I know how well the pupils are educated in the school where I spend a couple of days a week - and the examination results are a shining example of what can be achieved in a Christian school and on a mini budget at that.
But one area where we have been unable to make improvements is in the general knowledge of pupils which is hardly better than that found in the average comprehensive.
General knowledge is not actually our responsibility however, as it relies on the individuals' own approach to life.
Do you read broadly? Do you watch quality television? Do you read a newspaper of a standard better than The Mirror? Do you have the desire to understand all things in the world about you?
Well. Few children today do these 'voluntary' things. They prefer to: text, twitter, play mindless computer games, watch 'trashy telly' and in some cases, they 'chill with their mates'.
None of these things are wrong in themselves - it is the lack of balance which is turning out successive generations of very narrow young people.