Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What a star!

When I heard that the 'biggest star ever' had been discovered - my first thought was - 'Oh dear - my secret's out!
'Anyhoo - it turns out that this celestial phenomenon is apparently 250 times the size of our sun. It reminds you of 'Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy' which described the universe as 'big - very big'.
Let us go back to first causes. When you do not believe in a Creator, you must be prepared to believe any old rubbish. (Overtones of Chesterton.)

For example, 'In the beginning there was nothing which then exploded.' Doesn't a creator make rather more sense?

Reform UK Have Done The Job.

In the local elections, Reform UK has inflicted inestimable damage onto the Tories. Well done guys! The Tories MUST learn that if they are n...