Friday, November 30, 2012

Feeling Old.

Yesterday my Over 60s Bus Pass arrived.

Should Christianity Be Taught In Schools? - Yes.

Almost two-thirds of adults questioned by Oxford University in a survey said they support the teaching of Christianity in schools, and two-fifths said teaching about the faith needs more attention in religious education lessons.Oxford University asked 1,800 people whether they want the majority religion taught in schools, and the outcome shows that the majority, 64 percent, supports teaching Christianity to pupils to help them understand English history. Read more at

Where Does Discipleship Occur?

Jane Grabs A Comfortable Second: The Face Of Politics Is Changing.

Mr Farage last night claimed UKIP was the ‘second party in the North’ after posting its best ever result in a by-election.
His party’s candidate, Jane Collins, came second behind Labour in the Rotherham contest with the Tories in fifth and the Lib Dems back in eighth. The BNP came third and Respect fourth.
Mr Farage told Sky News: ‘We are going to have tonight our best-ever by-election result.
'It’s big progress, it’s a big result for UKIP.’
Sarah Champion (Lab) 9,866 (46.25%, +1.62%)
Jane Collins (UKIP) 4,648 (21.79%, +15.87%)
Marlene Guest (BNP) 1,804 (8.46%, -1.96%)
Yvonne Ridley (Respect) 1,778 (8.34%)
Simon Wilson (C) 1,157 (5.42%, -11.32%)Electorate 63,420; Turnout 21,330 (33.63%, -25.37%)
2010: Lab majority 10,462 (27.89%) - Turnout 37,506 (59.00%)
MacShane (Lab) 16,741 (44.64%)
Read more:

Why not JOIN UKIP today?

Bogus Student Numbers Cut.

This Blog tries to be fair at all times.
Well done Tories - it's not much but at least, it's a good start.

Death Of A Believer Is A Sadness Not A Tragedy.

Psalm 116 (NIV).

15) Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of his faithful servants.

NO! Opinions Are One Thing - Cults Quite Something Else!

Anti-Warmists DEFEATED By Unassailable Logic.

Job Seekers Allowance.

Let us put Mr Cameron's anti-poor people plans into some perspective, shall we?
If somebody on Job Seekers' Allowance allows themselves a treat once per week - let us say a single pint of Guinness - that will cost them around 5% of their benefits NOW.
'Too cheap'? What are these people wittering on about?

Whither UKIP? "Neither Left Nor Right."

These are the words of Nigel Farage lauding UKIP.
Certainly, that is what people want and the wide body of people who vote certainly are fed up with PC and the shenanigans of the left.
The Tory party today is a liberal left party which has retained some toryism in its economic policies.
Three leftist parties means that we are in the rather odd position at Westminster of having no real political centre at all - with the exception of random, small handfuls of MPs.
It really is quite bizarre.
If UKIP are the true centre of politics - which I believe us to be - we must settle to the right of the failed trio.
(Remember when Conservatives used to be just to the right of centre?)
Voters would clearly welcome a party which is NOT Tory but does cover that position in politics which that party chose to abandon.
So many voters who categorically refuse to vote tory are actually centre right in their opinions.
I believe this group represents the majority opinion in this country.

Best Of Friends, Huh?

Sean Gabb's Fascinating Contribution.
Cyril Smith was a Liberal Party politician, and supposedly the fattest Member of Parliament in history. He was also a pederast with a taste for beating young boys. In 1991, I had dinner with a retired Special Branch officer. He told me how, in 1977, the Rochdale police had assembled a dossier of evidence against the MP – systematic abuse of homeless boys in a hostel he’d helped found. However, the man was Chief Liberal Whip at the time, and the Liberals were in an informal coalition with a minority Labour Government. My friend was given the job of driving up to Rochdale to confiscate the dossier, and tell the local police to mind their own business in future.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Labour Do Not Even Recognise What They Have Done Wrong!!!

A senior member of the Labour-run council told The Daily Telegraph that the UK Independence Party is using the couple to seek an advantage in Thursday's poll in Rotherham.
The wife strenuously denied the claim and said Rotherham metropolitan borough council had “besmirched us all over again” following the removal by social workers of three ethnic minority children from their care. (D.Telegraph.)
PS. When the opposition gifts you a spectacular own goal - should you refuse to accept it?

Shut Tha Sen Up Blur, Tha Knose Nowt!

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair warned that it would be 'a monumental error of statesmanship' for Britain to turn its back on EuropeTony Blair says being Eurosceptic is like a virus and the Tories have ‘got it really bad’
The former Prime Minister used a Chatham House speech to admit Britain could leave the European Union but it would be 'hugely destructive' of long term interests.
Telegraph Reuters Mail Express IHT Independent
Apologies to readers with finer feelings but sometimes argument and debate just doesn't seem worth the effort where some people are concerned.

Minimum Pricing Of Alcohol.

We already pay absurd amounts for alcohol in the UK. We are taxed to the eyeballs. Community pubs are closing down at unprecedented rates and damage is being done to employment figures.
Clearly, this is all about 'stealth taxation' but let us examine Dave's arguments:
Minimum pricing will cut binge drinking and alcoholism.
(Obviously, figures will be produced next year like a rabbit out of a hat to 'prove' that it has all been a roaring success.)
1) This is aimed at poorer people.
2) It will cut drinking for the wrong people. Take for example the pensioner who currently can just afford a weekly 4 pack or bottle of sherry as a treat and who may no longer be able to do so.
3) It will have no effect at all on the more expensive alcoholic drinks.
4) It cannot cut alcoholism. Alcoholics will pay what they have to - it may well deprive many spouses and children, though!
5) Whilst drugs are peddled freely in our towns and cities - drug prices may become more attractive as an alternative.
6) Like alcoholics - binge drinkers will continue to disgust us on Friday and Saturday nights across the country because they are not punished adequately for their violent, abusive excesses. They WILL find the cash.
These measures are DOOMED to fail and pandering to the opinions of a handful of government doctors' opinions is a waste of everybody's time.
IT IS A TAX INCREASE concealed under the guise of just being 'Nanny State' again.
Hard to say which is worse.

Some wisdom from Simon Heffer.
Oh and furthermore, the irony. Possibly hoist by his own petard?
The Telegraph reports that the European Commission has sent a nine-page legal opinion to the British Government warning that minimum prices are illegal – and that the Treasury should increase duty on alcoholic drinks if it wishes to raise the price.

Swiss Happiness - AND Arguably The Finest Democracy On The Planet.

Picturesque: Lake Brienz in the Canton of Berne in Switzerland. The country is the best place for a child to be born in 2013Switzerland is the best place to be born in the world (and Britain is 27th!)
People born in Switzerland (pictured) will tend to be the happiest and have the best quality of life judged in terms of wealth, health and trust in public institutions. (Mail.)

Discipleship Explained.

Votes At 16?

Michael Dugher, Labour MP for Barnsley has recently published a piece demanding votes for 16 year olds.
What utter piffle. That children, the vast majority of whom have had little life experience and who will not have yet shed the feeble leftist ideas which have been fed into them through their education should have the vote is an absurdity. Mr Dugher clearly wants a goodly number of extra Labour votes as he knows that the majority of their votes already do not tend to come from people with any degree of political maturity.

The Route.

4%? That Really Concerns Me.

In a recent poll, 4% of those answering agreed that UKIP members should NOT be able to foster/adopt children!
That figure is horrendous. If we are able to extrapolate from this figure it means that there are some 2.5 million very sick losers out there who make my flesh creep!
Thinking about it though, that is probably a fairly accurate representation of the numbers of the genuinely politically correct in our society.
Don't they wield huge and disproportionate amounts of power?
For once, they have been exposed - named and shamed.
The lack of apologies in certain quarters has done some serious harm to the PC cause.

Sharia? - No Thanks!

Somalia: Christian beheaded by extremists.

Nov 19 2012

Islamist extremists in Somalia have beheaded a Christian before a crowd of onlookers – for leaving Islam. Farhan Haji Mose, 25, was executed on Friday morning in the coastal city of Barawa for 'being a spy' and 'for embracing a foreign religion', according to both Christian and Muslim sources. Mose, who ran a small cosmetics shop, had spent time in neighbouring Kenya, where he became a Christian in 2010. A business trip to Kenya last year, from which he returned in December, had apparently aroused extremists' suspicions – and Christian sources said Mose had been monitored for at least six months.Mose's body was dumped near the beach and his family were too frightened to recover it immediately, for fear of being killed themselves. Barawa is currently under the control of Al-Shabaab rebels who want to impose strict Islamic law or Sharia across Somalia. Mose is the fourth Christian known to have been beheaded in Somalia since September 2011. (Release Int.)
If Christendom contained members who were butchering other faiths across the world - do you truly think that the Beeb and other media would have kept it all so quiet?

Not Emotive, Of Course! But This Demonstrates The Level Of Argument Used.

We May Well Not Win In Rotherham Today But - Surely Our Best Ever Result Is Probable.

UKIP has soared to its highest poll rating in the wake of the fostering scandal. An exclusive YouGov poll for The Sun put the party on 11 per cent — up from eight per cent just two weeks ago.It comes as a huge boost ahead of tomorrow’s by-election in Rotherham, where a UKIP-supporting couple had their three foster kids taken away by the town’s Labour-run council and where the party hopes to win its first Commons seat. Read more:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Global Warming.

It has been reported that we may be facing the coldest winter in many decades.
Add this to the torrential downpours already experienced over and beyond our shocking summer.
I am awaiting those immortal words from some famous 'warmist':
"This fits perfectly with the model we have already demonstrated."

Islamic Cleric - Well Done! Finally A Man Of Peace Emerges.

Islamic Cleric Says Disobeying Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire Agreement a 'Sin'

By Katherine Weber
A well-respected, powerful Islamic cleric of the Gaza Strip recently issued a fatwa, or religious edict, which ruled it a "sin" to disobey the Israel-Hamas cease-fire agreement brokered by Egypt last week. (Christian Post.)

Rovrum: Political Correctness Forced To Retreat.

Ukip row: 'mafia' council told us to keep quiet'

The parents at the centre of the Ukip fostering row say the council behaved "like the mafia" and told them to keep quiet.
(Foster children were split up when removed
Senior councillor accuses people of 'wading in to pass judgement')
Maybe - just maybe, all of this could provide the first step forward in decades to stem the flow and push back the forces of political correctness. This publicity has been awesome!

Winston McKenzie: He Is Perfectly Entitled To His Opinion!

Winston McKenzie said letting same sex couples to adopt was a 'violation' of children's human rightsAllowing gay couples to adopt is a form of child abuse, says UKIP election candidate.
Winston McKenzie, the party's candidate in this week's Croydon North by-election, said letting same sex couples to adopt was a 'violation' of children's human rights. (Mail.)
Well done Winston! If that is your opinion then you are perfectly within your spiritual, moral, civil, democratic and even philosophical rights to say so.
Who cares what the PC Brigade in The Guardian, Mirror & Independent say?
I've met Winston and both like and admire the guy!

Discipleship - A New Theme For This Blog.

God? Er ...? - Oh Yes.

From: PJ Wallis, Royd Court, Mirfield, West Yorkshire.
THE Archbishop of Canterbury and other senior members of 
the Church of England are concerned that the Church is losing credibility with the 
 general public.
Not once have I noted any reference to God. Surely credibility with God should be of primary importance? (Yorks Post.)

Road Humps.

'Sleeping policeman' are a particularly stoopid idea. Joyriders go across them as if they weren't there; they cause damage to car suspensions and steering; they cause pain to invalids.
When I was released from hospital 14 days ago post op', the trip home was a painful misery because of these wretched things.
Watching people veer from side to side to lessen their effect makes me convinced that minor accidents must increase because of the things.

European Courts? - No Thanks.

Killers' plea to Euro judges means Britain could be stripped of powers to hand out 'life means life' sentences
A of killers will insist today that the European Court of Human Rights grants them the right to demand their release from jail. (Mail.)
Not only was hanging more just but so much less complicated.

Explaining Bureaucracy: Accurate, Funny But Simply Terrifying Too!

Please Read!

A Free Moral Agent.

Tory Defections? - It Would Rather Depend On Who They Are.

Stuart Wheeler
Ukip treasurer Stuart Wheeler Eight Tory MPs have held talks about defecting to Ukip, the eurosceptic party's treasurer has claimed.Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Stuart Wheeler said he held secret lunches with the MPs in order to sound them out about switching parties. “I have had lunch secretly if you like, in a completely confidential way, with eight different Tory MPs," he said.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Probably 'Global Warming'.

On this day in 1703, an unusual storm system finally dissipates over England after wreaking havoc on the country for nearly two weeks. Featuring hurricane strength winds, the storm killed somewhere between 10,000 and 30,000 people. Hundreds of Royal Navy ships were lost to the storm, the worst in Britain's history.
The unusual weather began on November 14 as strong winds from the Atlantic Ocean battered the south of Britain and Wales. Many homes and other buildings were damaged by the pounding winds, but the hurricane-like storm only began doing serious damage on November 26. With winds estimated at over 80 miles per hour, bricks were blown from some buildings and embedded in others. Wood beams, separated from buildings, flew through the air and killed hundreds across the south of the country. Towns such as Plymouth, Hull, Cowes, Portsmouth and Bristol were devastated.
However, the death toll really mounted when 300 Royal Navy ships anchored off the country's southern coast—with 8,000 sailors on board—were lost. The Eddystone Lighthouse, built on a rock outcropping 14 miles from Plymouth, was felled by the storm. All of its residents, including its designer, Henry Winstanley, were killed. Huge waves on the Thames River sent water six feet higher than ever before recorded near London. More than 5,000 homes along the river were destroyed.

Farage Hits Out In The Telegraph.

UKIP - What we really stand for! Please read.

Campaign For Real Christmas Cards.

Nativity scenes and similar ONLY please!
Please boycott shops when buying cards if there is no Christianity in their Christmas tat!

Sorry Dave. Farage Is No Fool!

Conservative party chairman Grant Shapps MP Tories' deal with UKIP is doomed: It's war, says Farage after electoral pact U-turn
Tory plans for an electoral pact with the UK Independence Party were dead in the water last night as the anti-EU party declared it was 'at war' with David Cameron. (Mail.)

Nigeria: The Evil Continues.

NIGERIA - Double bomb attack on Kaduna church claims 11 lives

At least 11 people were killed yesterday when suicide bombers attacked a church in a military compound in the northern state of Kaduna.
Suspected Islamist extremists drove a bus packed with explosives into St Andrew's Military Church during a service, causing a first explosion which did not claim any lives, sources say.
However, as church members gathered around the site of the explosion to help the injured, a second car bomb was detonated, just outside the building, about ten minutes later. In addition to those killed, 30 people were reported injured inside the Jaji Military Cantonment, many of them seriously. (Release Int.)

Our Leaders 'Sow The Wind and ...

Crashing Down.

EU - UK Influence Is Feeble.

If we only have 8% of votes in the European Council and 73 MEPs out of a total 753, meaning we only have 9.6% of the vote in the European Parliament. Even if our 73 MEPs all voted the same way (and we know they won't) it shows our limited influence and how powerless we are in protecting the Great British Public.
SO! Just how do we 'influence' people in there when they want to do something our country does not need?

Europhiles constantly aver that 'should we leave and go to subsidiary status, we would lose influence'.
They should be made to explain precisely HOW!

Climate Change Reminder How The Case Has Long Been Weak.

We are all DOOMED. (Scottish voice essential.) The scientific case against the climate change feeding frenzy weakens all of the time.
You would do well to look at the link below to note that this century is having the highest levels of solar, magnetic ativity in over 1,000 years.
Geophysicists at the University of Oulu (Finland) and the Max-Planck Institute for Aeronomy (Germany) have started the process which, in a sane world, would see the immediate end of all this 'carbon footprint' rubbish, once and for all.
[Look too at the longterm climate graph in the second link.]

Reconciliation - This Blog's Recent Theme.

Michael Fabricant - Er ... No Thanks.

The Independent reports that Conservative MP Michael Fabricant has called on David Cameron to form an electoral pact with UKIP at the next general election which would see UKIP standing down in exchange for a firm commitment to hold an in/out referendum on the EU. However, the suggestion has been rejected by UKIP leader Nigel Farage. (Open Europe.)

Promiscuous Lifestyles Funded By The Taxpayer? - NO!

From: Heather Causnett, Escrick, York.
CHRIS Bond’s article (Yorkshire Post, November 21) about young mothers made me furiously angry and a little sad.
As long as society treats promiscuity and unwanted, unplanned, irresponsible motherhood as something to be accepted as normal when there is a ready answer, called contraception, free and available to all, we will continue to add to the generation of babies who do not know their own fathers, let alone live a normal family life with them. What chance do they have of a decent, normal upbringing?
The drain on our resources is enormous and there is no excuse at all. Why on earth young girls who cannot live without sleeping around don’t either get themselves sterilised or take regular contraception, I do not know, but to feel anything but contempt for them is using plasters to cover up one of our most serious, modern-day diseases.
To offer free housing, money for expenses and sympathy only encourages them to continue with their abysmal lifestyles.

Monday, November 26, 2012

10 Wicket Win. YEEES!

Be Reconciled.

Is The Sinister 'Common Purpose' Now Showing Its True Colours?

The Fruit Of The Spirit.

CS Lewis - 'Eerily Prophetic.'

Boris Reneges - NEVER Trust Tories On The EU!

Boris Johnson has withdrawn his support for an “in-out” referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union, less than a week after saying voters should be given a say. (Telegraph.)

Melanie Phillips - The Redoubtable.

The European Union?

Adam Smith Institute On 'Minimum Pricing Of Alcohol.'

No Condemnation Now I Dread.

Average Speed Cameras.

Mole-In-The-Know has been doing a little research into why perfectly clear 'dual carriageways' - caused by roadworks on the third lane of motorways (and frequently without any work going on) - always have absurd 50mph limits policed by average speed cameras.
They cause delays, bottlenecks and considerable irritation for drivers. I have known some as long as 22 miles! The cameras rub salt into the wound.
Apparently, according to MITK, this absurdity is in place for 'insurance reasons'.
This silly situation needs to be remedied - and quickly.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Why Was It Not Cameron To Spring To UKIP's Defence In Rovrum?

Well ... this is what the tory leader has wickedly said in the past:
"UKIP is a party full of fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists".
Embarrassing, innit?

Farage Hits Back!

How will all of this affect the upcoming by-election in Rotherham next Thursday?
Miliband on the back foot.

SO. Effectively, with Gove's intervention taken into account, both the Tories & Labour have now admitted that UKIP are NOT racist. Hoorah!!!!
But what of The Guardian whose dishonesty began all this years ago with its description of UKIP as 'BNP in suits'?

Sky Cricket Commentators.


Your Home Is Once Again Your Castle.

New rights for householders who attack burglars to be unveiled.

Changes to the law to ensure householders who attack burglars will not be prosecuted unless they use “grossly disproportionate” force are to be introduced. (Telegraph.)

Is Cameron A Fifth Columnist Tasked To Destroy The Tories?

Cameron ignores Cabinet warnings to forge ahead with ban on cheap alcohol!

And There's More!

Barnados will never get another penny from me unless this disgrace is resolved - and quick!
(I know of somebody bullied by Sheffield Social Services when working for them for similar reasons.)

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...