A large mob including Buddhist monks stormed a church in southern Sri Lanka recently, causing serious damage to property and injuring the pastor.
According to a preliminary report from Release partner the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), the raid took place during a meeting in Weeraketiya in Hambanthota, a district of Southern Province. Children were in the congregation during what is being described as a 'distressing attack'.
The pastor was reportedly hit with a rock and was suffering 'severe pain in his lower abdomen'. Others were injured too. The mob destroyed furniture and equipment inside the church, as well as vehicles belonging to church members parked outside.
NCEASL reports that a group of Buddhist monks and lay people visited the pastor on Saturday and declared that he needed permission from Buddhist clergy to conduct Christian services in Weeraketiya. The pastor insisted that freedom of worship was his constitutional right but the visitors threatened to destroy the church if he did not stop conducting worship services. (Release International.)
So much for that 'Buddhists are all peace-loving stuff', eh?
Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Is Dawkins Ever Right About Anything?

Read more at http://global.christianpost.com/news/richard-dawkins-defends-comparison-of-belief-in-hell-to-sex-abuse-87322/#vpvth7hOzDZzC7bY.99
All very well Richard if you were right about the non-existence of hell - BUT YOU ARE NOT!
Observer Poll Puts UKIP On 15% - And Rising!
Sadly, Sean O' Hare in the Mail has referred to UKIP as 'a rightwing, populist party'.
Is this a smear? Is it deliberate? Is it ignorance?
Compared to the LibLabCon - indeed, UKIP are 'rightwing' but in any objective sense - this is clearly not the case.
UKIP are the true centre of politics. I have long argued that they need to be 'right of centre' in order to cover the political ground which ought to be covered by a proper conservative party.
There are huge numbers out there of people who are 'right of centre' by nature and inclination but who despise, and would never vote, for tories.
Currently, UKIP covers a broad spectrum of political opinion.
'Populist', Sean? - Well at least you got that right! (And it is only leftists and the anti-democratic who object to the vox populi being heard.)
Is this a smear? Is it deliberate? Is it ignorance?
Compared to the LibLabCon - indeed, UKIP are 'rightwing' but in any objective sense - this is clearly not the case.
UKIP are the true centre of politics. I have long argued that they need to be 'right of centre' in order to cover the political ground which ought to be covered by a proper conservative party.
There are huge numbers out there of people who are 'right of centre' by nature and inclination but who despise, and would never vote, for tories.
Currently, UKIP covers a broad spectrum of political opinion.
'Populist', Sean? - Well at least you got that right! (And it is only leftists and the anti-democratic who object to the vox populi being heard.)
Sin - The Concept.
It is all very well explaining to unbelievers that Christ can cleanse them of their sin but when they possess no concept of that alienation from God which is sin in the first place ...
In years gone by, there was a ready grasping of the principle of 'being out of kilter with God' which today is virtually unknown.
Evangelists have a particularly tough task.
In years gone by, there was a ready grasping of the principle of 'being out of kilter with God' which today is virtually unknown.
Evangelists have a particularly tough task.
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Reveals Shock Figures.
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has revealed that embryos have been thrown away since 1991 - at a rate of almost 50% of those 'created'.
Surely, even the most secular individual must be moved by what Lord Alton refers to as 'industrial numbers' being destroyed. Indeed, the figures run into millions.
Never let the hardline liberals tell you that they have a respect for human life! It is not so.
Surely, even the most secular individual must be moved by what Lord Alton refers to as 'industrial numbers' being destroyed. Indeed, the figures run into millions.
Never let the hardline liberals tell you that they have a respect for human life! It is not so.
Mary Seacole: Sadly, The History Does Not Stack Up.
Well - as always with leftist heroes - you do need to dig a bit deeper. I feel such a sense of letdown when the truth was revealed. Worst of all - I feel that Mary would have been the person most unhappy with this myth.
Well - as always with leftist heroes - you do need to dig a bit deeper. I feel such a sense of letdown when the truth was revealed. Worst of all - I feel that Mary would have been the person most unhappy with this myth.
Margaret Thatcher Echoing Churchill.
'The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the
inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.'
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Oh - Do Grow Up You Irritating Person!
A federal persecutor in Brazil is urging the country to force the central bank to change the phrase "God be praised" on all paper bills, arguing that the motto violates the rights of non-Christians and unbelievers.
Read more at http://global.christianpost.com/news/brazilian-prosecutor-wants-god-be-praised-dropped-from-currency-85026/#Sgu7UiztjvBtOldI.99
Read more at http://global.christianpost.com/news/brazilian-prosecutor-wants-god-be-praised-dropped-from-currency-85026/#Sgu7UiztjvBtOldI.99
Osborne Reiterates Tory Deceits?

TOUGH! Acquis Commaunitaire will not permit it - something which you already know! Article 50 of The Lisbon Treaty just ain't enough!!!
SOON will begin the great PRETEND GAME (again!) when, post-Mickey Mouse negotiations, a 'triumph' will be announced with undertones of Chamberlain & Munich in 1938.
Seen it all before!
The Changing Nature Of The Imperialistic EU.

What Is Forgiveness Like?
“Forgiveness from Jesus Christ is like a tape-recording of your
life wiped completely clean.” CS Lewis.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Delors Finally Tells Truth On Our EU Membership!

Mr Delors's radical U-turn comes 22 years after he infuriated Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and other Eurosceptics by trying to force European federalism on the UK.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2254299/Thatcher-rival-Jacques-Up-Yours-Delors-makes-massive-euro-u-turn-22-years-late.html#ixzz2GQKKAU00
Diminishing Returns.
I really would like to know just how much the Post Office lost this Christmas by its massive price hikes on stamps.
So many people have told me how they have cut back on the numbers of cards sent.
These losses are likely to be PERMANENT!
So many people have told me how they have cut back on the numbers of cards sent.
These losses are likely to be PERMANENT!
Retribution - We Must Not Lose The Moral Imperative.
We have gradually moved away from the moral base of punishment - which is a
serious mistake.
Deterrence, protection of society and reform of the malefactor are all extremely important - of course they are - but that any individual should not receive a punishment which is an equivalent to their wrongdoing devalues the concept of justice.
Effectively, the felon should KNOW that the punishment will never be less in degree than the crime committed.
Deterrence, protection of society and reform of the malefactor are all extremely important - of course they are - but that any individual should not receive a punishment which is an equivalent to their wrongdoing devalues the concept of justice.
Effectively, the felon should KNOW that the punishment will never be less in degree than the crime committed.
Typical Guardian.
Upon the release of Cabinet papers from 1982, The
Guardian has performed one of its customary 'tricks' in its desperate attempt to
smear Margaret Thatcher - yet again.
'Margaret Thatcher and her chancellor Sir Geoffrey Howe were behind a politically toxic plan in 1982 to dismantle the welfare state, newly released Downing Street documents show.'
There is a massive distinction to be made between talking about ALL OPTIONS rather than planning to implement them. Moreover, apart from being misleading, the words 'politically toxic and dismantle' are both provocative and emotive.
The route which was actually seriously considered as desirable from this period was to introduce voucher systems for both health and education.
Sadly, this was not to come to pass. I say that because both Healthcare and Education would have received the necessary 'kick in the pants' to divert valuable resources away from bureaucracy and into 'the sharp end'.
A system wherein no consumer would have lost out and so many would have gained immeasurably!
'Margaret Thatcher and her chancellor Sir Geoffrey Howe were behind a politically toxic plan in 1982 to dismantle the welfare state, newly released Downing Street documents show.'
There is a massive distinction to be made between talking about ALL OPTIONS rather than planning to implement them. Moreover, apart from being misleading, the words 'politically toxic and dismantle' are both provocative and emotive.
The route which was actually seriously considered as desirable from this period was to introduce voucher systems for both health and education.
Sadly, this was not to come to pass. I say that because both Healthcare and Education would have received the necessary 'kick in the pants' to divert valuable resources away from bureaucracy and into 'the sharp end'.
A system wherein no consumer would have lost out and so many would have gained immeasurably!
Friday, December 28, 2012
At Least Mr Rompuy Is Being Up Front ...
.... the tories are not!
David Cameron will not be allowed to ‘cherry pick’ powers to claw back from Brussels, the EU president has warned.
In a major blow to the Prime Minister’s strategy, Herman Van Rompuy said the European Union would fall apart quickly if countries were allowed to pick and choose which powers they wanted to keep.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2253956/UK-cherry-pick-choose-powers-claw-Brussels-EU-president-warns.html#ixzz2GKSBNaFx
http://euobserver.com/political/118615EXACTLY what this Blog has explained repeatedly!
David Cameron will not be allowed to ‘cherry pick’ powers to claw back from Brussels, the EU president has warned.
In a major blow to the Prime Minister’s strategy, Herman Van Rompuy said the European Union would fall apart quickly if countries were allowed to pick and choose which powers they wanted to keep.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2253956/UK-cherry-pick-choose-powers-claw-Brussels-EU-president-warns.html#ixzz2GKSBNaFx
http://euobserver.com/political/118615EXACTLY what this Blog has explained repeatedly!
Piers Morgan.
The Falklands War.
This was a totally moral crusade against imperialism and all that that entails.
The invasion - on the most spurious of grounds - by General Galtieri had to be reversed, if only so that the wishes for self-determination by the islanders might be respected.
In those days - we had the military capacity to retake the islands.
Today, courtesy of successive governments, we do not.
The invasion - on the most spurious of grounds - by General Galtieri had to be reversed, if only so that the wishes for self-determination by the islanders might be respected.
In those days - we had the military capacity to retake the islands.
Today, courtesy of successive governments, we do not.
Listening To 'Experts'.
From: Barrie Frost, Watson’s Lane, Reighton, Filey.
WHEN several years ago much of the conversation revolved around the imminent threat of climate change we were told that its warming would result in Britain having hot, dry summers and warm, wet winters.
WHEN several years ago much of the conversation revolved around the imminent threat of climate change we were told that its warming would result in Britain having hot, dry summers and warm, wet winters.
Indeed, the Mediterranean type of climate could result in vastly different food crops being grown in contrast to our usual produce.
But, this hasn’t occurred, has it? Quite the opposite has been experienced. When this anomaly is raised, however, we are slapped down and told this is “weather” and not “climate”, and made to feel very ignorant for being so silly for not understanding.
The ignorance seems to continue, for the very heavy rainfall of the last year, which has inevitably resulted in appalling flooding, well, that must be weather also, mustn’t it? No? This is global warming through climate change. When does weather morph into climate change and vice-versa?
Expert opinion alters so frequently, not just on climate change but on many other subjects also, that its value must be apparently taken with a pinch of salt. The description of a person as an expert has been seriously devalued. (Yorkshire Post.)
But, this hasn’t occurred, has it? Quite the opposite has been experienced. When this anomaly is raised, however, we are slapped down and told this is “weather” and not “climate”, and made to feel very ignorant for being so silly for not understanding.
The ignorance seems to continue, for the very heavy rainfall of the last year, which has inevitably resulted in appalling flooding, well, that must be weather also, mustn’t it? No? This is global warming through climate change. When does weather morph into climate change and vice-versa?
Expert opinion alters so frequently, not just on climate change but on many other subjects also, that its value must be apparently taken with a pinch of salt. The description of a person as an expert has been seriously devalued. (Yorkshire Post.)
Christians Butchered In The Philippines.
Christians in an area of the southern Philippines are suffering severe persecution at the hands of rebels determined to introduce Islamic law there.
Christians living on part of the island of Mindanao have been forced off their land, attacked and even killed, according to a Release associate ministry which interviewed local church leaders on a recent visit.
One bishop related how he had evacuated his village when news came of an imminent raid by rebels. Villagers hid behind rocks by the coast as they watched 300 rebels invade by boat from other islands. On their return to the village, however, they found that a family of five, that of a church elder, had not managed to escape and had been brutally murdered, including their baby. Homes and other property had been burned.
Release International.
Christians living on part of the island of Mindanao have been forced off their land, attacked and even killed, according to a Release associate ministry which interviewed local church leaders on a recent visit.
One bishop related how he had evacuated his village when news came of an imminent raid by rebels. Villagers hid behind rocks by the coast as they watched 300 rebels invade by boat from other islands. On their return to the village, however, they found that a family of five, that of a church elder, had not managed to escape and had been brutally murdered, including their baby. Homes and other property had been burned.
Release International.
Decline In Marriage Must Be Addressed.
Almost two thirds of people are concerned about
the decline in the importance of marriage in society, according to a new survey.
A YouGov poll showed that 60 per cent of those questioned agreed it is a “bad thing” that marriage has become less important.
The Centre for Social Justice think tank commissioned the poll of more than 1700 British adults last month.
(The Christian Institute.)
A YouGov poll showed that 60 per cent of those questioned agreed it is a “bad thing” that marriage has become less important.
The Centre for Social Justice think tank commissioned the poll of more than 1700 British adults last month.
(The Christian Institute.)
Oscar Wilde.
The darling of certain quarters would have served substantially longer in Reading gaol than his oh-too-brief stay had his paedophile antics had been known to the law in the 19th Century.
Today, on rare forays beyond prison walls, the 'urbane wit' would have found himself signing the paedophile register.
Sadly, it certainly appears that any behaviour, however unrepented, is pardonable amongst the liberal elite provided that you are:
Today, on rare forays beyond prison walls, the 'urbane wit' would have found himself signing the paedophile register.
Sadly, it certainly appears that any behaviour, however unrepented, is pardonable amongst the liberal elite provided that you are:
a) Homosexual and/or
b) Leftwing.
Heir To Blair?
Recently, it has become popular to refer to Cameron as:
"The heir to Blair.''
NOW, please, will all tories who thus far, have not tried too hard to grasp what Dave and his ilk have done to ther party start to reconsider.
UKIP awaits.
To all those Labour supporters who grasp that Labour once used to stand up for the ordinary working man but do so no longer please remember that - UKIP beckons!
To all Lib Dems who still retain a modicum of common sense (okay, I know that they will be few in number) please understand that UKIP welcomes.
To all Christians - please remember that UKIP is the ONLY party not trying to undermine the Faith.
To all Greens - No. I shall not even bother with lost causes.
"The heir to Blair.''
NOW, please, will all tories who thus far, have not tried too hard to grasp what Dave and his ilk have done to ther party start to reconsider.
UKIP awaits.
To all those Labour supporters who grasp that Labour once used to stand up for the ordinary working man but do so no longer please remember that - UKIP beckons!
To all Lib Dems who still retain a modicum of common sense (okay, I know that they will be few in number) please understand that UKIP welcomes.
To all Christians - please remember that UKIP is the ONLY party not trying to undermine the Faith.
To all Greens - No. I shall not even bother with lost causes.
Annoying TV Tricks.
Why do so many programmes today launch right into the programme itself the
very second that the last advert is completed?
Then, for no apparent reason, the credits appear several minutes in.
It's as if they are trying to catch you out.
Both crazy and annoying!
Then, for no apparent reason, the credits appear several minutes in.
It's as if they are trying to catch you out.
Both crazy and annoying!
Diane Abbott.

The team progressed in spite of her efforts rather than as a result of them. Even though she was tutored by Simon Schama - I seemed to know considerably more about history than she did.
Perhaps she will do better on her next appearance.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Christmas Eve In Nigeria.
Nigerian gunmen have killed at least 12 Christians, including a pastor, during raids on two churches after midnight Christmas Eve services in the latest attack on believers in the divided African country.
Police reports reveal that one of the attacks occurred at the Church of Christ in Nations in the state of Yobe at Peri village near the city of Potiskum. Another happened at First Baptist Church in Maiduguri, in Borno state, where a deacon and five church members were killed, CNN reported.While no group has yet officially claimed responsibility for the attacks, the BBC and other sources note that the attackers were likely Islamist extremists from the Boko Haram terrorist organization, which has killed over 700 Christians and burned down dozens of churches in Nigeria this past year alone.
Read more at: http://global.christianpost.com/news/islamist-gunmen-kill-12-nigerian-christians-in-christmas-eve-attacks-87222/#SafVGH72vOPUvpxW.99
Mary Baker Eddy - Cult Watch.
Mary Baker Eddy: a manipulative, mad woman who founded a cult which perverted the faith of true believers and distracted those involved in searching for spiritual truth.
The Christian Science movement is still current and should be avoided like the plague.
Mary Baker Eddy: a manipulative, mad woman who founded a cult which perverted the faith of true believers and distracted those involved in searching for spiritual truth.
The Christian Science movement is still current and should be avoided like the plague.
Christian Science is based on "metaphysical science." Its major teachings
include the belief that spiritual reality is the only reality and all else is
illusion or error. In contrast to conventional Christian theology, Christian
Science rejects both the common Christian views of the atonement and the concept
of Hell as a place of eternal punishment. Christian Science holds that sickness
and disease are the result of false education, fear, ignorance, or sin, and
should be healed through prayer or introspection.A number of preventable deaths
have occurred among Christian Scientists and their children because of a lack of
conventional medical treatment and avoidance of vaccination. (Wikipedia)
Trevor Baylis Supports Me.

Trevor Baylis, who invented the wind-up radio, said children
are losing creativity and practical skills because they spend too much time in
front of screens. (Mail)
An extension of the very point made last week in this Blog's revelation about the deficiencies in modern day schoolchildren!
An extension of the very point made last week in this Blog's revelation about the deficiencies in modern day schoolchildren!
How People Would Vote Today.
Readers may be quite surprised as I reveal that it is my firm belief that a vote to quit the EU would be lost in any referendum.
The wording of a referendum would be heavily slanted by agreement with the LibLabCon.
(We have the Irish model - TWICE OVER - to show us how the scam would be achieved.)
Non stop bias from the Beeb is guaranteed in HUGE amounts.
Where the Beeb goes, so do ITN & Sky.
Add the newspapers and only The Express and maybe The Daily Star will urge departure whereas The Mail and Telegraph will take the orthodox Tory line of 'It is reformable'.
Add to this the sheer terror of 'consequences' which will be engendered and we shall have a scenario not too different from what happened in 1975.
Leftist celebrities on chat shows will be wheeled out in massive numbers.
The government will pretend to have won some 'major victory' shortly before the vote (in collusion with Brussels, of course) which changes the nature of the EU and 'It will all be alright now - we scared 'em into getting sensible, what?'
EU monies will flood into the UK to try to change those who are wavering. Stay in spending will outnumber Get Out spending - probably tenfold.
In the event that UKIP can exert enough pressure for an honest question on the ballot, we would then have only one shot at victory - and that would entirely depend on just how sick the electorate are with the LibLabCon at the point of casting votes.
Beryl & Betty.
Beryl & Betty who scooped the prestigious
Sony Award for their quirky, weekly show on Radio Humberside are to call it a
day when their final outpourings were on air on Christmas Day.
Beryl, 86 and Betty, 91 are finding the going hard.
It has been rather nice for once, that the Beeb has apparently not cut the less politically correct comments from this deadly duo of homespun, salt-of-the-earth darlings.
Beryl, 86 and Betty, 91 are finding the going hard.
It has been rather nice for once, that the Beeb has apparently not cut the less politically correct comments from this deadly duo of homespun, salt-of-the-earth darlings.
God bless them both and may they have many
happy, healthy years ahead!
Rowan - Fare Thee Well And May God Bless You But The C of E Is Well Rid.
Dr. Rowan Williams, in his final Christmas sermon as
Archbishop of Canterbury and leader of the Anglican Communion, has reminded
followers that the season is not about defending religion, but about encouraging
and inspiring others to reconsider who they are. (Christian
NO! It is about salvation - stopping people schlepping into hell in their billions!
NO! It is about salvation - stopping people schlepping into hell in their billions!
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