Saturday, July 31, 2010

Was the oil leak overblown by green propagandists?

Well, would it surprise you if we had all fallen victim yet AGAIN to green propaganda and outright deceits?

'But now, 16 days after the leak was finally stopped, scientists are coming forward to suggest that perhaps BP boss Tony Hayward may have been right after all.
Oil from the well is clearing from the sea surface much faster than scientists expected.'


Oh they do not like their DOGMA being undermined!

Whether your beliefs are private, public, well-formed or well-argued - they will not permit any challenge of their 'junk science'. No. Evolutionists are right - always! We know this because they have told us so ad nauseam.

'A zoo that promotes creationism and believes that the story of Noah’s Ark is supported by science has become an approved school trip destination.
The move has provoked a war of words between the Christians who run Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm and those who believe it will expose children to ‘dogma’.
Visitors to the attraction are invited to question the traditional view of evolution and consider instead ‘the case for a Creator’ – with information boards challenging established science such as fossil records, carbon dating and the speed of light.

A tiger from Noah's Ark Zoo farm, which is now an approved school trip destination
Critics say the decision to award it a Government kitemark is ‘entirely inappropriate’.
But bosses at the family-run zoo, in Wraxall, near Bristol, insist that workshops for children merely cover the national science curriculum and do not include discussion of religion.
They admit that youngsters visiting the centre are free to go to an area where posters and charts advance its religious beliefs.
James Gray, education officer at the British Humanist Association, condemned the award of the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom ‘quality badge’ – a scheme devised by the last government.

He told the Times Educational Supplement: ‘It is entirely inappropriate that it should support an establishment that advances creationism and seeks to discredit a wide variety of established scientific facts that challenge their religious views.’

Leave Japanese justice alone.

'EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton has expressed "deep regret" after two men were hanged for murder in Japan on Wednesday and repeated a call for a moratorium on using the death penalty.'
EU Observer.

How dare you criticise a nation in our name Cathy, for having the guts to exercise proper justice in their own country?

'The two executed men were Kazuo Shinozawa, 59, convicted of killing six women in a jewellery shop fire, and Hidenori Ogata, 33, who killed a man and a woman in 2003.'

So typical of the left - they cannot distinguish between retribution and revenge; they dismiss public opinion; they have no concept of justice; they protect the guilty; they utter platitudes to victims; they dare to act 'in our name'; they shun democracy; they do not care what social damage is caused by their 'finer feelings'; they believe themselves to be 'morally superior to us lesser mortals'.

When they have given the people the democratic right to reject capital punishment and we have voted thus - then and only then can their views be taken seriously - currently, their views are in a vacuum.

New Living Translation "If anyone takes a human life, that person's life will also be taken by human hands. For God made human beings in his own image." Genesis 9:6.

Jesus did not remove any social punishments but only spoke to those wanting to take the Law into their own hands.
'Turn the other cheek' for example, was clearly an instruction to the individual, the verse above was clearly for society.

Oh. And in case you wondered - the murder rate in Japan is a fraction of what it is here!

A check of Psalm 94 doesn't go too far amiss, either.

Friday, July 30, 2010

We are ALL mentally ill.

Many are worried that the latest edition of the psychiatrist's 'bible' labels everyone as ill.
Well, we've been moving that way for years! There are quite enough people with genuine problems without this leftist, responsibility-shedding piffle.
It has an agenda - in precisely the same way that there is an agenda in those attempting, in other parts of the nanny-state, to give governments such control over us that we become totally reliant on the state.
Baby steps towards Logan's Run?
'Each edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has a massive impact on psychiatric practice and medical education around the world. The book lists mental disorders and explains how to diagnose them. Seen as a gold standard, it dictates diagnostic practice in mainstream medicine.'
The Guardian.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Justice done!

ASBOs: they made a mockery of Labour!

An average of 4.2 breaches for every ASBO put in place over 10 years. (Interesting that they stopped publishing stats as to what percentage of louts were jailed for these! Last time I saw a figure, it was around 6%. What a joke!)
When I went throught the JP training, they were still claiming that every breach meant custody. As if!
In short - they bottled it big style!
I stated at the time precisely what was going to happen.
I would actually LIKE to be proved wrong in the political arena far more than is currently the case.


'One grocery chain is selling grey squirrels for meat - and reporting 'huge interest' in the high-protein, low-fat dish. Budgens has stocked the shelves of a London branch with the meat'.

GOOD! I hope they are all locals.
Read more:

Lefties say that being against immigration is racist.

Over a 25-year period, immigrants will require 2.5 million extra homes unless the Government meets pledges to reduce numbers arriv­ing to live in Britain.

Andrew Stunell MP said in a Commons written answer: ‘It is estimated that net international migration could account, on average, for 40 per cent of the net growth of households in England over the projection period from 2006 to 2031.’ - AND these are left over stats from Labour!

Haz bien y no mires a quien.

"The gospel has always been a gospel of separation." Dr James McConnell.
A friend of mine was trying to help put 'flesh onto bones' in a dying church when told by a mighty man of God to "Clear out all the dead wood from that church - and then build from scratch if necessary."
He was unable to tackle this and spoke many times in subsequent years about how he should have heeded the advice.
We must never be afraid of the consequences of our actions if these are based on the will of God!
I repeat: "The gospel has always been a gospel of separation." - Jesus said that it would be!

The title? - That is a an old Spanish proverb which means, "Do good and don't care what others may think."
Photo? - The answer is 'NO'!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Read link: enjoy: think!

Our mad, mad world!

'A farmer has been denied planning permission to build a home on his property for 13 years - while a neighbouring illegal travellers site was allowed to flourish.
Bruce Margetts, 46, has been living in a mobile home on his 47-acre farm in Smithy Fen near Cottenham, Cambs., since 1998 while applying to build a modest bungalow.'

Mad! Mad! Mad!

Read more:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sweet Sounds.

Prefer your Christian music light and sweet? - Then do not forget Exite FM's weekly slot, Sweet Sounds on Sunday', at 7am every Sunday.
The station which broadcasts to expats on The Costa Blanca is easily tracked down at:

The excellent George Moore runs the show and he shows great wisdom in having a fairly regular guest in yours truly - indeed I shall be popping down to the studio tomorrow to record a number of short slots for the programme.

Fraid I can't tell you when these will be broadcast - perhaps you will just have to become a regular if you want to catch my dulcet tones!

These wolves aren't in sheeps' clothing.

If the owner of an alsatian takes it for walkies off the lead near a field of sheep and the dog trots inside, causes mayhem and heaps of dead mutton - where does the blame lie? - CLEARLY - with the dog owner, not the dog.
If a Gordon Brown let bankers off the leash .........

Monday, July 26, 2010

A headline in the Scunthorpe Telegraph.

'Teenager handed ASBO in bid to end his reign of terror.'

Pardon me, I think I'm going to cry!

What do brats turn into?

Yesterday, I watched a family in a cafe waiting for a plane. The sweet little girl - about two - was sitting quietly and contentedly in a pushchair. (Photo for example only.)
Periodically, something minute would cross her and she would scream and kick out at any of the adults with extremely violent intent and every bit of her strength.
Her 'hits' were palpable, unerring and surely painful. Not a member of this group of at least six adults, batted an eyelid, including the father who was the most frequent victim.
Surely, a sharp slap across the leg was called for!

Let us consider what happens when you surrender to a little madam like this: you teach her that she is in control; you have no chance of ever imposing parental will again as she has learned that you are beatable; she has learned that her violence has no consequences; she has been turned into a terror for pre-school and is guaranteed to become a problem for her schoolteachers at a later stage.
I once had my toddler son challenge me in this fashion - he lost!
We ALL won from that, family, society and especially him!

Plus VAT.

One of the great scams of the mid 70s was to display a superb price for an item then, when you got the bill, there was suddenly VAT to be added.
This underhand activity was rightly banned.
One might well ask why airlines are allowed to get away with advertising prices which bear no resemblance whatsoever to the final cost!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

How to police: Canada shows the way.

From the man who has worked on both sides - well worth a read.

PC Hague!

'New ­Foreign Office rules ban white males from gaining work experience at Mr Hague's department.
The Foreign Secretary was challenged to explain why his ­official work placement schemes specifically ban white, middle-class males from applying for the £367-a-week positions.
Under the tightly-drawn rules, only women, people from ethnic ­minorities and the ­disabled are ­entitled to apply for a chance to work at one of the great offices of state.'

The UK calls this wickedness 'reverse discrimination'; the Americans call it 'affirmative action'; I call it 'evil'!

Could never happen under a UKIP administration!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Interrupted service?

From tomorrow, I shall be away for just over a week. I am hoping that 'normal service will be under way' during that period but access to Internet will not necessarily be in my hands.

Banning the burka would be wrong but ....

.... banning all sinister face coverings in public places would not be.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Back to ranting about tea.

The 'one cup teabag'? - Oh dear, what a ripoff! The marketing strategy is simply to make a virtue out of giving you even less tea in the bag.
It is implicitly claiming that there is too much tea for the average person in a standard, already smaller bag.

Bring back flavour - please!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


'Two Christian brothers were shot dead yesterday outside the courthouse where they were standing trial for blasphemy, (Release partners report.) Pastors Rashid and Sajid Emmanuel had reportedly just left the courtroom in Faisalabad District and Sessions Court, Punjab, when five masked gunmen opened fire on them,' according to Compass Direct news agency.

Remove excellence.

Two year degrees - coz dumbing down is not proceeding fast enough!

General knowledge.

I know how well the pupils are educated in the school where I spend a couple of days a week - and the examination results are a shining example of what can be achieved in a Christian school and on a mini budget at that.
But one area where we have been unable to make improvements is in the general knowledge of pupils which is hardly better than that found in the average comprehensive.
General knowledge is not actually our responsibility however, as it relies on the individuals' own approach to life.

Do you read broadly? Do you watch quality television? Do you read a newspaper of a standard better than The Mirror? Do you have the desire to understand all things in the world about you?

Well. Few children today do these 'voluntary' things. They prefer to: text, twitter, play mindless computer games, watch 'trashy telly' and in some cases, they 'chill with their mates'.
None of these things are wrong in themselves - it is the lack of balance which is turning out successive generations of very narrow young people.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Where to find help.

The Christian Herald.

Another anti-squirrel posting.

What a star!

When I heard that the 'biggest star ever' had been discovered - my first thought was - 'Oh dear - my secret's out!
'Anyhoo - it turns out that this celestial phenomenon is apparently 250 times the size of our sun. It reminds you of 'Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy' which described the universe as 'big - very big'.
Let us go back to first causes. When you do not believe in a Creator, you must be prepared to believe any old rubbish. (Overtones of Chesterton.)

For example, 'In the beginning there was nothing which then exploded.' Doesn't a creator make rather more sense?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My colour prejudice: I love reds - hate greys!

Ray Elliott was taken to court by the RSPCA for drowning a grey squirrel he had captured as he considered that that might be the most humane method of dispatching the vermin.
He was reported by a neighbour.The Magistrates fined him a whopping £1,500 and the report is unclear as to whether it was the RSPCA or The Bench which suggested that he should have had it put down at the vet's at a cost of £70.

A LoonyTuneswatch coconut to the nosy neighbour.

A LoonyTuneswatch coconut to the Magistrates at Burton Court.

A LoonyTuneswatch coconut to the RSPCA.
So, what should have happened then?
Mr Elliott should have put it into a sack and bashed it with a shovel with maximum power. Death would have been instantaneous. I shall not award him a coconut - but he could have done better.
The neighbour was either malicious or a fool.
The RSPCA were seeking a scapegoat to test out a new law - they were already on my list of charities I refuse to support. Such idiocy will not get them restored!
As for The Bench, the level of fine was absurd; that they gave a decent man a criminal record is crackers; that they did not give him an absolute discharge borders on abuse of power.
An absolute discharge would have sent the message to the RSPCA that this case should never have seen the inside of a court; Mr Elliott would have got the mild reprimand he deserved and justice would have been served.
Greys are a verminous, destructive, alien species which should be heavily culled - but all creatures deserve a 'clean' death. Sadly, the 'Aw-isn't-it-cute-brigade' have been out in force!
Nobody emerges from this without egg on the face.
Incidentally, would the RSPCA have acted in the same manner if this had been a rat instead of a tree rat? - I think not!

Monday, July 19, 2010


CONservative minister Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman said last week that women were 'empowered' by the freedom to wear the face coverings
So, now we know!
Where will she be buying hers, I wonder.

It wasn't just Franco!

As somebody who has taught the Spanish Civil War in some depth as a Sixth Form topic, I was horrified yesterday to watch a programme on The Military Channel which decided to rewrite history with a pure leftwing slant.
Not a single incorrect fact was given as the programme used archive film and interviews with British and Irish members of The International Brigade BUT the material was ultra selective and presented dishonestly.

As such, it was diminished and became nothing less than propaganda.
The Republican Government which was so awful that it fomented the rightwing backlash escaped without comment. Franco was portrayed as a simple baddie rather than the more complex, extreme Roman Catholic which formed his basic motivation.
The countless atrocities by the Republicans - many of which pre-dated the uprising - go unmentioned and the rapes and massacres of nuns and priests were conveniently sidelined.
Fascists were presented as the devil incarnate and communists as angelic heroes - no balance whatsoever.
The programme failed to get across the point that a largely (but not exclusively) hard left government was in a war situation with its own hard right army.
The programme failed to show that from these positions, the right fell into the arms of Hitler whilst the left fell into the rather less generous hands of Stalin.
If Franco is portrayed in the same league as Hitler and Mussolini then the director should have asked the question as to why Franco, on meeting Hitler at Hendaya, and after receiving large amounts of military help, told the fuhrer to 'get stuffed' and refused to lend any help in World War 2.

Even George Orwell's descriptions of the conflict in his ' Homage to Catalonia' were presented in honest fashion.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Peter Hitchens can never go unquoted for long!


'Of course, it is obvious now that the unleashed passions of the new underclass are pretty nasty. How could they not be?
They have been brought up to be nasty, or at least nobody in our neon-lit, raucous Babylon has ever had any opportunity to persuade them to be anything else but nasty during their formative years.
The cultural revolution of the Sixties robbed the British poor of anything to believe in, or any reason to try to be good. Patriotism was derided and rejected.
The Christian religion was mocked, marginalised and studied – if at all – as a weird curiosity.
The stable two-parent families in which children learned manners and morals were more or less abolished, so that a household with two contin­uously married parents is now a luxury item, as is an orderly classroom.
The virtues of patience, stoicism, thrift, temperance, constancy and modesty were reclassified as ‘repression’ and ‘inhibition’ and all were encouraged to cast them off.
And they did, so that on Friday and Sat­urday nights it often seems as if half the young people of Britain have decided to dress as hookers, and the other half as convicts newly released from 19th Century hulks.
We are nearly back to the days of William Hogarth’s Gin Lane, only without the high-minded evangelists trying to rescue the poor from wickedness.
Anthony Blair rode the tide of slime after Diana’s death by pronouncing her The People’s Princess (or rather, by obeying Alastair Campbell’s instruction to do so).'

When are you ever wrong, Peter? - It really can't be all that often!

Read more:

Rant time!

Teabags: year after year, there has been less and less tea contained within until the chance of a typical, tasty, good English cuppa became nigh on impossible.
So the purveyors of tea now charge you again to have a full teabag by marketing their product as 'extra strong' - and naturally this is always more expensive!
Funny how the standard, inferior bags were not marketed as extra tasteless!
A whole generation of people have been brought up on something resembling dishwater. That fact is one thing - but then they offer it to me as a friendly gesture!
Of course, the lost art of 'mashing' has more than a little to do with current, poor standards of tea in this country.
If you want the finer flavours - all very well - I enjoy a delicate Oolong or Lapsang Souchong as much as the next Chinese but that is not really what you want when 'a good cuppa' is the requirement!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saints alive!

Philippians 1.
1] Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi .......

Did you think that saints had to be canonised by the RC Church? - Oh, so wrong!
You are a believer? - Then YOU are already a saint!

Legal aid to be slashed.

At first sight this announcement seems excellent news. The amount of undeserving people who are on legal aid at taxpayers' expense is disgraceful. But the opposite side of this coin is how many deserving cases are currently refused legal aid.
If justice prevails; if the awards are targeted; if only the deserving get this support - then wonderful.
Something in my water just tells me that it won't be like that at all.

(Tricky stuff. Watch Ken Clarke make a complete bog of it as he is doing with the rest of the so-called justice system!)

One possible suggestion might be to bill people for frivolous defence claims. In other words, you get the legal aid but if you were just 'flying a kite' - the bill comes to YOU!
Even that is fraught with the self same dangers that the system of court fines has done to paint itself into a corner where low income non-payers are concerned.

Some might cruelly relish the knock-on effects for lawyers!

Second life term for double killer.

Please read this tragic piece of information from AOL News:

A man who murdered his ex-wife has been jailed for at least 20 years for the murder of another woman after he was freed from prison on licence.
Philip Fraser, 50, murdered Donna Forrest, with who he had once had a relationship, at her home in Balintore, Easter Ross, on April 11 this year.

Now. Explain precisely how Fraser could have butchered Donna Forrest if his body, complete with elongated neck, had been rotting in lime in a prison cemetery. Two dozen lifers annually are released to kill again. This is not rare!
(Please do not say that he could have had a sentence where 'life meant life'. Sorry. That is as rare as rocking horse droppings.)

Furthermore, please note the absence of do-gooders and lefties causing a major fuss.
They are unequivocally responsible for this woman's death just as they have been responsible for the massive rise in homicide rates - probably about 15,000 extra dead since 1964.
Still, These things are of no importance to the liberal left. Funny how the single 'execution of an innocent' would bring three decades of utter furore - even when that 'innocence' is extremely questionable!

I may be pilloried for saying the unthinkable but ...

.... I don't like Christian musicians very much.
I would struggle to find any band, combo or artist who would get into my top twenty of groups and singers.

Smelly foot jigs?

The EU recently gave "The Flying Gorillas" dance troupe, £160,000 to perform "spectacular belching" and "smelly foot" jigs.
They're 'avin' a larf ain't they? - Good. I like humour - but not when it is one of a vast amount of stupid projects funded by Brussels.

Unfit to run a whelk stall. Time to pull out!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Are post grads left or right? - fascinating research.

Feminism has a different agenda and it ain't equality for women!

Feminists. If you hate men so much, why are you always trying to be like us?

At last!

In the midst of the flurry of activity from the coalition, finding a genuine 'positive' has been truly difficult but it has finally happened. This Blog will always 'give credit where credit is due' - irrespective of the source:

'As part of the biggest shake-up in pensions for a generation, the Government yesterday revealed its plans to scrap laws that force all pensioners to buy an annual income with their savings - known as an annuity.
Instead, from April, once they retire they will be able to dip in to their pension pot.'

The present annuity system is iniquitous; a wrong has been righted; benefits to pensioners with private pensions will be tangible!
I suppose that it all goes to prove that even muppets can't get it wrong all of the time.

Read more:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Goebbels never met the EU but ....

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Joseph Goebbels.

Well said, Bish!

The Venerable Donald Allister, Bishop of Peterborough has spoken out against the so-called hymn, 'Jerusalem'.
GOOD! It is emphatically NOT Christian; the words are piffle; Blake was a loony and the excellent, rousing tune cannot compensate for the tripe contained within.
[No. Jesus as a boy did NOT visit Somerset with Joseph of Aramathea!]
Suggestion, Bish. There is no copyright issue here so why not expunge the trashy verses and do a rewrite?

Blair and Cameron - what's the difference?

A pair of mountebanks: principle-free zones. I am sure that I have no need to prove this point where Mr Blair is concerned.

David Cameron has made the tory party lurch so far to the left that it is indistinguishable from the other two parties. In so doing, he is attempting to maintain the traditions which not so proudly date back to the ignoble Edward Heath.
What have typical tory voters wanted and expected?
Tougher on crime. - Uber liberal Ken Clarke put in charge.
Smarter on immigration. - A lie, pure and simple. The EU controls our borders.
Stop 'EU creep'. - A lie. He knows that this is impossible as long as we retain membership.
Referendum on Lisbon Treaty. - Lie mixed with 'smoke and mirrors'.
Control bankers' bonuses. - Increased.
He already hates Grammar Schools; is 'in bed' with the severely leftwing Lib Dems and on taking power, immediately ditched any actual tory policies from the manifesto in order to keep Nick Clegg purring!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Stop Attacks on Christians in Nigeria!

'Plateau State in Nigeria has long been home to many Christians. But they have come under increasing attacks in 2010. Many believe these attacks are part of a planned siege designed by Islamic extremists to bring Plateau State into line with the twelve northern states that have embraced Sharia (Islamic law).
In early March, ethnic Fulani Muslims attacked 3 villages near Jos which resulted in the deaths of about 500 Christians and the burning of about 75 homes. Eyewitnesses say the attackers used knives and cutlasses, while shouting "Allah Akbar" during their attacks on men, women and children.
In the face of these atrocities, we need to stand with our brothers and sisters in Nigeria to hold their government to account for failing to protect Christians.
Please send a message to the Nigerian Ambassador today, asking the Nigerian government to launch a thorough investigation of this incident, hold the perpetrators to account for their involvement in these crimes.

[Open Doors]


2 quotes from John Enoch Powell.

“'Helping industry is the elephant pit of socialism, a deep hole with sharp spikes at the bottom, covered over with twigs and fresh grass”

“History is littered with wars which everybody knew would never happen.”

Ain't it the truth?

How could it possibly be a scandal?

'Families of convicts who die in jail can receive up to £3,000 from the state to cover the costs of funerals, the Sunday Express can reveal. Freedom of Information documents from the Ministry of Justice reveal prison governors “must offer to pay reasonable funeral expenses” for dead inmates even if they have relatives.The maximum grant is double the average cost of a funeral in Britain and three times the amount paid out by the state for a so-called pauper burial.'

How does a system like this begin? Who was the first lunatic to authorise this level of payment of public cash?
Perhaps government employees, self-important bureaucrats, the thoughtless and the incompetent should be made somehow financially liable for this kind of abuse of taxpayers' money!
But don't you just suspect that it will be politicians behind it? Do you not feel the hand of the liberal left combined with the do-gooding element at work here? - In which case the same thinking should certainly apply!

Read more:

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Unfit to govern.

Locking up criminals for short sentences is 'pretty meaningless' and community punishments must be toughened up to boost public confidence in them, David Cameron said yesterday.


Cameronian double standards; posturing and political haymaking.

David Cameron risked a backlash from teachers and parents when he revealed he was 'terrified' by the thought of finding a decent state secondary school for his children.

State school? Are you sure that you are entitled to a choice, Dave? Perhaps you plan to 'shop around for a good 'un'? - Isn't that worse than privately educating your kids? Doesn't it take places away from more deserving cases?

For the sake of all pity - bring back the GRAMMAR SCHOOL which represented fairness!

Read more:

Class hatred.

I watched a comedy last night and the main theme was how a group of toffs had invited a girl to dinner at their mansion simply in order to humiliate her because, although well-educated, she came from a council estate.
Sometimes we just have to stop and take stock. I would wager that this scenario will not have happened in real life in living memory - if ever.

No. It is the cunning of the left who are purveying their class hatred and trying to make YOU join in and share it! Subtle it ain't. But even so, how many people spot the subversive propaganda?

Slippery slope steepens!

'Presbyterian Church (USA) to allow gay clergy but tables redefining marriage. Delegates to the Presbyterian Church General Assembly in Minneapolis voted to allow the ordination of noncelibate homosexuals but shelved a proposal to redefine marriage in a way that would include same-sex couples.'

God says 'NO!' The Scriptures say 'NO!' American Presbyterian Church says: "Who cares?"

[Christian Examiner.]

Rule change needed.

MITK met a marksmen yesterday who said that the Raoul Moat's death was utterly unnecessary.
The line of fire was short ranged and clear. It was an easy shot to blast the gun from his hand or hit the hand itself.
Amazingly, the 'rules' do not permit such efforts. Effectively, police marksmen are required to use 'a killing shot' only.
Whether saving Moat's life was a desirable outcome or not is a wholly different matter.
But naturally, there are some cases where somebody has simply had a mental breakdown and every possible effort must be made to save their lives.

We only have to consider the tragic events outside Hull on the A63 several years ago to have this point confirmed.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...