Saturday, December 31, 2011

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire.

Lie detector tests are being used to help officers decide whether to charge suspects in a groundbreaking scheme by a British police force.
'Lie detector tests are being used to help officers decide whether to charge suspects in a groundbreaking scheme by a British police force. 
The devices are for the first time being used by detectives for pre-conviction testing in the UK in a trial which could pave the way for their introduction across the country.
Hertfordshire police completed a successful pilot scheme last month in which 25 sex offenders were tested using polygraphs.
The scheme led to many of the “low level” offenders being reclassified as posing a more serious risk to children than originally thought. (Telegraph.)

Lie detectors tend to detect the body's nervous responses but what they cannot readily do is to identify what caused that reaction.
In general terms - lying 'fits the profile'.
Still technically a JP - I never would want to see a case decided, by this technology although I would think it reasonable to take negative inferences from all who refused to take the test in just the same way that refusal to take a breathalyser is deemed so serious in law.
That being said - these machines have massive potential to aid police enquiries and would be a boon to the innocent.
Psychopaths however, are known to be especially competent at beating lie detectors so, all in all, good police work must always take precedence even though these machines could prove a fine tool in many investigations.

The Euro - The % Needs to Be 100!

Economists estimate a '30% to 40% chance of a break-up of the euro in 2012'

British Prime Minister, David Cameron and German Chancellor, Angela Merkel at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt Main, Germany

Woodrow Wilson.

'A little group of wilful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible.'
Woodrow Wilson.
Plus ça change (plus c'est la même chose).


The Leonardo Last Supper has always struck me as totally false. In any case the Bible states categorically that they were 'reclining' - which makes it especially wrong!


The best thing you can do to prepare for 2012 is to pray for the world in the coming year.
Pray above all for those millions of atheists who will die in the next 12 months and plunge into a God-less eternity.
Pray for those in cults, religions and belief systems who will perish not knowing the Saviour.
Please pray for the agnostics, the 'vague deists' and the terminally apathetic.
Those of us who have had countless, personal encounters with The Saviour KNOW the truth. Why? - Because we have experienced Him!
No atheist can ever argue from 'a level playing field' with somebody truly born again.
They have opinions: we have knowledge.

New Year's Eve.

Even though I know that most readers are sensible who read this Blog - because they read this Blog - I must still say it.
Have a GREAT New Year Celebration - but for the sake of both balance and digestion - don't overdo the alcohol just because next year Brits will probably not be able to afford any!

American Politics - Are We Stuck With Obama Again?

The right Republican. Although the presidency is theirs for the taking, America’s Republicans are in danger of throwing it away. See url below from The Economist:

War Crime? - Only If We Ignore The Facts And Listen To The Left!

'Since that fateful afternoon on May 2, 1982, the sinking of the Argentinian cruiser Belgrano by the British nuclear-powered submarine Conqueror has been regarded as one of the most controversial events of the Falklands War.
Many British critics of the action, which resulted in the deaths of 323 Argentinian sailors, see the sinking as a war crime.
These critics, who are invariably on the far Left, and include the former Labour MP Sir Tam Dalyell and the former Ministry of Defence civil servant Clive Ponting, argue that the Belgrano represented no threat, and was actually sailing away from the 200-mile Total Exclusion Zone declared by the British around the Falkland Islands.
In their eyes, the action was a disgraceful act of provocation by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher designed to escalate the conflict.
However, a new book reveals that these critics have been wrong all along, and the Belgrano was indeed a fair target, not least because — it now emerges — it had been ordered to proceed into the Exclusion Zone at the time it was attacked.
In The Silent Listener, the book’s author Major David Thorp recounts how in 1984 he was ordered by Mrs Thatcher to carry out an investigation — never published — into the circumstances of the sinking.
Given access to every document related to the Belgrano, Thorp, a member of a highly-secret signals-intercept unit during the Falklands War, describes in his book how he found an Argentinian signal intercepted by the British in which the Belgrano was ordered to rendezvous with other Argentinian warships at a location east of the islands, and well inside the Exclusion Zone.
This crucial new evidence flies in the face of what is often claimed by many Argentinians and their useful idiots among the British Left — that the Belgrano was heading back to her home port when she was sunk, and that she did not represent a threat to the British Task Force.
Nearly three decades later, it is now possible to tell the full story of the General Belgrano, and to show that the sinking, although horrific, was a justifiable act of war that probably saved more lives than it claimed.'
Read more:

Friday, December 30, 2011

Hmm. Yeeeees.

A New Year Gift For Discerning Family, Colleagues And Friends.

The ASBO Is Quietly Dying. May It Rot!

That exercise in utter futility which was designed with the simple aim of pretending to be tough when not jailing lowlifes is surely in terminal decline.
When I was a magistrate, I did all the requisite ASBO training and I explained to all who would listen at that time exactly how it was going to turn out.
'Breach your ASBO and you will surely be locked up' - was the big joke which too many naive people were taking seriously.
Might I suggest to you good reader that you put 'ASBO' into the search engine at the top of this Blog for more details.
Last heard, 6% are jailed for breaches of this absurd waste of time - courtesy of our leftist do-gooders and the ECHR along with Labour's stupidly imposed guidelines, untouched by Clarke as one would fully expect!

Murdered In The UK For Being A Christian?

'Ruby Love, 23, from Harrow, North London was found by a dog walker in the Grand Union Canal in Southall, West London, by a dog walker shortly before midday on Sunday.
Manzar Juma, 27, the father of two of her children, was charged by police with her murder. He is understood to be Muslim and unemployed. He is due to appear in court on Friday.
Miss Love was born Rabina Malik into a Sikh family but her mother changed the family’s names by deed poll in 2003. They attend a nearby Catholic church, she said.' (Telegraph.) 
It would be completely wrong to prejudge this case based on newspaper reporting and the case is, to some extent, sub judice until a trial verdict is reached.
But let us go off at a slight tangent here, shall we?
What would the reaction be - and have been already - if a convert to a minority religion had been butchered for being part of that religion?
So my main point is to ask: Where are 'the usual suspects' now? Why so quiet? Why so restrained?

President Carter.

'I hate to see complacency prevail in our lives when it's so directly contrary to the teaching of Christ.' Jimmy Carter.

So Not Night Watchman Then?

Christian Persecution In 2012?

Christian persecution hotspots for 2012

Dec 27 2011. 
[Release International.]

What Have We Done To The Next Generation?

Our children and grandchildren are in big trouble compared to the last two generations.
We have:
Saddled them with impossible debts.
Failed To educate them properly.
Have made drugs attractive.
Ensured that most will not be able to ascend 'the property ladder.
Gifted their jobs to immigrants.
Insisted that they take 'dumbed down' degree courses at massive personal expense.
Proved to them that 'crime pays'.
Made certain that none will be able to retire before the age of at least 70.
Taught them 'the state will always bail you out' however heinous or foolish the actions committed.
Given them inappropriate educations to their abilities in 'apprehensive' schools.
We have ensured that most will face lengthy periods of unemployment during their lives.
We have turned a once great nation into a laughing stock.
We have done them the grave disservice of joining the EU.
We have attempted to create 'a multicultural society' instead of an integrated one.
Christianity has been downgraded to a 'quirky minority sport' - with added persecution and is never presented as the solution to so many social issues.
I could obviously go on ad nauseam! Isn't it interesting just how much of all this has originated DIRECTLY in the left of politics?

It Isn't All Clarke's Fault But ...

'A quarter of criminals break their community sentences, a study has shown, fuelling criticism of Kenneth Clarke's soft justice policies.
Researchers found that 43,521 criminals, in the year to July 2011, were hauled back to court and sentenced again, the Sun reported.
In addition, 19,471 carried out further crimes during their sentences.'
Fifty people a day  suffer a violent or sexual attack by a convict spared jail in the ‘soft’ justice system.
Victims include young children assaulted by paedophiles,  figures released by the Government show.
They reveal that every year more than 18,000 convicts given a community punishment commit a sexual or violent crime within 12 months of being sentenced.
Had they been sent to jail, the offences – which could range from rape to common assault – need never have taken place.
Read more:

Political Failures.

'All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs.'
Enoch Powell.

Sinead o Connor.

Some people have said - rather unkindly I thought - that after three marriages, Sinead o Connor hasn't really been taking wedlock all that seriously.
Those cynics have now been put firmly in their place!
Sinead's fourth marriage lasted a most respectable 16 years - er - I mean DAYS.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

William Laud.

'The Lord receive my soul, and have mercy on me, and bless this kingdom with peace and charity, that there may not be this effusion of Christian blood amongst them.' William Laud  -  disgracefully and shamefully executed by the parliamentary faction at the time of The English Civil War. (And, no. I have precious little sympathy for the fate meted out to that egregious shedder of innocent blood, Charles The First, who met a similar and considerably more justifiable end.)

Pardon Me For EXTREME Scepticism!

'Every person in Britain will need to pay about £5,000 a year between now and 2050 on rebuilding and using the nation's entire energy system, according to government figures. But the cost of developing clean and sustainable electricity, heating and transport will be very similar to replacing today's ageing and polluting power stations, the analysis finds.
The forecasts come from a unique open-source analysis package, called the 2050 pathways calculator, which was created by Professor David MacKay, chief scientific adviser to the Department of Energy and Climate Change.'
(The Guardian.) 
Sorry. I just do not believe a word of it!

Alzheimer's - Useful Tips From The Express.

Story Image


Sardines are key to ensuring mental fitness!
THE tragic toll of Alzheimer’s disease could be halted by making simple changes to the diet, scientists claim.
Research has shown that people with diets high in several key vitamins or in health-boosting omega-3 fatty acids are less likely to develop the brain shrinkage linked to the devastating condition.

This means people who regularly eat oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines or large amounts of fruit and vegetables could delay the disease or stop it developing.

Josephus The Facetious.

'3.  Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men among us, had condemned him to the cross , those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day , as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named for him, are not extinct at this day.'
(Not a believer - this Jew worked for the Emperor Vespasian and was considered a traitor. His tone is obviously mocking but it gives a clear, independent source of the basic origins of Christianity.)
You really would not believe the lengths that atheists have gone to in FAILING ABSOLUTELY to undermine this. There have been wild claims of: additions, distortions, Christian dishonesty. Funny how they only ever go onto this level of attack when cornered, innit?

I Am Fizzing!!!!


Britain is STILL giving aid to Brazil - even though it's richer than we are!

This Blog Disapproves Of Doctor-Created Drug Addicts.

Ray Nimmo - A Friend of mine for nearly 50 years was a victim and is mentioned here.
Lawyers and medical experts have reported an increase in clinical negligence cases by patients left physically and psychologically broken by "indefensible" long-term prescribing of addictive tranquillisers such as Valium, collectively known as benzodiazepines.
Patients taken off the drugs too quickly, leaving them disabled with pain for months if not years, are also seeking legal redress. Many say they were never told about the dangers of rapid detoxification, which can lead to seizures and even death in severe cases. Doctors have been accused of being "in denial" about the problem.
Experts have warned of a coming flood of legal action against doctors who failed to inform their patients about the addictive nature of some tranquillisers, currently given to millions of people worldwide. They are prescribed to deal with common social and psychological complaints, from exam stress to relationship problems and bereavement.
Professor Malcolm Lader, whose research in the 1980s suggested a link between long-term tranquilliser use and brain damage, said he now gives legal advice about negligent prescribing and dangerous detoxifications "at least every three months".
He told The Independent: "There is no sign that such prescribing is diminishing. The Royal College of GPs is in denial about this because they fear being sued. With around a million long-term users, the [legal] defence unions will at some point decide that these cases are indefensible and GPs will have to pay their own costs." A report by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Misuse estimated in 2009 that there were 1.5 million involuntary tranquilliser addicts in the UK. More than 6.6 million benzodiazepine prescriptions for anxiety were dispensed by England's pharmacies in 2010, a 15 per cent increase in 10 years. Prescriptions for Valium have increased by 20 per cent over the same period.
The first successful legal claim against individual doctors dates back to 2002, when Ray Nimmo, who was prescribed Valium for 14 years, won his case against GPs in Scunthorpe. His lawyer, Caroline Moore, has had five new referrals in the past month.
Some people develop a tolerance after regular use for two weeks, needing a higher dose to induce the same effects; others report using them for years with few adverse effects. For most, stopping is the problem: they can experience a range of painful psychological and physical symptoms, worse than their original complaint.
Dr Adrian Rogers, a GP who is also an expert in medico-legal cases, said: "I can't believe there aren't more claims. The fact that lots of doctors are prescribing long-term isn't an excuse – no responsible GP would do it."

Hum A Great Song!

Buy British.

Why do British people not try to buy British goods? Buying imports is not obligatory.
Obviously if there are major issues of price, availability and value - you buy what is best for your budget and convenience.
BUT - just imagine what a mere 10% average shift to purchasing British goods would achieve for the economy.
I fully realise that the 'Buy British' campaigns of yesteryear are now illegal for governments under EU legislation. (Which raises another issue!)
Pass the message on and see if you could aim for a 20% shift in your shopping - why don't you?

Outlines The Problem But Offers No Solutions.

From; Jennifer Hunter, Farfield Avenue, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire.
MARTYN L Scargill (Yorkshire Post, December 21) asks where all the balance has gone with regard to wealth and luxuries. I believe that I can answer his question with two words – human nature.
I have written about human nature and have asserted that it remains fundamentally the same regardless of the period of time and a variety of circumstances.
Throughout history, characteristics of human nature have manifested themselves in a similar manner. Some characteristics have successfully brought about positive social change, such as the provision of better working and housing conditions by benefactors in years gone by.
Other characteristics, including greed, over-indulgence and eagerness to exploit less fortunate individuals have led to very great material and social inequalities.
Societies and individuals may, indeed, often strive to provide equality and equal opportunities for citizens, but human nature will always prevail and there will always be inequalities and injustice.
Human nature cannot be eradicated because the nature of a person is an integral part of that person, an intangible part of a living being. At a collective level, the desire for material goods, wealth and social prestige is, equally, intangible because it is simply a part of today’s society.'
BUT there is a solution. He is called Jesus.

At Least HE Will Still Be Able To Afford Afford A Pint.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

'Jesus Never Existed', Eh? - And The Acta Diurna Populi?

Author's Background.
Pontius Pilate (1 BC - circa AD 37) was the fifth Roman procurator of Judea (AD 26 - 36 ) under Emperor Tiberius, who sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion. The quotes below refer to the Acts of Pontius Pilate. The existence of the Acts of Pontius Pilate is strongly supported by Epiphanius (Heresies 50.1), Justin Martyr (First Apology, A.D. 150) and Tertullian (Apology, A.D. 200). The Acts of Pontius Pilate were kept in the Roman archives as stated in the following quote.
The ancient Romans were scrupulously careful to preserve the memory of all remarkable events which happened in the city; and this was done either in their "Acts of the Senate" (Acts Senatus), or in the "Daily Acts of the People" (Acta Diurna Populi), which were diligently made and kept at Rome . . . In like manner it was customary for the governors of provinces to send to the emperor an account of remarkable transactions that occurred in the places where they resided, which were preserved in the "Acts of" their respective governments . . . we find, long before the time of Eusebius [3rd century], that the primitive Christians, in their disputes with the Gentiles, appealed to these "Acts of Pilate" . . . Thus, Justin Martyr, in his first "Apology" for the Christians, which was presented to the Emperor Antoninus Pius [A.D. 138-161] and the senate of Rome, about the year [A.D.] 140, having mentioned the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and some of its attendant circumstances, adds, "And these things were done, you may know from the 'Acts' made in the time of Pontius Pilate."

The Wedding At Cana.

Alcohol Over-Pricing.

Libertarian Alliance News Release
Release Date: Wednesday 28th December 2011
Release Time: Immediate.
Contact Details: Dr Sean Gabb, 07956 472 199, 
The Libertarian Alliance, the radical free market and civil liberties institute, today condemns proposals to make it harder for poor people to buy alcohol .

The 'Tough Guys' Who Have Helped Make The Coalition As Bad As it Is.

Radio 4.

Gotter admit it - I really don't care for Radio 4 a great deal. A little bit of a cross between trendy tory; Guardian-reading leftie and arty pretentiousness.
Am currently listening to a nondescript Giles Brandreth wittering on about which celebs could be deemed 'a national treasure'.
Tedious in the extreme - as usual.
Yes, I know it has its moments but ...

Lib Dems.

In my life I have met many Lib Dems who spend most of their time talking the same common sense demonstrated by other normal folk.
Their weakness is that they then vote for a party which does not represent their views in any way shape or form.
I just don't get it! - (And the picture caption ONLY applies to local council elections.)

Hey - It's A Miracle!

'Image of Jesus' on sole of sock - apparently. Rather odd when we consider that people have no idea what Jesus actually looked like.
I thought it was a young David Bellamy.

Educashun, Educashun, Edducashun.

Shocking: Recent polls show that one in four believes that Hadrian's Wall was built to keep out the French
'Shocking: Recent polls show that one in four believes that Hadrian's Wall was built to keep out the French.' (Mail.)
Yipee! This means that the dilushion of 'reel educashun' asnt been ass cerius ass Id fort.

The Under Class.

'One in three people claiming unemployment benefit is a convicted criminal, figures show.
Taxpayers are funding around £2billion a year in out-of-work payments to nearly 1.3million people with criminal records, including £1.2billion to those on Jobseeker’s Allowance.
The rest of the money is paid to offenders who claim income support as lone parents or receive Incapacity Benefit and its replacement, Employment Support Allowance.
The figures lay bare the degree to which an ‘underclass’ that drifts in and out of criminal activity is using state handouts to bolster its income, while often continuing a life of crime.'
Knowing my world view many readers might expect me to latch onto the facts above and attempt to use them to prove some point.
The stats though are completely meaningless without understanding each individual case. There is no possibility of extrapolating anything from these figures whatsoever.
In general terms it may give rise to a certain disquiet and concern but there is no hint contained within of how you could distinguish between the criminal and the reformed: the genuine and the waster.
I remain deeply perturbed by the existence of this group but tragically, there is no quick-fix solution.

Read more:


'Jesus didn't exist?'  But Roman non-believer Thallus reported 'The Darkness' At His Crucifixion.
 "Circa AD 52, Thallus wrote a history of the Eastern Mediterranean world from the Trojan War to his own time.  This work itself has been lost and only fragments of it exist in the citations of others.  One such scholar who knew and spoke of it was Julius Africanus, who wrote about AD 221.  In speaking of Jesus’ crucifixion and the darkness that covered the land during this event, Africanus found a reference in the writings of Thallus that dealt with this cosmic report.  Africanus asserts:  'On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down.  This darkness Thallus, in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun.'

The Only Way Is Essex. (TOWIE.)

Oh dear. Finally seen it - well a small, hideous portion, anyway.
WRETCHED! TV for 12 year olds; TV for the mindless; TV as a total condemnation of how low our society has sunk.
A celebration of triviality and meaninglessness.
Mr D'Arcy.
Who on earth could possibly give a monkey's what the airheads on there pass off as opinions?
(Liked the pig though!)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why Was Jesus Tried At Night?

Pastor Rick Bartosic outlines several 'minor irregularities' in The Trial Of Jesus before The Sanhedrin:
1. There was to be no arrest accomplished by a bribe.
2. All criminal cases had to be tried in the daytime.
3. There could be no secret trials, only public.
4. Sanhedrin trials could only take place in the Hall of Judgement in the temple compound. No decision was valid which did not take place there.
5. All evidence had to be guaranteed by two or three witnesses whose testimony had to agree in every detail or the prisoner was discharged immediately.
6. The witnesses were the accusers who had seen the crime, arranged for the arrest and presented the accusation before the judges.
7. A false witness was put to death.
8. Before a trial could begin there must be a presentation of the accusation by the witnesses (indictment) then arrest and trial.
9. At the trial the defense had to come first.
10. The judges were never to seek to condemn the accused. They were to take his side and seek every means for his acquittal.
11. The accused person never to be allowed to testify against himself.
12. A person could never be condemned on the basis of his own words alone.
13. In cases of capital punishment, the trial and the guilty verdict cannot occur at the same time but must be separated by 24 hours.
14. The verdict must be announced in the daytime.
15. After hearing the testimony of the witnesses, they must vote individually beginning with the youngest so they would not be influenced by the elders.
16. A unanimous decision for guilt shows innocence since it is impossible for 23 to 71 men to agree without plotting.
17. The judges were to be humane and kind.
18. The condemned person was not to be beaten or scourged beforehand.
"The law was broken so many times in the trial of Jesus that it is hard to see how a trial could have been more illegally run or the laws of Israel more thoroughly flouted." James Boice.

Strong On Adjectives - Low on Factual Content.

Today, I made one of my rare forays into The Daily Mirror - and it hasn't improved one jot. What a most unpleasant experience!
I read this article by one Kevin Maguire which I invite you to read. Try to find the content behind the swirling vitrepuse and rank overuse of adjectives. If this were occasional - you could permit the odd rant; if it were accurate you could forgive; as it attacks 'Dave' you are desperate to agree with it - but it is just verbal diahorrea.
Shan't be going back in a hurry. It makesThe Sun look like quality reading matter!

Honey? - Do You Know Where I Left That Shark?

Potiskum Nigeria. Yet More Persecution Of Believers.

'In Potiskum, residents fled after arsonists set alight 30 Christian-owned shops as well as the home of a Christian leader, on Sunday night in what appeared to be the continuation of religious violence that peaked with the bombing of churches on Christmas Day.' Telegraph.
Please pray for the victims.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Nadine Dorries.

Quote of the week: Tory MP Nadine Dorries, asked why she failed to show up for Deputy PMQs, replied: ‘Nick Clegg is an inconsistent, bad-tempered, sulky, misguided, badly-informed, opportunistic, political irrelevance.’ Mail.
Hmm. Does she like him or merely respect him as a politician?


Tacitus Knew ...

Tacitus was a Roman historian writing early in the 2nd century A.D. His Annals provide us with a single reference to Jesus of considerable value. Rather frustratingly, much of his work has been lost, including a work which covers the years 29-32, where the trial of Jesus would have been had he recorded it [Meie.MarJ, 89].
Here is a full quote of the cite of our concern, from Annals 15.44. Jesus and the Christians are mentioned in an account of how the Emperor Nero went after Christians in order to draw attention away from himself after Rome's fire of 64 AD:
But not all the relief that could come from man, not all the Bounties that the prince could bestow, nor all the atonements Which could be presented to the gods, availed to relieve Nero From the infamy of being believed to have ordered the Conflagration, the fire of Rome. Hence to suppress the rumor, he Falsely charged with the guilt, and punished Christians, who were Hated for their enormities. Christus, the founder of the name, was Put to death by Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea in the reign Of Tiberius: but the pernicious superstition, repressed for a time Broke out again, not only through Judea, where the mischief Originated, but through the city of Rome also, where all things Hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their Center and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first Made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an Immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of Firing the city, as of hatred against mankind....
Very few would assert that this passage is a forgery [though see Cutn.JGMM, 111-2], for the evidence is strongly in favor of the genuineness of this passage. The passage is in perfect Tacitean style; it appears in every known copy of the Annals (although there are very few copies of it, and none dates earlier than the 11th century), and the anti-Christian tone is so strong that it is extremely unlikely that a Christian could have written it. [Tekton.]

So, Just What Is Wrong With Theologians?

Recent quote: 'Historians are more likely to believe in the authenticity of the Gospels than are theologians.'
Oh, dear!

Sunday, December 25, 2011


We Celebrate His Birth - But He Came To Die For Us.


Merry Christmas.

'A member of the Royal Air Force who was injured in the same explosion which killed a Royal Marine in Afghanistan has died of his injuries, the Ministry of Defence said today.
The serviceman was seriously wounded when his vehicle was caught in an explosion south of Kabul on Thursday. He was flown back to the UK but died of his wounds.' Huffington Post.
Two Christmases ago, my own son was in Afghastlystan. I cannot begin to imagine what these two families are going through but I can all too easily recall the unending concern for the entire period that he was there. He had been 'covered in prayer' by literally hundreds of people and happily returned to us.
So my interest is more than just 'passing' when I say:

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wise Men?

The Magnificat.

Mary’s Song.
 46 And Mary said:
   “My soul glorifies the Lord
 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 for he has been mindful
   of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
 49 for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
   holy is his name.
50 His mercy extends to those who fear him,
   from generation to generation.
51 He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
   he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones
   but has lifted up the humble.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things
   but has sent the rich away empty.
54 He has helped his servant Israel,
   remembering to be merciful
55 to Abraham and his descendants forever,
   just as he promised our ancestors.”

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...