably never shall having retired from all active politics on the 24/6/2016 - but I do know pretty much all that there is to know about the Ukip phenomenon when Farage was in charge - and afterwards. 
1) Racism was not permitted and got you the boot as did previous membership of racist parties.
2) Blacks, Jews and Moslems all played a role in the party and worked hand in glove with Nigel. These groups had elected candidates, had positions of authority and addressed conferences - I know because I was slap bang in the middle of it all. Indeed, I recall dining with a Moslem guy who was an election candidate one of a number.
3) Nigel was married to a German lady.
4) He mixed freely and happily with all races and I know that he numbers quite a few amongst his friends.

I despise wild charges of racism against anyone who does not toe a totally leftist line on immigration.

Perhaps he should sue after the EU elections are over? If you are going to criticise - feel free - but do stick to established facts and not malice.
